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Timing is Everything

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Offline Phoenix_Falcone

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Timing is Everything
« on: June 07, 2022, 01:21:18 PM »
('s been a while, but I'm here with another work.  A bit shorter and sharper compared to my previous work, but hope you enjoy it nonetheless.)

The mass of female fury careened off the desk, a rush of air washing over them as their combined forms entered freefall.  Loud groans erupted from grimaced lips, the carpeted floor of the sweeping 48th floor office providing little cushioning for their heavy landing.  Despite the impact, the two enraged wildcats remained locked and entwined together.  Over and over they rolled on the plush carpet, snarling barbs and insults into the opposing face mere millimeters away.  Sweat-soaked backs picked up discarded hair that littered the floor as they maneuvered each other, fighting to take the top position.  Athletic thighs pulsed and strained, fingers ripped and tore at ruined haircuts.  Though hindsight would determine this squabble would do nothing to solve this disastrous feud, in the moment this clash was each girl’s endgame.

Finally, a collision with the wall-to-wall bookshelf halted their momentum.  Neither noticing a clock fall from it’s precarious perch on the top shelf, hands frozen in time as it lay broken amid the chaos on the floor.  The jarring shunt was enough for Natalie to wrest control.  She grabbed Bianca’s wrists and stretched her arms wide, restraining them to the floor below.  With the grapevine loosened, she spread their toned legs apart to a stable base.  Feeling her adversary’s pelvis buck wildly into her own, she felt a flash of self-belief, that maybe she could finally stop the blonde’s incessant resistance.  She leaned back, letting her aching breasts hang and sway over her rival’s face, finding just the right moment to drop them down.  A muffled roar told Natalie she had nailed her landing.  Still the blonde struggled beneath her, violently churning her body to try and dismount the brunette.  However, as the moments ticked away, Natalie felt the resistance waning.  Those ample breasts were cutting off Bianca’s air supply slowly but surely.  She felt the screams of frustration on her chest and hoped there was not long left before this was all over.  It had taken far too long already.

“Just…give…UP…you conniving…SLUT!”  The brunette commanded through gritted teeth, the strain of effort still plastered across her face.  Even though the work required to restrain Bianca lessened with every second ticking by, Natalie’s body had grown weary from this drawn-out conflict, her overworked muscles pleading with her to give them the rest they craved.
“Mmmmpppfffhhh!”  Every time the blonde’s words were stifled by breast meat, a grin flashed across Natalie’s luscious lips.  She knew Bianca was wasting precious energy and air screaming into her chest.  A pointless gesture that only amplified the blonde’s plight.  Several more fruitless attempts at wriggling free followed, but Natalie never relinquished her suffocating hold.  She knew it was almost time…

Just as Bianca’s once deceptively strong body let go underneath her, Natalie let a feeling of joy and relief wash through her for a moment.  A short-lived moment it was, however, the smirk on her face replaced immediately by bulging eyes and a mouth agape.  A shrill cry reverberated through the office, reverberating off the giant glass window looking out over the city, as the brunette felt the excruciating pain of teeth clamping onto her soft skin.  Her body buckled at the sheer torrent of hurt, giving her opponent enough of an opening to release the vice grips and push her off.  They laid side by side on the floor of the bedroom, one sucking in large gulps of air, the other tenderly touching her wounded tits.  Even though neither would admit it, they were both thankful for the brief respite.  This clash had gone on much longer than either expected, their initial confidence and bravado deserting them long before this point.  And yet as the alarm stopped ringing in her brain and she zoomed back into reality, Natalie knew she still had work to do.  Bianca had proven to be an equal match she would admit post-hostilities, but now she had to finish her off.

The two angry women rose to their feet, tears pouring out of their eyes, tattered clothes still hanging off their magnificent bodies.  The office was a mess, the cleaners would be pulling overtime when they eventually stumble upon the aftermath.  If it wasn’t nailed down, it had probably fallen from a bookshelf or cabinet to the floor below.  A warzone befitting their epic struggle, neither willing to give in and let slip the thing they both fought tooth and nail for.  Glaring into each other’s eyes and noticing the fire return, they stepped together again, wild slaps raining down on their ravaged forms.  They were fighting fatigue as much as each other at this point.  As if mutually agreed, they latched onto a handful of opposing hair as the barrage continued.  Every blow received added to Natalie’s fury, every glance into vengeance-filled eyes refueled her, every squeal and yelp she heard gave her confidence that she was doing as much damage as she received.  On and on they threw each other around the room with a strength neither thought possible this late in proceedings, the mere sight of their hated opponent’s face drawing up a second, third and fourth wind.

At last, after what had seemed like hours of spiteful, back and forth conflict, Natalie managed to wrench the blonde around and slam her into the filing cabinet.  Bianca loosened her grip from the jolt and her body went limp, her head bouncing roughly off the edge of the storage cabinet with a sickening metallic thud.  As her rival collapsed to the floor, Natalie took the advantage and buried her foot into Bianca’s flat stomach.  The air rushed out of the blonde’s mouth with an ugly groan.  Again and again Natalie’s slender foot smacked into the waiting midriff, an evil grin crossing her lips when she missed and felt soft breast instead.

