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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience

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Offline Susanoom

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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« on: February 13, 2023, 03:37:31 PM »

"Get lost."
"You're not like us"
"And you're supposed to be a girl?"
"But who wants this one? Haha!"
"No one wants you"

They are simple words, a set of letters to be placed on a sheet of paper. An agglomeration of characters that appear slowly, letter by letter, on a cell phone screen. Simple sounds that fly through the air with such lightness that you do not feel their weight of them.
This might be true if the world we know were a utopia devoid of any kind of discrimination. It all happens as a joke, people who don't know a comma of your story dare to come and lay down the law.
Using someone else's weakness as a strength, starting to target it during each sentence or set of jokes, as if to emphasize how wrong or "weird" it is.
A joke that repeats itself, again and again, perpetually hammering away at the being, an unwitting threat of mass destruction, a black dot in a white sea that begins to grow and grow more and more, becoming overwhelming and oppressive.
Martina had been feeling out of place for months, a wrong girl born into a world of the righteous. An anonymous blond girl, with a common, round body, perfect as a target for slander and fun while waiting for something more important.
The awkward young girl, alone and friendless, in a world of hyenas ready to laugh at her and show their fangs if she even tried to rebel. Covered by a storm of words, forcefully convinced that she was born only to be picked on, that she did not measure up.
A little star without a sky, feeling how oppressive gravity crushed her downward to dim her luster. A raven-haired gravity, a goddess descended to earth whose one glance was enough to freeze Martina's blood, the only tormentor who went far beyond the permissible limit of any kind of heavy-handed teasing.
"Who do we have here?" the arrogant voice of Demi filled the blonde's ears.
That morning, Martina had once again found herself alone and helpless, surely unaware of the two girls waiting for her at the bathroom door. She was suddenly grabbed as another girl plugged her mouth to keep her from screaming.
The blonde began to look around frightened, hearing the amused laughter of her captors inches from her forcing her to follow the path dictated by force. Her green eyes began to tear up; every day she was bullied in different ways, and today seemed to be no different.
Carried inside the broom closet, waiting for her was the girl she most detested with all her being, her only reason for hating this malevolent life that gripped her soul.
Demi sat cross-legged on the only chair in the room as Martina was pushed to her knees in front of the brunette, the proud and haughty look of the tormentor watching her prey unable to defend herself.
"How are you, piggy? Found someone who wants you?"
Demi had invented the nickname herself, once she had ripped Martina's T-shirt, first cutting it off with scissors and then forcibly ripping it off, laughing maniacally as the blonde tried to cover her body.
Martina had gotten into the habit of throwing herself on food so as not to feel the absolute sadness she felt every day she returned from school, and this had led to her body becoming fatter than it already was. With one look from Demi and from then on her nickname became "Piggy," signifying her resemblance to the animal that recalls the word.
"No, that would be impossible, wouldn't it? How can you..." Demi stood up, approaching the girl on her knees, grabbing her breasts from above her sweatshirt and squeezing them firmly "have a chance with someone with such small tits?"
Martina groaned, feeling the hard grip on her modest breasts. Before her glazed eyes she could see how superior Demi was to her in that context. She had a measly C-cup, compared to the brunette's E-cup it looked like nothing.
"That's right, Piggy," Demi smiled, noticing where Martina's gaze went to rest, "That's being a woman. Big, magnificent breasts that drive men crazy. Something you can never have! How can your pathetic breasts compare to my beauties?"
Demi's laughter had something surreal about it, yet it hurt more than the nails pressing into the blonde's breasts through the fabric. Martina felt helpless in the face of a girl who seemed to be better than her in everything. Demi could have a perfect life; all men would pay to be with her.
Martina could not have that; she had been denied everything and thrown in the face with the truth several times. She was useless, a girl who should not have been born. A huge mistake that probably would have made the world less wrong, a lonely person even in a crowded room. Martina felt like that. She was like that.
Demi let her go, and the blonde almost fell face-first to the floor. Panting, Martina heard the brunette's footsteps around her, followed by an almost metallic noise. Young Piggy could not recognize the sound; perhaps she had never heard it before.
A second later, she felt something dripping over her head, an acrid smell filled her nostrils as her clothes became soaked. The blonde's tears mixed with what was being poured over her, Demi walked around her as she emptied a small canister.
Once the entire contents were finished, Demi simply tossed it away, the canister landing in a dark corner, empty after having done its job. The brunette looked at her handiwork with a horrified gaze, bringing two fingers to block her nose from smelling the odor Martina was now emitting.
