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Irene vs. Dina - I will give her a beating she will never forget

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Offline Nacho81

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Irene (left), 32 y.o., 1,68m, 60kg
Dina (right), 29 y.o., 1,64m, 58kg

"I'm going to finish her off. I'm going to knock that bitch out. Then I'll give her a beating she'll never forget," Irene says to me.

What had happened? Irene and I have been living together for three months. Our relationship is going great. Irene is very emotional. I like that. She knows that I like physical confrontations. Irene is very dominant and demanding. She always wants to win.

Dina was my ex-girlfriend. We had broken up after two years, out of mutual interest. We had a great time, but then at some point it was over.

Now Dina was standing at our front door. She wanted to drop something off. I don't know what. I didn't care either. I was very happy to see her again after a few months. Irene, however, is not pleased at all. She looks at me: "What is this? Do you have to invite everyone here?" - "I didn't invite her," I reply. Irene frowns, "OK, but what is this? Tell her to go away!"

Dina enters the living room. Irene stands in front of her. They both face each other and look into each other's eyes for a moment. There is a flash in their eyes. For a moment, they both stand motionless. Dina turns away, bumping into Irene. I look at Irene's face, see her anger rising.

"Did you come here to start a dispute?" asks Irene. "You better get out of here". - "Paahh" Dina replies just turning around and eyeing the apartment. 

Irene is getting angry. She is annoyed by so much nonchalance and disinterest towards her. She puts her hands on her hips. "I can carry you out of here, if you don't want to leave!" Irene moves closer to Dina. Dina turns again, and they both face each other again closely. Dina raises an arm, and pushes Irene backwards by the shoulder. Irene gets angry and goes crazy. She pushes the arm away. She moves forward, ramming Diana with her upper body and giving her a body check. Dina stumbles three steps backwards. Irene follows up, grabbing Dina's hair and Dina's top with her second hand. Irene wants to pull her around. Dina lashes out, hitting Irene's hands. Then she claws her fingers into Irene's hands and wants to loosen the grips. Both use full force, Irene tears at Dina's hair and top, Dina claws her fingernails into Irene's hands. Then Dina pulls up one knee, shoves it into Irene's side. Irene buckles sideways, yanking Dina to the side by her hair and top.

"Yo, what's up," I say, trying to intervene. "Cool it down, behave yourselves!".

Irene and Dina let go. Irene rubs her hands, her face showing her anger. Dina, on the other hand, is fixing her top, which is a little torn at the shoulder. "You bitch tore that top," Dina shouts, "You bitch! You'll pay for that!" - Irene angrily replies, "How do you want it get paid, bitch? Let's settle it right here. Then I'll tear you the rest as well.

Dina takes off her top. Underneath she wears a gray bra. She looks at the scratch on her shoulder. She scowls. Shakes her head. Annoyed at the tear.

Irene says: "Ey, I don't want to see you here without a shirt. Wrap your breasts and belly button again". She waits for Dina's reaction. Dina, however, is completely relaxed and pays no attention to Irene.

"OK, bitch," Irene says. "Then we'll settle it like this. We'll take off our shirt and pants and settle it right here, whoever leaves the house." Irene raises her arms and grabs her shirt. She takes it off over her head. She throws the shirt on a chair. Then she grabs her trousers, unbuttons them. She slips the trousers down. Irene is now wearing only white panties and a black crop top that covers her breasts and her belly. Dina looks a bit incredulous. Then Dina also unbuckles her belt and pants, and strips the pants down.

Both are now facing each other in their underwear.

Irene's eyes sparkle. She adjusts her black top, which goes down to her belly button. Her skimpy white panties show a hand's width of her tanned belly. Her top shows off her strong shoulders. The nipples of her mid-sized solid breasts stand out under her top.

Dina strokes her hair, wiping a strand back. Her gray bra and panties show a lot of her stomach. In the middle, her round belly button. Her bulging breasts are braced by the 80D bra.

Irene turns to me. She looks at me: "I'm going to finish her off. I'll knock that bitch out. Then I'll give her a beating she'll never forget," Irene says to me.

Here we go. Irene steps forward, Dina takes a step back. Irene grabs Dina's arms, Dina grabs them as well. Both press against each other. They brace themselves with their feet against each other, turning slightly in space. Dina is the first to let up, lowering her arms. But then she lunges with her right knee, kicks Irene in the thigh. Irene flinches. Both loosen their grips and take a step back. Dina follows up and steps forward. Irene grins at her and focusses on her defence. "Come here, bitch!" says Irene and looks provocatively at Dina. Irene demonstratively puts her hands on her hips and grins. "Show me what you can do!" - Dina replies, "Shut up, bitch! I can handle you. Don't grin like that. It makes you even uglier!"

That was just the beginning, I think to myself. After the first feeling out, it's time to go for it. Dina bares her teeth, looks Irene intently in the eye. She attacks. With her hands up, she goes after Irene. Irene prepares to defend herself.

