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A day at the Bloody Mattress 5-25-3473

  • 2 Replies

Offline Ishmael Green

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A day at the Bloody Mattress 5-25-3473
« on: June 30, 2022, 07:12:21 PM »
This project has been on the backburner for some time and I just started working on it again.  If I have posted it here already I couldn't find it, so I am starting a new thread and will just add the most recent fight, but there is a whole day of fights here you can check out on my blog.  I will be adding a few more bouts at The Bloody Mattress in the coming days, and then the day will end with a bedroom fight.

Here is a link to the full story:

I am planning on doing a TON ore of these "Full Days in Green Tower City" posts, in fact it is my goal for my entire timeline to be illustrated with these quick drawing sets, interspersed of course with the occasional FULL set.

The short sets can be seen mostly as "placeholder sets" and may eventually be replaced with full blow by blow depictions of the bouts as I continue to add to each character's pose library.



Offline Ishmael Green

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Re: A day at the Bloody Mattress 5-25-3473
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2022, 12:17:07 PM »

Opening Bell: 8:15

Victory Bell: 8:47

Winner"  Trish

Sharon is actually a decent brawler and gives Trish a bloody nose and a few good shots but in the end the pig tailed Trish catches her in a sleeper and puts her down.  True to form, she tortures Sharon for some time, slapping her awake only to punch her out again and again, until finally the Warning Bell is rung to stop the fight.  Trish swiftly takes her victory pose and walks over to me while Sharon is carted off on a stretcher.  She will be in the hospital for some time.


Offline Ishmael Green

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Re: A day at the Bloody Mattress 5-25-3473
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2022, 05:35:46 PM »