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The Pride of Galloway, Ch 9

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Offline CoffeeMug

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The Pride of Galloway, Ch 9
« on: June 23, 2022, 06:14:10 PM »
      Lady Natalie Adair stepped out of the door on one side of the room. She was a sandy blonde, her hair hanging in loose curls down below her shoulders. Her face was beautiful, her full cheeks and blue eyes, her pert nose and full red lips all framed by her blonde curls. Her eyes were half-open and they slid haughtily around the room. Everyone was staring at her as she crossed to the center. The room itself was very spacious, and there was an enormous rug in the center, nearly ten yards on a side with a few yards of exposed hardwood between the edge of the rug and the bookcases along the walls. There were seven people, four men and three women, sitting in chairs along the far wall. Lady Natalie was wearing a white robe that despite its loose fit could not obscure the feminine curves of her body. As she moved she allowed the robe to slid just a bit off of one shoulder to reveal the swell of her chest. She was barefoot and when she reached the center of the rug and stood staring intently at the seven viewers she was digging her toes into the plush fabric of the rug, the gentle friction of which gave her a surprising amount of pleasure.

   Her husband, Lord Jonathan Adair, was one of the seven viewers, and they were in the upstairs library of their estate. Lady Natalie and Lord Jonathan Adair had been living here since their marriage over a year ago. To be more precise, they split their time between the large country house and the townhouse in the city of Stirlingshire. She had met him nearly three years ago. He had been with a  beautiful young Asian woman at the time, and when they met Natalie had known that she needed to marry him and that to do that she would need to rid herself of this young beauty, Elle. And she had done that, challenged and defeated the competition and made Jonathan focus all of his attention on her. The fact that she had met him at an exclusive resort and that, unlike her, it was natural and proper for Jonathan to be at such a place had not made him less attractive to her, to be sure. Thinking of her fight with the young Asian beauty made her heart quicken again and she slid her hand slowly up and down the flap of her white robe.

   Then, the door on the other side of the room opened and Natalie’s opponent came in. She was an Indian woman with very dark skin and straight black hair that was several inches longer than Natalie’s. Her name was Prisha Korrapati and her husband was sitting next to Natalie’s. She was also beautiful, seen by the men and, perhaps more importantly, the other wealthy women of the region as a rival of Natalie in that regard. Her nose was thin and her cheeks sharp and her green eyes were sharp like those of a panther and as Nat evaluated her she could not help but see some sort of predatory perfection in her features. She wore a white robe as well and it could no more effectively hide the lines of her body than Natalie’s. She came forward, sashaying her hips rhythmically as she did in a way meant to entice their audience and enrage Natalie, to the center of the rug and Natalie would have had to step away to avoid contact but she did not. Prisha brushed her shoulder against hers and then stepped in front of her so that she was blocking her from their audience and Natalie moved to the side so that they were standing nearly shoulder to shoulder, much closer than had been intended. Natalie could feel the presence of this other woman, hear her breathing speed up and smell her luxuriant perfume and feel the sway of her luxurious black hair as she swept it back from her face over her shoulder. Natalie without even thinking made the same gesture, pushing her blonde locks back out of her eye and tucking it behind her ear, smiling mischievously as she did.

   The two women had each wagered 1000 pounds on the fight, and there was a special treatment planned afterward as well. Two months previous, they had attended a dinner party in the city, Stirlingshire, that had gone well into the morning. Several couples had been there and after all of them had drunk quite a bit of wine they began friendly wrestling bouts. It started with two of the men taking off their jackets and shirts and wrestling standing up, seeing who could put the other on the ground. Then another two men, this time Natalie and Prisha’s husbands, had tried it, this time with a small wager. Prisha’s had won, rather easily, being a bit taller and heavier, and watching them Natalie surmised that the couple might have experience with this. After that, and another bottle of wine, Natalie had challenged Prisha to a match, for double the money. The two women had been making glances at each other—at hair, dresses, bodies, making note of details in their friendly chats about vacations and newly purchased horses—that the other women had noted for their lack of friendly intentions. All too eagerly Prisha accepted and they were kneeling before each other on the floor in stockings, bras and panties, expensive gowns in the corner. Someone called it and the women at first carefully put their hands together and began pushing. Then Natalie surged forward and put Prisha on her back and then the match became much more competitive. The women rolled back and forth on the ground, grappling and straining against each other. More than once Natalie was able to get on top but she could not hold the Indian beauty down. Then, after several minutes, Natalie began to tire and Prisha was able to mount her, sitting across her midsection, holding her hands down and staring down at her from above. Natalie had bucked and tossed but she could not unseat her and she’d been forced to submit.

   Since that dinner party, Natalie had thought of nothing else but getting her revenge. A few weeks after the wrestling night, Prisha had invited people over for dinner. Her husband was a merchant who specialized in importing luxury goods such as dresses and perfume from their homeland, and they lived in a very nice house close to the wharf. It was a short invitation list, comprised of the right people, but she had included Natalie and her husband. The dinner was very nice and the conversation was very polite and at no point was there any mention of the wrestling contest from a few weeks before or of having one that night. Rather, Prisha made a subtle but consistent show of how nice their furniture was and of the new dress that she was wearing, which had arrived on the most recent ship. Natalie felt every slight and she knew that the other wives knew it as well. Then a few weeks after the second dinner party, on a random afternoon, the two women happened to be in the same salon. Natalie had been perusing the lotions and cleansers that promises everything and did nothing and saw in the mirror Prisha behind her watching her. Natalie had turned and smiled as if she were surprised and suggested that they have tea together.