"Uh, what a stench. But do you wash yourself, Piggy?" joked Demi, making the two girls in the room laugh with her "Well, maybe you shouldn't use dog pee."
Martina's eyes widened. Had what she thought had happened? Looking up, she met Demi's, which, despite her arrogant smile, expressed a malignant, harsh light. A look of warning, as if to signify that she had to submit to it all because the brunette decided it had to be that way.
"Oh, it's too stinky. Let's leave," Demi said, plugging her nose, "Bye, Piggy."
The brunette and her friends walked away from the blonde, leaving the room. The clanking sound of the key turning in the lock. Martina had been locked inside the small room, in the dark and alone.
The blonde looked at the door with a blank stare, she felt herself dying inside and wished she had done so outside as well. However, she was alone, in need of help that would not come. She could talk, vent and make Demi pay for every abuse she had suffered.
It would only lead to more tragic scenarios, Demi would never stop. Martina's words could only fuel the topic, increasing the actions against her or leading to another person being targeted. The brunette had on her side the advantage of having friends, all ready to defend her in case of accusations.
Martina prayed to herself to find the strength, to get better, and not to give in to it all. She just had to hold on, then she and Demi would probably never see each other again, they would choose different paths, and she could finally live her life. She hated those scars; they made her feel different. She could hide them, but not from herself. She just had to keep her dreams behind her eyelids, nurture and protect them until all evil would disappear in time.
"Yes ... I have to hold on."
The practice had been devastating, fatigue had crept into every corner of her body. Martina smiled as she once again displayed the choreography of the team they would cheer on during the game, having become a cheerleader was perhaps one of the new her first achievements.
After the dark years, she had finally managed to pull her personality out, piece by piece, until she drew her perfect portrait. She had made up her mind after time that she had to prove her usefulness to this world, that she was not a mistake but could shine as brightly as all the others if not even more so.
Martina had lost weight while maintaining a luscious, feminine shape; her green eyes now shone with a new light. Her breasts had finally grown, late in development but incredibly powerful in growth.
She was proud of this, the boys seemed attracted to her appearance and she did not mind. She had never been the center of attention, and to suddenly become interesting to someone was an unparalleled burst of exhilaration.
Anastasia's arrival had stirred something within her institution. To her misfortune, she and Demi had never been separated, but the brunette had changed targets. The blonde had changed dramatically from one year to the next, so much so that Demi probably would not have even recognized her.
With the transfer student, Demi had finally found her bread and butter-the other fellow cheerleaders had read a news story on the school blog, a small page hidden from many eyes within the institution only where few people could access it.
Martina learned of the battle for Kyle between the two girls, the outcome incomprehensible to all since Demi had failed to break a girl who looked so shy that she reminded her of her former self. The bathroom encounter was a fluke.
During the small break she had between classes, the blonde had headed into the bathroom. Entering one of the stalls, she allowed herself a moment to remain in complete silence-sometimes bad memories came back to her and she had to fight them so as not to feel bad. When the door opened one more time, Martina knew it was time to leave, but just before flushing she was blocked.
Demi's voice was low but easily recognizable. The other was probably Ana's since her name had been repeated by the brunette. They had found themselves in that bathroom discussing what had happened, unaware of her presence.
Martina listened intently to every word, every movement, and every groan that arose from the little confrontation they had held near her. The blonde had never felt Demi so weak, in a completely different state than she remembered. Demi was not as frightening as she thought.
As soon as the two students left the bathroom, Martina came out into the open. She looked at her reflection, a completely new girl devoid of any sin she had previously committed. She was no longer the old Martina, but a new and better version--and vengeful.
She now had a chance to take revenge for all that she had suffered, to get back at Demi and what she had put her through. She had become something Demi should have feared, the brunette was as human as she was and now she could fight her.
Martina's hands went to her breasts, raising them to the mirror as a mischievous light dawned in her eyes. She would destroy Demi's pride piece by piece as she had done with her dignity, relishing every second of the brunette's fearful gaze as she felt when Martina was superior to her.
"We have to do something and you're going to help me," Martina said on her cell phone, calling one of her cheerleader friends.
Demi walked determinedly down the school hallway, her friends could barely keep up with her so they had to run so as not to lose her. The brunette was busy smoking on the roof of the building, this time with the company, before a girl she had never spoken to entered her territory.
Without Demi's permission, the stranger approached without any fear despite her inferiority in numbers. Squaring her from head to toe, her hair dyed red with green highlights reached to her shoulders, a petite but muscular build. The girl's breasts were large enough but could not compete with Demi’s.
