Victoria Pratt was seating alone in her car. One week ago, she got a text from Renee O’Connor that said she was ready. Victoria was ready as well but feared losing to Renee, she knew for a fact of life that fighting Renee one last time could mean her final fight. If she lost that fight it was over for her and Renee, if they had a draw, she might try to fight a few more women depending on how vicious the fight with Renee turned out. Ideally that might have been true but not winning this fight was it for her. Every fight she ever had was a lie, her reputation was a lie. It was built around war victories over Renee, Carol Grow and Michelle Lintel and that was at the tournament. She embarrassed and destroyed Renee and back then everyone thought their feud ended, the rivalry ended. Then she ended Carol Grows entertainment aspirations in the sauna. Then in that finals she made sure no one ever cast Michelle Lintel again and Michelle tried for revenge lately but that didn’t go well.
Her history with Renee playing like a reel in her head
Fight one with Renee they brutalized each other, in the end it was her who stood victorious. Fight two they got really personal, and Renee won. The next two were a lot easier and she thought she was done with Renee. Then Renee showed up after an interview and now she was having the same feeling she had almost twenty years ago, Renee O’Connor was a woman who could not be the woman that made her stop fighting. Jennifer O’Dell is more of a physical equal, she lost twice to Jennifer and if they fought again who knew what would happen.
She at this point in her life knew the difference between feuds and rivals. Renee O’ Connor would likely go down as her greatest rival. Jennifer O’Dell was a rival as well. The two it was hard to categorize were Carol Grow and Michelle Lintel. There were more disgusting actions taken when she fought either of them. So they were feuds. Carol grow… Carol loved humiliating her back in their physical primes
No matter how much humiliation she got from Carol when she lost nothing came close to the first time she lost to Renee. That became her motivation for so long to not have that repeated and at the end of their last fight as Renee overpowered her, bloodied her she still took time to get in just that little bit of humiliation. She still woke up some nights reliving what Renee did to her in that motel room and that was 20 years ago. She woke up more since the last time she seen Renee and it was the humiliation of twenty years ago that reined supreme
As she pulled into a ranch that looked like the place they first fight, she knew today it ended. One was the big winner and even if technically it was a draw on a Renee win it was really a Renee war victory. She had to win, or Renee O’Connor was better than her. She could barely live with Jennifer O’Dell being the better woman she would not accept Renee
Renee was inside the cabin she was more nervous for this then she had ever been before. This was it for her no matter what and she wanted to take Victoria with her. The first loss to Victoria haunted her, it was in a place like this, so she wanted their final fight to be here because that was arguably the closest fight and to lose by a hair like she did. The third and fourth fight haunted her because she was so out classed and deep down, she knew Victoria was not that far out of her class. Those fights were not indicative to what the two of them were but they were how the first two fights got judge
She heard Victoria pulling in and this fight was outdoors in front of their friends. She was going to go outside and see people stare at her and wonder why her. It should be O’Dell who finished Pratt off. No one was as superior over Victoria Pratt as Jennifer Odell, but O’Dell gave her permission to do this just because it was more humiliating to Victoria.
“Adrienne wants words with Victoria before you head out” It was Lucy and Adrienne earned that right and Renee knew it because she could still at times feel Adrienne’s fists on her face.
“she was right to beat you. It got the nasty back in you which you need to end this one and for all. Loo what you just did to Julie. Do you think theres one person other than you that remembers the syndication tournament?”
“She used a rake on my tits?”
“And you just beat her ass. You once handcuffed her and fucked her from behind you beat her that bad. Theres things from all your fights here and you …”
Every dirty attack they made on each other in their previous five fights going through her head but really it was primarily the first two. “Make sure the windows on all vehicles are down. She once trapped my tits in a car window. This ends when I bring her with me. I’m leaving this world… She and I are two of the only women from that tournament hat had a career after. Theres others but I mean… I stop doing this by stopping her from doing it.”
Victoria was talking to Dina Meyer and Jodi Lyn O’Keefe when Adrienne walked up to Victoria. Victoria put her hand up to stop her friends from defending her.
“You lose that’s it for you, you never fight again. Renee retires you on her own retirement. But if you somehow win close then I’m your future because I promised Renee that we’d fight.”
“And if its not close and I hurt her like I did in the 3rd and 4th fights.”
“What happened then wont happen now because I wont let it. I’ll stop you here and keep stopping you even in your god damn house. If You destroy my friend then when we fight it won’t be as two friends finding out who is better it will be as one friend getting revenge for her mentor and sister… You don’t want me fighting you like that.”
“I just might”
“No, you really don’t”
“Don’t worry I’m retiring the bitch today.” Renee said confident and walking toward them.