        They retired to the private room of the salon. The table was alongside the window and outside it has begun snowing. Both were wearing flattering, brightly-colored dresses, Natalie’s exposing a bit more of her cleavage and Prisha’s revealing more of her incredible legs. Both of them wore just the right amount of makeup to keep the older women in the city from saying anything. They ordered black tea and sat quietly until Natalie commented that Prisha seemed to know her husband’s business quite well. “Do you spend a great deal of time in his office?” she asked.

   “I offer him some input on the orders. On what is likely to sell here and what is likely to sell there.”

   “It must be tiresome, to spend so much time on recordkeeping and numbers.”
   “Oh, I find it quite stimulating, baby,” Prisha responded with a bit of spice in her voice.
   “I just can’t imagine it myself.”

   “Yes, I’m sure that to some the idea of doing work seems quite repellant. Although I’ve heard that you have done some work of your own. In the past I mean,” she added, taking a bite of a biscuit.

   “No more or less than other women have done, I’m sure. You included, it seems like.”

   “Yes, well, we all have our educations. Some more instructive than others, to be sure.”

   Natalie was about to reply when the door opened and a strange woman came in. She was wearing a black coat that hinted at nothing about her body and she wore less makeup than the two ladies. However, there was no question that was a great beauty, just as much as either Natalie or Prisha. She had auburn hair that was parted in the middle and hung straight down, stopping at or just above her shoulders. Her face was an inverted triangle, with wide cheekbones and a narrow chin, and her light grey eyes seemed somehow perfectly set in it, and Natalie found herself unable to look away from her eyes and could not but imagine the men of the city doing the same. Her skin was flawless but it seemed like she was in her late twenties, making her several years older than either Natalie or Prisha. This newcomer removed her enormous coat and put it over the back of the chair and revealed the greatest surprise. She had a tremendous body, breasts not as large as Natalie’s or Prisha’s perhaps but large and as perfectly shaped as her face and as mesmerizing as her light grey eyes. Her hips and thighs seemed strong and her ass shapely, Natalie noticed, as she moved the chair to sit with them. But what was most noticeable was that they could tell all of this about her because she was wearing a man’s dress shirt and pants, and rather tight too. The shirt was a light grey and the pants black and the material was strained over the curves of her body. As soon as she was sitting at their table with them the elderly woman who was serving them appeared and brought this woman a cup of hot coffee. “Here you go, Ms. Mehler,” she said.

   “Oh thank you, Janet,” their guest said, taking the coffee and blowing on it as the server left. There was a surprising amount of tenor to her voice.

   Prisha and Natalie looked at each other, their own conflict forgotten for the moment. Clearly, Prisha had been evaluating this Ms. Mehler as Natalie had been and seemed to be just as impressed and upset by what she saw. “Welcome,” Prisha said at last, pushing her hair back out of her face.

   “Oh my goodness, I’m sorry,” the new arrival answered. “I haven’t had a good cup of coffee in a month and it’s all I’ve been thinking about.”

   “Well, sorry to say that you’re going to have to wait a bit longer,” Natalie said, and they all three laughed. “I’m Natalie, Lady Natalie Adair. This is Prisha Korrapati,” she added, briefly gesturing to her adversary.

   Prisha opened her mouth but before she could say anything, Ms. Mehler said, “Oh, I already know who you are. That’s why I’ve barged in here like this, I just couldn’t wait any longer. I’m Simone Mehler. And it’s so nice to meet both of you!”

   “I fear you have an advantage on us, then,” Prisha said. Her eyes narrowed as she spoke.

   “I have to admit that I’ve just moved here, and I’ve been asking around a little to see who the important women are, the women I should get to know. And of course I heard about the both of you. And then today I saw you through the window and I just had to stop and introduce myself.”

   “And we thought we were in the private room!” Prisha exclaimed.

   “Oh, my father bought this salon a month ago. Don’t worry about it, no one’s going to say anything,” Simone said , shifting suddenly into an authoritative tone. She was looking around the room now. “We are going to have to do something about the drapes in here. And that bookcase, ugh, it won’t do.” She took a sip of coffee and added, “You’re right, that needs to go.”

   “I had no idea,” Natalie said. She could think of no other answer.

   “Well, he’s purchased some things here, and he had been wanting to get me out of his hair, if I’m honest,” Simone said. “And I’ve been wanting to get out in the world and meet some new” she added, with a sort of queer emphasis on the last part.

   “Will your husband be joining you?” Natalie asked.

   “Oh, I’m not married,” Simone said.

   “Beautiful, wealthy, and not married?” Prisha asked.

   “I know! But you will have to invite me to one of these dinner parties of yours I’ve heard about,” Simone said, stroking Prisha lightly on the upper arm as she spoke. “I haven’t had a chance for a proper social event in ages.”

   “Well, we shall certainly have to make sure of that,” Prisha said.

   “Actually, we were just planning our next event,” Natalie said. The fire came into Prisha’s eyes, as Natalie had known it would.

