Patrick and Sherisa at home, Dec 28, Patrick packing his overnight bag
> Pat? What are you doing?
> What does it look like I'm doing? I'm packing for a short trip.
> Where to?? [Sarcastic air-quotes] 'ORLANDO'
> Stop it. Not Orlando. Tampa.
> Oh, I see. You're tired of Donna and now you're fucking your other ex, Meghan???
> Stop it. Why are you being like this??
> Because you said you had no work this week!!!!
> Well, an emergency came up.
> Yes, a booty call emergency, I bet. Pat, if you get in the car, I'm following you until you pass Citrus County. I don't want you fucking that whore Meghan!!!
> Or what?? You'll hurt me??
> I won't hurt you. I'll hurt her. If you fuck Meghan, I will hurt MEGHAN. If you fuck Donna, I will hurt DONNA.
> And you expect them to just lay there and take it???
> Meghan? No. She's a psycho. She'll fight back. But she has no cardio. Too much smoking. I'm banking she'll get winded. Then I'll fucking mount her and finish her off.
> Sounds like you have this all planned out. What about Donna. You figure she's a doormat?
> She doesn't seem like a fighter, no.
> [To himself.] This should be interesting.
To be continued.....