“No Renee you’re not and when I’m done beating you no matter how long or short the fight is I want your friend to know if she comes at me don’t do it as friends fighting… Dina didn’t and she presented a bigger challenge so …”
Victoria got her chin grabbed by Renee and pulled so she was looking directly at Renee O’Connor. “Dina, Adrienne all these other women … Fuck them. This isn’t about them, its about me and you one last time and my walking into retirement knowing I brought you with me. I know you well enough to know why you are talking about the future.”
Victoria grabbed Renee by the chin and they stood their squeezing the other and the fire was building more and more, they pushed away. Renee turned opened the gate and walked into the fenced in area, she looked around at the vehicles there and the women. Victoria pointed at Renee to let her in and wait.
Renee backed up to the middle and Victoria walked in and someone shut the gate behind her. All the hate she had for Renee twenty years ago was back. All the hate Renee had in those first two fight was back, both women looked tremendous.
“One last chance to say what you have to say to me.” Renee said
“I don’t know who spilled more of my blood you Michele or Carol. In our last fight you proved you are every bit the woman I am and today I leave it all here and if the fight stays in this area great, if it goes out there great but Renee … I’m more ready for you today than I was in any of our other fights.”
Renee smiled “If we were to go back and tell the two women who argued that their argument would lead to six fights two one sided affairs, one fight with a clear winner and two brutal fights probably a third I bet our younger selves would laugh in our faces. I appreciated your friendship these last few years, but this is about a story having a better ending and today is the day our story finally ends.”
Victoria smiled and looked around “Better ending, really our story should have ended after the third fight. That was the true end of our story and today all these years later you’re going to find out when our story ends it will be similar to the first, similar to the third and if I had my way Id fuck you into retirement because …”
“Its what I DID to you in the second. This time if I had one, I wouldn’t start Gently. Then again maybe there ”
“There is. Just like you wanted the windows down… That loss. I still think about that loss Renee I think about me trapping your tits in a window and you destroying my tits in a dresser. I remember it all.”
It began to rain, and they stood their clothes getting wet, the final battle about to begin.
They stood there, it wasn’t a hard rain, but it was enough that their shirts clung to their body and hair was wetted down. “Do you two want to continue or wait for a better day.”
Someone asked but it was enough for Renee to throw a punch which Victoria parried and went for a choke that ended with Renee flipping Victoria over her back onto the ground. Renee whipped her body up the rain whipping off her hair. O’Connor went to stomp Victoria’s face, but the foot was caught, and Renee was pushed away and fell to her ass
Victoria tried to kip up but the ground was to wet and she fell back down so she spun got up to her feet the normal way only to get obliterated by a spear from Renee O’Connor who got up and tore her shirt off and screamed something primal
Renee picked Victoria up and hit a spinning kick to the stomach. Pratt fell back and down to a knee “Come on Victoria you promised you’d be a challenge this time” Renee went to soccer kick Victoria in the face but it was blocked and Victoria threw the leg to the left spinning Renee then dove into a spear
It lifted Renee up and down into the mud, but it wasn’t a true spear. Victoria was on Renees stomach and got her arms under the ass and screamed. She cleans jerked Renee up and spun into a spine buster. The dirt and mud flew up after Renee crashed down
Victoria stood up and shouted at the sky then tore her shirt off “That challenge enough for you.” Victoria bent over to pick Renee up but got her shin kicked and ended up on top of Renee. Renee immediately rolled Victoria onto her back “My eyes” Victoria shouted as it was Renee pressed her thumbs into Victoria’s eyes
Renee tried to seat up and as her ass got on Victoria’s stomach the moment after her ass got on Vic’s stomach. Vic got her hands on the ass and pulled up while bucking her stomach sending Renee face first into the mud.
The speed Victoria got onto Renee’s back was amazing for a woman of her age. Hands on the back of Renee’s head she pressed Renee’s face into the now mud and moved it right and left. “You like that… You went after my eyes bitch.”
Renee reached up she knew Vic was in rage mode and only concentrating on offence not thinking of counters. Renee got her hands into Vic’s hair and pulled down flipped Victoria. Renee leaped forward but was to far and found herself between Victoria’s legs.
Victoria knew where Renee was and lifted her legs and closed them around Renees head. Vic then tried to pull Renee downward, but Renee had reached back and grabbed Vic by the hair stopping that. Renee had incredible strain on her arm and was lifting the back of pratts head and twisting it so the chin was more to the right and down on the chest.
Now they had the others head trapped but Renees was a better lock and when Victoria tried to adjust her legs to put more pressure