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Dina Majors' Story

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Offline howardcosell

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Dina Majors' Story
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:43:07 AM »
Dina Majors' Story

I was on my back completely exhausted. We had been at this for nearly an hour; or more like she had been at this… this beating on me. My eyes were staring into the lights as I felt her footsteps as she ran for the ropes. I felt her shadow over me right before her calf slammed across my face,1,2, not yet! I’m not quite yet willing to give up my belt. She pulled me up; my long brown hair fell in my face as she drove her knee deep into my stomach. I doubled over right into her arms as she bent my back over her shoulders and pulled on my chin and legs with either arm and began to jump up and down… torture rack. I took it as long as I could before I told her no more. There was no shame in submitting; it was either that or end up out for ten months with back injuries. And I knew she’d give me a rematch; the fans just love it when two good guys go at it. Most champions wouldn’t have even given her a shot. I could hear the crowd chanting her name; it felt like her time… it was her time. The year was 1982; the city was Dallas, Texas. I was in the prime of my career as Dina Majors in our little promotion, AWW (Amazon Women’s Wrestling), but on this night, Charlie Champion was too strong for me. At 6’2” and 150 lbs of muscle, Champion had the perfect physique; she had big breasts and a bigger butt, but she had strong legs, arms, and a six pack to die for. She was only eighteen, new to the game and fresh out of bodybuilding competitions. She had shoulder length super-curly red hair, a million dollar smile and green eyes… she was perfect. I didn’t mind losing to her; like I said, it was her time. I was twenty-two and I always knew that she’d give me another shot. I remember after the show, she bought me dinner at a pretty fancy restaurant. We didn’t get paid that much money, but that was just the type of person she was. Champion was a good soul; she put other people first and she was a true professional.

The wrestling world in the late 70s for women was pure hell, but we made the best of it. There were all sorts of small promotions and many, many girls looking to wrestle. The problem was that these all female promotions had to get on the undercard of an all male promotion to get the exposure. No one was buying an all female wrestling federation; we got laughed at every time we tried to sell that idea. And if we got on a men’s card, it would only be one match for us. Most of the time, I was that match. In the early 80s with Reagan running crazy and the horrible treatment of women worldwide, the US needed something to contrast the uniform totalitarianism of the Soviet Union. So women’s wrestling started to be somewhat acceptable, but nowhere near popular. There were more all female promotions, but they were all run by men, and those men were only out to get as much money out of those girls as they could. A lot of the girls weren’t very smart and didn’t have any in ring abilities. Most of them were blonde, so that if one got injured or one got smart enough to realize she was being underpaid and extorted, she’d be replaced.

Amazon Women’s Wrestling was one of the first all female promotions and was all female in the truest sense because a woman was in charge. Missy was the best boss we could have; she paid us well, she was always honest with us. We would go to shows and not get paid when we were in other promotions, but under Missy, we always got paid. She had a way with men; she wasn’t a slut, she just knew how to out think them and talk them down. She wasn’t that much older than us, but she was like a mother figure to us. I miss those days so badly. All the wrestlers were friends and no one deliberately tried to hurt another wrestler during a match. We would be making so little money, but when we’d get in that little bus and go to all those towns looking for work, it was just so much fun.

Women’s wrestling had several promotions, but our AWW was the most active until Ebert Holloway’s APW (Avalon Professional Wrestling) came up with a television deal and soared in popularity thanks to its array of stars. Wrestling has all sorts of characters and that was really the point of AWW; they had characters as well as wrestlers. There champion was a blonde bombshell named Alicia Christmas who personified everything that was right and pure. She was like Cinderella meets Sleeping Beauty meets Polly Purebread; and she was very young, but she was a very good wrestler. They had Nikita Chan, a Japanese woman who would wear all red and do some diving moves and karate; they had Jade, another Asian who would dress in all green. They had Big Bertha, a very obese black woman who was the main bad guy; they had Cowgirl Carla, Ivette The Dancing Queen, Selma Salsa, American Maid, Sumo Shirley, Tracy Gold, Gina The Gymnast, Tarzana, the original Lady X, the original Paradise and the original Lady Jasmine. They had so many character-based women, most, if not all, meant only to play as foils to the perfect Alicia Christmas, but Ebert’s gang drew in a lot of kids, and with the whole war on drugs thing going on, they were sending out the right message to get exposure.

Alicia Christmas was really popular because she had the anti-communism thing down pat, yet she portrayed a woman with views that weren’t too liberal and nowhere near feminist. We didn’t have a problem with them as competition because the quality of wrestling that they put forth was credible… they just seemed so fake with the cartoon-like atmosphere. We went to a few of their shows and I was really impressed. Missy told us that Ebert had contacted her about using some of us on his shows. It seemed as though Ebert in his promotion’s sudden jump in popularity and demand, had booked two shows a night for his tour. He needed more girls and he knew that the other promotions didn’t have the quality of matches and athletes that we did. Ebert even wanted to sign me after I lost my belt to Champion. Ebert was a very short pudgy man and he was almost a dead ringer for Benjamin Franklin, but he was such a nice guy and he was so polite to the girls. Believe me, I know when someone’s being fake in front of me, and when they aren’t. I had to turn him down; I wasn’t leaving Missy, not after everything she did for me. Missy and Ebert agreed that AWW and APW should do some shows together. We would split the rosters and work two places each night; it was a genius idea because Ebert needed more girls to for the two shows and we needed the exposure. But we had our matches and they had theirs; no AWW and APW wrestlers competed against each other, even though some of the wrestlers knew each other from working together in other promotions.

Some things can seem so beautiful on the surface, but if you look beneath, you see something a lot different. I worked my butt off and met all my dates on the tours I’ve been on for all the promotions I’ve worked for. As Dina Majors, I’ve done a lot, and those girls did a lot for women’s wrestling… they kept it clean. As annoying as Alicia Christmas’ pro-Reagan spool was, she was a wrestler, and a classy woman who used her in ring talents. There are a lot of negative stereotypes for women, and what I stood for was that a woman could be strong, intelligent and beautiful. I finished college at nineteen years old after I graduated high school at sixteen; every interview I gave to that male chauvinist media, or those sexist magazines, I made sure to drown them in my intelligence. Champion was like that too, but she didn’t need to be. She was just a great talent and a great person. But in the world of women’s wrestling, there was the dark side, the side underneath us. A lot of the new promotions were just porn actresses and prostitutes doing amateur style videos and having sex with the male audience members so that the promoters could get more money out of them. These fights were pretty violent; and from what I heard, most of the time, the fights would be between the male costumer and a wrestler who wasn’t willing to fulfill his desires. These girls would get beat up, many of them overdosed on cocaine and heroine, it was just a horrible way of life. So many of them were so young too; that’s what got me. And then there were the underground wrestlers, the cagefighters, and the deathmatchers. I don’t know how all of this made it’s way to America, but the vicious world of women’s no-holds barred fighting was becoming more and more popular while we tried to keep it under wraps.

