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Kaley Cuoco vs Nina Dobrev

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Kaley Cuoco vs Nina Dobrev
« on: September 09, 2022, 05:42:55 AM »

Fight happened in 2017
Kaley Cuoco saw Nina Dobrev at the airport and walked up to her “Hi”

“How are you, Kaley?”

“Oh I’m good but you know “

“I know what?”

“I would have beaten you in the Championship, y’know if I had have taken Emma more seriously.”

“If you never took Emma seriously that’s on you not me.  Emma and I have both left fights against each other victorious and she’s a tough beat.”

“I’m just saying…”

“I know what you’re saying, and I don’t appreciate it… So kindly please stop.”

Kaley tapped her fingers against her stomach, looked down and then back up at Nina “You know I’m right though.”

Nina stepped forward “Lets find out if your right or wrong.”

Nina left for a few minutes and came back “Ok, there is a closed off gate.  Either I’m right and I earned that belt or you’re right and I’ll give you the belt.”

“You’ll give me the belt, are you serious because if so…”

“If you want to fight me lets go fight.  If the thought of the belt being yours if you win properly motivates you then all the better to me when I kick your ass.”

“Oh I’m motivated.”

“As am I.”

They covered themselves up so no one recognized who they were and took a picture.  The closed off gate was awaiting them.   One person did recognize them and followed them.  Nina was in first and took off her sweater and shoes, she placed the sweater on top.

Kaley followed suit then being the ever cocky “Last chance, no one has ever beaten me when I want to fight.”

“Good, I like being the first to do something.”

Kaley shoved Nina and Nina slammed against the siding.  “Don’t think you are strong enough for that.”

Nina was not a weak woman and shoved Kaley who ended up slamming against the opposite wall.   “Strong as you, faster than you and oh yeah better at fighting.”

Kaley fired off two punches, Nina blocked one and ducked underneath the next and then switched positions with Kaley and hit a side kick putting Kaley back to the wall.

“Better than you.”

She put her arms out and Kaley put a foot on the wall and pushed off for a punch, but Nina saw it coming and ducked lifted Kaley off the ground and threw her down.  She was on top of Kaley hitting slaps but stopped and started to let Kaley try and get out

“Difference between me and you is I have all your strength, speed and athleticism but I don’t have that ego of yours because I know how good I am and I like proving it.”

Everything Kaley tried Nina was countering and wouldn’t let her up but each time she failed she hit Kaley with a slap “Not good enough” She would say each time and finally after countering Kaley for a good three minutes and neutralizing Kaley’s ego and power Nina finally stood up

“Now you may get up.”

“You fucking bitch.  Who do you think you are?”

“Nina Dobrev, the woman who is going to shut you up.”

Kaley’s hands went up “I’ll take this as serious as I’ve ever taken anything.” 

Nina smiled “I want you at your best so I’m happy that unlike Emma I’ll beat the best Kaley Cuoco.”

Kaley went for a straight kick and Nina caught it and kicked the plant leg putting her down.  Nina quickly got on Kaley’s chest and got a headlock and was hitting rights, but Kaley rolled onto her stomach and escaped.  Nina got up but was punched in the face and put back.

Kaley quickly grabbed her tank top and ripped it open then dropped to her knees and lifted Nina up and threw her down

Kaley kicked Nina in the stomach then kicked her tits.  The blonde grabbed the dark locks and lifted Nina up hit a knee to the stomach.  She then snaps suplexed Nina and kipped up to her feet.  Kaley had her back turned to Nina and slightly moved her head so she was looking back at the downed and shirtless Nina Dobrev

“Get up if you want but really Nina you can’t handle a fight with me”

Nina did get up and removed the remnants of her shirt.  “Oh I can handle it” 

Kaley went to remove her shirt but when her hands touched it Nina hit her with a leg kick then went to the ground and Nina leg swept Kaley.  Kaley went to the ground legs up and Nina pushed the legs to get Kaley on her belly.  Nina hit a knee to Kaley’s shoulder then picked her up by the shirt and tore it off only to get pushed but Nina countered that with a hip throw..