   “Oh my goodness, you two were having a little business meeting here and I’ve intruded.” The blonde and black-haired beauties tried to pretend to dissuade her, but Simone waved her hands. “No, no, I came in here to introduce myself, and I have, and I should go now.” She rose and took up her coat. “But I am going to have both of you for dinner. And your husbands and your closest friends, of course. I’m sure that together we can create some very stimulating evenings. After all, life is too short to deny yourself of what you really want to do. Isn’t that right, ladies?” she asked, and then she was gone. Prisha and Natalie sat in the room, alone again, and they made their plans.

   That was how the two of them came to be standing next to each other before the same guests as had been at Prisha’s. They had agreed to not punching to the face or choking, and both of them knew that this was much more personal between them. The other rule was that the first woman to force the other to submit three times would be the winner. Now, standing there in front of her husband and Prisha’s and the other guests from that dinner party, Natalie smiled and began sliding her robe off of her shoulders and then down her body, turning and twisting her hips as she did so. At last the robe fell to the floor to reveal her dark blue lingerie: a bustier with lace frills across the bust and waistline that only increased the swell of her imposing bosom, simple panties with the slimmest of backsides that highlighted the perfect hemispheres of her ass, and a lace garterbelt and stockings that came nearly to the top of her smooth thighs. Natalie stood watching the audience watch her and then she turned to face Prisha, flinging her hair over her shoulder dramatically so that the tip just grazed face of Prisha, who had been studying her reveal.

   Prisha flinched as the hair passed by, just barely, and then she ran her fingers through her own hair, long and black and perfect as it was, and then she turned to face her husband and Natalie’s and the other guests. She untied her robe and tossed it backwards off of her to put herself on display and upstage Natalie’s hair toss. Prisha was wearing dark red bra and panties. Her bra was an open cup, with underwire and around the sides and under her breasts and a bit of lace stretched across her large dark nipples. Her breasts stood firmly from her chest and swelled impossibly against the meager bra. Her wide hips likewise stressed what little there was of the matching lace panties, her legs firm and toned under her red stockings and her stomach flat, swelling and declining a bit as her breathing was picking up in anticipation of what was about to happen. She now turned to face Natalie and the two women stood only inches apart, studying each other. They looked each other in the eye and then noticeably evaluated the other’s body and her choice of attire, their voluptuous breasts and feminine hips and the exquisite design of their lingerie, the stunning beauty of their faces and the fine detailing of their eye shadow and lipstick.

   Finally, the 7th guest, the single man who had been lucky enough to be invited to the original evening, stepped forward. He would act as the adjudicator in case there were any indiscretions and he said it was time for them to begin. The ladies had not moved and finally he came around so that he was facing the audience and moved between them. Prisha on the left in her red lingerie and Natalie on the right in her blue. Prisha was perhaps an inch taller and just a bit more broad in the shoulders and chest and perhaps two years younger as well. The women were still staring at each other, breathing hard now, their buxom breasts rising and falling. He checked their fingernails that they had been cut short and reminded them that there was to be no punching to the face and no choking; when he determined someone had submitted or could not defend herself, they were to break immediately and a 1 minute break would start. Natalie was focusing the entirety of herself on this beautiful woman in front of her, with her perfect body and hair and makeup and face.

   “Ladies, are you ready to begin?”

   Prisha and Natalie both stared at each other for one instant longer and then Nat slapped her hard across the face. The open palm was loud in the room and Prisha grunted and then immediately slapped her back. Nat was turned a bit by the force and then they were both pulling hard on each other’s hair. They stumbled around the room, both grunting, bent forward at the waist, and then they simultaneously began pulling backwards, violently, trying to get the other off balance. Back and forth they went like that across the rug, blonde hair and black. Then Natalie surged forward and the motion caught Prisha off guard and she went stumbling back. The two young women came upright and now they were pulling back on their hair, faces pointed up at the ceiling, eyes closed in the pain, and Nat had her on the move now, driving her back until she went off the rug and then collided with the bookcase along the wall. Nat took advantage and drove her knee up into the Indian beauty’s stomach. It hit home and she grunted and bent forward. As she did Nat yanked back hard on her hair and slammed her head against the wooden frame of the bookcase. Prisha was stunned now and Nat struck again, punching her repeatedly in the stomach. They weren’t hard shots but they did hurt her. Prisha continued pulling on her hair and then at last she whipped herself violently to the side, catching Nat off guard and sending her down.

   Nat hit the floor hard on her knees and then before she could protect herself Prisha was angrily slamming her head against the wall by the hair. Over and over she yanked back on her hair and drove her head forward. Then at last Nat regained herself and she snuck her hand up between Prisha’s legs and pinched at her sex. She didn’t get hold of much but it was a surprise and the black-haired woman forgot about everything else and tugged the hand away from her. Nat was on her hands and knees and then as she rose Prisha was ready for her and she yanked her up by the hair and slammed her back against the wall and then still controlling her by the hair she flung her to the ground. Nat landed hard but she made herself roll onto her back and as she did Prisha came down on top of her. The Indian was snarling as she dove on her and then the two of them were locked together. Their legs intertwined, stockings pulling at each other as they ground together. Their arms were locked around each other’s torsos at first as they rolled back and forth on the floor, cheeks pressed hard together and they were moaning and grunting with the effort. Soon enough their hands plunged into their blonde and black hair and pulled as furiously as ever. First one was on top and then the other. While Nat was on top Prisha got an especially strong hold of her hair and was pulling her head back. Her neck was strained now and she was afraid of being rolled onto the bottom and dominated and Nat in a burst of strength slammed both of her palms against Prisha’s ears, so very hard. Immediately the beauty stopped resisting and lay still under her, her hands falling away from Nat’s hair. Prisha was staring up blankly and Nat took advantage. She sat up, her firm ass on Prisha’s stomach, and began slapping her back and forth across the face. Prisha began flailing her arms overhead as a defense but she was taking a pounding she gasped that she gave up.

