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Wonder Woman - Rising Sun

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Wonder Woman - Rising Sun
« on: December 06, 2022, 10:03:00 PM »

Wonder Woman portrayed by Lynda Carter
Lady Kamikazeportrayed by Harumi Nemoto
Ms America Portrayed by Kate Upton

Washington DC

Wonder Woman arrived to her scheduled meeting at the pentagon right on time gracefully placing her invisible Jet on the Landing pad built specially for her. She was greeted by several uniformed men including her Lover Steve Trevor and whisked to secret room in the bowels of the iconic structure.

The Amazing Amazon had helped lead the Allied War effort to great success in Europe culminating in an Epic Showdown and defeat of the Suppposed Nazi Super Woman THE VALKRYIE. Diana Prince was on top of the world and ready for more. She figured she was being summoned to deploy into the Pacific Theatre to help finish off the Japanese and finally close the war effort….She was right…. As usual.

Diana took a seat while Major Steve Trevor presented his TOP SECRET EYES ONLY REPORT
2 Days ago Miss America was deployed to an Island near midway to Engage LADY KAMIKAZE.
Diana was familiar with the Japanese Supposed Superwoman through rumor and propaganda media but was stunned to learn of the catastrophic mission failure and defeat suffered by her friend Miss America. Wonder Woman blood boiled  as she was shown top secret footage depicting the Mysteroius Lady Kamikaze laying waste to the Blonde Bombshell. “How is this possible Miss America is nearly as powerful as an Amazon” Wonder Woman asked as she watched Lady Kamikaze pulverize Miss Americas red white and blue boobs.

“We believe the Japanese stumbled on an ancient power stone like the one Miss America was powered by”

“What do you mean was” Diana asked with growing frustration.

“Lady Kamikaze defeated Miss America…. she unmasked her…. And finally destroyed her power stone…crushed it into a dust…Wonder Woman …Miss America has been totally neutralized and we fear Lady Kamikaze will shift the balance of Power in the Pacific Theatre”

“Great Hera” Wonder Woman Exclaimed…’Unmasked…Nuetralized… Where is Miss America is she ok?”

“Thats Classified Ma’am…..”

The next day

The United States Navy had confiscated all their footage of Miss Americas doomed mission.However later that week Japanese propaganda spies had infiltrated American news agencies and planted edited and slickly produced news reels. The Film was leaked and suddenly spread like wildfire to theaters across the country…the blow by blow lurid footage of the beloved Blonde Bombshells breaking at the hands of LADY KAMIKAZE. Within a week the secret was out Miss America had been destroyed and at the end of the Film the Viscous Villainess had a message.

Harumi Tanaka… The Lady Kamikaze stood in a dark room holding the tattered remains of Miss Americas iconic red white and blue battle bikini top

“People of America… your beloved Miss America is no more she was no match for the power of LADY KAMIKAZE” The vile woman laughed as she tore the broken bikini to pieces that sadly fell to the floor.

“But Miss America was merely my opening ACT…. I am Challenging Earths greatest Superheroine to meet me in battle… WONDER WOMAN….COME MEET YOUR DOOM”

The Nation buzzed and Diana seethed. The shock and sadness of the defeat of Miss America led to the questioning in Wonder Woman should or would accept Lady Kamikazes brazen challenge. Wonder Woman Amazon pride burst with rage both at the fate of her superheroine sister and the insolence of this one hit wonder Lady Kamikaze to insult the Amazing Amazon cubically.

“Im going…and Im going immediately” Diana said to her longtime Boyfriend Steve Trevor

Steve Smiled… “I knew you would be up to it Diana… We’re going to put that bitch in her place and Make things right”

The Miss America fiasco had created a massive morale problem for the US Military one Steve Trevor was eager to rectify.

The Major created an ambitious propaganda plan with USO to Make a grand spectacle of Wonder Woman victory over the feared Lady Kamikaze.

Wonder Woman cubically accepted accept the Villainesses challenge on her ownTurf…. Pearl Harbor Hawaii. A Beach ring and arena was quickly constructed with hundreds of Sailors and newsmen brought to witness Lady Kamikaze brought to justice.

Pearl Harbor Hawaii 1945

Steve Trevor and the USO worked tirelessly to erect a Beachside arena near Pearl Harbor to showcase Wonder Woman defeat of the Japanese menace Lady Kamikaze. No expense was spared to reclaim the morale the busty Villainess had seized from the America when she exposed Kate Archer.  Major Trevor had zero doubt in his mind his woman would come through. He was sure to have the larger possible crowd and media contingent to broadcast Dianas triumph.

Diana Prince stood alone with Steve Trevor before entering the sandy Arena.
“Good luck Diana” Steve said as he kissed his heroine
Suddenly Diana Prince spun and transformed into her Iconic outfit
“I don’t need luck Steve… Im WONDER WOMAN”

Wonder Woman entered the arena and made her way to the ring… she took in the site of thousands of sailors cheering her one. Newsmen and cameras lined the beach Diana had never seen so much media…” Good” she thought “ The world will see me make this foul woman pay” but the heroine could not help but feel a twinge of pressure from the spotlight Steve had created for her.

