Your ass fits like a glove. I move my fingers further in trying to get to my fist before sinking those sharp nails into your soft tit. I want to make you bleed with these nail and ruin your perfect rack. We’re both feeling the exhaustion of this fight with labored breathing, sore spots and adrenaline filling our veins. My face is still red from your early clawing, my toes hurt from a vicious stomp, and my hair is frayed and disheveled in my bun, but still I go and still we fight.
You counter as expected, hand moves to my throat and I try to outlast it. My hand slipping further up your ass I want to get to a point where I paralyze you and make you my puppet. You see my struggle as there is no weakness in your grip. My air is cut off and that familiar pounding starts to grow as I need air. My eyes begin to redden and soon I need to address your attack. Come on Lauren, you got this! I tell myself then make my move.
Just when it seems I’m about to pass out I use my hand on your tit to violently strike down on your wrists. If I break them, I break them, but ultimately I’m trying to force your hands to be removed my throat. Then with my hand in your ass, i I try to push your body forward and off of my head hopefully on top of your hands.