   Nat hit her one more time and then rolled free and got to her feet. Both of them came back to the center and they stood facing each other, several feet apart this time, hands on their hips and chests rising and falling rapidly as they gasped for air. Sweat was running down both of their faces, smearing their makeup and lipstick.

   “You fucking bitch,” Prisha said when she’d gotten her breath back.

   “I thought you’d be used to it,” Nat taunted her.

   “You hit me in the face.”

   “Open palms on the ears. Not against the rules,” Nat replied. Their hearts were still pounding in their chests and their words came out in bursts. “Don’t lie just because you lost.”

   “It’s against the rules we set,” Prisha said, this time to the adjudicator.

   Before he could answer, Nat said, “Don’t like the rules? Then let’s get rid of them.”

    “Fine by me,” Prisha answered.
   She set herself ready to fight again, bent forward at the waist, hands ready, and Nat did the same. Nat could feel that the man was about to interject and she hurled herself at her opponent, her hands out in front of her reaching for her hair. But Prisha ducked low and set her feet square and put her shoulder into Nat’s abdomen. With a sickly thud, Nat planted herself on the shoulder and folded herself over her back. And then Prisha wrapped her arms around the back of Nat’s thighs and straightened up as best she could and hefted Nat up into the air. She landed hard on the rug on her shoulder and the back of her head and collapsed into a heap. She sat up as quickly as she could but she had lost all sense of orientation and the next thing she was aware of was a black-maned hunter slamming into her and driving her down on her back into the rug. She was sitting on top of her now and pulling her blonde hair furiously. Nat’s scalp was burning and it was like her entire world was filled by this woman who was on top of her. She tried to pull Prisha’s hands away but that only made the hairpulling worse and then she slapped at her thighs and the sides of her torso but it made no effect. Then she reached up and ripped open her bra. The finely detailed and rich lace disintegrated on contact and Nat sunk her fingers deep into the buxom brown breasts. They were firm and so large that her fingers were engulfed by their flesh and she crushed with all the strength of her grip and soon she was rewarded with screaming. Prisha endured as much as she could but soon she had let go of Nat’s hair and was pulling at her hands. Neither young woman had any nails to scratch with but Nat was digging in with what she had and now she had Prisha wailing in pain and trying to pull herself away. At last she could take no more and she scrambled off of her.

   Now they rose to their feet, slowly, Nat’s hair savaged and Prisha’s breasts swinging freely. Even in that brief moment Nat noticed how they protruded from her chest without even the minimal support of that bra that now hung loose from her shoulders. Prisha shrugged it off and tossed it away without taking her eyes off the blonde. Nat began circling to her right and Prisha kept lunging forward at her left leg rather than circling around. Once, twice, and then on the third Nat tried to time to it to grab her but that was what the Indian beauty was waiting for. When Nat came at her with her hands outstretched to grab her hair, leaning down to where her head would have been, Prisha instead clocked her across the cheek with her fist. Nat was stunned by the strength of the blow and as she covered her face with both hands, turning to square up with her, Prisha kicked her in the stomach. The kick was haphazard, but it was enough to send Nat staggering backwards, clutching her stomach and doubled over. Prisha seized her advantage, taking her by the hair and spinning her down to the floor. Nat landed on the rug by some luck but it did nothing to protect her. She was rolled onto her back and Prisha got on top of her but by then she could begin defending herself. She hit Prisha on the back and sides with her fists but then Prisha got hold of her blonde hair and yet again pulled on it so, so very hard. Nat was screaming now and although Prisha was grunting with the punches to her torso Nat had no way to get any power behind them. Her scalp was on fire and with some last burst she bucked Prisha up into the air with her hips and turned and got partway out from under her. But it was a mistake. Now Nat was facedown on the rug and Prisha got on top of her and bore her down. Nat was stuck, face down and unable to defend herself, and Prisha yanked up on her hair so hard that she felt like she was staring straight up at the ceiling. Her breasts started to come up off the rug from the pulling and she waved her hands in the air, trying to get hold of the bitch on top of her, but it was hopeless and she signaled that she submitted.

   “I’m going to rip out those blonde locks of yours, baby,” Prisha taunted her as they came back to the center for their 1 minute of rest. “And I’m going to smash that pretty face.”