You might ask, what did that have to do with us? Well, if mainstream America found out about the ugly underbelly of the sport, then we all would be destroyed because of it. We always took care of each other; Missy insisted upon it. If I could make, say four hundred dollars for main eventing with Champion, then I’d want to beat her, but I wouldn’t want to hurt her because I wouldn’t be able to draw more money from the rematch if she’s injured. In no-holds barred, the girls didn’t care. They would try to kill you for a salary that was no more than forty dollars; and that was if they even got paid. Some of them were ex-cons and female sex offenders and problem children who couldn’t fit into society or had no concept of it. All they knew how to do was hurt. I loved to wrestle and compete, but those girls loved to inflict pain; they had a bloodlust for it. Some of the promoters of this crap would give their girls names that were very similar to our girls and dress them accordingly also. They’d have shows in the same cities we were in and they’d take advantage of our popularity and diminish it at the same time.

Missy and Ebert were desperately trying to figure out how to stop it, but there was really nothing we could do. If we sued them, then it’s a story and they get exposure, if we did nothing, our rep still suffered. Alicia Christmas doubled up on her dates and Champion and I traveled all over the US trying to unite the other promotions against the real enemy. Between the pornos and the nhb’s, our sport was going to really falter. So, Ebert sent Alicia Christmas on a tour to speak at various places and gave her various television appearances. That was Ebert’s problem; he centered his entire company around one person. Alicia was a good wrestler and was an exceptional speaker; she could really play her role well and she was very charismatic. But Ebert wasn’t really giving the other girls chances to do anything except wrestle under Alicia Christmas. Missy knew this, and soon the partnership between AWW and APW came to an end. By then, it was summer of 1983, and Alicia Christmas, Wendy Richter, and The Fabulous Moolah were the only three female wrestlers anyone knew… everyone else, including myself and Charlie Champion, were just underpaid nobodies.

Missy was a great promoter, but when we split up with APW, we really suffered. Champion was still our champion and our match quality was still amazingly good, but we didn’t have the money and the venues were getting harder and harder to lock up. Plus, the porno scene and the no holds barred scene were really getting popular. Men would be waiting for me asking me for blowjobs after my matches. I got into many fights in the parking lots all across America with these jackasses and their girlfriends over this type of stuff… sometimes I’d win, one time I got beaten up and sodomized by one man with two of the no holds barred female fighters. I’m not going to go into details about that, but I will say that they showed up to get me after I bashed them and their trade in a magazine. I hated all of this, but Charlie Champion always had my back; if I was with her, I felt like I could take on the whole Soviet army. Other promoters would try to disrespect Missy also, and there were many times when we had to literally fight the vendors, co-promoters, and building operators when they took it too far with Missy.

Missy was only 29 at the time, she had blonde hair and blue eyes and she was only 5’6” but she was a second-degree black belt in karate. At this point, many of the girls were thinking about just packing it in and leaving for jobs in the Reagan workforce, but I had to stay with Missy. You always stay with the people who do good for you. As a promoter and organizer of AWW, Missy wouldn’t even get paid; she’d divide her own salary to make sure we were taken care of. That’s the type of person she was, and there were many times when she stayed in Champion or my hotel room. Then the Hearst thing began. At the time, we were on a tour through the Sunbelt states when a wrestler named Madame Slaughter hooked up with us. She was 6’ tall and had long maroon-like hair with a dull quality and muddy green eyes. She always wore dull green and she wore snakeskin boots. She told us she was trying to start up her own all-female promotion and had several run-away girls under her wing. She said she was running something of a mobile homeless shelter; she and the girls would travel across California and have matches while she taught them how to wrestle properly. I remember the day she showed up, she and Missy had a long talk and Missy seemed genuinely pleased with Slaughter. But there was just something about her that I didn’t like at all. By now it was January 1984; Missy said it was a new year and possibly a new era for women’s wrestling.

Champion suffered an injury during a match against one of Madame Slaughter’s girls; I believe her name was Paige and she had blonde hair and skin as white as snow. Champion vacated her title and was out for a few months, so we had a tournament to crown a new AWW champion, and I won it. Missy and Madame Slaughter did a great job promoting and advertising for it; we earned a lot of money and for a while, things were looking up. Madame Slaughter always had money; she said she was getting it from a guy named Hearst who was an entrepreneur interested in women’s wrestling. Slaughter was a wrestler also; I mean c’mon, with a name like that, she had to be. But we never got to see her wrestle anyone. She just stayed in the back and watched from the shadows; then after the shows, she and her girls would have private meetings. Of course, this concerned me, but it didn’t concern Missy. Missy was so busy keeping the show going and she was on cloud nine; I tried telling her that there was something strange about this, but she wouldn’t listen. She told me that women’s wrestling was back in high demand outside of Alicia Christmas’ popularity and that Madame Slaughter and her associate Hearst were doing things to help the business, but I still wasn’t convinced. Madame was so into this Hearst guy; she couldn’t stop talking about him and how he loves and respects women and how he’s the only decent man alive and how when we meet him, we’ll see how great he is. But she did it in a way that made me believe she envied him.

Slaughter was a pretty strong woman; she told us she had been to prison for murdering a man who tried to rape her. I guess having to accept money from another man made her feel like less of a woman. I didn’t know what it was about Madame Slaughter; I just didn’t like her, she seemed very fake and sneaky. But Missy was happy, and I began to think that my bad experiences in the past few months were just affecting my perception of people. We were in Oakland, California after a show when I overheard Madame Slaughter addressing one of her girls. I could hear her voice; she was doing a lot of cursing and as I looked into the slit opening in the door, she had the girl backed up against the wall… it was Paige. Slaughter was saying “I told you; you shouldn’t have fuckin injured Champion, now we’re short again!! Do you know what Hearst is going to do when I tell him that you’ve also been skimming us to buy food for your baby? I don’t give a FUCK about your baby!!”

Then I cringed as she kicked Paige hard in the stomach. The pale blonde groaned loudly and went down completely unconscious. But that didn’t stop Slaughter; kept on kicking and kicking and kicking the girl in the stomach as she lay there. Slaughter then grabbed Paige up and put her in a scissored sleeper where her legs are squeezing the body and her arms are choking the neck. Another short pale skinned goth looking girl with short black hair, Zena, she was just watching and laughing until Slaughter grabbed her by her throat and slammed her head into the wall. I couldn’t see what went on after that, but it sounded like clothing being ripped off and women moaning and groaning and the sound of someone choking and gurgling. I couldn’t believe how strong this woman was as I watched in awe and in disgust. I had to force myself to walk away from it; I very much wanted to go in there and stop it. But the world had changed, and a part of me had changed with it. These women chose to associate with Madame Slaughter; they chose to subject themselves to this treatment. It wasn’t my job to rescue them; it was my job to rescue AWW from them. I told Champion about it and we agreed that we should tell Missy when we got to Seattle. Hearst was supposed to be meeting us in Seattle and it would be appropriate to make him aware of his associate’s practices. After all, Hearst was the one who had the money, and after he got rid of Slaughter, he would want to do business with us exclusively… if he really was as clean as she claimed. That night, Charlie Champion and I were walking to our car in the motel parking lot, and Madame Slaughter was there waiting for us. She was smiling and told us that she knew that I had watched what went on in the room after the show. I really didn’t want to talk to her about it until after I talked to Missy, but Slaughter told me that was only protecting the integrity of the business. She spoke to me with no emotion in her voice.