"Who the fuck are you?" asked Demi unceremoniously.
Her friends smiled wickedly, charged with their leader's presence. This, however, did not sway the girl, who merely smiled mockingly at the brunette, eliciting a small growl from the bulla.
"I'm here to give you a message," said the girl, "A cheerleader asked how it feels to no longer have the best breasts in the school. It seems you are no longer the woman you thought you were."
Demi stood up abruptly, furious. No one should dare to talk about her like that, to tease her about a matter still unresolved. Anastasia’s impact on her life was greater than she had expected. How was it possible that the news had already leaked out after only one week? Demi was sure the blonde had not spoken to anyone; perhaps Kyle might have.
Demi's friends stood up but remained still as the brunette approached the girl menacingly, who showed no sign of fear as if the cheerleader's presence was such that Demi lost her aura of danger. The stranger put her hands on her hips as the brunette gritted her teeth.
"Take me to her. Now," Demi's voice was a hiss.
"That's what I came here for," smiled the other condescendingly.
The cheerleader turned away, her back to a group of people who could have destroyed her without fail that had been their intent. But ambassadors do not bring sorrow, so she was comfortable that she could walk smoothly among the lions. Demi followed her step by step, behind them were the two friends who did not know what to do or what was going on.
The group finally arrived in the women's locker room of the secondary gymnasium, used mainly for cheerleading practice before each game. The gym was booked for the entire week, so no one would be inappropriate.
Entering the locker room lit only by the light coming in through the few windows on the left side, Demi found herself looking at a small group of three people, where in the center, behind the other two cheerleaders, was probably the person who had orchestrated everything. As soon as Demi saw who the person in the center was, she tried to hide an amused laugh.
"You? Really?"
"Thank you, honey" Martina smiled at her friend, before turning to the brunette "I see you've remained the same arrogant bitch you always were, Demi."
Demi laughed this time; she couldn't help it. The situation was too bizarre not to laugh. Someone like Martina orchestrated everything for her, taking her to an isolated place and insulting her as if the blonde was on her level. She was too funny. Her friends laughed along with her.
"Oh God," wiped away a tear Demi "I just never expected this one."
"Bitch...but if you're here, it's because I can finally make you pay for everything you've done to me."
Martina smiled arrogantly, stepping out of the half-light and into the beam of light that flitted through the window. Demi hadn't been able to notice it before, hidden behind the other cheerleaders it had been hard to see, but when the light illuminated the blonde's body, she couldn't contain her surprise.
Her wonderful 36E was out in the open, without veil or deception, the red nipples pointing directly at the brunette with thinly veiled menace. Demi's eyes focused on Martina's boobs, incredibly grown since the last time the brunette had seen the girl.
"You are no longer a threat now. But it's good for you to understand how much I can be to you," the blonde smiled, lifting her breasts with her hands and dropping them.
Demi waited until the blonde's quivering flesh ceased all movement before she looked up and met the cheerleaders. The brunette no longer recognized those green eyes, previously hopeless and now charged with a determined light. The blonde had changed totally from what she remembered.
"Umpf, hilarious," said Demi, losing her smile. The blonde was challenging her for real, and what had happened with Ana had left its mark on her "but I'll remind you of something" Demi removed the top of her clothes, unhooking her bra to release her 36EE "How can your pathetic breasts compare to my beauties? The situation has never changed."
Demi threw her bra back, one of her friends catching it on the fly to keep it from falling off, mindful of the last time she had received punishment for placing it on a table that had not been cleaned.
The brunette took a step forward, also stepping into the beam of light that illuminated much of the center of the locker room, finally staying within a step of the cheerleader. Her breasts were a little larger than the blonde's, but Martina was convinced that she could outdo the bulla by using her better, firmer breasts. This time, she would not be the one crying on her knees.
"I'll make you pay for everything you've done, bitch," sneered Martina.
"I highly doubt it..." smiled Demi arrogantly "... Piggy."
The blonde's gaze hardened suddenly, that nickname brought back memories she kept segregated in the far corners of her mind, her weakness, and her biggest nightmares. A wound still opens in her pride.
"Don't call me that!" growled Martina.
The blonde launched herself into the attack.
Demi did not let herself be taken aback, she could imagine the hatred the blonde felt for her and all that she would allow her to do, so the brunette lunged forward when she saw Martina doing the same.
The collision was so quick that none of the girls present was able to decree which pair had proved better in that first contact, a hint of a difference or a sign that could indicate who was more likely to win between the two students.
