I woke up, pre-dawn, in my bed, in cum-soaked pajama bottoms, replaying in my mind last night's conversation with Colleen.
Was it really possible it had all happened??
> Had she actually kissed me on the mouth?
> Had she actually told me she liked girlfighting?
> Had she actually been in a bathroom catfight with a girl at her prom?
> ....and then followed up with that same girl to 'finish'??
> Had I lied to her that I was going to my own prom in a few days .......
You dumbass, Kelly.
What a dumbass I am. I don't have a fucking prom dress.

She'll find out I fucking lied to her.... and she and Tricia will stop talking to me. Fuck, I fucked up....I always do....
[My phone rings. Fuck, is it Colleen realizing I lied??]
> Hello?
> Hey, it's Tricia. [Tricia?? Why is SHE calling?]
> Hey, Trish. Everthing ok? It's early.
> I know. Sorry if I woke you, but I need a favor. A big one. Kinda.
> Sure, what? [I'd do anything Tricia and/or Colleen ask me. Don't they know that?]
> I hafta drive into Newark to buy flight attendant clothes. Wanna come? ..... You try stuff on right there and bring them home, same day, no wait. [Thinking--can I get an emergency prom dress out of this deal.] I need you to come to tell me how they look on me--I trust your style. You always look nice.
> [Holy shit--did Tricia just say she trusts my style?? I wanna cry.] Hell yes, count me in .... except .... I'll bring my own money .... but, can I pick up something ... one piece .... a, like, dancing dress ..... if I see one I like??
> Sure ..... but don't bring money, it'll be on me .... on one condition .....
> Anything.
> Yiu try it on for me .... back at my place.
> Done. What time should I be ready?
> As soon as you can. I'm hopping in the shower. I wanna beat tonight's traffic. You're a peach, Kelly.
Tricia and listen to music in the car. Someone I've never heard of.
I heard Prince for the first time ever, alone in a car on the New Jersey Turnpike with Tricia, a pretty girl I was having catfight fantasies over. An older girl. Who I was crushing on.
Top that, Ladies. Betchya ya can't.
Newark is a blurr. We puck the perfect style of flight atrendant skirt for Tricia. Her legs look sexy as fuck in them. She knows it. I know it. She knows I know it.
We find the perfect emergency prom dress for me. I look sexy as fuck.
I ask the fitting lady, tongue in cheek,
> What if I get in a catfight at prom in this?
> [Without hesitating, she answers] It'll get torn to shreds, so make sure you tear hers first.
Tricia and I look at each other, and smile mischieviously.
We drive back home, listening to Prince.
We both want to be in her bed room. It takes .... FUCKING FOREVER.
We get in her bedtlroom. She throws on the flight attendant skirt. I throw on my new prom dress.
We're tongue kissing desperately in seconds flat.
She wants to see me fight at prom.
I want to see her fight Colleen.
We both cum together, my first time ever cumming with a girl. I act like I've done it before. She tells my truth.
> That wasmy first time with a girl, Kelly. Not my first time. But my first with a girl.
> I'm .... flattered. That was my BEST ..... ever. Boy OR girl. My fucking BEST.
> Good. I'm ok with the boys you've been with. But jealous of the girls.
> Jealous? .... as in .... you would fight them?
> That's basically what jealous is, right?
That's right.
I walk home in a daze.
I'm falling for two women. At once.
And I think they're falling for me.
To be continued......