“Stop…”  Bianca whimpered, finally succumbing to the onslaught.  Again, relief flooded through Natalie as she spent a moment realizing her victory, one she knew was more fortuitous than dominant.  She regained her composure as reality set in again.  What was the time?  The alarm clock on the nightstand betrayed the harsh truth, she was very late.  Awkwardly pulling off the remains of what she wore to the battlefield, she shuffled across to the private bathroom where three spare suits hung in the small wardrobe on the wall.  She needed something to wear, the pain of the ordeal catching up to her.  Fortunately, the loose-fitting business shirt fit just well enough over her daisy dukes to look semi-normal.  Leaving the blonde writhing on the floor in agony, she slipped on her sneakers and headed out the door.

She tried in vain to adjust her hair in the deceptively long elevator ride down before shrugging and giving up.  What she’d managed would have to do.  She sprinted out of the lift and through the lobby to the waiting street outside.  The nighttime air reminding her just how long she’d been locked in that fierce battle with Bianca.  A moment later a taxi had been flagged, and a trip to the airport booked.  As the car moved away from the sidewalk, she sat back in the seat, tears born of mixed emotions flowing down her cheeks.

“Are you ok ma’am?”  The burly driver asked as he peered into his rear-view mirror.
“Oh…uhh…yeah I’m fine.”  Natalie lied through her sniffles.  In truth, she was a wreck, bruised and battered and wearing someone else’s shirt.  Now, though, she was on her way to meet the love of her life, hours of hate and malice left behind.  The torturous ride felt like an eternity, Natalie sitting there watching the lights of the highway fly by.  Her stomach churned at the thought of him sitting there in that spacious terminal lounge, waiting and wondering where she’d got to.  As the taxi rounded the corner into the drop-off lane, she was lost in thought, remembering the feeling as she stood there looking down on Bianca.  How sweet that moment felt.  As she exited the vehicle, she remained lost in that memory, so much so that she never noticed the surprise on the driver’s face when she handed him too much money, nor did she notice his shouts trying to grab her attention.  She couldn’t wait to see and tell her love what had delayed her so…

Natalie scanned the mostly empty lounge, each strange face slowly building her anxiety.  Logic suggested it would be silly of him to wait around in the terminal this long for her eventual arrival, and yet she checked every face again, just in case.  On her fourth sweep through, she remembered her phone.  A missed call…Her still bloodshot eyes blurred with tears again.  Her return call reached nothing but his voicemail, that cheery greeting felt like a dagger being driven into her.  The brunette resigned herself to the fact she had missed him and trudged back through the terminal and to the taxi rank outside.  Plopping down in the seat of her third cab of the evening, requesting passage to the only place she knew he might be, she held her head in her hands.  If only she had not let Bianca get to her, she might have been with him in his penthouse apartment right now instead of merely on the way.  Her nemesis, foiling her plans once again like she’d done so often.

The long, lonesome ride in the elevator seemed to take an age.  Natalie’s mind raged, a vortex of thoughts and questions.  Much like her late afternoon engagement with Bianca, the joy of her victory against the blonde waged war against the regret of arriving at the airport too late.  And all she could do was let her thoughts churn away as she ascended the elevator shaft.  When the smooth female voice announced his floor and the doors parted ways, her heart sank once more.  Those sliding doors slowly revealed a dimly lit living room.  It had always been his subtle note to her, leaving the lights dimmed like that at night when he was not home, an invitation to stay and await his return.  She shuffled inside and collapsed into a soft leather armchair at the far end of the room.  A check of her phone still failing to bring her any news of his whereabouts.  Another outbound call proving just as fruitless as before.

Natalie stared out of the large floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the dark city skyline.  The clock on the wall ticked over the two-hour mark since she had arrived and first sat down with her thoughts in silent contemplation.  She was tired, the physical and emotional fatigue of the day had caught up with her.  Resigning herself to her current fate, she kicked off her shoes, turned off all but the entrance light for him, and moved into the bedroom.  Hoping that he would arrive later for some early morning reacquaintance, she removed the shirt she borrowed, along with her shorts and underwear, leaving them on the floor in the corner.  She slid into the enormous king-sized bed, almost instantly drifting off to sleep.

“What the FUCK?”

Suddenly, Natalie’s eyes shot open.  Something very heavy had hit the mattress, jarring her from her slumber.  As she opened her eyes started to focus, she heard it, a female voice, loud and clearly in the room with her.  She looked around the dark room, and her eyes widened as her gaze fell upon the source.  The angry scowl on the face of Bianca was the first thing she focused on, and as Natalie’s eyes traced down her rival’s naked body, she realised the blonde was astride his body, the one they both wanted so desperately.  She shared a momentary awkward glance with her prince, a questioning look on her face.  You’re mine…Why is SHE here?  On top of you…?  He never said a word, clearly trying to make as little eye contact as possible.  The first time she had seen him for what had felt like decades, and he was underneath her worst enemy.