Both Demi and Martina grunted the moment their breasts bounced off each other, pausing abruptly to watch their pride get stopped by the rival pair, before thrusting forward for another stroke. The girl who had accompanied the brunette to the locker room seemed the only one to notice what had happened in that second confrontation. The collision was slower but powerful, and it almost seemed as if Demi's breasts warped slightly where Martina's tits pressed against hers.
Growling, the sexy brunette pushed her left tit into Martina's right one, causing the girl's breasts to sway and jiggle, which she grunted before thrusting her tits forward so that their pairs shattered together, preventing her rival from being able to land another blow.
Demi gasped when she felt her nipples being hit by Martina's spikes, intent on bending them with effort as the blonde continued to thrust her heavy breasts into her opponent's chest, the brunette's flesh swelling slightly at the sides, however, causing the blonde's pair to compress.
Gritting her teeth, Martina began to thrust and bring her breasts to strike the rival pair repeatedly as Demi responded by trying to bring each breast into full contact with the blonde's tits, causing a struggle for position between the two bodies illuminated by the window light.
"Go Marti, get her!" incited the cheerleaders, trying to put more confidence in their friend and bring her to the front.
"Put her in her place! Destroy her!" incited Demi's friends, convinced that their leader could not lose to the blonde.
Neither side could see either girl gain the upper hand in the duel of breasts, watching as the two girls locked in a tight embrace, grunting together as the glisten of sweat began to appear on their skin.
After a few minutes, Demi began to thrust her larger breasts into Martina's tits, who moaned in surprise when the blonde felt her flesh waver for a moment, her tits being visibly crushed. Before Demi could move again, Martina immediately sent her breasts on the attack to give her rival no advantage.
"Bitch! You won't win," growled the blonde.
Martina moved her breasts slightly away from the rival pair and moved them on top of the enemy pair, forcing Demi to support two heavy pairs of breasts as her nipples pierced the top of the brunette's flesh.
Demi tightened her lips, holding back a pained moan as the smiling blonde sank her tits into the flesh of Demi's breasts, visibly compressing them as the girl could no longer hold back the moan of pain. Martina's smug, arrogant expression burned in Demi as she felt the smaller pair digging into her tits, the blonde's green eyes looking down at their struggling tits and then back up to lightning Demi's dark ones with arrogance.
"I'm going to make you regret everything, slut," Martina taunted her, taking immense pleasure in watching her tits flatten those of the babe "Mmmm, I love watching you suffer. You will pay for every second of what you did to me."
Demi's friends watched in amazement as the blonde threatened the girl, not believing that the brunette could be in such an uncomfortable situation, hearing the other cheerleaders laughing and continuing to incite Martina to destroy and make her opponent submit.
Suddenly, Demi forcefully pushed her sweaty breasts upward, using her back to increase the height of her chest. Martina moaned in shock, feeling her heavy tits being lifted toward her face, moaning in pain as her flesh warped from the pressure.
"Oh? I didn't hear that" Demi gasped angrily, but enjoying her rival's shocked expression, "What was it you liked to see?"
Martina groaned again when Demi lifted her breasts even higher upward, forcing the blonde to stand on tiptoe to try to relieve the pressure, a move rendered useless by the brunette who stood up in turn on tiptoe to give her rival no relief.
"Bitch," roared Martina.
The blonde grabbed Demi by the shoulders and shoved her away, the girl grunted at the sudden move, taking a few steps back and stopping before she slammed into the metal lockers, her breasts rising and falling following her labored breathing.
The cheerleaders watched as Martina's flushed tits fell with a thud onto her chest, swaying for a moment before the blonde took them in her hands, slowly kneading her aching breasts, feeling them gently.
Slowly looking up, Martina cast a hate-filled and venomous glance at her rival, her shoulders rising and falling more frantically as the blonde seethed with rage. The girl who was bullying her had caused her more pain, using her breasts and dangerously bringing Martina's tits to defeat.
"You're going to pay for it" she hissed in a low voice "You're going to pay for this, you're going to pay for everything" the blonde's voice was increasingly trembling "I'm going to destroy everything you think you are, I'm going to flatten your idea of womanhood" her voice had become an almost hysterical growl "You're not going to hurt anyone anymore!"
With the last words, Martina charged forward. Demi gasped as the blonde's nipples crashed against her own and then into her flesh. The force of the impact made the brunette's breasts splash violently to the sides as Martina's sweaty tits pressed against her.
Both moaned loudly, Demi startled by the unfolding of events, feeling the pain explode in her chest as Martina continued to push her rival back, slamming her against the lockers. The cold surface made Demi shiver, watching the blonde plant her feet on the floor.
"cxnt!" slurred Martina, "Bitch! Slut!"
With her feet anchored to the ground, the blonde began swinging her shoulders from side to side, slamming their tits together in a frenzied rhythm, each blow accompanied by an insult to her rival.
