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Renee O''Connor vs Victoria Pratt

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Renee O''Connor vs Victoria Pratt
« on: June 14, 2022, 02:24:19 AM »

Victoria Pratt was seating alone in her car.  One week ago, she got a text from Renee O’Connor that said she was ready.  Victoria was ready as well but feared losing to Renee, she knew for a fact of life that fighting Renee one last time could mean her final fight.  If she lost that fight it was over for her and Renee, if they had a draw, she might try to fight a few more women depending on how vicious the fight with Renee turned out.  Ideally that might have been true but not winning this fight was it for her.  Every fight she ever had was a lie, her reputation was a lie.  It was built around war victories over Renee, Carol Grow and Michelle Lintel and that was at the tournament.  She embarrassed and destroyed Renee and back then everyone thought their feud ended, the rivalry ended.  Then she ended Carol Grows entertainment aspirations in the sauna.  Then in that finals she made sure no one ever cast Michelle Lintel again and Michelle tried for revenge lately but that didn’t go well.

Her history with Renee playing like a reel in her head

Fight one with Renee they brutalized each other, in the end it was her who stood victorious.  Fight two they got really personal, and Renee won.  The next two were a lot easier and she thought she was done with Renee.  Then Renee showed up after an interview and now she was having the same feeling she had almost twenty years ago, Renee O’Connor was a woman who could not be the woman that made her stop fighting.  Jennifer O’Dell is more of a physical equal, she lost twice to Jennifer and if they fought again who knew what would happen.

She at this point in her life knew the difference between feuds and rivals.  Renee O’ Connor would likely go down as her greatest rival.  Jennifer O’Dell was a rival as well.  The two it was hard to categorize were Carol Grow and Michelle Lintel.  There were more disgusting actions taken when she fought either of them.  So they were feuds. Carol grow… Carol  loved humiliating her back in their physical primes

No matter how much humiliation she got from Carol when she lost nothing came close to the first time she lost to Renee.  That became her motivation for so long to not have that repeated and at the end of their last fight as Renee overpowered her, bloodied her she still took time to get in just that little bit of humiliation.  She still woke up some nights reliving what Renee did to her in that motel room and that was 20 years ago.  She woke up more since the last time she seen Renee and it was the humiliation of twenty years ago that reined supreme

As she pulled into a ranch that looked like the place they first fight, she knew today it ended.  One was the big winner and even if technically it was a draw on a Renee win it was really a Renee war victory.  She had to win, or Renee O’Connor was better than her.  She could barely live with Jennifer O’Dell being the better woman she would not accept Renee

Renee was inside the cabin she was more nervous for this then she had ever been before.  This was it for her no matter what and she wanted to take Victoria with her.  The first loss to Victoria haunted her, it was in a place like this, so she wanted their final fight to be here because that was arguably the closest fight and to lose by a hair like she did.  The third and fourth fight haunted her because she was so out classed and deep down, she knew Victoria was not that far out of her class.  Those fights were not indicative to what the two of them were but they were how the first two fights got judge

She heard Victoria pulling in and this fight was outdoors in front of their friends.  She was going to go outside and see people stare at her and wonder why her.  It should be O’Dell who finished Pratt off.  No one was as superior over Victoria Pratt as Jennifer Odell, but O’Dell gave her permission to do this just because it was more humiliating to Victoria.

“Adrienne wants words with Victoria before you head out” It was Lucy and Adrienne earned that right and Renee knew it because she could still at times feel Adrienne’s fists on her face.

“she was right to beat you.  It got the nasty back in you which you need to end this one and for all.  Loo what you just did to Julie.  Do you think theres one person other than you that remembers the syndication tournament?”

“She used a rake on my tits?”

“And you just beat her ass.  You once handcuffed her and fucked her from behind you beat her that bad.  Theres things from all your fights here and you …”

Every dirty attack they made on each other in their previous five fights going through her head but really it was primarily the first two.  “Make sure the windows on all vehicles are down.  She once trapped my tits in a car window.  This ends when I bring her with me.  I’m leaving this world… She and I are two of the only women from that tournament hat had a  career after.  Theres others but I mean…  I stop doing this by stopping her from doing it.”

Victoria was talking to Dina Meyer and Jodi Lyn O’Keefe when Adrienne walked up to Victoria.  Victoria put her hand up to stop her friends from defending her.

“You lose that’s it for you, you never fight again.  Renee retires you on her own retirement.  But if you somehow win close then I’m your future because I promised Renee that we’d fight.”

“And if its not close and I hurt her like I did in the 3rd and 4th fights.”

“What happened then wont happen now because I wont let it.  I’ll stop you here and keep stopping you even in your god damn house.  If You destroy my friend then when we fight it won’t be as two friends finding out who is better it will be as one friend getting revenge for her mentor and sister… You don’t want me fighting you like that.”

“I just might”

“No, you really don’t”

“Don’t worry I’m retiring the bitch today.”  Renee said confident and walking toward them.

“No Renee you’re not and when I’m done beating you no matter how long or short the fight is I want your friend to know if she comes at me don’t do it as friends fighting… Dina didn’t and she presented a bigger challenge so …”

Victoria got her chin grabbed by Renee and pulled so she was looking directly at Renee O’Connor.  “Dina, Adrienne all these other women … Fuck them.  This isn’t about them, its about me and you one last time and my walking into retirement knowing I brought you with me.  I know you well enough to know why you are talking about the future.”

Victoria grabbed Renee by the chin and they stood their squeezing the other and the fire was building more and more, they pushed away.  Renee turned opened the gate and walked into the fenced in area, she looked around at the vehicles there and the women.  Victoria pointed at Renee to let her in and wait.

Renee backed up to the middle and Victoria walked in and someone shut the gate behind her.  All the hate she had for Renee twenty years ago was back.   All the hate Renee had in those first two fight was back, both women looked tremendous.

