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At the gym

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Offline cfight

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At the gym
« on: May 02, 2022, 02:10:08 PM »
Most women working out at the gym wear sports bras. I've noticed a lot of them walk around with their nipples tenting the material.
As a guy I enjoy seeing that. I was wondering what women think of that? Do you like seeing another woman walk around like that? Do you have your nipples tenting your sports bra?
Would like to hear from you.


Offline Beckywrestlesgirls

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Re: At the gym
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2022, 03:48:53 PM »
Most women working out at the gym wear sports bras. I've noticed a lot of them walk around with their nipples tenting the material.
As a guy I enjoy seeing that. I was wondering what women think of that? Do you like seeing another woman walk around like that? Do you have your nipples tenting your sports bra?
Would like to hear from you.
I understand.  It can be quite noticable.  My nips often tent my soft bra.  I notice some women looking at me jealously.  I envy others.  Oh yes.  I enjoy the men looking too.


Offline AllanLongbow

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Re: At the gym
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2022, 08:22:28 AM »
Yes, absolutely!  I would like to know too.

Is this as much of an open womanly challenge as I fantasize that it is?

Does it feel as powerful as it looks, working your body to get stronger and fitter while just displaying your womanliness in a primal flex?

Can’t wait for the responses.