Demi cried out in pain as her larger pair wobbled and trembled with each blow, drops of sweat flying in every direction. After a few blows, the brunette managed to fight back, although the fear of not being able to match Martina's strength at that moment gripped Demi, remaining defensive and trying to avoid the beating the blonde was inflicting on her.
Martina gasped when Demi succeeded in attacking, scoring a direct blow to the lower part of her rival's breast, but despite this, the blonde continued the storming assault. The sound of fleshy, wet slaps echoed in the locker room, the girls brought their hands to their mouths as they tried to imagine the pain both students must be feeling, incredulous at the blonde's fury.
The bulla and the cheerleader groaned as they used their massive, firm breasts to beat each other as if trying to drive their rival into submission by continuing to strike each other relentlessly and with brutal force, inflicting massive damage on each other as their breasts trembled with each impact.
Demi's friends watched with concern as the brunette's face showed increasing discomfort despite the fact that her breasts continued to fight relentlessly. The pairs of nipples trembled wildly, meeting each other like swords and burying themselves in the rival soft flesh, their tits jiggling enormously, pushed around by the force of their sweaty bodies.
The cheerleaders watched as Martina continued to gain the advantage in that heated exchange, erasing the size advantage Demi had over her breasts. The blonde was still a destructive rage, but the effort to keep the assault going and her rival anchored to the lockers was testing her endurance.
Before Martina could react, Demi quickly grabbed her rival's body at shoulder height, decreasing the mobility of the blonde who grunted trying to break free. Her momentum had dropped, giving Demi a chance to be able to take back some revenge.
"You bitch," hissed the pissed-off brunette.
Demi began to slam her nipples into Martina's, their heavy breasts directly meeting head-on. The brunette's blows created ripples on the flesh of both, Martina's breasts trembled more than the rival pair.
The blonde tried to respond with quick attacks but realized she could not have the same effect on the rival breasts now with Demi's limited movements. The size advantage the brunette had was not considerable but it was enough to allow her tits to swell the rival breast.
Martina continued to react, continuing to strike with her tits, making her opponent's breasts sway and shake. Before the blonde's eyes, however, remained the image of the rival breasts holding their shape better than her own, despite the constant fighting. On their faces, discomfort, and pain seemed equal on both sides, but Martina's whipped look only made Demi more confident.
"You know it too" Demi gasped between the impact of her breasts, a tense smile on her lips "Your tits are leaking against mine" she finished snarling, approaching her rival's face for a moment.
"You bitch" Martina's eyes blazed "You will not succeed..."
Martina's words were drowned out by a gurgle as Demi thrust forward again, dealing a hard blow to her enemy's tits, which opened noticeably for a moment as if Demi's breasts had crushed them.
Martina managed to move her breasts upward slightly, the flushed flesh regaining some of its shapes, but the blonde felt that her tits were giving up more space than Demi's pair. The brunette pulled back, causing the two pairs to return to the same height, nipple to nipple, before pushing her right breast into Martina's left.
A second later, Demi repeated the move, pushing her left tit into the blonde's right, beginning to push her tits into the rapidly softening, painfully crushing rival pair.
Martina squirmed as the discomfort grew, trying to pull away. Demi wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist, holding her close and preventing her from escaping.
Demi's friends screamed their delight at seeing the panicked look on Martina's face, well-lit by the light, as she realized that Demi's boobs were beginning to overpower her own.
"Here we go, bitch," sighed the brunette proudly, "Your flabby purses are finished now."
Martina groaned and closed her eyes for a moment, rejecting any possible scenario in which she emerged defeated. She could not admit defeat against that girl, not after what she had been through. She could win, she would win. She had to make Demi pay, no matter what. She knew she would suffer, the brunette knew how to use her boobs, but so did she. She had to win.
"We both can feel it, bitch. My stronger tits are pushing yours back...slowly flattening them against your chest," Demi hissed, staring straight into Martina's wide-open eyes.
All the girls present could see Martina swallowing, lowering her gaze to her breasts, fixing her green eyes on her tits as they gave way to accommodate Demi's stronger pair, swelling at the sides more and more, her flesh being pushed further and further into her chest, making room for the brunette's flesh.
"Do you understand? I've always been more of a woman than you," Demi smiled, licking her lips, pulling away slightly to admire the view under her chin "Can you see how your fat tits are useless compared to mine?"
A line of short-lived relief was drawn on Martina's face. Demi wrapped her arms around the girl's back, moving slightly until she found a perfect position where their breasts were perfectly equal heights. The only movement that followed was the slight movement of the brunette's shoulders, intent on grinding her big tits into Martina's destroyed pair.
"Nooo" moaned the blonde.
Martina tried to respond, grinding in turn but Demi only strengthened her grip. Their breasts rolled together, but Demi's tits pushed Martina's tits onto her chest without too much effort. The blonde kept grinding back, gritting her teeth, and trying to resist the ever-increasing pain, lifting her head to try to push her breasts out.