   Nat said nothing as her heart was racing both from the exertion and her rage at having been forced to submit in front of her own husband and this Indian woman and her husband and the other viewers. They stood in front of each other, Prisha topless, Nat with her hair ruined and both of them in stockings that had been shredded and torn lose in their strife. Then the rest period ended and they began fighting again. Nat came forward with her fists up in front of her face and gestured for Prisha to do the same, and the other young woman smiled and did so. They circled around each other on the rug in a clumsy way. Nat dashed forward and threw a few jabs at Prisha’s face but they hit her arms and had little force behind them but she was able to get back out of range before Prisha could throw a counter. Then she came forward and did it again and again was back again before the other woman could do anything. On the third time Nat braced herself, feet planted, and twisted her hips but she was throwing the punch at Prisha’s side. She struck home, hard, and winded her but this time Prisha was able to hit her on the cheek but not too hard. Prisha had to back up, holding her side, and Nat pursued her. Nat came in again and this time she hit her with another right to the side and then as Prisha was twisting herself defensively in anticipation Nat punched her in the chest with a left hook. Prisha grunted and then the two ladies came together. They stood at close range and threw punches, hitting each other in the face, the arms, and the breasts and often missing altogether. The exchange did not last long and they did equal amounts of damage to each other and then they clinched with each other.

   Chests pressed together, huffing and puffing in their fatigue, chins on one another’s shoulders, they grappled with each other. After sliding their arms around and over each other to find the most effective grip, they ended up with each holding the other by the hair on the back of her head with one hand and with the other wrapped around the torso. Occasionally one punched the other weakly in the stomach and the other returned the favor. If they had had the air they would have cursed each other and Nat felt the body of this woman she wanted to destroy leaning against her and it enraged her that she could not find the energy to mount any better attack. She hit Prisha in the stomach again, forcing herself to throw blow after blow even as the burning in her arm and shoulder started. And she could feel Prisha shudder with each punch and she knew that she was making headway. But then as she torqued her hips to get more force behind the next punch Prisha locked her foot behind hers and yanked back hard, so hard on her hair and drove her back down to the ground. Nat was so tired of being put down on her back and of being under this woman and the strength flowed back into her. She snarled and ripped as hard as she could at Prisha’s black hair with one hand and with the other she punched at her back and then she drove her fingers under the rear of her panties and clawed at her ass. Prisha howled and then rearing up just a bit she began punching Nat in the side of her breast. Then they were churning mindlessly over each other on the floor again, blonde and brunette beauties on atop the other, chests hips and thighs crushing together.

   And then they both ran out of energy. They lay there, side by side, gasping for air, still locked together. Each still had the other’s hair but the strength to tear at it was nearly gone. Sweat drenched their hair and it covered their faces and their hips with a sheen. They moaned in pain and began pulling hair with more urgency. Nat took hold of Prisha’s dark nipple and the flesh around it and pinched and twisted it. Prisha then found the energy to slap her side and her arm and pull at the hand at her bosom. Nat found the breast hard to keep hold of for all of the sweat on it and on her own hand and so she began slapping and squeezing alternatingly. In retaliation Prisha snuck her hand into Nat’s panties and pinched at her there. Now it was Nat’s turn to scream. She continued working at Prisha’s breast as long as she could but then she had to break apart and pull the hand out of her crotch. She was now sitting up thinking only of checking herself there and then Prisha’s legs locked around her waist from behind and she was yanked backward by the hair. Nat pulled at the thighs already crushing her waist but then Prisha curled one arm around her throat and with the other hand was tearing open her bustier, ripping down and outward on the material until her breasts were exposed. Then she clamped onto her and Nat could feel the fingers digging into her huge pale breast and the other arm was constricting her throat. Nat kicked and stamped her feet and bucked her hips but she couldn’t free herself. The legs were crushing her ribs and the fingers were crushing her breast and she patted her hand on the floor that she submitted.

   Prisha let go of her holds immediately but the both of them sat like that, the one behind the other, and then Prisha slid herself backward and kicked Nat in the back simultaneously. Nat spun around to glare at her and they were like that but then they both got to their feet and came toward the center. Nat’s bustier was ripped open and it flapped against her sides and she slid it off her shoulders and let it fall behind her. They took up their familiar positions and began the rest period. At first they were standing with their hands on their hips and they were staring into each other’s eyes but then it became too much and at the same time they leaned forward, bracing their hands on their knees, giving in to their fatigue even though it made it more difficult to recover. As they rested like that their breasts hung freely below them and both of them moved their eyes toward their opponent’s breasts and then to her face again.

   “Got you again,” Prisha said just before the rest was over.

   “I’m going to rip those things off your chest,” Nat answered.

   “Just one more round and then we get to have our fun,” Prisha said, as if Nat had not spoken.

   The rest period expired and they joined again. Without caution or forewarning they began throwing wild punches. Nat took a straight punch to the cheek and landed a right and a left on Prisha’s face and then when Prisha raised her arms to protect herself Nat landed two more to her stomach. Now Prisha was holding her hands out straight as if to catch Nat’s hands but she landed uppercuts one after another on Prisha’s breasts. Finally Prisha gave up trying to defend herself and she struck Nat in return on the breasts and then they hit each other across the face. The two young women lacked the strength to do significant damage but the skin on Nat’s face and chest was bright red now and Nat felt the skin growing hot. She ignored it and hit Prisha in the face again and this one sent the Indian beauty turning and stumbling away. Nat tackled her to the ground and was careful to stay behind her. She had Prisha lying on her stomach and she intended to hurt her the way she had been hurt. She yanked back hard on her hair, pulling her head up, and then she slammed her face down on the rug. She was moaning and weakly pushing her hands against the floor and Nat yanked her head up by the hair and Prisha suddenly whipped her elbow up and backwards. She caught Nat squarely on the forehead. Nat lost her grip on her hair and sat back on her ass and braced herself on her hands.