“One last chance to say what you have to say to me.”   Renee said

“I don’t know who spilled more of my blood you Michele or Carol.  In our last fight you proved you are every bit the woman I am and today I leave it all here and if the fight stays in this area great, if it goes out there great but Renee … I’m more ready for you today than I was in any of our other fights.”

Renee smiled “If we were to go back and tell the two women who argued that their argument would lead to six fights two one sided affairs, one fight with a clear winner and two brutal fights probably a third I bet our younger selves would laugh in our faces.  I appreciated your friendship these last few years, but this is about a story having a better ending and today is the day our story finally ends.”

Victoria smiled and looked around “Better ending, really our story should have ended after the third fight.  That was the true end of our story and today all these years later you’re going to find out when our story ends it will be similar to the first, similar to the third and if I had my way Id fuck you into retirement because …”

“Its what I DID to you in the second.  This time if I had one, I wouldn’t start Gently.  Then again maybe there ”

“There is.  Just like you wanted the windows down… That loss.  I still think about that loss Renee I think about me trapping your tits in a window and you destroying my tits in a dresser.  I remember it all.”

It began to rain, and they stood their clothes getting wet, the final battle about to begin.

They stood there, it wasn’t a hard rain, but it was enough that their shirts clung to their body and hair was wetted down.  “Do you two want to continue or wait for a better day.”

Someone asked but it was enough for Renee to throw a punch which Victoria parried and went for a choke that ended with Renee flipping Victoria over her back onto the ground.  Renee whipped her body up the rain whipping off her hair.  O’Connor went to stomp Victoria’s face, but the foot was caught, and Renee was pushed away and fell to her ass

Victoria tried to kip up but the ground was to wet and she fell back down so she spun got up to her feet the normal way only to get obliterated by a spear from Renee O’Connor who got up and tore her shirt off and screamed something primal

Renee picked Victoria up and hit a spinning kick to the stomach.  Pratt fell back and down to a knee “Come on Victoria you promised you’d be a challenge this time”  Renee went to soccer kick Victoria in the face but it was blocked and Victoria threw the leg to the left spinning Renee then dove into a spear

It lifted Renee up and down into the mud, but it wasn’t a true spear.  Victoria was on Renees stomach and got her arms under the ass and screamed.  She cleans jerked Renee up and spun into a spine buster.  The dirt and mud flew up after Renee crashed down

Victoria stood up and shouted at the sky then tore her shirt off “That challenge enough for you.”  Victoria bent over to pick Renee up but got her shin kicked and ended up on top of Renee.  Renee immediately rolled Victoria onto her back “My eyes” Victoria shouted as it was Renee pressed her thumbs into Victoria’s eyes

Renee tried to seat up and as her ass got on Victoria’s stomach the moment after her ass got on Vic’s stomach.  Vic got her hands on the ass and pulled up while bucking her stomach sending Renee face first into the mud.

The speed Victoria got onto Renee’s back was amazing for a woman of her age.  Hands on the back of Renee’s head she pressed Renee’s face into the now mud and moved it right and left.  “You like that… You went after my eyes bitch.”

Renee reached up she knew Vic was in rage mode and only concentrating on offence not thinking of counters.  Renee got her hands into Vic’s hair and pulled down flipped Victoria.  Renee leaped forward but was to far and found herself between Victoria’s legs. 

Victoria knew where Renee was and lifted her legs and closed them around Renees head.  Vic then tried to pull Renee downward, but Renee had reached back and grabbed Vic by the hair stopping that.  Renee had incredible strain on her arm and was lifting the back of pratts head and twisting it so the chin was more to the right and down on the chest.

Now they had the others head trapped but Renees was a better lock and when Victoria tried to adjust her legs to put more pressure


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Re: Renee O''Connor vs Victoria Pratt
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2022, 02:25:27 AM »
When she did Renee rolled onto her hip.  End the fight with a skilled submission and end it early so neither lost blood would have been the most unexpected exclamation point this rivalry could end with.  As she rolled Vic pulled down Renee’s jeans.  Her counter was two pronged she knew Renee had the better lock in with the legs so she needed to maximize that and the pants were right there for the distraction counter

It was a hard yank enough for Renee to immediately loosen her legs.  Victoria then switched from calves around each side of Renees neck to one calf across the neck and the back of the knee on the foot.  Same lock Renee had on and Renee hauled down the ass of Victorias pants

They both got the pressure on the neck and rolled back and forth each time one got put on her back she smacked the bare ass red and was able to get back to the stalemate for a moment then the other woman was on her back dealing with the reverse triangle head scissors and also reddening a ass.

This was not going to end the fight so they both decided to let go and push away.  Up to their feet face red as well as the ass.  First thing they did was pull up their pants then they circled and their friends could see how dirty they had gotten wrestling in the mud

“Couple days ago vic…”  Renee was stretching her neck “It occurred to me we had some very violent fights.”  Renee went for a lead right which Victoria slipped away from

“We did and I think I got a feeling where you are going with this.”  Victoria faked three punches and went for a kick to the ribs which Renee

“Our fights weren’t long protracted wars.”  Renee landed two jabs then clawed a tit “Every fight was short and violent and the winner.”

Renee tried to start punching again but it was countered by the south paw who after the counter slipped away then hit a left ducked under a punch hit a left to the stomach and over hand tit claw with the right.

Both were moving a lot and came in but because of their different stance.  Renee orthodox and Victoria south paw they were tied up and that tie up had both women get a hand ful of tits.  They were going around in a circle twisting the others tits.

They grunted and groaned as tit flesh was manipulated.  Renee was so glad Victoria had removed the implants it made this a equal battle.  That equality crossed Renees mind and gave her some extra motivation as she had to prove how many battles Victoria won because of fakeness and not natural ability.