"Look at them," Demi smiled, "Watch me flatten those sagging tits," she said, pushing her breasts forward.
A slow, gradual thrust, all eyes glued to the scene of Martina's defeated tits spreading against her chest. When Demi stopped her advance, the cheerleaders had an incredulous expressions on their faces, watching as Martina's impressive breasts had almost disappeared now, molding themselves into submission to the brunette's dominant pair.
"I flattened you," smiled Demi.
The brunette slowly pulled away, the blonde's heavy breasts sliding across her chest, trembling violently as they stopped. Everyone remained silent, watching as Martina once again pushed her breasts into the rival pair, only groaning when she felt her flesh mold around the rival pair.
"I told you before," whispered Demi in Martina's ear, "How can your pathetic breasts compare to my beauties?"
Demi once again slammed her huge tits into Martina's pair, completely obliterating the blonde's breasts and folding her nipples inside. Martina's flesh splashed against her chest again, held back by Demi's larger tits.
"Noooo!" cried Martina "Stop! Stop!" she moaned in a voice full of pain.
Martina could not believe she had lost, all the hatred and revenge she had stored up over the years had not been enough, and her pride and confidence had been crushed by Demi's boobs, once again superior to her.
The cheerleaders watched as their friend cupped her defeated boobs, trying to massage them into fighting back. She could not lose, but Demi was too much for her. Her breasts had not been able to overcome the brunette's. She had lost to Demi.
"My breasts completely destroyed yours, outclassing them and proving that they are better than you..." smiled Demi wickedly, raising her breasts toward her rival with her hands "... Piggy"
Wordlessly, at just hearing that nickname, every fear and uncertainty in Martina exploded, her legs trembling to cause her to fall to the ground, still, her breasts lifted by her hands as her green eyes began to weep, continuing to stare at Demi as she retreated after destroying her. One of Demi's two friends used her cell phone to immortalize the memory, making a symbol of the losers as she taunted the cheerleaders one last time before leaving.
Martina kept thinking about one thing. The brunette was better than her, always was, and always will be. Probably, always will be.
Ana was intent on getting out of the shower, her workout in the gym has paid off as always. Under the warm water, the blonde's hands massaged her glorious breasts, feeling to the touch how they had returned to their original strength after her encounter with Demi.
Wrapping her robe around her wet body, she began drying her hair as other girls entered the locker room. The gym that day was fuller than usual, forcing Ana to have to stay longer to finish her set of exercises.
When the deafening noise of the electric hair dryer stopped muffling most of the sounds, Ana's cell phone screen lit up on the bench next to her. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the notification-the exclusive school newspaper had again announced something interesting.
The blonde had never paid too much attention to newsletters, but this one seemed to be completely different. The owner of this school blog was unknown, he simply wrote under the name "Vanitas," but no one knew who he or she was.
The blog had become eventful all of a sudden the day after Ana and Demi confronted each other, where the headline "The dethroned queen?" had appeared on that blog, and underneath a medium-length blurb where it was stated how the blonde and brunette had decided to settle their differences woman to woman.
No one could know what had happened, both why and how it turned out. The only ones who could write such a thing were the people involved. Ana was sure it was not Demi who had told the story, she was wounded in her pride over the tie and knew the brunette felt the same.
That left only Kyle, the only one who could tell. Since the morning, the boy had tried to ask both Ana and Demi what would happen, whether they would fight again, and whether he could watch. This could lead one to think that he was behind it, but Kyle did not seem to know what Ana was talking about.
He was not even aware of the blog, and that seemed to be the case from his reaction, first surprised that he was unaware of the secret school newspaper, and then elated at how much hot news he had missed.
Vanitas was an unknown, person who seemed to have witnessed the affair but without being seen. And now he had written something again. The blog had been dead for a few days, and only the juiciest news was being posted.
Ana quickly opened the notification, finding a new headline that made her cringe. A picture of a blonde she had never seen before, kneeling while holding her deflated breasts, an arrogant Demi with her breasts pointing upward, above it all the headline "The crown stays where it is."
The confidence Ana displayed in the gym faltered for a few minutes. After what had happened, the blonde had thought the brunette had been lucky with the tie between their breasts, but now--what did that picture mean?
Was it Demi who had been lucky--or was it she who should feel lucky that she had not lost to the brunette? Was Demi about to win her boobs but gave up early by a miracle? What was real?
With her heart beating faster than ever, Ana returned home. In her mind, the entire duel she had faced a few days earlier, but this time with a different ending. Her breasts were being crushed lifelessly, and Demi was smiling victoriously.
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Offline JuicyJulie