The Amazon stood in the ring glistening breasts high and her hands at her was it…her classic power stance and awaited her foe

Steve Trevor was indeed there to ensure that the world was watching as his woman proved triumphant. And this broadcast would serve as the consummation of their relationship. He rode the elevator up to the top floor of the observation tower, because the brass were fine with putting on a show for the roughnecks in the stands. But that didn’t mean that they were comfortable sitting with them. Instead of ice cold bear and popcorn, these men were dining on scotch and steak, watching what everyone knew to be the inevitable defeat of Lady Kamikaze at the hands of the living Icon, Wonder Woman.
Diana stood on the sandy are a platform, her bust heaving as she breathed slowly. She’d faced monsters, warriors, sorcerers, and more. She felt her power coursing through every atom of her body. She felt the might of the Amazons in her veins. The wrath of Hera and Athena in her fists. But it changed the moment Hayumi planted her high heeled booted foot on the sand, as she stepped out of the Mercedes that had driven her from her dressing room to the arena. Diana looked on her foe, her body was a thing of wrath and lust and power that has been unshackled. The Amazonian bristled with glee, and secret avarice. Because try as she might to be otherwise, she was born to make battle. And this foul hell beast would be her Magnum Opus. Still. There was a faint tingling in Diana’s abdomen, the thrum of arousal. Hayumi was steeped in mystery and shrouded in a blanket of the collective awe of thousands who’d tried to stop her, and returned broken husks.

   A Hush fell over the bustling arena as the Mysterious Woman from the East made her way to the ring to meet the Fabled Amazon Princess. Harumi Tanaka... Lady Kamikaze was cloaked in a black cape dripping with Malice. She seemed oblivous to the hordes of Sailors booing her and cameras filming her as her dark eyes focused on her latest mission... WONDER WOMAN The Villainess slowly approached the ring and entred the sandy sqaured circle containing her waiting for her rival. "This bitch really likes to take her time" Diana throught as suddenly Lady Kamikaze threw off her cloak Diana was taken aback as Lady Kamikaze's rising sun battle bikini was revealed in the light of flash bulbs . Miss America possesed the maybe the only chest Diana thought could compare to her own...until today. "Great Hera" Diana whispered to her self???Lady Kamikaze had a definite taste for theatrics... she produced Miss Americas famed blue mask and held it high for the world to see. Wonder Womans blood boilded and fitsts clenched before Lady Kamikaze dropped the mask letting it flutter to the sand. The Vile Villainesses then pointed square at Wonder Woman stepped on the Fallen Heroines mask and buried it into the sand.???The Bell rang and the battle had begun??   ?   Diana trudged toward the golden skinned serpent, her jaw clenched in a rage that could melt mountains. Miss America had been a friend. A confidant. To see her not just bested, but broken like that, made Diana’s hatred boil to the surface. Determined to end this existential threat to everything she knew and held dear, Diana lunged toward her opponent, a right haymaker rippling through the air, nearly breaking the sound barrier - - and hitting nothing. Harumi, a skilled combatant and battle trained warrior, had seen fighters like this, throw this very same punch a thousand times. And while Diana was different than Ms America (trained as a warrior, gifted with godlike powers) she’d been amongst plain mortals for too long. Her speed was just a little slower. Her strikes had been conditioned to hold back. So when she punched, Harumi side stepped her rival with ease, and instead drove her knee up into the Amazons abdomen, planting a body shot that would have punched a hole in a battle ship????GUUUUUUUHHHHHHH.... Wonder Woman moaned as the oxygen was expelled from her body. Lady Kamikazes knee felt as if it impaled her. The Amazon instinctively bent forward holding her gut allowing the Japanese Villainess to raise both her fists and blast Wonder Womans back with a THUNDEROUS double axehandle blow that drove the undefeated Amazon to the sand kicking up a cloud of white sand blocking a clear view of the ring momentarily.

?   Steve watched from the tower, clearly agitated, as forks hit plates. “Has she ever- “ “No.” Steve answered. “She hasn’t…..” staring through the binoculars, Steve’s jaw shivered as he watched Lady Kamikaze’s next diabolical act. Standing over the Amazonian, Harumi bent and secured Diana’s free flowing mane in both hands, jerking the American’s head back, and sneering down at her. “You’ll never win. My will is too strong. America’s will is too str-“ And in an instant, Harumi dropped to her knee, slamming Diana’s chin down on it, as the entire assembled military members stated on in shock….Diana’s body twitched and she fell like a sack of laundry to the sand….her eyes wide and glassy…..fluttering as she moaned gently and held her chin????“You American whores are good for nothing. Your mouths speak too loudly, and are good for wrapping around the flaccid cocks of your defeated warriors.” Harumi spat on the face of the Amazonian and stood. “Now. Get. Up.”??   Never been hit so hard " Wonder Woman thought as her mind reeled. "How is this possible..No woman I have ever encountered has been this powerul" "No more Ms Nice Girl" Diana thought as she pulled her mighty fist back and launched a hellacious uppercut that detonated under Lady Kamiazes chin.
   Tanaka saw stars as she was blasted off her feet and landed with a thud on the sandy arena surface.
   Diana smiled her million-dollar smile and turned to her adoring fans and waved. ????Steve took a drink and felt a wave of relief wash over him as Diana had seemingly righted the world and KO'd the Jap Bitch with one of her legendary fists. Before he could take a second sip he dropped his glass.???Lady Kamikaze had sustained a blow that would have decapitated a mortal women.... She sat up with a grin dirpping with malice????"Suprised Wonder Slut" We 're just getting started??