Renee was beginning to push Victoria back when she was about to say something pratt got her foot to behind Renee’s shifted her hips and threw Renee at the fence.  Renees arms hung over the back and before Renee could react Victoria jumped into a knee that got O’Connor in the stomach

Vic took a deep breath then kick tripped Renees left heel taking away her base and only having her hanging by the arms off the fence.  Victoria then hit a upper cut that snapped Renees head back.  Victoria took a step back and massaged her tits.  “We are getting older, my hands remember your tits being so much firmer.”

Victoria grabbed Renees tits and pulled down as hard as she could “Its over bitch… OVER YOU ARE DONE.”  Vic let go and hit a right and left hook and Renee was still draped over the fence

“Are you satisfied or do you …” Vic was looking at the people who were there for Renee and especially at Lucy Lawless.  She pressed her body into Renees it was like she was asking them to throw in a towel for Renee.

“Not done.”  Renee said

Victoria smiled backed away and was about to punch Renee when Renee kicked her in the hip

That backed Victoria up “Nice.”  Victoria never got to finish as Renee brough both legs up and go them on Victoria’s shoulders.  Victoria’s eyes went wide, and Renee brought her legs together then dropped her shoulders and neck back and she flipped herself and Victoria over the fence.

Vic landed on her back and groaned.  Renee landed on her knees and looked between her legs and could see that got Vic good now she had to get up and capitalize.  Renee pulled herself up turned around and Vic was up and threw a punch.

Renee ducked it and caught Victoria lifted her up turned around and threw Victoria down on the fence.  That took some energy out of Renee, so she needed some deep breaths but hearing the agony in Victoria’s groan gave Renee energy needed.  “You want to go at my tits and talk about my tits.”

Renee grabbed Vic by the tits put her foot on Pratt’ stomach and leaned back stretching Victoria’s tits past a level.  She enjoyed the howl and then let up letting vic go and fall forward.  “You think this is like every other fight.”

Renee pulled back on Vic’s hair, so she was looking down into Vic’s eyes “Back then tits vs tits
you had the advantage and still would … if you kept the fakies”

Renee had the evillest smile as she stared into Victoria’s angry eyes.  The eyes were angry but the rapid breathing meant the body was beaten.  “Can you all hear the great Pratt, and this is how our most brutal fights always went.”

Renee hit a knee between the legs “Brutal but never long… It was always clear when the better woman was taking advantage.”  Renee went for a second knee, but it was blocked and then Vic hit a elbow to Renee’s ear which bent her over and into a Pratt knee.

Victoria brought her other foot up and to Renee’s hip and pushed her away “This is the last time Renee… THE LAST …”  Victoria pushed off the fence only to get hit with a shoulder check by Renee and back to the fence.  Renee then rushed at Victoria only to have Victoria this time get her legs up
Victoria was going for the same thing Renee did an Renee knew it. Renee pushed forward and Victoria had an idea what Renee was going for an it was confirmed when Renees hands went again for the tits.  Vic switched her tactic and got the left foot to Renees face and pushed her away

Vic went at Renee again and Again Renee went for the shoulder check but so was Victoria and they bounced off each other.  On their back foot neither wanted to fall and there was a balance recovery.  Both feet got down and they were squared up to each other.  “Last time you will not take me with you.”

“You have no offensive creativity left… Just try what I do to you and fail at it… All they need to know is how much blood of yours I spill before you finally and TRULY QUIT!!!”

“I don’t need new things to beat you.  I have one of the craziest resumes there is I have epic fights were things were done to me no one can believe I fought on from.  I did things that sent women out of entertainment Renee.  I will not lose to you and yeah I might not come up with something new like you did but in the end when i…”

“Lose… when you lose Vicky poo.”  Renee backed away “Come on show me the resume because when this is over all it reads is ‘Ended by Renee’”

“Then you end me… I can live with you ending me but know what you.”

“Will” Renee blocked a punch from Vic parried her away and went for her own strikes

Victoria got under and was rolling left to right under the punches.  Renee went for a knee, but Vic had shot in for a takedown.  Her head went under Renee’s arm and hat allowed Renee to fight out and the two ended up going around in a circle.

Renee was able to shift her arm so her bicep was under Victorias face.  Renee tried o throw Victoria but Victoria held on and was able to pull Renee in after landing on her feet and threw Renee over her hip towards one of the cars

Renee hit the ground but got up quickly that wasn’t the spot to be when fighting a determined Victoria Pratt.  Quickly she spun got up to her feet and then slipped away from a straight kick that no doubt would have sent her into a car door.  ‘All windows have to be down.’

Renee hit a back elbow to the lower back of Victoria and sent her into the car then spun and saw Victoria stop herself by getting hands on the hood.

Victoria eyes went wide.  ‘Car…Window’

The first two fights what they did to tits was something in discussions of what ths last fight they both knew had to be involved.  Victoria trapped Renees tits in a window and now getting grabbed from behind she knew Renee wanted to return that long time favor

Victoria fought back against Renee pulling her toward the window and ate some knees to the back of the leg and when Renee won the struggle Victoria was able to turn her body and get her arm behind Renee’s neck and pushed down hitting Renee’s head onto the top of the car

Victoria was trying to switch positions, but Renee was hitting punches to Vic’s ribs and Vic wanted to keep the headlock as that was going to help her get Renee onto the door.  Vic hit some punches to the face and Renee was feeling it then brought a hip to the back door stopped punching and got the door handle

Renee allowed Victoria to move her so when Victoria switched position Renee brought her head down slipped back opened the door and hit Victoria with the door.  Renee could hear their friends say wow then reached grabbed Vic by the back of the head and brought it forward pressing Vic’s neck on top of the door then Renee reached through the window “Get ready to bring the window up”

They had written agreements in place not just with each other but had their friends sign as well if they wanted to be here, they were who had the ability to bring a window up.  So if Renee demanded the window be brought up only she could demand it be brought back down.  Pratts friends would just have to stand there and look at Victoria Pratt with her tits stuck likely losing the war to Renee O’Connor

The window began to come up when Victoria grabbed the door and with all her might pushed it closed with Renee trapped between.  That impact got Renee’s tits trapped as well and Victoria couldn’t demand the window be brought down.  It was on Renee, so they were both now trapped by the tits in the window

They both shrieked and fell forward “Tell them Renee… tell them” Victoria said so low only Renee could hear it.  They had heavy breaths trying to deal with the pain

“Stop…”  Victoria heard Renee say “Talking.  I said brin the window up god damn it.”