“That girl was stealing from me, stealing from you, from all of us, to fulfill her selfish desires. We can’t have that, if we are to succeed.”

It was a cold night in Oakland, and we were shaking in our thick jackets, but she wasn’t. She looked at us and waited for a response.

Champion- “Look Madame. We don’t know what kind of operation you’re running, but it isn’t what Missy wants, and when we get to Seattle, we’re going to tell her.”

Mslaughter- “That’s fine. Hearst will be disappointed; he put so much of his faith in me. It is sad that you two would be willing to sacrifice the entire sport and your own progress for something this trivial.”

Me- “Well, he’s just going to have to be disappointed because we don’t want any part of this.”

Champion- “We run a clean ship. You’re probably going to have to find another promotion; we’ll work Seattle, but after that, Missy is going to break this thing off.”

We expected her to look sad, or even get upset and fiery, but she just smiled and walked away.

Mslaughter- “Hearst will be disappointed.”

After the Seattle show, which was a surprisingly good show, we met Hearst. I went to the back area to see him before talking to Missy and I’ll never forget my first look at him. Hearst was about 6’5” and looked to weight a solid muscular 450 lbs. He had a beard that was short in the middle and long on the sides and he had those devilish Donald Sutherland eyes. He had a small girl, maybe about 5’3” and looking like she weighed no more than 120 lbs, up against the wall and he was punching her in the stomach over and over again. The girl had short blonde hair and blue eyes and she had the face of Marilyn Monroe with chubbier cheeks. He was tossing her all over the place and screaming at her in a voice with a deep Mississippi drawl.


Hearst was breathing heavily and despite all the blows he landed on her, the little girl was still awake, but on her knees and crying silently. They were ignoring me, as if I was invisible as Madame Slaughter stood over the little girl.

Hearst- “You’re gonna have to make a decision. Either it’s this bitch, or it’s me. This is your fault; you fucked her up, Slaughter. Now you better fix her.”

Slaughter- “She’s just a child, Hearst. She doesn’t know any better. She’s the best fighter we’ve got and she just had her baby, go easy on her. She needs to be in fighting shape; she’s got a match in three days.”

Hearst- “You’re supposed to be her mommy, fix her. If she gets pregnant again, I’m gonna kill her. She’s too talented to be such a fuck up. And you better not buy that baby ANYTHING. That’s one more mouth I have to feed, but that kid is NOT going to go on tour with us. So YOU BETTER DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!”

Slaughter- “I’m sorry, Siena.”

Madame Slaughter looked down at the teary eyed blonde, and kicked the hell out of her. She beat her until both her eyes were closed and purple, then Hearst saw me watching.

Me- “Leave her alone! That’s enough!”

Hearst walked up to me and I felt my heart tighten up; I couldn’t move as he stared through me. I have to admit, I was terrified and I felt the tears roll down my face.

Hearst- “You’re Dina Majors. Nice to meet you, champ. Now get out.”

I back out of the door as Hearst grabbed Madame Slaughter by the throat and slammed the back of her head into wall as he kissed her and grabbed her crotch. She was a powerful woman, but I saw the tears rolling down her face as he ripped her green shirt and grinded against her. I didn’t tell Missy about it that night; I didn’t even tell Champion. I just couldn’t open my mouth to speak as Missy signed the partnership and shook Hearst’s hand. Madame Slaughter stared me the whole time. I tried not to look her in those dull green eyes, but I knew that I was going to end up fighting her to save my company, if not my own life. That night, when I lay in my bed, I knew I shouldn’t have let that happen. Hearst was a pimp; his women were prostitutes and cagefighters and Madame Slaughter was a traitor to the cause. But I was a traitor too, that is, if I didn’t save my federation from these monsters. The business had changed; I needed to warn Missy. A man like Hearst was a destroyer of lives and a slave master over women. I knew he was going to try to break me, and I didn’t have forever to consider my options. I couldn’t leave Missy; she was loyal to me, and I was the champion. Missy had a second degree black belt in karate and she had Champion and the other girls behind her, but despite my fear of Hearst, I was behind her too. And I couldn’t allow Hearst and Madame Slaughter to run our federation; I had to figure out a way to drive them out, and I had to tell Missy. So, I slept on it.

I hate Siena Blaze. Let me take time out to say that, above else, I hate Siena Blaze. I do NOT feel sorry for her current situations in life. She deserves all of it for what she did to this business and what she did to the few good people who were in it. But, upon seeing her for the first time pinned up against that wall, being beaten up like that, I did feel sorry for her. But I do hate her and I have a good reason to. When a person ruins the business, it’s one thing. Siena was ruined by the business and had the opportunity to save it for all of us, but she didn’t. She was a hero in all of this but she was also the biggest villain of all. Don’t understand me? Sit back, grab a drink and prepare to be depressed.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Dina Majors' Story
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2010, 04:44:59 AM »

I had a dream that night about angels with the stars as highlights for their black as night bodies fighting devils with the whitest of white skin. I don’t know what it meant, but I woke up the next day with a feeling that darkness was everywhere. Hearst was the devil; every time I wanted to tell Missy what was going on, Madame Slaughter would appear with a handful of one hundred dollar bills. Charlie Champion was still recovering from her injury and Slaughter talked Missy into letting Champion stay away longer so that she could be fully recovered when she returned… or at least that’s the lie she put out. Missy was changing; she didn’t have as good a posture as she once did, and Slaughter began to interact with us and handle our payroll more and more. One night, we did a show in Omaha, Nebraska and Missy came in with a broken arm and told us she had fallen down the stairs. She was with Hearst at the time and they were going to have a private meeting. At this time, it was March 1984. A lot of the AWW girls were injured; Madame Slaughter kept filling up AWW with fighters from her own pool of talent, and my friends, my girls, they weren’t coming back. Most of the women who I had wrestled with were defecting to other feds or just flat out retiring. The new AWW was full of hate and smut.

These women were a bunch of stragglers and women who never smiled and always seemed to have bruises when they weren’t fighting because of the beatings from Madame Slaughter and Hearst. These girls were of the same ilk as the no holds barred fighters and the prostitutes. Most of these women had exchanged sex for money with male and female audience members after the shows because they didn’t get paid from Slaughter. Hearst was running a slave camp and these women were his slaves. But I was still the champion and I was still getting paid; Missy was still looking out for me. AWW was making a lot of money, but APW and Alicia Christmas still ruled the female wrestling world. Thanks to Ebert’s marketing abilities and his centering Alicia as the face of APW, Alicia was the face of women’s combative sports. I didn’t have a problem with it because Alicia had a clean face. I was the AWW champion and I was a better wrestler than Alicia Christmas, but Alicia had popularity and she had the genius of Ebert. No matter what people say about Alicia Christmas, she has no criminal record and no dirty laundry; she survived these dark ages. You just have to wonder the toll it took on her sanity nowadays.