Truth is, she’d taken hundred of shots like that. Her martial arts training had stripped her of several layers of humanity, and all her weakness. She was no longer afraid of being beaten senseless because that had been her life. And now, this cocky American cock warm thought that one lucky shot would turn the tide? It just turned Harumi on . “I guess that was the hand you stroke dicks with. It packed the same tickle as Ms America. Before I broke her…” And now, it was Harumi’s turn to strike first. She charged at the Amazonian in a burst of speed that set off a small shockwave, driving a high front snap kick that snapped Diana’s head back and send Grecian blood splatter of to the sand, right before Harumi stepped into a right hook that hit with the force of a bomb, slamming into Diana’s lower abdomen, her soft belly yielding, as the Japanese torturess drove her fist down past the wrist…..and with that, America’s sweetheart trembled, wretched….and crumpled to her knees

   Dianas eyes bulged as Lady Kamikazes knuckles practically were driven to her spine. Wonder Woman found herself an unfamiliar position on her knees before another woman.????Get up Diana... Get Up Steve Muttered under his breath as he watched the hateful woman rear back her right hand. SSSSSLAAAPPPPPPPPP a sound cracked into the sky like a shotgun blast as Lady Kamikaze bitch slapped Wonder Woman seemingly shaking the stands. Wonder Womans face whipped 90 degrees while her left signature Red earring was blown from ear landing in the 5th row of sailors. Steve was beside himself as he watched several of them fight for the unexpected souvenir????Tana took the faltering heroine by the hair and dragged her on all fours out to the center of the ring where the villainess pulled her up on her knees and stepped behind her to lock on a Rear Choke Hold. As Diana's face slowly turned red,Lady Kamikaze roared in delight! This was the most trouble the Amazon had ever been in, and for the first time in a fight, Diana truly feared that she may lose. Panic went off in her head and she drilled a desperation elbow back into the gut of her rival. Lady Kamikaze grunted as she released the hold then attempted to pound Wonder Woman with a Haymaker as she stood up. The Amazing Amazon ducked the wild swing, staggered over to the ropes, and bounded off to deliver a stunning drop kick nearly blowing the Japanese Menaces tits out of her top! The crowd EXPLODED and went wild as their heroine completed the move by dropping her leg across Harumi' s massive chest. Steve Trevor pumped his fist cheering "THATS OUR WONDER WOMAN"??   His hands quivered as he held the binoculars. His dream girl was there, taking the beating of her life….but he knew she wasn’t done. Not even close. Diana slammed her thigh down into Harumi’s famed golden tits, squashing the glands that had absolutely humiliated Ms America’s, and the crowd erupted in a unified swell of applause. Applause that grew as Diana lifted her thigh, looked over at the stands and asked the brave servicemen, “wanna see it again?!” Applause that died the moment that Harumi’s balled fist slammed into Diana’s stretched and bared petals, the Japanese assassins fist buried into the star spangled crotch of her opponent as the Amazonian lurched, and then spasmed….and then screamed????“Oh….Oh god…..” he said trembling….his jaw quivering as Steve watched what looked like Diana soak her bottoms…….??No Villain had ever targeted Dianas womanhood before but it was now clear in the heat of battle That Lady Kamikaze was unlike any foe The Amazing Amazon had ever encountered. The relentless diabolical she devil gathered her bruised breasts while Wonder Woman stumbled like a newborn fawn in the middle of the ring. Diana had brought the war to Tankas tits.... now Lady Kamikaze would return the favor Harumi stalked her wounded prey like a lioness closed in on Wonder Woman and this time wound her Right hand far back. Wonder Womans eyes came back to focus as she held her crotch "Where is she...where is she" The Princess turned around to barley catch a glimpse of Tanakas hand of Stone CCCCCCRRRRRAACCCCCCKKKKK a second BITCH SLAP ripped through Wonder Womans face spinning he heard nearly 180 degrees the other way. incredibly Diana's right earing was launched clear into Steves Observation tower landing in his bosses whiskey glass. The Gallant Amazon Warrior saw stars and collapsed into the nearby by turnbuckle. Wonder Woman bellowed as she her back hit the corner with arms entangled in ropes. Dianas brain fought the fog of combat as she tried to find air and respite from her raging oppopnent...her iconic boobs held by her legendary golden eagle bustier rose and fell...jiggling while they took in air. Lady Kamikaze black eyes lit up with the glorious sight she has ever seen... Two HUGE targets wide open... defenseless.

Diana’s head lolled around like it was on a swivel. You could hear a pin drop on the bridge of the aircraft carrier where Steve was watching the horror unfold; a pin, or the admiral’s drink. A steward scurried in and cleaned up the mess, as a solemn silence fell over the decorated panel of observers. The slap had resonated across the entire island, like a shotgun blast. It was fundamentally a strike intended to demean. And degrade. A right hook would have been just as easy. But a slap? A slap sends a message; you’re beneath me. A point that Harumi punctuated a half a second later when she balled her right fist, and dig it into the pit of Diana’s taut abdomen. And then a second later, her left fist followed suit. America’s sweetheart hung in the ropes, as the Japanese goddess brutalized her body, blow after blistering blow. All fell silent on the American lines as servicemen watched as America’s greatest hope was being reduced to little more than a punching bag….. Drool dribbled from Diana’s mouth as Harumi stood back and admired her art….one moment before she grabbed the golden eagle corset in both hands and RIPPED the garment away, revealing Diana’s prized bust…..her cheeks blushed a sudden crimson as the Amazonian had never been subjected to such indignities