“You Bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”  The window button kept trying to go up and Pratt and O’Connor were trading punches while their tits were trapped

It was thirty seconds and both shouted “DOWN!!!!”  They brought the Window down and Victoria collapsed onto her back then rolled onto her stomach covering her tits

Renee pushed the door away slightly and then just fell to a knee and wanted to go at Renee, but her body was on fire and all she could do was collapse.  Her back to the ppl Renee was whimpering as she covered her tits.  What just happened definitely meant there was a lot of fight left in Victoria


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Re: Renee O''Connor vs Victoria Pratt
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2022, 02:27:24 AM »

Their friends stood back.  This was a last fight and one had to win.  They were getting up and however long it took after what they just did was all they could do.  Stand up and watch. Both came here to have a final fight with each other, and it wasn’t ending in a draw.

Renee took a few deep breaths and moved onto her stomach and pushed herself up.  “You still got new tricks left.”  Renee was unsure if she said that out loud or not.  She got her knees to the ground and grabbed the car and was getting up and she looked at the people and didn’t want to look at what they were talking about … her tits

Renee was up and that was all she needed to ignore the pain.  Being on her feet all Renee wanted was to get back at Victoria… Victoria.  Renee turned and Victoria was up and diving at her.  Victoria tackled Renee onto the hood of the vehicle and then slid off

They rolled around a bit in front of the car got up and traded stomach punches.  Then got their arms behind the neck and traded some knees.  Around a circle again trying to outpower the other and Victoria was able to shove Renee back two feet

Victoria went for a big left, but Renee ducked it and countered with a beautiful ura-nage suplex on the hood of the car.  Victoria’s legs were hanging off the hood and her back was arched, her groan was heard by everyone

Renee was standing between Victoria’s legs, and she could see the bruising around the tits that came from the window and also see deep red line from the window itself.  Her tits were no doubt bruised purple as well but that was what was what she expected when they said one last fight.

“We are done.”  Renee looked over “Close to our longest fight but in the end.”  Renee grabbed Victoria by the pant waist and pulled her up “And this is the end” Punch back down to the hood

Renee took a deep breath and looked at Victoria who was just shaking her head no.  Another breath from Renee but this one was a sigh.  “Just give up.”  Renee pulled Victoria up again and another fist sending Victoria back down

“This is how I pictured it since you speared me.  When I told everyone, this was my plan I knew it would end like this.” 

But Victoria wasn’t quitting instead she brought her hand up and flipped the bird

“Ok Vic but I can and will do this all day.”  She grabbed Vic again and when she pulled her up it was Renee who fell forward.  Victoria got her feet behind Renee’s knees and pulled which broke Renee’s base.  As Renee fell off balance Victoria shot her elbow up between Renee’s eyes

Renee fell forward but her hands stopped her from going completely down.  Victoria expected that and slid off the car then with her position thought about getting a high crotch on Renee and suplexing her, but the position Renee was in meant that move was out, so Victoria got behind Renee and drove three elbows into her spine

Renee was hurting but expected Victoria to go for her hair and slam her face into the hood.  She was preparing for that, but it never happened.  Victoria got a waist lock got her hips below Renee’s ass and dropped back for a German suplex.  It didn’t have good snap on it, but it flipped Renee over.  It was slow so Renee was able to break her fall a little
Victoria tried to kick up to her feet but failed.  Her mind was in the zone she was at when she won the tournament all those years ago that landed her the role of Shalimar Fox on Mutant X.  her body was not going to agree with her mind though.  So, she got up and Renee was crawling away

Victoria was up and got into a position where she was at Renee’s hip.  Vic took a couple steps then jumped and hit a senton splash her back onto Renee’s.  Victoria spun onto her hands and knees and was nudging Renee’s head like a cat would “I won’t ask you to quit because I know you wont.  Neither will I just so you know.  This fight ends when one of our bodies quit.”

Victoria grabbed Renee by the hair and began to stand up and she was still and obviously fit and strong woman and was able to get Renee up to her feet.  “DO you all hear that.  I’m not quitting I doubt she’s going to quit.  One of our bodies will quit and it won’t be…”

Renee turned her body a little to not herself from her hair being pulled but to have a better angle and got her right hand on her left fist then drove her elbow to Victoria’s belly button.  That slight angle switch helped get a better target which led to a opening of the hands and hair loose so Renee grabbed Victoria by the back of the knee and pulled it bringing it around until Vic lost her balance and was down

Renee got her leg outside of Vic’s and went to get atop but Vic got her hand on the back of Renee’s head and then moved her hips, so she flipped Renee onto her back.  Renee quickly got her arms around Vic’s waist hands dropped to her ass pushed her forward and Renee slid down and turned Victoria

They exchanged some more ground techniques then repeated with the extra effort of hitting the head to the ground.  They had moved away from the cars when Victoria got Renee’s legs around her head.  She grabbed Renee’s hair and lifted up to counter the scissor when renee let go to not get power bombed.

“I forgot about that.”  Victoria saw Renee looking away and was about to throw a punch when Renee ran then remembered if everything here was part of their violent past and they were away from the cars which meant they were close to a garden which meant

“Fuck you.”