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2023, 11:32:10 PM »
Great addition to the story. Hope this will be continued.
For some reason the pic doesnt load ( maybe its only for me )


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2023, 02:12:58 AM »
Well done. It didn't even register to me that it was part of a series until I read the last comment (I was wondering why the description of Demi's draw was so lightly dealt with, but in the end it didn't matter). I love not having to read or re-read a series to understand the characters and how they relate to each other. I'm a little extreme in that I can only ever watch superhero movies that have "origins".

Martina's newfound arrogance made this come together perfectly.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2023, 04:16:02 AM »
Great job once again. The back and forth with Martina seeming well on her way to revenge and sure of herself, but devastated when she was beaten once again. The demoralizing feeling was likely twice as bad as before. Not being able to stand up to Demi and when she thought now I got her. Beaten again and in front of her friends. I’m a bit surprised that Demi didn’t shove her to the floor and smother her or make her worship her betters. I don’t know why but I do so love when the bad girl wins. They just seem to relish the humiliation part of their victory more so that’s the good girl. I also love the way that you included Ana in it as well. Then having seen the results of Demi’s battle against Martina has Ana doubting herself. If Ana knew just how intensely Martina was wanting revenge for years of bullying, and it simply did not matter enough to change the outcome. Again enjoyed this immensely and can’t wait to see where it goes from here.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2023, 05:25:51 AM »
Great addition to the story. Hope this will be continued.
For some reason the pic doesnt load ( maybe its only for me )