   Dianas prize pair had never been bare in public... not until tonight! Red-faced, the Amazons's knees buckled and she turned away, trying to shield her exposed breasts from hundreds of camera's flash. But her trembling hands were no more protection than the thin fabric had been and they  couldn't prevent Tanka's new flurry of devilish uppercuts from ravaging her vulnerable and exposed undersides. Harumi launched herself into every punch; her fists smashing up into the soft underboob, each blow sending Diana's own breasts flopping up into her own astonished face!???Lady Kamikaze was unrelenting; she kept coming; kept punching; her teeth bared. She dipped low and rose up, using the power of her magnificent ass and thick thighs to put all she had into every slicing uppercut until the heroin's once sturdy legs turned to rubber and simply gave way! She toppled over to sprawl face down in the cool sand. "No... no... no..." Wonder Woman murmured, shaking her head in disbelief and her stubborn refusal to accept what everyone could see with their own eyes. She curled up, cradling her devastated boobs in her trembling hands; trying to save them even further harm. Lady Kamikaze loomed over the struggling Amazon; grabbed her violently by her inky black hair and jerked Diana up, setting her on her wobbling legs, holding her by one handful of hair and her left breast. Diana Prince was in such a world of hurt, she barely understood the words the cruel Japanese woman whispered in her ringing ears, "Ready for your grand unveiling slut?" The hair on Wonder Woman's neck stood up when Lady Kamikaze called a cameraman to the ropes. The Japane Menace bodied up behind Wonder Woman and forced her chest over the top rope. Diana's nude boobs billowed as the lay limp and lifeless on the top rope as the Cameraman moved in for his close-up. "Say hello to America, Wonder Wimp!" Kamikaze cackled as she shook the rope, bouncing Diana's captive cans like huge pink water balloons. "No... no... NO... no... NO... no... NO... GaaaaWWWWWAaaaaaaWWWWWddddd.." Wonder Woman's pulsating sobbing echoed through the night as television screens across the nation captured the unforgettable image of the Amazon Amazons horror as the rough abrasive ropes bounced her juggs for the world to see...and enjoy.??Lady Kamikazes sadistic laughs echoed through the early silent beach as she released the battered Amazon from her cruel rope prison. Diana crumbled to the sand cradling her exposed heaving boobs. “Hera give me strength… she’s… shes beating me” Wonder Woman silently prayed to her goddess as Tanaka towered over here with a menacing pose.

The Vile Villainess soaked in camera flashes as she allowed her struggling rival to slow gain a vertical base. A rage burned in Diana with a sudden white hot heat.
Diana could take no more… her Amazon instincts took sudden hold. Almost as if Hera herself had answered her prayers a wave of angry energy flowed through the embattled Superheroine. 

“No! NO MORE!” Wonder Woman screamed. She delivered an earth-shattering back hand that blasted the Japanese Terror across the ring. The service men popped to their feet and Steve Trevor pumped his fist wildly as The Amazon drewback a massive haymaker right. WHIIIIIFFFFF

Diana’s power was there but her speed had been slowly sapped by the grueling contest and Lady Kamikaze saw the lumbering right fist from a mile away. The villainess skillfully dodged the KO blow and fired twin jugg seeking missiles exploding into Wonder Woman embattled breasts. Diana moaned as her heroic tits were MASHED together and instinctively covered up her iconic rack unwittingly leaving her chin badly exposed.

Steve turned away a fraction of second before Lady Kamikazes upper cut landed
CCCCRACKKKKKKKK. The Japanese Woman fist detonated underneath Wonder Woman chin whipping her hair back and sending her priceless tiara several rows into the crowd as the blow launched the struggling superheroine clean off her feet and outside of the sandy ring. Trevor was disgusted as he saw sailors scramble for his lovers Tiara before one held up the lude souvenir.

Wonder Woman barely conscious half nude body hit the sand with a sickening THUD. She had landed clear outside the ring and was now seemingly fighting for mere survival against the rampaging Super Villainess. “Hera…please” The Amazon pleaded once more to her godesss before catching a golden glint in here eye. Lady Kamikazes earth shattering uppercut hand blasted Wonder Woman clear of the ring…but Hera had seemingly answered Diana Prayers as she landed within grasp of her legendary golden lasso.

Lady Kamikaze casually approached the shattered superheroine gleefully plotting her doom as she watched the Amazon suddenly burst to her feet throwing the glowing rope. Tanaka was fast… but not fast enough. The Vile Villainess suddenly found herself wrapped up in the iconic Amazonian tether. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Kamikazes shrill voice rose into the sky as the Gathered Crowd Burst with unbridled Joy.

“Oh My God” Steve Said aloud…. “She did it again”

Wonder Woman 1 in a million shot had landed and now she would make this bitch who embarrassed her infront of HER man pay. POW an Amazon uppercut returned the favor blasting Lady Kamikaze back into the ring. Diana Followed and balled her fists eager to put the Villainess away and reclaim her nations honor. Wonder Woman violently grabbed her stunned rival and threw her into the ring ropes. Lady Kamikaze careened off the red white and blue ropes defenseless and BOOOOOOOOM was met with a sand shaking picture perfect missile dropkick. Harumi Tanaka was out before she hit the sand.