Renee dove for a rake and Victoria dove at Renee.  They pushed it away and Victoria grabbed Renee by the back of the hair lifted her head and threw it down in the ground then pushed off Renees shoulder reaching for the rake.

Renee’s chest served like a spider sense.  The danger of the rake and how it feels on the tits.  Renee grabbed Victoria by the back of the jeans and pulled then was on Victoria’s back and they were both reaching for the rake “You will know what I felt.”

Renee went for the rake and took a back elbow to the jaw.  They both now had one hand on it and Victoria lifted her back and Renee allowed herself to be flipped off now they were on opposite sides with one hand on the rake.

They looked up and other hand went to the rake.  They tried to pull it away from the other and that just caused a vein to pop in the shoulders of each woman.  They were getting up to their feet as they fought a tug of war over the rake

Their bodies struggled and then the handle broke.  Renee looked down at it and the part that Victoria was lucky enough to hold she hit Renee in the lower back

Victoria tried to shoulder push Renee away but ate a stick strike to the back of the knee.  Renee bounced back went for a head strike, but it was blocked by Victoria’s broken handle.  Left-handed Pratt vs Right-handed

Block meant immediate counter and extra defensive techniques they were all over the lawn and away from the weapon they originally wanted and getting close to the house itself.  Victoria was landing more shots and jumped in the air to hopefully knock Renee out with a shot to the top of the head

Renee got Victoria with a shot between the tits.  When Vic landed, she immediately fell to a knee and Renee using the broken handle locked in a variation of the guillotine choke.  Handle went to the throat, and she trapped each end between her bicep and forearm

“Until one of us can’t continue is about to show up.”   The strain in Renee’s chest and shoulders was a sight.  She was still exceptionally strong, and Victoria Pratt was feeling that strength on a area that wasn’t meant to feel someone else’s power

“I’ll do some things just to put an exclamation point on our mutual retirement but now everyone knows who is…”

Victoria summoned the ability to push forward and slam Renee into the house then the grip around her neck loosened and her grip o the broken handle tightened.  She hit Renee in the stomach with the end of it then pulled her head and tried to get her broken handle up to Renee’s throat.

Renee was fighting it.  When the broken handle was coming up it hit her tit.  That gave renee enough of a chance to grab at Victoria’s wrists and try to keep the broken handle away from her throat.  “No” Renee kept saying

Then Victoria drilled a knee between Renee’s legs when it looked like Renee was about to win that contest.  Now Renee had Victoria choking her out and to make matters worst Victoria took the balance away then powered Renee two inches of the ground “Yes Renee…Yes”

Renee was trapped she knew it and this could be how it ended for her.  There was no shame but the thought of looking at Victoria like this.  Losing was one thing she accepted could happen here but losing like this would be more torturous than the one-time Victoria dominated her

There was one chance to get out of this or it could end up ending the fight.  Renee had to do something though she wasn’t going out staring at Victoria.  Victoria was not taking that to the spank bank, so Renee tightened her neck and face and began pushing her head forward.  Hoping there was enough fractures in the stick it couldn’t take this and would break

“Wha…What are you doing?”  Victoria was confused she tried to add pressure “Whats she doing?”  Victoria looked over at everyone then the stick did indeed break and Vic dropped to her knees and Renee to her feet

Renee took a couple of deep breaths then lifted her knee to Vics face then fell back and got some more air back.  Then smiled never had a gamble paid off so much and how this must have looked.  Her standing in front of Victoria Pratt who was on her hands and knees

It was frustration on Victoria’s part that kept her down.  The optics were terrible, but the frustration was worst.  A feud that ended years ago her fighting had basically stopped and now she was on her hands and knees reaching up grabbing Renee’s pants in one of the toughest fights of her life

“Come on Vicky” Renee got her hands in deep around Victoria’s hair and began to haul her up and Victoria unbuttoned Renee’s pants and that got a “What the” Vic then shot her head up cracking the top of her head into Renee’s face which made Renee snap her head upwards spitting out blood

“I slipped you dumbass.”  Victoria put her hand in Renee’s pants and applied a crotch claw “You should have hit me harder with the knee because now it gets worst for you”

“Fuck” Renee got her left fingers on Vic’s left temple then scratched across to the right temple.

“YOU” After clawing at Victoria’s eyes at one point it felt like she hooked in and took one, but she didn’t.  Renee grabbed Victoria by the hair turned her and slammed her head into the house.  Renee then removed Victoria’s hands from her pant widened her legs a bit and let the pants drop then stepped out

She then tried to slam Vic’s arm to the house, but Vic had enough time to recover to struggle back.  Renee turned her hip and hit a upper cut to the underside of tit then slammed the arm to the wall.  To make sure Victoria knew this was happening she slammed Vic’s arm again.  When they were younger the pride in saying who was stronger was a thing, they both wanted


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Re: Renee O''Connor vs Victoria Pratt
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2022, 02:28:58 AM »

Now their last fight Renee knew there were moments were Victoria was stronger and then she was.  This was about who lasted longer and who was tougher.  Renee hit a knee to Victoria’s exposed ribs then the sensation in her pussy she knew what she had to do.

She opened Victorias pants and just grabbed at the panties and yanked up “Hurts don’t it bitch it fucking hurts.”

