I did this up really quick, so sorry if there are typos. You should get the basic idea, and it can always be altered to add more rules. Enjoy
Simple female fighting dice game.
Each fighter starts with a set number of endurance points, These can be the same or different, but should be determined before the fight starts.
Step 1 : Each fighter rolls a d20, the higher roll makes her attack. In cases of tie rolls neither scores a significant move and both fighters re-roll the d20
Step 2: determine the effect: If the winner’s roll was 10 or more higher than the losers she scores a double hit and rolls double damage dice.
Step 3: determine the location of the attack. This can be decided by the winner or done randomly. To randomly find out where attack happened, the winner rolls a d6. 1- pussy, 2- legs, 3- belly, 4 - back 5 - arms, 6 - boobs.
Step 4: Amount of damage. If the winner is deciding the location roll a d8 for all attacks and subtract that from the total endurance points. If random use the following die for each target. 1- pussy d10, 2 - legs d4, 3 - Belly d6, 4 - Back d6, 5 - Arms d4, 6 - Boobs d10
Step 5: Winner describes the attack, if the fighter is taken to 0 or less endurance points they submit, are KO’d, or some how lose the fight. If both fighters still have endurance left return to Step 1 and continue the fight.