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Spanish Red from the original GLOW

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Offline Kiva

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Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« on: October 21, 2022, 03:37:06 AM »
I had been interested in learning more about the original GLOW run of the 1980s. Full episodes are not available so I can only go by videos of individual matches and articles on the internet. Although the show looks intentionally cheesy, I think the girls performed remarkably well, considering their lack of experience. Some of them were quite talented.

One wrestler that caught my intention was “Spanish Red”, a beautiful Hispanic woman with a heel gimmick of a hot-tempered  fiery Latina (stereotypes anyone?). It seems to me that she had the complete package to be a great pro wrestler: the looks, athleticism, execution, taking bumps, and a strong charismatic persona. She even had a sexy pinning move called the “Spanish Press.” It seems like she disappeared after GLOW. The only info I could find is that she was a dancer and had a small role in a Richard Pryor movie. Unlike some of the other GLOW girls who show up at conventions and keep a social media platform, Red doesn’t seem to have an internet footprint. I presume she returned to a quiet private life.

Did you watch GLOW in the 80s? What did you think of Spanish Red? Was she in any particular story lines? Thanks.

Here are 2 matches between Spanish Red vs The California Doll:
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Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2022, 04:28:15 AM »
She was o.k.--not the greatest, not the worst.  Any heel who wasn't taking on Tina Ferrari made me wonder ,"Why isn't she challenging the best?".


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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2022, 05:52:07 AM »
I actually remember Spanish Red from a particular match against Americana. In the match she was winning the majority of it in dominating fashion. Although I found Americana the better looking of the two Spanish Red was more desirable to me because of how she dominated. She taunted her rival and treated her as if she not even in her class. As I am one who loves to see one girl totally taking it to another who is by all accounts an even match. Although in the end Americana won the match at the end on a fluke I remembered it because of how Spanish red had dominated during it.


Offline Kiva

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2022, 07:07:14 AM »
She was o.k.--not the greatest, not the worst.  Any heel who wasn't taking on Tina Ferrari made me wonder ,"Why isn't she challenging the best?".
Actually, Spanish Red and Tina Ferrari did work a 12 minute match. If you can get past the annoying announcer, Tina’s 80s hair, glitter, and racist insults (“Shut up, Taco Breath), both do a very good job for their short experience. I think Red has the more difficult spots. Tina (Lisa Moretti) went on to become the WWE Women’s Champion as “Ivory”. Today, she operates an animal day care and grooming service in Washington state and volunteers at no kill animal shelters. A true champion. Here’s their match in two parts. The finish is weak but that’s just how they were booked.

snw: I didn’t see that match but your memory of it confirms my impression of Spanish Red; a talented worker who played the badass heel role brilliantly. Thanks for sharing.
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Offline Sinful Senorita Carmen

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2022, 09:56:15 PM »
Didn't Spanish Red briefly have a face run in GLOW?
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Offline npom

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2022, 01:53:45 AM »
I was a big fan of GLOW back in the late 80's. After over 10 years of tuning into Saturday afternoon wrestling hoping to see the rare woman's match GLOW was must see TV for me.  It sure was cheesy but the women did a great job. I even got to go to see it live once when they came to my city.

I remember Spanish Red. If I remember correctly her main rival was Americana. Both were very attractive and Spanish Red usually got the best of Americana.

My favorite GLOW ladies were Tina Ferrari, Lady Godiva and The Farmers Daughter. On the heel side I liked Colonel Ninotchka.  Her and the Farmers Daughter was a rivalry and Ninotchka usually bounced her around pretty good.


Offline Sinful Senorita Carmen

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2022, 03:19:37 PM »
Looking through GLOW she looked like Spanish Red started out as a face, went heel for a while then went back to being face.   She and Ashley Cartier teamed up for a two on one against Matilda the Hun and both of them were getting squashed and embarrassed in the ring, but then towards the end Spanish Red turned heel and attacked Ashley where Red and Matilda just beat Ashley down.

Then she had a heel run, but then it looks like the last televised match of Spanish Red was against Attache where Spanish Red was face
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Offline sugoishadows

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2022, 07:37:13 PM »
I was a fan of she, one me favorites :)
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Offline Texaskid

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2022, 07:51:28 PM »
Heard she got a bit too much into her matches and they warned her during the match and when she didn't ease up several gave her  a reciept, usually a move put in as punishment or to get back at a wrestler.


Offline Kiva

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2022, 01:55:46 AM »
Looking through GLOW she looked like Spanish Red started out as a face, went heel for a while then went back to being face.   She and Ashley Cartier teamed up for a two on one against Matilda the Hun and both of them were getting squashed and embarrassed in the ring, but then towards the end Spanish Red turned heel and attacked Ashley where Red and Matilda just beat Ashley down.

Then she had a heel run, but then it looks like the last televised match of Spanish Red was against Attache where Spanish Red was face
Thanks Carmen. I found the Attaché match and it does look like Spanish Red was the face: Apparently, only a few of the GLOW women had any kind of career in show biz or pro wrestling.after GLOW.  Spanish Red decided to live a very private life. Maybe someday I’ll write a fangirl story about her. I’d hate to be her opponent trapped in the “Spanish Press.”  ;)
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Offline Sinful Senorita Carmen

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2022, 04:07:14 PM »
Heard she got a bit too much into her matches and they warned her during the match and when she didn't ease up several gave her  a reciept, usually a move put in as punishment or to get back at a wrestler.

that's called "going stiff" or a "shoot fight" in the biz
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Offline Mr. Cavalier

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2022, 11:20:51 PM »
Really loved the original GLOW. Can't believe the popularity of the Netflix series. It was like they went out of their way to find the most unattractive women they could find.
My favorite match was Tina Ferrari and Jungle Woman. But Spanish Red and Americana was a great rivalry too. Loved to backless leotards and the in ring dance routines. Ashley and both Farmer's Daughters were smoking hot ????. The original was Becky Muller, don't know the name of her replacement, but she was super sexy too.
Pioneer show, first time I know of that women wrestlers carried the whole show

Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2022, 01:06:08 AM »
I remember her! Friend who knew I was into wrestling gave me some tapes from matches back in the day. She was always so sexy it in her highlegged leotard, though I tended to favor the russian, Ninotchka.


Offline Hyori

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Re: Spanish Red from the original GLOW
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2023, 04:03:05 PM »
I think she's not very popular, but she was my absolute favourite.
Skilled, sexy and mean.