But anyway, April 1st 1984 may have been the beginning of the end for the AWW. I didn’t want to admit it, but I knew that Hearst had gotten to Missy. They were always together now; Missy wasn’t as happy or as vocal or as inspirational as she once was. She was almost docile next to Hearst. And Hearst was every bit the monster he was that night, but Slaughter was trying hard not to let it show. I remember many nights that Hearst was on the verge of beating up one of those girls, or he was in the process of beating a girl, and he was taking it to the point where I thought he was going to kill her. Slaughter would step in and try to stop him; she’d use terms to describe the girls as if they were meat or cattle or objects like ‘stop; you’re damaging the product’ and ‘Hearst, she could be franchise material in a year; you can’t damage an investment like this.’ And of course, Hearst would beat Slaughter and have sex with her afterward. It was horrible to be in the same locker room with this going on a few feet away, or on the same hotel floor and hear them down the hall. But April 1st it was a lot different… they really reached an all time low.

Siena Blaze Brown, the Marilyn Monroe looking blonde who was beaten up in Seattle for having the baby, had been on tour with us for about a week, filling in dates because of the injuries to some of Slaughter’s girls. Siena had disappeared after Seattle; the story was that she ran away, but Slaughter found her and turned her over to Hearst. Hearst sent her to California, Mexico, and then to Japan to participate in no holds barred cagefights and wrestling matches there. And what of the baby, Slaughter and Hearst had her, but Missy was the one taking care of little baby Christina. Missy would feed her and buy her clothes, but Hearst would beat Missy for doing this. When Siena returned and toured with us for that last week in March, her behavior was completely out of control. Siena Blaze was using every drug on the planet; she even sprayed paint into socks and snorted it. She was an exceptional fighter; she never lost, and most of the time, she won by submission. But out of those seven days, she overdosed sixteen times. Slaughter wouldn’t send her to the hospital; they had their own little kit for dealing with drug overdoses, complete with adrenaline shots and cocaine quick fixes. This girl was a mess and she cursed, taunted the other girls, and would walk around the locker room naked all the time. She had gotten up to about 5’5” and 130 lbs by now, but she was REALLY young and she spent no time with her baby; when we saw the baby now, Slaughter had her. I honestly thought Siena was trying to kill herself.

On the night of April 1st, I saw Siena in the parking lot of the hotel we were staying at running around in just a pair of panties and with bloodshot eyes, white powder trailing from her right nostril, and a combination of blood and mucus dripping from her left nostril. She had her hair dyed pink and she was just going all over the place.


Siena was crying and some of the hotel employees had brought out a sheet to try to cover her up, and were considering calling the police, but Siena chased them away. I watched from the window of my room as Slaughter yanked Siena into the shadows and punched her in the jaw, knocking her down. Siena was yanked back up again and punched in the stomach; Siena tried to fight back, but Slaughter was too much for her… Siena didn’t even land a punch. Siena was backed up against the brick sidewall of the hotel as I continued to watch. Slaughter kicked her hard between the legs; the blow lifted Siena off her feet.

Slaughter- “Your pussy is what always gets you into trouble. Perhaps I should take it away from you.”

Siena- “No mommy, please don’t. Pleasedontpleasedontpleasedontpleasedont. I just wanna know where my baby is. That’s all I wanna know.”

Slaughter- “I threw your baby in the dumpster and she died. She broke her fuckin little neck. Here, let me show you.”

Slaughter reached into the dumpster and pulled out a tattered shoebox and showed it to Siena and the little blonde went crazy screaming and yelling about her dead baby. I hadn’t understood the extent of drug abuse until that moment. I saw Madame Slaughter rip off Siena’s panties and pull out a knife; she bent down and went for Siena’s privates. Siena bit Slaughter’s face, then executed a roll, jumped over Slaughter, twisted around and put her in a dragon sleeper and I could hear Siena growling and see her foaming at the mouth. Slaughter was in a lot of pain; I could tell and I started to go for the door and get down there to end it, but then I saw the hulking shadow that froze my heart. Hearst… he yanked Siena hard into the wall and slammed his fist deep into her stomach. Slaughter stood up and her nose was bloody. She went right for Siena, but Hearst backhanded Slaughter to the floor.

Hearst- “Keep your fuckin hands off her. She’s mine. You had your chance.”

Slaughter- “But Hearst, you told me I could have her; I was the one who found her, I helped trained her and I got Ebo to train her… you--”

Hearst grabbed Slaughter and began to choke her. I could see Siena smiling now. She was still very spaced out and I saw Slaughter’s left foot shaking right before Hearst dropped her. Then he began to beat her up. When he was gone, she beat up Siena again and when Siena mentioned the baby, Slaughter told her she never had one, stuck a needle in her stomach, and walked her back to the hotel. Turns out, a ‘sober’ Siena had already signed papers to give her child up behind Slaughter and Hearst’s backs and had already handed her over to the government. Slaughter and Hearst had tormented Siena and the other girls, and Siena really was too drugged up to remember what was going on. Then along came Chase Francis, a female FBI investigator who was researching Hearst and Slaughter’s alleged slave camp. When Siena gave up her child, it gave Chase what she needed to go after Hearst. The fix was on, but Hearst wasn’t going to budge; he threatened Chase also. But Chase told him to his face, “I’ll put a bullet in your big ass.” For a while, I thought maybe it would be okay, maybe this thing would go away. Then again, maybe it would destroy our business and our sport. Like I said, Alicia Christmas was untouchable because she was squeaky clean, but even some of Ebert’s wrestlers were being caught with drugs and illegal supplements.

The stories were really getting after everyone and the name Hearst was everywhere. That meant that Missy’s name and my name were everywhere too. I was still the champion; I hadn’t lost my title to any of those girls and that only added to the belief that I was somehow in on all of this corruption. The sex, drugs, and brutality of the sport were coming to the forefront, but this wasn’t Chase’s or the FBI’s doing… it was Ebert’s and Alicia Christmas’. Chase had cut a deal with Hearst; she insisted that he lace her with a huge amount of money per month to keep her from busting him. Chase would show up at our shows and boss Hearst and Slaughter around. Missy was becoming less and less visible, and when I did see her, she didn’t even speak to me or anyone else. Ebert was the one saying Hearst’s name and bashing the underworld of female fighting. Ebert and Alicia knew they had to separate themselves from the trouble, so Ebert went public with the negatives of the sport, while Alicia continued to go around on her tour. Alicia was now calling herself the undisputed world champion because she was the only one who wasn’t on drugs; it was a slap in the face to me, even though when I met up with her a few months later, she said she didn’t mean it that way. I had visited Ebert and the APW in April of 1985 to talk about a job. The past year had been pure hell with the FBI and the investigations and seeing so many of my friends on television or in tabloids in handcuffs. It was ridiculous.