   She sat like that and then she noticed that Prisha was getting up again. Nat forced herself to get to her feet and then she backed off. From some other place her husband was yelling at her to leap on the other woman but she didn’t. Prisha finally turned and saw Nat in her stance ready to fight and she obliged her. The two of them came at each other slowly and without defense and they hit each other across the face. They grunted and wheezed with each blow and they traded equal punches to the face again. They hit each other in the face and stomach and chest and soon Prisha was driving her backward. The small hard fists were landing unimpeded on her flesh and Nat held her hands up and blocked some of them. Finally after Prisha had driven her nearly across the room Nat landed a hard blow to the center of her face that rocked her. Prisha braced herself, planting her feet, and Nat suddenly threw out a kick. Nat’s foot caught her squarely in the chest and the life drained from Prisha’s face. She fell on her back and was holding both hands over the center of her chest and staring up at the ceiling. Nat paused to recover her strength and then she stood over her and stamped her foot down on her chest. Prisha would have cried out but she had no air in her and instead she meekly rolled onto her side, facing away. She was trying to get to her feet. Nat kicked her in the small of her back and then when she came to her hands and knees she kicked up into her stomach. The force turned her over so that she landed on her back. Nat stamped her foot down on her chest and her stomach again and again until the woman wasn’t even reacting. She stopped and caught her breath and then she came forward to stamp on her chest again and Prisha waved her hand that she submitted and Nat had tied it.

   One last time they stood facing each other in the center of the room. Nat was again standing with her hands on her knees, her blonde hair hanging wetly around her face, gasping for air, but she had mostly regained herself as the minute ended. Prisha though had spent most of the time on her hands and knees and she only came to her feet when the man stepped up to call the time. Nat was watching her and she had a thought and she smiled wickedly.

   “You look like you could use a longer rest,” she said.

   Prisha looked up at her and said nothing but she could barely keep herself upright.

   “The score is tied at 2 each,” the man started, but Nat interrupted him.

   “I’ll make you a deal.”

   “What is it?” Prisha asked warily.

   “We take another five minutes of rest.”

   “Ladies, we won’t be changing,” the adjudicator said, and both women told him to shut up.

   “And what’s the other half of the deal?” Prisha asked.

   “This round goes until we’ve both had our fill,” Nat answered.

   The room fell deadly silent. The two ladies held their eyes on each other and then Prisha nodded her agreement.   

   Reluctantly, the adjudicator marked the time for 5 minutes. Prisha lay down on her back and Nat stared at the rise and fall of her enormous breasts, quickly at first and then slowing down as she recovered, and thought of what she would like to do to them. Prisha noticed her staring finally and returned it. They glared at each other and it was as if the atmosphere in the room took on an extra charge. Prisha’s husband must as have noticed it as well because he came to her and knelt down at her side. They spoke quietly, disagreeing about something, and at that point Nat turned away from them. She glanced at her husband and then began walking slowly in a circle while waving her arms up and down rhythmically. The adjudicator called out that there were 30 seconds left in their break and the two gorgeous young women came to the center again. Their makeup and stockings were both ruined, their hair hung in tangled clumps or was plastered to their forehead, Nat’s face breasts and stomach were red with what would be bruising in a few hours and Prisha’s would have shown the same but for her dark complexion.

   “Remember, it’s until we’ve both decided it’s over,” Nat said.

   “I’m going to hurt you bad this time, baby,” Prisha answered.

   The man inhaled to call the start of the round and they rushed at each other. Nat got in a good shot to Prisha’s face but Prisha nailed her with an uppercut to the breast and then one across the cheek. It hurt her and she instinctively grabbed her hair. Prisha grabbed hers as well but Nat pulled her into a headlock. They were standing hip to hip, torsos bent at a 45 degree angle, and Prisha was pulling hard on her hair at the back of her head. She pulled hair so very hard. Nat hit her in the face repeatedly and Prisha took it and then she let go of her hair and gripped her around the back with that arm and grabbed her breast with the other, crushing it, and then she torqued herself to try and get Nat to the ground yet again. This time though Nat sprawled, keeping her hips down and spreading her feet out wider and spun away. The young women scrambled and then came back up to their feet and ended up in a wrestler’s clinch. Each had her arms clasped around the other’s torso and she was squeezing with everything she had. The sides of their faces were pressed together and the sweat and flesh of the other woman filled Nat’s nose. They were clamped together so tightly and their voluminous breasts swelled outward under their armpits from the pressure. They turned like that, driving at each other, toes digging into the rug for what little extra friction it offered, and they went a few feet one way and then back the other. Prisha stamped her feet trying to strike Nat’s and she returned the favor. Finally Nat opened her mouth and snarling she bit down on the neck muscles of the other woman. Immediately Prisha was howling in rage and pain and thrashing in her grip but Nat held on. Then Prisha drove her knee up into Nat’s crotch repeatedly until it struck home and the force and shock of it popped Nat’s mouth open. Prisha spun away from her and she was feeling herself for blood while Nat held both hands to her mound.

