How dare you jealous whores call me a skank, I could bald you bitches for that. It’s not my fault men and women desire me over you cheap sluts that don’t put out as much as I do.
Chrissy grabs my hair and gets me by surprise saving Leann a nasty face slap, caught by surprise Chrissy trips me by the time I get my hands in her hair and face her she had my back to the wall, I enjoyed Chrisssy’s hair pull more than I should have, way more. In the hair tussle our lips touch, my nipples get even firmer and my pussy gets wetter as we try to match each other. I could have uppercut her jaw sprawling her backwards but I am too aroused, I had already desired Chrisssy now pressed together my niplles press hard in my thin lingerie.
Instead of a brutal jaw uppercut I lean in and kiss her neck as my left hand I use my long fake nails to erotically rake her back, I love pulling her hair erotically, I hope my sensuous perfume and body is enough to give Chrissy similar desires.