Hearst had beaten Missy right before my eyes and I still couldn’t do anything about it, and Madame Slaughter was now wrestling on our cards. She ‘accidentally’ killed two girls and paralyzed another on our tour. The three girls at three separate times had threatened to leave and then found themselves in matches with Slaughter. I was still AWW champion, but I thought about quitting and joining Ebert’s fed. Ebert was very into talking about Alicia and how it would help him greatly if Charlie Champion and I joined to fill in for her while she’s on tour, challenging the women of America. See, Ebert now was letting Alicia fight regular women because the wrestlers he had signed could probably beat her. They signed a beautiful black girl named Trinity Love and she was doing really well, even though she was really young. She would’ve destroyed Alicia Christmas, but there was no way Ebert was going to put her in the ring with Alicia unless he could pay her to purposely lose. I really wanted to walk away from AWW and Hearst and Slaughter and Siena. By now, all the girls I had worked with in AWW were gone; they left on injuries and never returned. But I just couldn’t leave yet. I said I was going to try to get Hearst and Slaughter out, and I was going to save Missy’s company. But I couldn’t do it by myself. I needed help from someone… Charlie Champion.

I went to Charlie’s house in Malibu, and we agreed that we would take back our AWW. She had fully recovered, but they were still keeping her on the sidelines. She told me she had worked some indy dates and was staying in shape by wrestling for another company wearing a mask. I wished I had thought of that. What I didn’t realize was that AWW was no longer ours. The business was no longer ours, but we still tried to hold on to it. Charlie and I began to wrestle as a masked tag team in California while AWW was still there. I still defended my title and I still watched as Slaughter and Hearst and Chase Francis ruined our federation by rigging the matches and then going out and betting on the outcomes. Then in late April, when Lance “The Keeper of The Keys” Mann was running around raping and killing women in California, Chase Francis was murdered in the shootout that resulted in Mann’s own death. Hearst was now free from the FBI since Francis always carried her papers with her. Hearst was able to get an autopsy report from somewhere on Chase and a picture of her dead body, and he hung it in the locker room. It was all taking a told on me and I hated being a part of it. Alicia Christmas came to Los Angeles on May 4th 1985 and challenged any woman in the building to face her as a part of her cleaning up the business by fighting clean women thing. A girl fought her and beat her and became the APW champion. It was a televised show and there were no censors because APW programming was clean, but they needed them that night. I was at a hotel in West Hollywood when I heard that Alicia had submitted to Siena Blaze. It was a shocker, but it made perfect sense; Hearst planted Siena in the audience that night. Now Hearst had AWW and the APW champion under his wing. The takeover was underway; but Hearst’s reign would be short-lived and the monster that was Siena Blaze was just getting warmed up. Charlie and I knew we had to take back AWW; now was our only chance. When I look back on the way things unfolded, I just tear myself up trying to think of a way it could’ve happened differently. I should NEVER have put Charlie Champion in this mess and I should NEVER have trusted Siena Blaze. Maybe Misty and Charlie would still be..."
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Dina Majors' Story
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2010, 04:46:23 AM »
“Time’s up Ebert; sign the fuckin papers or I’m gonna break your fuckin hand making you sign em. Don’t fuck me, Ebert; don’t make a fuck out of me… just sign the papers.”

Siena’s voice was cold and calm, even though it was pretty loud. Welcome to the hell that is now women’s combative sports. Siena Blaze had beaten Alicia Christmas by submission and become the APW world champion on a nationally televised broadcast. Siena cursed and showed her joy during the post-match interview in the most profane manner. But now, here she was; standing over Ebert, the now bloody and beaten owner and promoter of APW, demanding that he sign over ownership to Hearst. Hearst had been slowly phasing Madame Slaughter out and now Siena was his chief enforcer. In a sick way, it made sense. Siena was the best fighter Hearst had in his stable. I was there to see the horrible beating; she could’ve easily killed poor Ebert, but she kept him alive. Alicia Christmas was gone; the lost was so humiliating and so one-sided that she just left and retired… but she didn’t announce her retirement yet. As I stood there in my street clothes and a baseball cap that I hoped would hide my shame for not trying to stop Siena, the monster that is Hearst walked in.

Hearst- “Has he signed the papers yet?’

Siena- “He’s about to.”

Siena leaned over Ebert as the poor balding man was bloody and in tears. Both of his eyes were black as tar and completely closed. I remember that he had cuts on his eyelashes. I saw Siena take his hand and force the pen into it, then make him sign the papers. But the way she did it, it seemed as though she was making it appear as if he was doing it on his own.

Siena- “(whispering) Ebert, this is the only way I’m gonna be able to save your fuckin life, man. Hearst will kill you for throwin his name around to the reporters and the FBI. You’re fucked, unless you sign these papers and get the fuck out of here while I take care of some shit.”

Hearst took the papers and looked at them. Siena stood there and smiled at me; I couldn’t tell if she was flirting with me or sizing me up. I had seen Siena have sex with many women, and while I wasn’t into other women, I knew that one day, she may try to force herself on me. Siena went up to Hearst and tried to grind against him.

Siena- “Don’t you wanna fuck me, daddy? Don’t you wanna taste me?”

Hearst- “Yeah… after you kill that fat piece of shit right there.”

Siena- “Why does he have to die, daddy? He signed the papers; APW is ours. He’s done his—URRK!!”

Hearst grabbed Siena by her throat and lifted her off the ground. I saw the pink-haired girl’s eyes widen then water with tears as he squeezed it.

Hearst- “First of all, APW is MINE. Second of all, who the FUCK are you to question me? HUH? (shaking her violently) WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU???”

Me- “Put her down, Hearst, she’s the champion. You don’t want to ruin the prime cut, do you?”

I had grown accustomed to this talk; it was the only thing he could understand. The man had no respect for women and saw them all as property. He dropped Siena and I went to her side as he turned around… but he quickly spun back around and hit her with an uppercut to her stomach, lifting her off the ground. And then, he was gone. I helped Ebert to his car while Siena lay on the floor semi-conscious, talking to herself. He obviously couldn’t drive, but that’s what he said he wanted me to do, so I did it. I cried as I watched him fall unconscious on his steering wheel… I wondered if I’d ever see him again. We were leaving California for Las Vegas the very next day… APW and AWW were going to be touring together again. That night, I remember seeing a group of women in a car. They seemed very happy to meet me; I assumed they were fans. The woman in the front seat had long black hair and emerald green eyes.

Woman- “Where are you guys going tomorrow?”

Me- “Las Vegas. We’ve got a show in Las Vegas the day after and our boss wants us well rested.”

Woman- “Is James Anthony Hearst going to be there?”