   Their eyes locked and like two great cats they hurled themselves at each other, hair flying and arms outstretched and mouths open in some voiceless howling, colliding and falling to the floor, locked together. They pulled hair and slapped and grabbed at each other’s back and breasts and faces. Nat was on top and had hold of Prisha’s breast and squeezed as hard as she could and Prisha took hold of her chin and pushed up and twisted and Nat had to let go of the breast and protect herself. Prisha rolled her and got on top and Nat pulled down on the back of her head and then rotated herself and wrapped her arm around her neck so that she had her in a headlock and then she turned so that her hips were facing down and she had Prisha on her back. Nat had her left arm around her neck pulling her face up and in and with her right hand she began hitting her in the face with short punches. Prisha tried to catch her hand but she couldn’t see anything and she turned her face inward into Nat’s body and her breast was pushed against her face. Prisha opened her mouth and drew in the female flesh and bit down. Nat held on as long as she could and kept punching Prisha on the side of her face still exposed but at last she had to pull her back by the hair and let go of the headlock. They were scrambling again and Nat could feel Prisha sliding to get her from behind. They were lying on their left side, Prisha behind her, and she was trying to get her legs locked around Nat’s waist. Nat was fighting off the legs and when she focused her attention there Prisha reached around and took hold of her chest and pulled and crushed without mercy. Nat groaned in pain and when she tried to pull the hand off of her breast Prisha went back to work with her legs. And all the while Prisha was yanking on the hair on the top of her head.

   Then Prisha grabbed her hair with both hands and yanked back and to the right so hard and Nat could do nothing but roll with it. Prisha was now on her back with Nat on top of her and she had her back. She locked her legs together around Nat’s waist and squeezed with all the strength she had left. Nat moaned in pain and pried at the thighs that were crushing her and Prisha with both hands now latched onto her enormous breasts and dug in her fingers. She kneaded and pulled and dug and she was causing Nat all the pain that she possibly could and Nat could feel the other woman’s mouth by her ear.

   “Now you’re going to learn about hurting,” Prisha said.

   The pain was beyond anything and Nat could feel the tears running down her cheeks even though her eyes were closed. She reached behind her head and got hold of Prisha’s hair and pulled at it but there was no way she could generate enough force to make her let go. Prisha grunted but worked on her breasts even harder, now pinching and pulling at her nipples as well as kneading her flesh. Nat could imagine those fingers prying all the way down to the core of her femininity. And she thought of the rule that she had created and what would happen to her if she stayed in this position. She tried to push against the floor and found that her palm was on the hardwood rather than the rug. With a great burst she flung herself to the left and rolled so that she was no facing down. Prisha stayed with her, still with her legs locked around her waist and her hands buried in her breasts. Nat now powered up to her hands and knees and still Prisha clung to her and now she was standing straight up and then, wanting to act quickly before the other woman realized what was happening, pushing up with all the strength left in her legs she flung herself onto her back. She came crashing down onto the hardwood floor with the Indian beauty under her and all was still.

   When Nat was recovered enough to roll free she found that Prisha was lying on her back, her arms and legs limp. Her eyes were open and she could see that Nat was coming to her feet and she began trying to ready herself but she was moving too slowly. Nat kicked her savagely in the side and then she lowered herself down and sat on her face. She then began punching her in the stomach and her chest over and over. Then she clamped onto her spectacular breasts and repaid in kind the torture she had endured, reflected in the red and raw skin on her breasts. She crushed and she slapped and she pulled and then she sat back, putting her weight on Prisha’s face under her ass, and she wriggled it back and forth. Prisha began struggling under her, reaching up and pushing on her thighs with her hands as best she could and Nat batted the hands away and punched her in the stomach and smacked her breasts back and forth. Then she rose and as Prisha tried to follow her up Nat kicked her squarely in the middle of her back, knocking her back down.

   Nat pulled her up by the hair and by one arm and said, leaning over her, “We’re going to see who gets hurt.”

   As she brought Prisha to her feet she slapped her across the face with a right and then a left, sending the Indian woman’s black hair flying with each blow. She stayed on her feet and she even tried to hit her back. But she was slow and Nat knocked it aside and slugged her in the stomach, turning and putting her hips into the punch, doubling her over. Nat then angled herself to Prisha and rammed her left shoulder into Prisha’s right side and seized her by the hair and hit her again and again in the stomach and the breasts. Prisha was still trying to resist and she waved her hand to ward off the attack but Nat struck home again. She propelled her backward until she struck the wall and then Nat pinned her there, driving her left side into Prisha’s right and blocking her from using her right arm or leg. She put her hand on Prisha’s face, her beautiful face, pushing it away, and she grabbed her breast with her other hand and mauled her. Prisha alternated pulling at the hand on her chest and pushing the other one off her face and then she smacked at Nat’s chest in return but she had no angle and no way to generate much force and Nat ignored it. Prisha turned her green eyes and looked into Nat’s blue eyes and Nat expected her to beg her to quit.

   “I made you cry,” Prisha gasped.