Nina looked down on Kaley “What’s up” Nina kicked Kaley “Still think I can’t handle you.”  She went for a second, but Kaley got her knees in the way so Nina foot hit shin.

Nina bounced back that caused a short sting.  Kaley was up and threw a punch which connected and put Nina against the wall.  Kaley stepped back and put her arms out “Soak in this A List body”

Nina did and before Kaley could react grabbed her tits squeezed then pushed Kaley into the wall let the tits go and hit right and left hook.  Then she put her left on Kaley’s face hit a leg kick then spun for a spinning backfist.  Kaley reacted immediately and waistlocked Nina from behind then pushed her to the middle hit some knees to the back of Nina’s leg and grabbed her tits when Nina was about to counter.

Nina gave out a screech then Kaley got both feet behind Nina’s knees and took her down “This is not the CW.  You fight me you won’t get away with amateur hour bullshit.”

Nina caught a stomp twisted the ankle and Kaley spun away readying for a soccer kick, but Nina rolled toward Kaley and tripped her up.  Kaley got up as quickly as she could, but Nina grabbed her from behind by the ribs and sent her in the air at the window.

Kaley pushed back after impact, but Nina got to her hair slammed Nina’s face into the window.  Nina applied some pressure smushing the cheek into the window “Had enough?”

Kaley gurgled something and was dropping her shoulder.  “Got trouble speaking Kaley…Your time at the top is over.”

Kaley snuck arm behind Nina but before she could do anything Nina pulled her away and went for a knee to the stomach.  Kaley caught it smiled then was about to attack only for Nina to get her hands on Kaley’s trapezes lift up off her feet and hit a elbow straight down on top of Kaley’s head.

That caused Kaley to freeze.  Nina got down to her feet grabbed Kaley by the tits and slammed her back into the window and wall.  The tunnel shook and Nina smiled then ripped off the bra of Kaley Cuoco

Kaley responded to that with a snap head butt.  “Best thing to do when they get your bra is always the head butt.”  Kaley then hit a left hook that put Nina down “Want my title.  Want my reputation then its lesson time bitch.”


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Re: Kaley Cuoco vs Nina Dobrev
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2022, 05:44:33 AM »
Kaley took her bra off then got it around Nina’s throat.  She was about to put her foot on Nina’s back when Nina got on her toes and pushed back.  “fuck” Nina shouted then got slammed into the glass

“Got you right now if I wanted little Nina but you need a lesson.”

Nina knew this kind of attack and was getting her hips inside so when she hit, she had the ability to counter.  So, she got her left shoulder under Kaley arm pit then a solid stomach punch.  The bra left Nina’s throat and she turned into three more.  “I obviously learned that lesson.”

Kaley grabbed the ack of Nina’s bra dropped to her hip and flipped Nina.  Nina’s bra snapped and both women quickly got up.  Nina went for a punch, but it was slowed by her bra dropping down which gave Kaley a free overhand right which connected in the lips bloodying Ninas mouth

It also dropped Nina, but Nina didn’t stay down long buried her face into Kaley’s stomach.  Kaley looked in the window and saw her reflection and put her arms out like “Yeah that’s right look at this.”

“Oh Nina that’s not how I roll but if that’s how you want me to finish you off I WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL”  Nina took kaleys vanity and used it as an advantage

She got her head where it was to protect herself but also to find out what Kaley would do.  She didn’t come at Nina with more so Nina used her athleticism, strength and skill to lift Kaley up almost hitting her head into the ceiling

Before the head hit the ceiling Nina completely spun Kaley and was sending her head down.  She wasn’t planning on a spike and got Kaley in a position for a rubber guard and immediately got the shin on the face

Kaley got her hand on Nina’s tit and dug her nails in as deep as she could that got Nina to kick her away and get up. Kaley tried to pounce with a one two and takedown, but it was slip, roll and get away.  Nina quickly got on Kaley’s back and went for a choke

She got it locked in but before nina could apple pressure Kaley grabbed her wrist and pulled down breaking the choke then shifted her knees up and began to stand with Nina on her back.  Nina let go dropped down and pushed Kaley

Kaley never fell forward she bent down then spun and hit a right “You don’t get it do you.  This is what my having respect for someone looks like.  All my skills and all my strength and.”  She went for another punch which Nina ducked under hit a upper cut to the tit then a left hook and then she went for a spinning elbow.