James Anthony Hearst? I was stunned, not at hearing his entire name, but the way she said it. She said it with a smile, and her voice was low and dark. But I then realized that her voice had been that way since our conversation began. I felt compelled to tell her everything about our trip, what cars we would be in, what hotel we’d be staying at, but she seemed to cut me off before my lips could move.

Woman- “They will find him. Enjoy your trip, Dina Majors. And tell James Anthony Hearst that L. Satane sends her fairest regards.”

Me- “That would be your name?”

Woman- “(laughing) No; not my name. I’m into female combative sports too, in a way. I go by the name Viper. I am employed by L. Satane… Hearst knows who she is.”

That next day, Missy and Madame Slaughter stayed on the bus for what seemed like an eternity and never showed their faces until late that night. Siena had been walking the hot streets, and generally, getting on all the girls’ nerves, especially mine. She continuously came to my hotel room, or found me signing autographs and began to tell me about how much she loved her championship belts. By now, she had three… and every time she was in my room, she tried on my belt. Charlie Champion called me that night; she was in Vegas now too and that made me very happy. I told her to come right to me and she did. We still didn’t know what to do to get our company back; Hearst was always with Missy and we needed Missy’s leadership to help us. We needed to talk to her and get her back to her fighting self so that she could take Hearst down. But we would never get to talk to Missy again. That night, we went down to the lobby and found Hearst arguing with two women; I thought they were two of his new girls, but I was very wrong.

Woman- “Well, if you keep fucking with Satane, she will do what is necessary to see that you pay your debt.”

Hearst- “I TOLD you I’ll pay what I can, but you bitches aren’t gonna strong arm me.”

Woman 2- “You have millions of dollars, Hearst. You are sitting on it, and Satane says that it is near time for you to pay your debt. Better to pay her now than be late.”

Hearst- “Be ‘late’ as in dead? You stupid bitches!! You know who you’re fuckin with? HUH?”

Hearst shoved the women as Siena watched and both of them fell to the floor. The Las Vegas security was all over Hearst and escorted him out as he stomped away at the two women’s bodies. Siena and Missy followed him to his car, but he shoved Siena away and he and Missy got in. Hearst always liked to park his car in the shadows. I wasn’t around to see it happen, but (sob) I wish I could’ve… okay… someone came up to Hearst’s driver’s side window and smashed it with an UZI, then fired into the car. Missy was shot nine times in her head, stomach, groin and legs, and Hearst took two shots to his arms. I really have to force myself to talk about this because when I read Siena Blaze’s autobiography, The Death and The Life of Siena Blaze, she said that Missy hung herself the night that Hearst got shot. But there was definitely a shooting and Siena was present when it happened. Now, twenty years later, she comes clean about it in the re-release of her book.

(Exert from the book- Missy was killed doing absolutely nothing but sitting in a car. I saw it with my own two eyes. A woman about 6’ tall with red hair and blue eyes ran up to the driver’s side window and opened fire. I heard her tell Hearst, “that was a warning, you miserable piece of shit. Pay your fucking debt or die.” Hearst survived, but Missy was killed.)

Looking back on it, I don’t believe it was a warning. I honestly think that one of Satane’s assassins botched a try at killing Hearst. I don’t think that they killed Missy deliberately; I have a different theory on that. Hearst was sitting in the driver’s seat and Missy was in the passenger’s seat; the gun came in from the driver’s side window, but Missy took shots to her body while Hearst only took one shot to each arm. The assassin couldn’t have had that poor of an aim, and even if it happened in a few seconds, Hearst was 6’6” and 450 lbs!! How did she hit Missy so many time? It’s easy when you think about it… when the gun came through the window, Hearst pulled Missy on top of him and used her as a human shield. It only speaks to the most despicable sides of human beings that something like this would happen to someone as angelic and courageous as Missy.

(Exert from Siena’s book- Then Hearst slammed on the gas and turned around the corner to the back of the hotel. I followed, even though he almost hit me. Hearst jumped out, the dead girl’s body drenching his gray suit in her blood. I couldn’t believe what I was fuckin seeing. He grabbed me and he pulled Missy to the service entrance of the hotel. He told me to go steal as many sheets as I could from the front desk, and when I told him that I could just ask for them, he fuckin’ slapped me. He wrapped Missy up and took her body up to their room. Then he took a couple of hangers and untangled their wirings. He made a noose up to the ceiling fan while I cleaned her wounds and drained her. The whole while, he was telling me that he was gonna kill me if I told anyone about this. And I was very fuckin afraid… Missy’s eyes were open and she was looking at me… but she was fuckin dead. I thought she was alive a couple of times and I could hear her talking to me… telling me that all this shit was my fault. He wrapped her in one more sheet and he hung her from the ceiling fan; he put a note on her that said THIS BUSINESS KILLS. And then, I told him that the police were gonna see that she was shot and the suicide wasn’t gonna hold. He laughed at me and told me that any fuckin body can be bought in Las Vegas. Then he grabbed me and pinned me on the ground and fucked me. Missy’s body was hanging right over us, and I could see her eyes looking down on me; the light from the outside, all those casinos… the way it shined on the solid glass ceiling, it was like she was an angel or somethin’. But some of her blood was dripping on us and he got pissed at me and started choking me. He made me drain her again. Madame Slaughter came up there and kicked me in the stomach. Then she took care of the body for fingerprints and stuff. But how do you cover up nine gunshot wounds? I’m still trying to figure that one out.)

She also admitted that Missy was four months pregnant with Hearst’s baby. They gave her immunity for her to tell the truth. I hate Siena Blaze. We spent the entire next week crying because we thought Missy had hung herself. We were still on tour and Charlie had rejoined the active roster. Hearst was gone; I now assume that he was on the run from Satane. Madame Slaughter was running things now, but Siena was more and more active in the booking of matches, and Siena and Slaughter were constantly arguing about who should fight who. Siena used to be afraid of Madame Slaughter, but after winning the title and becoming Hearst’s pick of the litter, Siena was often talking back to Slaughter and the two would often fight and have sex afterwards. She picked and chose who she would defend her title against; never choosing to fight the undefeated Trinity Love, that beautiful black girl was so special and so talented. Siena was either snorting cocaine, sticking herself with a heroine filled needle, or having an orgy. But when she was fighting, she was unstoppable. I’d never seen a girl as fearless as Siena Blaze. I will never take anything away from her accomplishments in the ring or cage; but they were probably helped by her drug use. Siena still hung around Charlie and I, and she still tried on my belt, but at this point, I wanted to leave. My heart was no longer in this business. Charlie was only around because I was around, and with Missy dead, none of it made sense anymore. Plus, I was having a hard time with some of the new girls; they were very dirty fighters. They all seemed to want to punch or kick me in the private area and then flirt with me or make some comment about it in the locker room.