The pain caused a shriek and it had been so long since this was done to her.  Victoria knew what to do and was prepared for this and used both her hands and jabbed them Renees elbow joint.  The wedgie ended and Victoria used her shoulder as a strike and hit Renee in the mouth

Vic shook her hips and got her pants down then stepped out only to eat a shoulder in the bottom of the nose.  Renee went for Victoria’s pussy, but Vic grabbed her wrist.  Vic wanted to attack Renee’s pussy again but her wrist was grabbed

They were moving away from the wall unable to break the others grip.  Hitting shoulder strikes to the mouth and feeling blood on their shoulder.  The strike didn’t look like much but right now they were putting their all into it.  Victoria introduced it but Renee was apt at it

Renee right-handed and Vic left were trying to out power especially there.  Vic’s right and Renee’s left were weaker, but it was still a battle they struggled around now exchanging knees meant for the pussy but sometimes getting the inside portion of the leg above the knee

Around the cabin they struggled and found their way to the steps up to the house and Victoria took high ground and was winning but that caused her tits to be near Renee’s mouth so Renee had to bite

That froze Victoria and allowed Renee to get the step up and high ground taking the power advantage.  She let go of the bite and was forcing Victoria’s arms behind her back when she concentrated on that Victoria returned the bite. 

Renee couldn’t take it her legs couldn’t stand up to this and she fell back.  They both fell and Victoria was on top but ate a knee between the legs and that opened her mouth which made Renee grab her by the hair and turn her around.  Renee lifted her head to slam it dow but that would break Victoria’s neck.  She wanted to win the battle not end a life. 

Victoria now hit the knee between Renee’s legs they rolled again and now Victoria had Renee in that position to slam Renee’s necks on the stairs but that was not her.  The pause Renee recognized she just had it and maybe there was a time they would have done this but here in their most brutal and equal fight they both stopped

Renee was thankful but had to take advantage.  Renee slid her ass up two steps her shins were on Vic’s collar bones, and she tightened her grip on Victoria’s hair.  Renee took a deep breath and leaned back.  Her strength was focused on destroying Vic’s head by pulling that long blonde hair from the roots

Everyone was watching and amazed at the conditioning of Renee O’Connor at her age to still look and be that in shape and strong.  She was a beaten up mess but never had she looked so powerful an in this position she was about to take Victoria into the sunset with her

The hair couldn’t take it and was beginning to be ripped out so Renee had to readjust.  Victoria got her hands on the calves then pulled and that got her a relief followed by a flip but Vic was to beaten up and older now to pull off the flip and didn’t quite clear

She did get her hair away from Renee now was cheek first on Renee’s stomach.  Renee shot up a knee and Vic rolled away and hit a back elbow to Renee’s face then got up and was behind Renee grabbed her hair and tried to drag Renee

Renee was to far up to be hauled and was able to get her feet under her get up and turn to shove Victoria into the house.  Victoria back hit but she quickly dealt with it and hit a knee to Renees ribs.  Then a back elbow to the back of the neck

Vic tried to move Renee into position for a knee to the face and Renee blocked It driving her elbow into the thigh then a hook into the knee of the same leg.  That gave Renee the opportunity to pullback and hit a terrific left hook then right hook.

Victoria went to her right and was both dazed and trying to get away “No this ends now.”  Renee grabbed Victoria by the back of the hair tightened up got into a power stance.  Victoria was able to glance back and knew what was planned.  Renee meant to throw her over the stairs and end this fight by breaking her will.  It was how she lost to Odell.

Victoria grabbed the deck and that made Renee lose her footing having to deal with resistance.  That was all Victoria needed she let go drove forward her shoulder between Renee’s tits and then toward the house and through the screen door.

Renee was sent across the room and toward a living area “Look at this just like where it started Renee.”  Vic had to look and that allowed Renee to get up and Renee took that moment as well.

“Two chairs, a end table between with a lamp and a couch plus bookshelf.  Very close to where it started with us and where I end and take you with me”

“When this started it started in a room like this with a cheap shot by you and there will be no cheap shot but there will be a end to this story at long last.”

“A mutual end Vic… Now stop talking because I’m dragging you into retirement with me even if its by literally dragging you outside.”

“You get your air back and ready again.”

“Yeah enough of the fake stuff it was all about …”

“A bit of rest.”

They stepped forward then went at each other quick.  Renee dropped slid and got her foot up to flip Victoria onto a couch.  While in the air Victoria again had to think about the war with O’Dell.  Renee obviously picked that brain a lot in how to win this

Vic was kind of prepared for this and kept her arms out and hit the couch but was able to absorb the impact and play dead.  She knew how she should look and played the dead part thinking about how close O’Dell came to ending her for reals

Renee got the top of her head on the floor and lifted her neck to see Vic draped over a couch.  She got up and thought about the fight Victoria had with O’Dell “I was there you know.  You probably didn’t it was when I knew I should reopen this chapter in our lives.”

Victoria could feel the hand near her and moved horizontally and was able to get under Renee’s hips left her up and before Renee could grab her tit Victoria threw Renee back first on the couch then grabbed Renee’s legs.  Victoria tossed them and now Renee Oconnor legs were off the couch, but her face was between two cushions

Vic looked at how Renee was and knew there was a way to finish this.  She grabbed the couch and tried to jump up and over it but didn’t have that much energy or agility nowadays.  She went for it a second time and cleared it but Renee had moved so Victoria landed on the couch

Renee went to jump on Victoria’s back.  It didn’t last long as Renee went to smother Victoria out pressing her face.  Victoria was able to slink out and the two women were naked wrestling o the couch.  Pain sounds were not coming though it was pleasure moans

They were ripping at the others hair but both were trying to stop the sexual part but that struggle to separate just got them in more positions.  Vic would move and groan.  Renee would try to take advantage and end up moaning.  They squeezed and twisted at the others breasts which brought hips up and then a moan

Both tried to seat up and realized that just put them in the exact position.  They were now in a perfect position to go sex vs sex.  This was not what the fight was supposed to be, but it ended up here and they couldn’t get out of it.  They tried and ended up in this position, so it was time to go for it.

They were giving out screams and trying to lean back lift hips and pump.  “This…Isnt…Us..”  They panted out and when sex ever entered their rivalry it was at the end of a fight to say you can stop me from doing this not during the fight as this was. 