Dina reaches for Irene's hair, grabs her with one hand. Irene lashes back, hits Dina several times on the shoulder. Dina pulls violently on Irene's hair and wants to pull her to the ground. Irene grabs Dina's face, grabs her with a handful. Dina hits with her free hand in front of Irene's chest. The two become entangled with each other. They rotate in the room. Irene grabs Dina's breasts. She reaches into the bra, yanks it violently. The bra slips, Dina's breasts are free. Dina lets go of Irene's hair and wildly punches Irene. She hits her head and arms. But Irene does not let go. She keeps tearing at the bra. The bra stretches, the buckle opens. With a jerk Irene pulls the bra down and now has it in her hand. Irene pushes herself away from the slapping Dina. She holds the bra up triumphantly. "Ha, I've got it. Go get it, bitch!!!" Then Irene throws the bra to the floor behind her and grins cheekily at Dina.   

"You bitch," Dina says when she realizes she's lost the bra. Irene grins at her, "Go get my top if you dare!" Dina glares at her with her eyes. She looks determined. Irene, on the other hand, continues to provoke: "I'll get your panties, too. And then I'll milk your tits!". Dina bites her teeth. She proceeds hesitantly. Her hands twitch a little nervously. Her breasts jiggle with every step. She wants to attack again. Irene also gets into position, raises her arms to attack.

Irene grins mockingly, "Come on, come here!" Dina leaps forward, grabs Irene with both arms and pushes her backward. Irene stumbles back three steps, then manages to keep her balance. Dina holds both arms around Irene's waist, trying to bring her down. Irene resists. Dina moves forward, braces herself with all her strength against Irene. Both come up against the wall of the room. Dina pushes Irene against the wall. Irene manages to get a knee up into Dina's stomach. Dina lets go for a moment and loosens her hands in surprise. She takes a deep breath and takes a step back. Irene takes a quick breath and focuses. In a flash Dina grabs Irene's top from the front and pulls it up. Irene is a bit surprised. Her arms get caught in the top. Dina takes advantage of the surprise and pulls hard. The top is already over Irene's face. Irene wriggles, the top slips over her arms. Dina pulls it over her head with both hands with a strong jerk. She drops it to the floor, and immediately grabs Irene again with her arms.

"That's enough!" screams Irene. She fends off the arms of Dina. She throws a hook to Dina's stomach. Then a second boxing punch to her temple. Dina falls backward onto her butt. Irene follows up, throwing herself on top of her. She forces Dina onto her back and sits on her stomach. She grabs Dina's arms and goes into a Schoolgirl pin. Grinning, she pins Dina's arms to the side. Dina fights back as hard as she can. Dina is kicking her legs wildly. Irene counters and pushes Dina down. Dina makes a bridge. Without success. Dina tries another bridge. Her belly and back arch up. Irene lets go with one hand, turns and punches Dina deep in the stomach. Her bridge collapses again. She then grabs Dina's arms again and pins her to the ground. Irene grins in Dinas face. Dina hisses, " Mean bitch!" Triumphant, Irene enjoys her seat on Dina. Irene's back shines with sweat. On Dina's body you can also see the effort on her face, belly and under her arms.

"We're not done yet, bitch!" says Irene. She straightens up on Dina, then reaches back between Dina's legs and grabs her panties. With a yank, she yanks inside her over her knees. Dina cringes and thrashes her legs. Irene slides off Dina and falls next to her. Irene holds on to the panties. Dina's kicking causes them to slide down to her ankles. With another jerk, Irene has the panties in her hand.

Dina looks incredulous and shocked. Irene sneers, "Are you giving up, bitch? Or should I work your oussy and asshole?" While Dina is still gasping for breath, Irene quickly gets up. She kicks Dina once in the stomach. Dina curls to the side. Irene quickly throws herself on top of her and pushes Dina to the ground. Dina's strength leaves her more and more. She gasps for air and can no longer defend herself. Determined, Irene grabs Dina's neck with one hand and pushes it to the ground. Wildly, Dina lashes out. But Irene firmly squeezes Dina's neck and takes her air. With her second hand Irene reaches for Dina's breasts. She grabs one of her nipples and twists it around. Then she fully grabs Dina's breast and squeezes it with full force. Dina whimpers in pain and squirms. Then Irene grabs the other breast as well and squeezes it powerfully. The imprints of Irene's fingers stand out on Dina's breasts. "Do you give up, bitch?!?" shouts Irene in Dina's face. Dina tries to bear the pain. She has her eyes squinted shut, her mouth wide open. "Just rip your mouth open, your panties are about to come in!" whispers Irene provocatively, full of a sense of triumph. "You'll get a lesson!" says Irene. She lets go of Dina's breasts, reaches between Dina's legs. I can see her penetrating Dina with several fingers. "Don't come here again" she whispers in Dina's ear. Then Irene straightens up. She turns her head to me grinning "So, I'm done with her! Now what are we going to do with this naked slut?"

Any ideas? Any suggestions for further stories? Feel free to write me.