Not only that, but now, male fighters were appearing on our cards. They were on the undercard, but Madame Slaughter was able to sign David Rictor who went by the name Riptor, and several other of the top male cagefighters to come into the company. At first, the men were just fighting other men, but it wasn’t long before the men were fighting the women. I suffered a broken eardrum in my first title defense against a man named Steele. But I still beat him. Charlie and Riptor had a classic match at one of our biggest events, but he beat her in the end. I had never seen Champion lose before, but David was just better on that night.

I have nothing against David Rictor; he’s a nice person and a great worker. His intense in ring persona and his outside of the ring persona are completely different; this guy was like a brother to all of us and didn’t try to deliberately hurt us. There was one incident where a male fighter name Hanz Beurdenave tried to rape one of the girls, I think she went by the name of Delight, and Riptor took him to the roof of the two story hotel and threw him off the top during a falls count anywhere match we had at an outdoor event. He spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair until he killed himself in ’98. David was one of the positives and we always felt safe around him. But Siena NEVER wanted to fight him; I was willing to defend my title against him, but he said that he couldn’t fight me because we’d become too good of friends on the road. With Hearst gone and Slaughter and Siena infighting all the time, things were starting to settle down a bit. But every time things settle down, something bad happens… like the return of Hearst, when we were in Duluth, Minnesota. He came back drunk and crazed and he tried to rape Siena in her hotel room, but according to Siena and according to the police report, she stabbed him forty-seven times.

(Tape recording of Siena’s conversation with federal agent Mark Starr in 1994- “Hearst had a lot of shit to pay for, dude. I mean, he could pay off his debts to Satane for all the women he had purchased; he could pay off the FBI, no offense. He could pay off anybody because he had the money, thing is, the guy no longer wanted to spend it. When he was buying all this stuff and all these promotions, he spent and spent and spent, but once he got to the top, once he got fat, he didn’t want to use it to pay off the people who put him on the map. And then, the money he had was UNTRACEBLE. He was in the clear no matter what. All he had to do was pay off his debts. But he didn’t want to. It was stupid for him to underestimate Satane. You don’t buy a bunch of women from Satane and then murder seven of them, and then, refuse to pay her. Satane is someone who will always come out in the end because of who she really is. Hearst should have read scripture more often because it’s quite obvious to me. And he should NEVER have tried to screw over Satane. But just like with Missy, just like with Agent Chase, and just like with Slaughter, he didn’t want a woman to have control over him. And Satane is a woman, at least that’s what I saw when I met her. I just had enough of him beating me up. I had met Hadrian, I was falling in love and I just had enough. I was fuckin Hadrian to get all the Hearst and Slaughter juices out of my system and I was tryin to get pregnant. I HATED that cocksucker Hearst. I think I was pregnant with Brandy when I stabbed his ass, maybe a couple of weeks. Hadrian is a MAN; Hearst was a worthless pimp piece of shit, man. I had a boyfriend and I wasn’t gonna fuck another guy. I fucked a lot of women, but I was faithful to Hadrian by not fucking a man.”)

Of course, Hearst survived the stabbing. Charlie Champion had had enough and confronted Madame Slaughter. Charlie told her in front of me that she was going to go to the FBI and tell everything. She challenged Slaughter to a match repeatedly, but the Madame refused. Instead, she said she would think of a way to work things out.

Slaughter- “I hate Hearst just as much as you do, okay? I have been in his service since I was a child! Now, he is in the hospital and we can right the business once and for all. It no longer has to be this way!”

Champion- “YOU were the one who got us involved with Hearst in the first place! Don’t feed us that garbage, Madame!”

Me- “You beat those girls; you killed two of them yourself. You did all of this and you are just as guilty as Hearst is. Get off your soapbox. If you really want to set the business right, then LEAVE and never come back.”

Slaughter- “Just give me time; Siena is the champion, Hearst is in the hospital, I really have no place here.”

The extent of Slaughter, Siena, and Hearst’s evil became apparent to me the next morning… when Charlie Champion was found dead in her hotel room of a drug overdose. It completely crushed me. Charlie not only had cocaine and heroin in her system, but a lot of steroids. Champion NEVER used drugs or steroids; she kept her body clean. When I got a copy of her autopsy, I saw that all of this stuff was put into her body at one time, and that was one that night. I could just see Slaughter and Siena coming into her hotel room and overwhelming her, putting that needle into her over and over again. Neither one of them were willing to fight her because they knew they wouldn’t be able to beat her, so they killed her. And I know that Siena had a hand in this; I know that she was involved in some way, and even if she watched as Slaughter and her girls did this to my friend, she was still there. I hate Siena Blaze. She killed Missy, she killed Champion, and she would go on to kill the business. Hearst would never make it out of the hospital; he was on the verge of a full recovery, and someone walked in and killed him. They say that he had sex with someone because of the semen and vaginal fluids found on his penis, but he died by having his heart crushed. Siena talked about a woman in her book who worked for Satane named Delilah, who literally broke men’s hearts, but she said the woman’s existence was just a myth. Madame Slaughter was the next to go; she was shot dead in front of Siena’s first house on Venice Beach, one silver bullet to head. See, this is why I hate Siena Blaze. She wasn’t directly responsible for killing Hearst or Slaughter, but she made a deal to save herself.

She got married after she had her second child months after Hearst died, but she never went back for her first. I did my research and Siena Blaze is one of the safest ex-criminals in the world. All she had to do was go to Satane and promise that she’d pay off Hearst’s debts in exchange for his money, his women, and his empire. After she paid the debt to Satane, which I honestly don't know what she paid her, Siena was forever safe. She got to keep all of Hearst’s untraceable money, she got Madame Slaughter and Hearst out of the picture because Satane had them killed, and she got sole possession of the AWW and the APW, which she merged after I retired and simply called it APW. She also inherited Madame Slaughter’s girls and all of the fighters. But she surprised me and brought back Ebert to help promote and mange APW. She was the owner, but she was too young to have her name on the papers, so she pimped Ebert until she was old enough to control it herself. She gave him the boot years later and renamed APW to OPW. She is the most ruthless woman I’ve ever known. After Charlie died and I couldn’t get anyone to investigate, I retired as the AWW world champion. Missy will go down in history as having committed suicide and Champion is known as a great fighter who cheated and abused her body with steroids and drugs… none of that is true though. Siena had everything she wanted now that she made her deal with Satane and would eventually be granted immunity by the US government, but she wouldn’t get the immunity until many years later. Satane even gave Siena a peace offering, a sort of promise that Siena would always be safe with Satane… she gave Siena a young assassin named Fatale, who is Siena’s bodyguard to this day. But that wasn’t enough for her. She went on a world tour, fighting all the other champions from the remaining major promotions and snatching their titles and their top stars. It wasn’t long before I got the call. The year was 1990. I had been retired for more than four years, I was approaching my thirtieth birthday and Siena was nineteen, married, with three daughters at home and one estranged daughter in a foster home. Siena wanted me to come out of retirement and fight her for all of her belts up against my title. I had gotten as over the business as I could and I was at peace; I too was married with a son and a daughter. But I told her give me three weeks to get ready and we would fight. I hate Siena Blaze and now I was going to go in and beat Siena Blaze. This was my last chance to save the business I had fought so hard to preserve.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Dina Majors' Story
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2010, 04:46:59 AM »
Sometimes, there’s a thin line between being a savior and being a fool. Here I was, barely able to squeeze into my red, white, and blue outfit, and about to face a prime fighter who was about as drugged up as she could be. The world had changed; Washington D.C. was the sight of our fight. I hadn’t seen Siena in a few years, but when I heard the first guitar and bass ripples of “Eye Of The Tiger” I knew this was really going to happen. Having kids made my breasts bigger, but I still had years of fighting knowledge and I intended to use it. Siena made her way to the ring; she had her hair in light pinkish Shirley Temple curls and she was decked out in all red. She was smiling and I have to admit, she was beautiful and she was fit. Her body was in great shape for an eighteen year old with three kids. To make a long story short, once we locked up, I knew I was in over my head. She was a lot faster than I was; I mean, she was EXTREMELY fast and she punched with hard punches to the ribs while she slipped my attempts to grab her into a hold. It was embarrassing, and she really hurt me with that big kick she does. Well, she hasn’t done it lately, but on that night, she came across with a forward roundhouse that hit me right in the mouth and floored me. I can still hear the crowd groan and the rattling of my teeth. She stood over me and smiled, but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she growled, reached down and began to choke me, but it was a different type of maneuver. She reached under my armpits and came over my shoulders, interlocking her fingers on my throat and bending my neck and head back while pulling my body forward. Once she had me in a sitting position, she locked her legs around my waist and squeezed.