“Second fight” they panted and what was happening was embarrassing.  Beating the hell out o the other in front of friends no problem.  Strip the other naked who cares its part o the process.  Rip at body parts meant to sensualized.  With pride but this is in front of friends and family was to much for both

Separation had to be had but they couldn’t just pull away there had to be a physical attack.
They sat up and hit a strike to the throat and that immediately broke whatever else they were doing and they fell off the couch and crawled away and dropped

They were on the ground and realized their spectators could not see them now.  “Victoria” Renee said her voice was that of friend Renee not rival Renee


Renee wasn’t sure what to say and Victoria looked over “Do you want to finish that or the fight itself… I kind of want to finish myself because I don’t know about you but…”

“Me too Vicky.  Let’s just try and calm down while they can’t see us but yeah sex is not what I want with women so its about who wins the fight not a sex but god that felt good.”

“So do you…”

“No this is a fight and now I don’t even want to use sex as a humiliation like you did to me”

“Oh, I’m sorry what happened in the motel room.”

“After I beat you, I rode your face into oblivion…Fair point but that’s how we use sex isn’t it.”

“Yeah, I’m straight so are you so in the end its about … How about since this is our last fight, we don’t do that.  It goes until it goes but no humiliation at the end.”

“Humiliations only mean more fights.  We both know that, and this is the final fight.  Do you want to go up in a bedroom at the end of this and celebrate the end of our feud.  I don’t this ends here today and forever.”

They were up on their knees and crawling to the other “More than ever Renee more than ever I will not lose to you.  In fact, now after all this its not about not losing to you its about getting the win.  I was fighting to not lose again to you but now I’m fighting to win again.”

“I see it in you and I know you see it in me Vic.  That fear of me taking you with me is now you wanting to send me off.  Good it will make taking you with me that much more earned.  It will mean in my seventies I can say who lost and how I took that hide with me.”

“Want my ass you want it to leave this world with you then do it but you fucking bitch.  I was actually planning on stopping but not now.  I send you off then I find some dream opponents, but you want me to stop then fucking stop me.”

They had crawled and were fighting like goats hitting their heads as they spoke

“I’ll take this headache like I take you the retirement home bitch.”


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Re: Renee O''Connor vs Victoria Pratt
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2022, 02:30:48 AM »

“If I get my head smashed in I will still get up to make sure you are he only one retiring.”

The ramming continued and then they reached for a tit.  It was hard to get at it and they ended up standing up and had both hand behind the other neck and were clawing away.  The nails and power they were getting one last fight and the back of the necks would know about this fight forever

Up on their feet they dug in deeper on the neck and Victoria hit a knee to the stomach of Renee.  Renee grimaced but came back with a stronger knee.  That nearly dropped Victoria they relaxed.  The days of rock-hard stomachs were long gone for both, and this was also their longest fight so the ability to absorb was missing but the desire to do more was all they had

Renee threw a knee first this time and when it hit, she thought all those years back when Victoria was on Xena.  She saw that stomach and worked even harder on hers.  Victoria answered that knee hitting her own and she was thinking about Renee showing up bare midriff and the stare down the two had.  That might have been where all this started not in a office

Some deep breaths they weren’t capable of talking but could hear what the other was likely saying in those deep breaths.  Remember what our stomachs used to be.  I do and they could take so much more.  Still our longest fight.  It is it so badly is thanked God ht rest weren’t like this

Victoria hit a knee and realized she was moving Renee after each knee and took a extra shot hitting a punch to Renee’s ear.  Renee hit a knee and faked getting both hands away from Victoria’s neck and grinded the top of her head into Vic’s nose instead and realized she had been making Victoria move after each attack.

Renee felt something behind her and when she studied the room it meant she was near the bookshelf so she hit her knee and turned her hips when Victoria went for her reply knee and sent Victoria into the air and hard into the book shelf

Two punches to the stomach and one to the tit.  Renee was really beginning to pull ahead.  Victoria grabbed the ears and twisted trying to slam Renee.  Renee was being turned and saw the window and took a chance.  She moved her back leg got the heel behind the bookcase tightened everything and had Victoria’s hair. 

Victoria had no time to prepare for the counter and Renee was able to swing Victoria off of her feet and at the window.  Renee heard the crash and she fell on her knees “I did it.  I did it I won I threw you out Vic... Like Jennifer, I threw you out she just threw you down.”  Renee crawled to the door

Renee took a deep breath and stood up.  Beaten bad but she was going to walk out put her foot down on Vic’s head until Vic said I had enough and passed out from the beating.  She did it she took Victoria Pratt her biggest rivalry with her.

Renee opened the door “That’s its Vic you…”  She never had the chance to finish.  Victoria got on her feet enough to launch herself lift Renee up and run across the deck. 

Victoria slammed Renee’s back into the rail and in her prime she would have put Renee through it.  Fight over she would have destroyed Renee with this, and the bitch would have deserved it after putting her through a window, but it was just a hard impact, so Victoria had to do something else.  It was almost over she had to be the winner especially after so many watched her go through a window.

Victoria got low and wanted to lift Renee up but Renee just threw both arms down on Victoria’s shoulders.  With the beating both women gave and took the ability to absorb punishment was severely damaged and that simple move made Victoria go limp for a moment then Renee scratched at Victoria’s back.

A grunt was all she could get but that was enough.  It meant Victoria had to hold in the scream.  Everyone saw it everyone saw her be strong enough to throw Victoria through the window.  Everyone saw Victoria not be strong enough to lift her and get hurt again now she knew how to end it. 

She tried to jerk Victoria up but Victoria blocked it then closed her arms on Renee’s legs.  Renee’s base was gone as her knees pressed together and a shout from Victoria and what everyone saw was Victoria Pratt lift Renee O’Connor onto her shoulders “You like windows bitch.”  Victoria then threw Renee through the other window and fell back and nearly over the rail.