The arena roared as Wonder Woman placed a foot on Lady Kamikaze and the count began

It could’ve been to 100. The contest was over WONDER WOMAN was victorious.

Pandemonium swept the pearl harbor arena as red white and blue streamers and confetti fell on the ring. Steve Trevor rushed to the ring and draped his victorious lover in an American Flag to cover her exposed breasts before embracing her. Steve felt Dianas heavy labored breathing as she came down from the greatest challenge of career. “You did it Diana… you beat the bitch”

The Truth was Steve Trevor loved Diana Prince…. WONDER WOMAN… but what he was really attracted to was power. He was in love with the most powerful woman alive… Maybe Miss America was close but until Lady Kamikaze appeared Diana was his one and only. Steve could not help but be infatuated with the Japanese Threat after her stunning destruction of Miss America. Trevor could not stop watching the film… perhaps there was another woman out there… one ever more powerful than his beloved Amazon. Steve had to find out…. Diana could never know but Steve had arranged this showdown to test his Wonder Woman… And she passed with flying colors.

Diana kissed her man and whispered between pants… “Please just take me home”

Wonder Woman was met with look of Terror in Steves eyes… She turned her head to see Lady Kamikaze sitting up from her slumber laughing. “Impossible” Diana Gasped “She should be out for a week!” Slowly the Japanese Menace regained her feet struggling against the glowing ropes encircling her upper body. Wonder Woman grabbed the lasso and pulled….” I COMMAND YOU LADY KAMIKAZE TO SURRENDER”

Lady Kamikaze met Wonder Woman with a cold gaze before unfurling a devilish smile….
The Suppervillainess flexed and Diana felt a burst of pressure on her end of the lasso unlike she’d ever encountered. Again Lady Kamikaze concentrated and unleashed her power…. The lasso glowed blindly bright before shockingly BURSTING at Lady Kamikazes fearsome bust. The Legendary Amazonian weapon fell to the sand in dull pieces as Steve Trevors mouth dropped in awe. The Military Man had never seen such raw and awesome power as she  destroyed Diana’s Golden Lasso. “My god she is amazing” Steve whispered under his breath.

“What did you say” Diana turned briefly incredulous at her Lovers quiet comment.
A pit sat in Wonder Woman stomach as she watched Lady Kamikaze stand tall and motion to the Amazon to finish the fight.

“We’ll finish this conversation after I send this bitch back to Japan” Diana angrily said to Steve before storming back to the ring.

The crowd went wild as Wonder Woman accepted Lady Kamikaze’s epic challenge and thrust her legendary pair into battle. The pearl harbor arena shook as juggs clashed in the center of the ring, the impact reverberating throughout the arena, cloaking the fighters in a shroud of sand temporarily.

The Sailors and had their smiles turn to looks of horror, as after the dust cleared they saw, Wonder Woman iconic pair simply couldn't make progress against Lady Kamikaze rack! They tried to cheer and urge on their famed Amazon to beat back the Villainesses massive juggs, but unfortunately those prayers were not answered. Moments after the cheers began, Wonder Woman began to cry out in panic and anguish as her tits started to give to those of Lady Kamikaze’s “No..Hera.…my boobs, it can't be," Diana murmured in disbelief.

"Oh, it is, and you have met your DOOM” Lady Kamikaze taunted. Kate's eyes go wide in fear, unable to comprehend how this is happening, terrified by the taunt and the rack that is crushing her iconic pair like no other rack ever has before. Kate, realizing this challenge was only getting worse for her, tried to disengage. "Running away, again, Kate?" Abigail asked, eager to mock her troubled opponent. "Not so fast," Abigail snarled as she closed the gap Kate tried to create immediately, wrapping her arms around Kate's back and pulling her into a chest-to-chest bearhug.

"UGGGGGHHHHHH!" Kate loudly groaned, much to the chagrin of her fans, many of whom started to realize that Kate was in serious danger. With Kate's arms trapped in Abigail's brutal embrace, she could do little to escape this hold as her iconic pair were forced to do battle with the Asp's dominant chest. As the hold wore on, Kate's chest was slowly but surely being pushed back and dwarfed by the Abigail's larger twin orbs. "Oh, Kate, where did your famous 'iconic pair' go?" Abigail asked as she dominated her opponent's chest.

Kate's troubles didn't end there, though. Abigail looked at Kate's grimacing visage and smirked as she started to use her grip on her opponent to move her backwards before slamming her into the corner. Abigail quickly took a couple of steps backs before charging straight at Kate and leaping straight into the air to give a brutal chest-to-chest splash.

"AAAAAGHHHHH!!!" Kate yelled in agony as the devastating impact of
Abigail's tits crashing down on her's from above was simply too much to for anyone to bear, even her. The ear-piercing shriek crushed the hopes of her fans as they began to wonder if Kate had any chance of coming back. Worse still, her famous bra that covered her iconic pair was reduced to tatters, unable to take the strain of the match any longer. Dazed and stunned, Kate barely remained upright, and only did so by using both hands to grasp the top ropes.