   Nat hissed at her and began twisting the breast in her hand as she squeezed. This made Prisha cry out but it wasn’t enough for her. Suddenly Nat let go and stepped back from her and then she slapped Prisha in the face back and forth, rights and lefts. Prisha took several full on and then she tried to cover up, ducking her head and raising her arms, but Nat kept slapping her on the side of her head. Then she punched her in the stomach to get her to drop her hands and then she repeated her move from earlier and slapped her on both ears simultaneously. Prisha’s eyes went dull and she slumped against the wall and Nat hit her in the breasts and then as she started to slide down the wall she hit her across the face. Prisha was now sitting on the floor with her back to the wall and Nat slammed her foot into her chest and then she crowded her, standing over her, pressing her hip against her shoulder and holding her by the hair and twisting her head so that one side of her face was exposed, and she hit her over and over on the cheek and side of her head with hammer fists. None of them were forceful but Prisha began moaning and she meekly pushed against Nat’s thighs with her hands. Then Nat slammed her knee into the middle of her chest and Prisha covered up, squirming and trying to crawl away. Nat let go and let her crawl away. The sweat was dripping freely from her hands, her forehead, her firm breasts, and it was glistening on Prisha’s back and her thighs and her hair was drenched. And now Nat could hear her sobbing.

   “Looks like she’s finally had enough,” Nat said loudly. She was following her as Prisha crawled across the room. Now she tried to push herself up. She was on her hands and knees, pendulous breasts swaying freely under her, black hair covering her face. “No, hold on, I think she still wants to keep going,” Nat added, and then she kicked her in the side.

   Prisha took the kick with a sickly whine and collapsed. Nat rolled her onto her back and sat across her stomach. Even at this point Prisha put one hand on Nat’s face and pushed and Nat seized her breast. “Do you want to keep fighting or have you had enough?” Nat asked. And she grabbed both of her breasts now and squeezed. Prisha howled and now she was crying freely and stamping her feet on the floor and pulled at Nat’s hands. Her eyes were closed tight and Nat could see the veins and tendons on her neck and the nicks in her skin where she had bitten her what seemed like ages ago. “There we go, that’s what I wanted to see. Are we done now?”

   “Yes, yes, please stop,” Prisha pleaded.

   “Are you ready for your dessert?”

   “You win, just please stop.”

   After one more good squeeze Natalie let go of her breasts. She sat on top of her still and then she looked over her shoulder at the audience and she smiled at them and swept her hair back from her face. Then she looked down at her opponent one last time and then rising she went first to Prisha’s husband and took the 1000 pounds and then went to her husband and gave him the money and took a pair of scissors from him and then she directed Prisha to come to her. The buxom beauty started to get to her feet but Nat ordered her to crawl on her hands and knees. “Or I can make you,” she added, and Prisha wiped face off and did as she was told. She crawled across the rug and Natalie could not help but appreciate the lines of her thighs and her hips and the way her shoulders and arms flexed. There was something like a predatory cat in her still, Natalie reflected, although beaten now and ready for her humiliation. Natalie directed her to kneel facing their audience and then she took hold of a lock of hair and cut it off with the scissors. One snip after another Natalie worked, slowly, drawing out the theater and listening intently for the sound of Prisha’s crying and soon enough it started again. When Natalie was done, most of the Indian’s gorgeous black hair was on the floor and what was left looked terrible. She had deliberately left it uneven, in some places a few inches long still and in others all the way down to the scalp. At last Prisha’s husband rose and came forward to end it but before he could lead his defeated wife from the room Natalie smacked her on the back of the head one last time and said, “When you’re ready to try again, you know where I live.” 
« Last Edit: July 20, 2022, 10:31:31 PM by Nutmeg »


Offline Tiberius J.C.

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 9
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2022, 01:42:04 PM »
Graphic and wonderfully sensual description of a great fight that keeps the reader guessing all the way. Intrigued by this Amelia woman. Can't wait for Chapter 10.


Offline papillon

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 9
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2022, 05:25:26 PM »
They don't take prisoners, do they, these great ladies? How's Prischa going to explain the state of her hair to her maid? She'll come up with some preposterous explanation, no doubt, but no one's going to be fooled. The servants will know exactly what must have happened and who did it to her – if not immediately, then within a few hours. And great will be their glee, because Prisha Korrapati doesn't seem like the kind of person who would treat her servants with any great consideration.


Offline Rocko23

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 9
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2022, 11:58:55 AM »
This was absolutely brilliant. Loved the malice from both ladies as well as the brutality of the fight. The punches, kicks, stomps and scissors were super hot.

Thank you for writing this.


Offline CoffeeMug

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 9
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2022, 10:42:07 PM »
Thanks for the replies. New chapter is posted. There's a note there that Amelia Mehler is now Simone Mehler due to possible name confusion--and I've just learned that you can't edit old posts on this site, so I guess I won't be updating this one!


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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 9
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2022, 11:00:58 PM »
Thanks for the replies. New chapter is posted. There's a note there that Amelia Mehler is now Simone Mehler due to possible name confusion--and I've just learned that you can't edit old posts on this site, so I guess I won't be updating this one!

If you need to edit an old post contact one of the admins/mods. We can change it. I have made minor changes to guys posts in the past. Just don't ask me to do a full scale reformat I may tell you to pound sand :)
Now reading: Donut Legion


Offline CoffeeMug

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 9
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2022, 10:58:38 PM »
Okay, thanks to Nutmeg, the name situation is corrected now.