Some deep breaths and hearing people ask if this was over “Renee……… Its to much broken glass and you mm…might want to come after me through the windo…window.  Don’t to much glass so just.”  The door opened and Renee stumbled through

“Ok yeah.”

“Yeah, you ready”

“Lets finish this already” Renee said knowing there wasn’t much more either body could take

They got to opposite sides of the step both looking like they were in a car wreck.  There was no going to be no shame in losing this fight in front of friends there was nothing more they could have done o win.  They stood ready to trade again Renee in a standard stance her right hand down to get more power and Victoria in south paw her left down ready to knock out Renee

They exchanged hard punches and Renee looked “So I just realized.”  Another hard exchange then Renee finished with a kick “Jennifer told me something and I’m just remembering.”  Switch kick and Renee took control of the fight “When she threw you over the balcony, she fucked your back up so bad you cant really throw a kick anymore.”

Renee went for a flying knee for some reason and got hit with a overhand left.  “Fuck O’Dell” Victoria said stepping forward and hitting a spin kick which slammed Renee into the house

Renee bounced turned and Victoria lifted her up then walked she looked down on the friends and there was a vehicle there “You don’t think I’m still as strong.  Time to remind people who Victoria Pratt is!"

Victoria took a deep breath and lifted Renee over her head and went to throw Renee over the rail and onto a car.  “Want to talk about Jennifer well…”


Renee pushed back on Victoria’s face and that got her down she then shoved Victoria into the deck.  Victoria nearly went over then took a look back and hit a back kick to Renee’s stomach.  She then turned for a big round house kick.  A kick Renee ducked got between Vic’s legs and lifted her up

“Good idea Vicky.  Say the words or I.”  Renee was getting ready to lift Victoria over her head, but Pratt wasn’t about to be thrown again.  Her back would never last it not after how O’Dell won and going through that window.

Victoria was able to slide back behind Renee.  Renee stumbled and threw a back kick as Victoria got close.  Victoria caught it and smiled.  She was about to say something and saw Renee grab the railing.  Renee pushed up spun for a kick with the other leg which Victoria backed away from

Victoria drove forward and Renee shifted her stance intercepted Victoria and hit her into the house.  Renee took a look and wondered if she could throw Victoria over and that moment was all Vic needed.  Feet on the house she pushed and hit Renee into the oak pillar holding the eve. 
Now they were equal on those slams and a wrestling contest on the rail began.

When they went for hair, they never realized they were more over the rail then on the deck and after trying to throw the other over it ended up they flipped over in their equality.  Renee landed on her left shoulder and Victoria on her right and landed hard.  They separated and stayed laying so beaten they could barely breathe.

That was it they were done barely able to move not much more they could do if they wanted.  Whatever issues long issues they had were settled but Victoria was crying and as people came close, they could see it.  Renee was awake but unable to get up and Victoria had her fists made pressing down in the ground and she was crying.  Did that mean Renee won because she wasn’t crying

Dina got down “You …” She wanted to say she lost “done” She saw Victoria’s face was red and it wasn’t just the blood.  She was enraged.

“O’Dell.”  Victoria said through gritted teeth.  Elbows down she was planking her biceps seemed to want explode out of the arms.  The fight that no longer existed in Renee was transferred to Victoria “Jennifer O’DELL IS WHY I’M HERE.  You went to JENNIFER”

Victoria was up on her feet.  Her body was beaten, bruised and bloody but she was looking like the final boss in a horror movie.  The fear went through people and Adrianne Wilkinson needed to stand in front.  She gave Victoria a message at the beginning of this war but never thought it would be needed.  She thought Renee was going to win esp after she helped Renee focus.  She believed if Victoria won it would be barely but right now Victoria was ready to do more than win and move on.  So, Victoria Pratt had to know what was waiting and that should stop her.

It was to late as Victoria stomped on the back of Renee’s head and Adrienne had to stand there and watch as Victoria got on Renee’s back smashing the former Gabrielle’s face into the mud.  She turned Renee around lifted her left hand, but her rage was just about gone then she closed her eyes “I might not be able to beat Jennifer, but I ended you.” One last left

Renee was pretty well out when Victoria again thought about Jennifer, but Adrienne had enough and tackled her.

“I told you didn’t I.  You won but you kept going.  She was not sent after you by O’Dell or was she trained.  She’s your god damn friend but she’s my sister.”  Victoria stopped trying to fight past Adrienne to get back at Renee

“I …Oh my god what did I do to her.”

“Same as what I’m about to do t…” They pulled Adrienne away “You will get yours Pratt you will I guarantee it.”

Victoria began to hug Renee and apologize “I’m sorry I just thought about Jen and I..I am so sorry.”

“Its ok.  Its ok were back to being friends…Help me up.” 

Victoria was to beaten and others helped both up and Renee rose Victoria Pratts hand “I am done with this part of Hollywood.  Victoria is the better woman.”

Everyone there including Adrienne Wilkinson clapped and Dina meyer walked to her “One of us is going to retire Victoria and make her do this.”

Adrienne looked at Dina “Yeah well…Yeah after this I want her broken.”

(Upcoming: Nina Dobrev vs Kaley Cuoco; Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus; Alana De La Garza vs Erica Durance)


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Re: Renee O''Connor vs Victoria Pratt
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2022, 09:27:32 AM »
Just wonderful, superb work.
Many thanks, and many congratulations, awesome and exciting story.
Emma Watson vs Kristen Stewart would be perfect for the next story of the saga, please.
Many regards from Spain.


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Re: Renee O''Connor vs Victoria Pratt
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2022, 01:18:20 AM »
Yes go Vicky Pratt congrats! Love  Jen O'Dell to fight more! Love this story line awsome, well written, keep it going, more!!