What happened looked choregraphed, but it was all instinct and skill.  Kaley blocked the elbow tried to lock in a dragon sleeper then Nina used her elite flexibility to kick Kaley in the head.  That dazed Kaley and Nina spun went for a Northern Lights suplex.  Kaley widened her legs and then realized she had a chance and went for a guillotine choke

Nina tried to fight the arms from being locked.  The fight she dreamed about that she never knew if she was good enough for was now nearing an end and that end was her choked unconscious by Blonde Kaley Cuoco.

She tried to lift Kaley, but Kaley blocked it and moved slightly to Nina’s right.  Kaley was adding more pressure and felt Nina fading.  Nina’s hand was on Kaley’s rock hard and sweaty stomach.  She could give up now and know she did her best, but Kaley was still the best or she could find a way.

Nina turned her hand downward and slid it down Kaleys pants “What no…”  Kaley knew what could happen she let go and pushed Nina Dobrev away “Do you know what you just did?”

“Got out of a choke hold.”

“You want to play li…I guess I started it hey.”

“Yes you did and for …” Nina never got to finish, that was a trap by Kaley

Kaley got Nina into a conversation and hit a jab to the stomach a cross to Nina’s tit then a hook to the head and a right uppercut to Nina’s tit that made her grimace.  Kaley bearhugged Nina and tried to slam her into the wall but Nina dropped her hips and flipped Kaley.

Kaley was getting up as quick as she could but still ate a Nina Dobrev thigh to the tits.  Nina wanted to hit her knee to the face but that felt so good.  Kaley had great tits and feeling them compress was a great feat

She pushed on Kaley’s back to stop her from escaping and this time hit a knee to the tit.  She moved slightly and Nina did a wide swing to get past the shoulder but ended up taken down.  Nina was able to push Kaley away and Kaley went for the jab to the stomach to start off again.  Nina moved slightly laterally and hit a uppercut.

That straightened Kaley up with a snap back of the head.  Nina didn’t know how fazed Kaley was threw a left and Kaley was slipping it so she spun and hit a kick to Kaley’s stomach.  That sent Kaley back and Nina turned she thought she heard something but then turned her attention back to Kaley who tried to bounce back

Nina just got her left up to block a right hand from Kaley but left her middle open.  So, Kaley clawed at Nina’s tit.  That backed Nina up she then Kaley went for the hair and Nina went for Kaley’s tits.  A strong squeeze and she sent Kaley to a side and now Kaley looked and thought she seen something and ended up eating a side kick to the stomach sending her down

Kaley put her hand up and Nina took a deep breath “You had enough.”

“This has been a great fight I don’t want it ruined.  Did you think you seen something as well like someone watching.”

“I.”  It made Nina step back “I heard something.”  They both looked over and Ruby Rose came out from a hiding spot.  “Why are you here ruby?”

“You two did a movie together…. Nina you rotten coward is this how you get your win on me by having your friend help”

“Listen blondie I’m as surprised as you are and if you…”

“I want to fight Nina and saw her then when I got here you two were fighting so I watched.”

“You bitch we had a prank war why are you so obsessed with me.  I wanted this … Kaley, I challenged you I am not a two on one kind of girl I don’t need her to beat you…”

When Nina looked at Kaley it was clear to Kaley, she was out of the moment of the terrific fight they were having.  Her interest was ot as much in winning the fight but in Kaley believing her.  Kaley smiled when Nina asked, “You believe me don’t you?”