Lady Kamikaze bathed in the spotlight Miss America was just an appetizer for the Vile Villainess… Wonder Woman was proving to be her main course… she began to wonder…who would be desert. The Japanese menace turned back to the ailing Amazon ready to end the match and Wonder Woman superheroine career. Suddenly a gold flash crossed her vision as the crowd sprung to life. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lady Kamikaze roared as Dianas Iconic Golden Lasso ensnared her. Wonder Woman had bullseye a 1 in a 100 shot and ensnared the raging Villainesss with her Devine weapon. Wonder Woman body flowed with adrenaline as  she slid back into the ring and approached her bound rival with a newfound life. Time for a little payback bitch Diana seethed under a deafening crowd. The Amazing Amazon returned the favor and blasted Lady Kamikaze with a heroic uppercut launching the Asian Assassin clear into the air. Harumi was KO’d before she even hit the ground.

Pandemonium exploded ringside… Wonder Woman had done it…She had avenged the Fallen Miss America. Diana breathed with relief… Lady Kamikaze had pushed her to the limit , she had never been challenged in such a manner, and couldn’t help but thank Hera for the luck she may have needed to overcome the Villainess. Steve Trevor rushed through the ropes to embrace his victorious lover. “ I knew you could do it…I knew you could beat her Diana” he whispered as he held the exhausted Amazon

Lady Kamikaze bathed in the spotlight Miss America was just an appetizer for the Vile Villainess… Wonder Woman was proving to be her main course… she began to wonder…who would be desert. The Japanese menace turned back to the ailing Amazon ready to end the match and Wonder Woman superheroine career. Suddenly a gold flash crossed her vision as the crowd sprung to life. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lady Kamikaze roared as Dianas Iconic Golden Lasso ensnared her. Wonder Woman had bullseye a 1 in a 100 shot and ensnared the raging Villainesss with her Devine weapon. Wonder Woman body flowed with adrenaline as  she slid back into the ring and approached her bound rival with a newfound life. Time for a little payback bitch Diana seethed under a deafening crowd. The Amazing Amazon returned the favor and blasted Lady Kamikaze with a heroic uppercut launching the Asian Assassin clear into the air. Harumi was KO’d before she even hit the ground.

Pandemonium exploded ringside… Wonder Woman had done it…She had avenged the Fallen Miss America. Diana breathed with relief… Lady Kamikaze had pushed her to the limit , she had never been challenged in such a manner, and couldn’t help but thank Hera for the luck she may have needed to overcome the Villainess. Steve Trevor rushed through the ropes to embrace his victorious lover. “ I knew you could do it…I knew you could beat her Diana” he whispered as he held the exhausted Amazon

Wonder Woman held her man tight… but something odd caught her attention. She heard…laughing? Diana released Steve and turned to her fallen opponent who had groggily regained consciousness. “Wow I must have knocked the bitch silly” Diana thought as she watched the bound Lady Kamikaze struggle to her knees while almost now maniacally laughing to her self. Wonder Woman and Steve watched together as the beaten Villainess now rose to her feet laughing seemingly at the top of her lungs.

“Get out of here Steve… I may have to do something I dont want to do” Wonder Woman ordered. “No Diana Im not going anyw……” Steve Trevor’s words were cut off by a sudden ROAR from Lady Kamikaze. The Villainesses red power stone glowed almost blinding bright as she flexer her powerful upper body and breasts. Diana could not believe her eyes as Lady Kamikaze thrust her bulging chest and BURST the legendary golden lasso into pieces.

Wonder Woman was numb as she watched her beloved lasso fall to pieces on the sandy ground. “Hera…no” Diana turned to Steve “LEAVE NOW” she ordered. Wonder Woman was annoyed and stunned to find Steve Trevor totally transfixed at Lady Kamikaze standing across the ring… drool seeming salivating from his mouth totally ignoring Diana.

“You think your little rope could defeat LADY KAMIKAZE”

Wonder Woman balled her fists to once again battle villainess

“Is this your…man Wonder Slut…I think he likes what he see’s”.  Lady Kamikaze purred

“She…shes… so powerful…Incredible” Steve murmured in a seemingly lustful trance

That was enough for Wonder Woman who was now filled with a jealous rage. The Amazon charged like raging bull and collided with Lady Kamikaze. The superwomen bodies collided before both hellcats shot into the air above the arena locked in a mutual brutal embrace. Steve snapped out of his momentary stupor and watched high in the sky as he watched his beloved Diana the battle of her life against the vile but alluring Lady Kamikaze. Press and Cameramen zoomed with cameras and binoculars as the tried to make out what was happening high above the arena. An object sharply fell from the sky landing near Steve who ran over.

Oh God No -Steve guffawed outlaid as he picked up Wonder Womans golden tiara.
Steve Looked up and saw both Women plummeting to sandy earth still locked in a mortal combat at an alarming speed.

KABOOM- Impact

Sand and Dust Kicked high into the air as Wonder Woman and Lady Kamikaze fell to earth like a bomb. Steve held on to Dianas tiara tightly as he dove for cover. Steve and the silent crowd stared intently at the crater waiting for movement. Waiting for one of thew superwoman to reveal herself as the one still standing.

A loud defeating cheer rangout as one woman crawled to daylight. Steve’s heart exploded as he watched Diana slowly emerge. Steve had never seen his Wonder Woman like this… Her hair matted and disheveled , she was missing an earring , her stars and stripes outfit was in tatters barely covering her sweaty sore heaving boobs.