She was only afforded the briefest of moments to question her lover though, as her gaze was suddenly ripped away by the blonde, her scalp stinging from a vicious hair pull.  Barely able to see as she was thrown around, Natalie balled up her fists and threw her arms wildly at where she thought Bianca was.  A few swings and misses later, she felt her knuckles smack into skin and a groan waft through her ears.  She’d zeroed in on her adversary and tried to wrap her limbs around the blonde, trying to get in close and reduce her attack surface.

Locked together again, for the second time in half a day, this time completely naked, both enraged females screamed at each other as they tussled on the bed.  Sheets whipped up and away, they rolled back and forth with death grips in each other’s hair.  Natalie’s eyes burned into her rival’s, only inches away, fury coursing through her.  She had won.  She had beaten Bianca in his office.  That was their battlefield, the place they’d both done unmentionable things with him.  It was supposed to be where she’d staked her claim for him.  To rid the blonde from not only her life, but his as well.  Now here they were again, locked in furious combat, on the most sacred of stages.  His bed.  It wasn’t supposed to be like this.  She had won…

Bumping into their prize’s body forced them to roll back the other way and charged off the bed.  Their hateful screams interrupted by loud involuntary groans as their bodies hit the floor.  Still glued together, the steamroller ploughed on across the carpeted floor.  Strands of brown and golden hair followed in their wake, as if leaving a trail of destruction behind them.  Each had started aiming stinging slaps at her rival’s body and face when their arms were free to wind up, red marks appearing on the skin.  Every so often, one of them would lose her grip on the other’s hair, causing a head to slingshot forward into the other.  It only momentarily stopped the roll before the yanking recommenced, neck muscles straining against the tow.

Minutes flew by as this anger fuelled clash raged on, screams and yelps ringing off the walls.  Eventually though, Natalie had her rival pinned against the wall for a moment, a devilish grin crossing her face.  She knew what to do.  Using the mutual hair pull against the blonde, she managed to shuffle on top, before sliding up that tight body below her.  She felt Bianca’s face buried in her tits again, just like earlier on that office floor.  The blonde squirmed and screamed in rage, raining slaps down on Natalie’s back and sides, more out of panic than anything.  Natalie brushed them off, relishing the power she suddenly had over her rival.  She looked around managing to glance up at him, still on the bed, and gave him a wink.  Before letting out a bloodcurdling scream.

Bianca had learnt her lesson.  Just like several few hours before, Natalie felt teeth sink into her breast, this time much earlier, Bianca not falling for the same trap.  Natalie’s expression quickly changed as she realised her rival’s strength had not left her yet, and she felt her body rolling away from the wall.  The mass of womanly hatred hurtled back towards the bed, only slightly off course, slamming into the nightstand.  Natalie had ended up on top again, letting out a sickening groan as the lamp toppled from it’s perch directly onto the back of her head.

The brunette collapsed into her enemy, stunned from the blow.  Her mind filled with swirling turbulence; she only barely registered that Bianca had flipped their positions.  Eyelids fluttering as her senses flooded back to her, she looked up into the eyes of her opponent, seeing nothing but a blazing inferno within.  Before Natalie had a chance to make a move, she felt a deep throbbing pain on the back of her head again, and then another, and then another.  She could feel the black tide start to roll over the edges of her vision as the blonde slammed her head into the floor, the carpet offering little respite from the vicious blows.  Then, just as she had almost passed out, Bianca stopped and held Natalie’s head up, their faces now an inch apart.  For the first time, Natalie felt a fear.  It wasn’t supposed to be this way, and now Bianca had her right where she wanted.  But she could no longer do anything about it, as her dizzy mind clouded over, seven words pierced through the darkness…

“Stay away from my fucking husband, BITCH!”


Offline Leeann54

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Re: Timing is Everything
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2022, 01:45:02 PM »

Great story  and thank you for taking your time to write the story
Female catfighter  and wrestler  imatches  with smother finished


Offline Kiva

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Re: Timing is Everything
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2022, 02:22:16 PM »
Brilliant descriptive writing! The length was just right. Combined with your style of narrative, it makes for a fun, tight, high impact story.
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.


Offline Phoenix_Falcone

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Re: Timing is Everything
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2022, 02:33:02 PM »
Brilliant descriptive writing! The length was just right. Combined with your style of narrative, it makes for a fun, tight, high impact story.

Always a pleasure to have you review my work, and such high praise!  Thank you!


Offline Tiberius J.C.

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Re: Timing is Everything
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2022, 10:18:33 AM »
Near non-stop action. Visceral and bit surreal. To be honest, I was a bit confused: one moment they were fighting in an office, then suddenly: "They laid side by side on the floor of the bedroom,…" and there's an alarm clock ("is she dreaming all this?" I was asking), then she's getting out of the taxi at the airport and the taxi driver is shouting at her, trying to warn her (of what? was she stepping into the path of a bus? is she in some kind of coma for the rest of the story or is it real?), when she can't find him at the airport, she goes to his apartment, waits for two hours, then lies down and falls asleep. When she wakes, he's making love to another woman beside her. Didn't they notice the bed was occupied when they first lay down?
The whole story has a nightmarish, delirious quality to it. Natalie isn't altogether sane is she? It's all very vivid and highly effective.