Kaley hit a round house kick to the stomach.  That amazing stomach of Nina Dobrev was not prepared, and Nina doubled over gasping for air.  Kaley grabbed Nina by the hair and snapped her back into the wall “I believe you but its time for me to end this.”

Nina groaned and Kaley stood up over her looking down “Hell of a fight but there’s leagues to this shit Nina and not many are in mine when I’m ready to fight and want to fight.”  Left hook to the fallen Dobrev then a right

Kaley slicked her hair back then slightly turned her head to see Ruby Rose enjoying the sight of her naked back.  “You deserve to see a little more.”  So, she turned slightly so Ruby could see the side boob

Kaley then dropped down on Nina’s legs “Id prefer you admit to the loss then me smash the loss into you anymore.”

Nina’s hands went to Kelly’s tits and dug in hard and then she tightened her entire upper body and squeezed so titflesh was popping out between each finger.  “Not done yet.”

The strength Nina Dobrev was getting with no real leverage was to much for Kaley who got tossed off of the lap of Nina.  Nina turned to follow but Kaley’s experience she immediately got all her fingers on Nina’s down hanging areolas.  Now hey rolled around going after the other tits.

Up on their feet they traded hard rights then Nina ducked a left hit three fast punches to Kaleys stomach and drove her head up smashing it to Kaleys face.  That backed Kaley up and Nina could sense it and she was going to take that torch

Nina spun for a picture-perfect kick to kaleys stomach.  The leg extension on the spinning back kick made Ruby gasp.  Kaley was sent hard into the wall.  She coughed but fought the urge to go down.  Nina smiled “Want to see one more”

Nina spun again and when she turned to find her target, she realized her mistake.  She said what was coming and Kaley had made a similar mistake against her.  Impressing Ruby was not what was important here what was important was two elite fighters finding out who was best.

Kaley moved heard the foot hit and hit a punch to above Nina’s ear and it seemed to have dazed Nina but Nina in a move of desperation when she fell back kicked her other leg up like a scissor kick in soccer and hit Kaley.

Both were down now.  They got on their knees and Kaley clawed at Nina’s tits and Nina hit a punch.  That got Kaley hands off her tits so she went for Kaley’s clawing at them and Kaley hit her own punch.  They fell back again and began to get up

Both were topless and Kaley was trying to tie up Nina who was fighting it.  Mouth bloodied, eye blackened Nina got her hands once again on Kaley’s tits and gave them another squeeze this time it felt like she broke Kaley’s tits as she felt her thumb touch her middle finger.  Kaley screamed and she slammed Kaley into the wall and let the tits go.

Nina hit a knee to Kaley’s stomach and put both hands to the left of Kaley’s head and hit four more knees, Kaley was losing.  In fact, she lost and stopped trying to fight back but she needed more, she needed to send a message that a motivated Kaley Cuoco couldn’t beat her.

So Nina hit a back elbow and it caused Kaley to lean forward and Nina stepped back two steps and made a step then jumped into a knee smash to Kaley’s face knocking her out cold.  She put Kaley’s lost clothes on top of her  and took a picture

“This wasn’t about souvenirs but about knowing who was better and now we know… It was me and by the way Emma gave me a tougher fight.”

Nina turned around and there was Ruby Rose.

“Keep fucking around when I’m fighting and I’ll find out unless Marie shuts you up first.”

Ruby paused for a bit and bit on her lower lip then walked away trying not to let that bother her.  Nina would have to pay for this it was Nina vs Ruby Rose that was the goal not a fight with Marie Avgeropolous

(Upcoming: Alana de La Garza vs Erica Durance; Elyse Levesque vs Jaimie Alexander; Ashley Greene vs Teresa Palmer rubber match)


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Re: Kaley Cuoco vs Nina Dobrev
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2022, 04:02:06 PM »
Wow, very intense fight and very nice contrast between super experienced Kayley and tough and athletic Nina. Loved the tit mauling, specially Nina attacking Kayley's big boobs.

I'd love to see Kayley back in action soon: curious how she recovers from this exhausting battle. And if there's other women trying to challenge her after this (narrow) defeat.