Diana begin to stand on the edge of the crater saw her man and muttered
“Steve….Steve… I did it… I beat her” Diana wobbly reached her feet when suddenly she felt something around her torn red boot. Wonder Woman saw Steves eyes go wide in a mix of fear and excitement as she looked down to find Lady Kamikazes powerful hand gripping her red boot. No Herrrrraaaaaa Diana yelled to the heavens as the Conqueror of Miss America pulled her back into the crater.

Diana scratched and clawed but could find no leverage in the sand to prevent her being pulled back into the crater by the Asian Assassin. Steve could feel a pit in his stomach as he lost sight of Diana he could only hear the ominous sounds of both women struggling.

Steves ears perked as he heard the unmistakable sound of Fists colliding with Flesh.

The revierbations of what was sure to be massive blows shook the ground below steves feet.

He could Hear Dianas warm familiar voice and the Luridly Seductive sounds of Lady Kamikaze trade Grunts and Groans as the Press and Camera operators fought for position to catch a glimpse of the Titanic Battle at the bottom of the crater.

Steve had never really feared for his beloved Superheroine…the Most Powerful woman Alive…Wonder Woman….until now.

Surely and Slowly the volley of the blows seemed to settle… Steve would hear Diana groan and wait for counters that were coming slower and slower. He could only imagine the danger his lover was in. A Pitt sank in Steve Trevors stomach as he heard the unmistakable sound of Fist colliding with Jugg followed by Wonder Womans tender familiar voice moaning…

PLOP—- Uuuuuuuhhhhhhggg
BLAM—- Gunnnnnnnnnnnhgg
SPLAT- nooooooooooo

The sickening sounds of Boob Bashing were recorded and broadcast for the nation to hear

PLOP—- Uuuuuuuhhhhhhggg
BLAM—- Gunnnnnnnnnnnhgg
SPLAT- nooooooooooo BLAM- UhhhhhGHhhhhhh
PLOP- nooooo

There was a defining silence as the commotion stopped. Cameras Zoomed in tight as a shocking sight was revealed to the world. Lady Kamikaze emerged from the Sandy Crater with a wicked grin on her face and Wonder Womans matted sandy icky Curly in her hands dragging the shattered superheroine slowly by her hair behind her. “My God” Steve gasped as he caught glimpse of Dianas face… tear stained and babbling almost incoherently as she covered her bruised and battered boobs while being unceremonsionuly dragged to her final defeat infront of the world. Lady Kamikaze dropped the crushed Amazon with a pitiful thud. Diana lay spread eagled tits up exposed to the cruel cameras…her iconic bustier had been destroyed… along with her fighting spirit. Diana could feel the cool air on her ruined rack and the humiliation wave over her whole being as she was nearly blinded with flashing camera bulbs but here was nothing she could do about it…Lady Kamikaze was just too muchThe Conqueror of Kate Archer had broken the Legendary Wonder Woman…but she wasn’t finished.

The victorious villainess eagerly posed with a sharp foot between Wonder Womans quivering shallow breathing breasts. Harumi beamed with a perverse joy as she bathed in the glory of her victory and the knowledge that images and sounds of Wonder Womans doom where instantaneously beamed across the planet. Trevor stood in an awkward shocked state of silence and awe a mix of heartbreak witnessing Diana Defeat…but off odd exiliaration in witnessing the raw awesome fury of the Lady Kamikaze.

The Vile Villainess motioned for Steve to approach… The Navy man was in no position to resist as he carefully approached the Japanese Menace. Lady Kamikaze purred in delight “This is you man Wonder Slut” she said to the crushed Superheroine.

“Please…no… he had nothing to do with this…please let him leave your fight is with me” Wonder Woman groveled

“He’s handsome…and we both know hes cant keep his eyes off me” Harumi said as her words dripped with malice.

Steve approached both warrior women gripping Dianas Tiara right and shuddering with Fear and Excitement.

Lady Kamikazes voice boomed

“That tiara belongs to WONDER WOMAN the most powerful woman on earth…please present it to the TRUE WONDER WOMAN”

Steve made eye contact with Diana… and mouthed..”im so sorry” before focusing his gaze on the radiant Lady Kamikaze and coldly presented the “Amazon Breaker” her well earned crown.
Harumi placed Dianas tiara on her odious head before grabbing Steve and embracing him in a powerful…lustful kiss.

Wonder Womans warrior spirit shattered a the sight of the man she loved kissing the woman who had destroyed her back with a passion. Diana freely wept as she heard Lady Kamikaze give Steve an ultimatum.

“The great Wonder Woman is defeated Mr Trevor…choose her fate…

 you stay and keep what’s left of her…

or I can finish her and you can become MINE”

Steve paused for an instant…he looked down at the sobbing Diana…this Was No Longer Wonder Woman

“Finish the bitch off” - Steves cold words exploded in Dianas brain as Lady Kamikaze stuck her tongue down her mans throat once more.

“Very Well” Lady Kamikaze purred…”How would you like it” she asked with Glee.

“Noooo…hera…no steve…. Please…why”

Part of Steve Trevor was heartbroken for Diana, but a now bigger part was disgusted by her defeat and degradation… Lady Kamikaze was now his woman… he stared Wonder Woman and then at Lady Kamikazes epic breasts.