Siena- Rock a bye Dina, in the treetop, when the wind blows, the cradle will rock. Just quit, Dina. Give me over your fuckin title before I make you a cripple.

It was too easy for her. I was huffing and puffing, trying to keep up with her, and she wasn’t even breathing hard. She could’ve ended this any time she wanted too. That was my mistake; as much as I hated her, I couldn’t beat her. I wouldn’t have been able to beat her in my prime. Then she started rubbing her privates against mine. It was killing me to take this from her; I wanted to beat her and she was having her way with me and there was nothing I could do about it. My kids were in the front row watching this. I would always tell them never to quit, never to give up, and now the only way I was going to preserve my dignity was by giving up.

Siena- Dina, I’m gonna end up breakin your fuckin neck, sweetheart. I don’t give a fuck; you know that. The only reason why you’re still in this match is because I’m using controlled force.

Controlled force? I knew that she was playing with me in this match, but I knew that she was telling the truth about this because I could feel her fighting against herself to hold me in pain but not in enough pain to break my neck. Her grip must have slipped, because only a moment later, I felt the worse physical pain I’ve ever felt when a bone in my neck broke. All I remember is lying on my back with Siena standing over me looking down with concern on her face. Then I remember the pressure on her foot on my neck as the ref counted to three. She broke my neck. My kids were crying and screaming and I was rushed to the hospital. I never saw Siena Blaze face to face again, except once, and that was at my hall of fame induction ceremony. This was in 1996; OPW had become HUGE, bigger than any of us silver age wrestlers could have imagined women’s wrestling would have become. OPW’s biggest event, Armageddon, was the next day and Siena, who was about to start her 12th year as undefeated champion, would be defending her title against a sixteen year old girl named Rachel. I was divorced and coming off my first bout with breast cancer at the time of the ceremony. I had lost my left breast completely but I survived the cancer; I guess the powers that be decided to give me this form of immortality as a sympathy prize. I went to the show and I saw Lady Jasmine Raheid pass out in David Riptor’s Texas cloverleaf, and I saw Rachel Apache beat Siena Blaze. It was one of the best shows I’d ever attended and it made me cry because it was so well done, despite it being a Siena Blaze production. We’ve come a long way in the world of women’s combative sports. I still have problems with some of the girls of today, but there are so many good ones who are really nice people outside of the ring. Glory is one of my favorites.

I’ve had breast cancer now for seven months. This is my third tour with it, and this time, there’s really no turning back. I’ve been fighting for justice, fighting for my sport, and just fighting my entire life. My kids, they’re fine; they continue to advance and become successful young adults. The chemotherapy really only sped up the process. You know, like I said, I’ve been fighting, but now, I’m fighting for my life. This is where I have to be at my most honest, this part right here. All my closest friends are dead and their legacies are tainted and covered in fallacies. There are no real truths with any of it. When I went to the hall of fame show, only certain wrestlers knew who I was; I didn’t even have my fans anymore. See, this is what you need to know more than anything else. I am going to die, and eventually, you will too, and that is the only true thing in this world. When you log off, or when you go back to your real life and lie to everyone to cover up your true nature as a person, where is your truth? What do any of us do that is so honest other than die? Life is one big cover up, we don’t stay faithful, we promise to love each other until death do us part, and then we divorce, we dye our hair to make it seem as though we're not getting older, not getting closer to death, but we never cheat death. This is the last and only testament that I ever existed besides my children, and look at how negative it is. Dina Majors the wrestler was about positives, being strong, staying healthy, and changing things for the better. When could I have ever changed any of this... when could I have ever helped Missy or Charlie avoid death? In the end, we all still die, don't we? Isn't that the supposed beauty of the world? Even Siena Blaze will die, and she knows it, but what will hurt her more than anything is knowing and remembering everything that she never resolved. She can't change it now; even though she has the power to do so, her life will never be fixed and she will never be happy. I don't find happiness in her misery, but I do see it as being a beautiful thing. I think it was Alexander Pope who said “Beauty is truth, truth beauty. And that’s all you need know in life, and all you need know at all.”

Dina Majors (September 22, 1960- September 23, 2006)

"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Dina Majors' Story
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2010, 01:13:08 PM »
A sad ending, but thanks for the repost.

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Dina Majors' Story
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2010, 04:36:07 PM »
Wow! heavy stuff, that must have been a heavy write. I'm glad you posted it, I'm new to all this and am loving the OPW series, now I know some of the darkness it spawned from it gives it all a more jagged edge, great work Howard

x G x

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Re: Dina Majors' Story
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 03:00:25 PM »
Really good character development.

Nice to see it again.


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Re: Dina Majors' Story
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2010, 02:34:40 AM »
hate to be so late with my thanks for the comments, but I do want to be one of thise rare authors who thanks people for taking the time to respond. Thanks ladies; this was probably the best story I've posted here as far as drama is concerned... "Bitch," "Indifference," and "Sasha's Letter" are faves of my good friends. You guys have an awesome catalog of work too and you're three of the most consistently brilliant writers and responders.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Dina Majors' Story
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2010, 02:35:12 AM »
hate to be so late with my thanks for the comments, but I do want to be one of thise rare authors who thanks people for taking the time to respond. Thanks ladies; this was probably the best story I've posted here as far as drama is concerned... "Bitch," "Indifference," and "Sasha's Letter" are faves of my good friends. You guys have an awesome catalog of work too and you're three of the most consistently brilliant writers and responders.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."