“Smother” he said coldly. Harumi just smiled and winked

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” Diana Screamed at the top of her lugs


Dianas eyes bulged with fear as she could do nothing but watch Lady Kamikazes Weapons of Mass Destruction descend horrifyingly on her waiting face


Wonder Womans face was sealed in a hot sweaty Japanese Tomb. Her mind reeled and panicked as she fought for air but could find only hot stink. Hera how…why…how could this happen Dianas brain through as she slowly gave into her twisted fate….

Cant happen… Im wonder woman
Im wonder wom
Im wonder
Im Im

Wonder Woman went dark as Lady Kamikaze juggs stole the last of her breath and her feeble attempts at resistance ceased. Harumi released the infamous hold and allowed Diana to flop in a delirious state of semi consciousness

“Im …wonder….woman”

Diana mindlessly babbled beneath her Japanese conqueror

“Not any more WONDER SLUT” Lady Kamikaze proudly announced

 The victorious Villainess grabbed the devastated Amazon by her long neck and powered her above her head. Wonder Woman could only meekly flail her tired long limbs as she was suspended above her destroyers head. Suddenly Dianas broken body was ruthlessly driven feet first into the Hawaiian Sand. Wonder Womans legs were driven into the earth like an Amazon tentpole. Lady Kamikaze roared and pounded Wonder Womans body into the sand over and over like an Unrelenting Hammer on a pathetic nail. Diana was now buried up to her neck sobbing and babbling as Lady Kamikaze held Steve tight….

“Help me Steve …help “ Diana pitifully begged

He simply looked away and kissed Lady Kamikaze once more

“Good bye Wonder Slut” Lady Kamikaze smiled with a vile malice as she placed her foot upon Dianas head and forcefully drove the destroyed superheroine beneath the sand.

Diana Prince…the Former Wonder Womans inky black hair disappeared from sight before Lady Kamikaze and Steve Trevor flew off into the sunset.
Diana prince would soon be excavated from her sandy grave and placed in a low-level security job…But Wonder Woman would be forever buried on that beach

The End...



Offline snw

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Re: Wonder Woman - Rising Sun
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2022, 05:42:24 AM »
Awesome story. This is a story I had thought about many times as far as Wonder Woman being defeated in front of Steve. Then being so impressed and turned on wanted the winner. Saying so while she watches her conqueror take her love and place as the only Wonder Woman. For whatever reason I love seeing the good girl defeated every now and then especially by an equally or more sexy opponent. I’m glad now I didn’t try and write such a story. You have done this scenario so much better than I could’ve. Very nice job!


Offline Happyfeet

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Re: Wonder Woman - Rising Sun
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2022, 05:44:01 PM »
Very well written!  Super hot :D


Offline MrMarkH

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Re: Wonder Woman - Rising Sun
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2022, 08:55:43 PM »
Wonderfully done fight. I will admit I hoped that the fight would have been a closer affair with both women talking each other to the very limit but I'll never say no to seeing Lady Kamikaze in action  :).


Offline MrMarkH

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Re: Wonder Woman - Rising Sun
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2022, 09:00:05 PM »
Also quick note, just wanted to let you know that it looks like one of your other stories involving Kate Upton and Abigail Ratchford (I think) got edited into this one.

"Oh, it is, and you have met your DOOM” Lady Kamikaze taunted. Kate's eyes go wide in fear, unable to comprehend how this is happening, terrified by the taunt and the rack that is crushing her iconic pair like no other rack ever has before. Kate, realizing this challenge was only getting worse for her, tried to disengage. "Running away, again, Kate?" Abigail asked, eager to mock her troubled opponent. "Not so fast," Abigail snarled as she closed the gap Kate tried to create immediately, wrapping her arms around Kate's back and pulling her into a chest-to-chest bearhug.

"UGGGGGHHHHHH!" Kate loudly groaned, much to the chagrin of her fans, many of whom started to realize that Kate was in serious danger. With Kate's arms trapped in Abigail's brutal embrace, she could do little to escape this hold as her iconic pair were forced to do battle with the Asp's dominant chest. As the hold wore on, Kate's chest was slowly but surely being pushed back and dwarfed by the Abigail's larger twin orbs. "Oh, Kate, where did your famous 'iconic pair' go?" Abigail asked as she dominated her opponent's chest.

Kate's troubles didn't end there, though. Abigail looked at Kate's grimacing visage and smirked as she started to use her grip on her opponent to move her backwards before slamming her into the corner. Abigail quickly took a couple of steps backs before charging straight at Kate and leaping straight into the air to give a brutal chest-to-chest splash.

"AAAAAGHHHHH!!!" Kate yelled in agony as the devastating impact of
Abigail's tits crashing down on her's from above was simply too much to for anyone to bear, even her. The ear-piercing shriek crushed the hopes of her fans as they began to wonder if Kate had any chance of coming back. Worse still, her famous bra that covered her iconic pair was reduced to tatters, unable to take the strain of the match any longer. Dazed and stunned, Kate barely remained upright, and only did so by using both hands to grasp the top ropes.


Offline boobytrap

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Re: Wonder Woman - Rising Sun
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2022, 04:17:31 PM »
I love the action and the artwork at the end, I'm super happy to see you writing again... but at a certain point, you notice that all your stories have the Nazis and the axis of evil winning? I get the turn-on of the virtuous women getting punished, but maybe mix it up with the good girls winning sometimes?