So kind. Strange. It also shows them to me from my mobile phone. Try to see if she shows you the pic here


Well done. It didn't even register to me that it was part of a series until I read the last comment (I was wondering why the description of Demi's draw was so lightly dealt with, but in the end it didn't matter). I love not having to read or re-read a series to understand the characters and how they relate to each other. I'm a little extreme in that I can only ever watch superhero movies that have "origins".

Martina's newfound arrogance made this come together perfectly.

I don't think I understood the draw talk, probably a translation error on my part. It wasn't the fulcrum of the story only because I didn't want that story to be used as a protagonist but as a "motive". Martina had a reason to hope for revenge, learning of the tie through the school blog.
Also, I'm trying to improve the quality of the stories by also adding a backstory that can give the reader a more complete view of the characters and not a "Woman A and Woman B meet, titfight, done". I'm still in the process of improving so I already know I'm going to have a fall but that's good to say my face will be safe hahaha

Great job once again. The back and forth with Martina seeming well on her way to revenge and sure of herself, but devastated when she was beaten once again. The demoralizing feeling was likely twice as bad as before. Not being able to stand up to Demi and when she thought now I got her. Beaten again and in front of her friends. I’m a bit surprised that Demi didn’t shove her to the floor and smother her or make her worship her betters. I don’t know why but I do so love when the bad girl wins. They just seem to relish the humiliation part of their victory more so that’s the good girl. I also love the way that you included Ana in it as well. Then having seen the results of Demi’s battle against Martina has Ana doubting herself. If Ana knew just how intensely Martina was wanting revenge for years of bullying, and it simply did not matter enough to change the outcome. Again enjoyed this immensely and can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

Thank you but I think I have to thank a friend again for the advice, I'm having trouble writing the ending hahaha
I must admit that there have been no penance, although it would have been excellent in that situation, for a matter of pressure. I know this new series has become the "news" of the moment, so everyone wants to know how it continues. This implies that I have to increase my writing speed, leading to something I call a "mangaka defect". Like them, when a job is done quickly to meet growing demand, it isn't as "perfect" as the writer would like. For now, I think I've been lucky that I've managed to deliver a story that fits the bill.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2023, 05:49:06 AM by Susanoom »
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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2023, 06:20:01 AM »
No photo for me either.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2023, 07:33:02 AM »
Not even here?


Anyway, I put the pc on my deviantart:
« Last Edit: February 14, 2023, 02:42:02 PM by Susanoom »
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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2023, 03:10:21 PM »
I must say that this was a superb way to continue the story. Instead of a new girl coming to get Demi it was a foe from the past who wanted her revenge. What makes this believable is the attitude of Demi, her being a bully would naturally have alot of girls hating her and the moment that they got to know that she had a trie with a newcomer it was only a matter of time before one of them would come for her. Susanoom you really know your stuff and this is because it was very clever of you to give a background on Martina so one would have a fair chance to understand her and the end where you mentioned that the pictures of Demi made Ana think twice about her draw was AMAZING because it very natural for any woman to feel the same.
You keep impressing me with this series.
Also yes the pictures are not visible on the top but visible when you posted them again now.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2023, 05:06:23 PM »


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2023, 05:40:02 PM »
I must say that this was a superb way to continue the story. Instead of a new girl coming to get Demi it was a foe from the past who wanted her revenge. What makes this believable is the attitude of Demi, her being a bully would naturally have alot of girls hating her and the moment that they got to know that she had a trie with a newcomer it was only a matter of time before one of them would come for her. Susanoom you really know your stuff and this is because it was very clever of you to give a background on Martina so one would have a fair chance to understand her and the end where you mentioned that the pictures of Demi made Ana think twice about her draw was AMAZING because it very natural for any woman to feel the same.
You keep impressing me with this series.
Also yes the pictures are not visible on the top but visible when you posted them again now.

The problem with the pic may be that I deleted the pic from my discord, so the link became empty. I apologize to everyone.
Thank you for your words, many ideas were born from dialogues with other people, and the idea of Demi and the return of Martina was probably a question already pondered immediately after the first chapter.
All that remains is to think about whether to continue on this false line of bullying or maybe try to change the basis of approach, although the "Bully" speech is still current today.

However, as was the case with the first chapter, the next chapter will come after another story, so as not to leave too many jobs half done. I'm aware that School Days is having more success than any of the other stories I've written, but I have no plans to abandon my other work as well.
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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2023, 07:41:32 PM »
I must say that this was a superb way to continue the story. Instead of a new girl coming to get Demi it was a foe from the past who wanted her revenge. What makes this believable is the attitude of Demi, her being a bully would naturally have alot of girls hating her and the moment that they got to know that she had a trie with a newcomer it was only a matter of time before one of them would come for her. Susanoom you really know your stuff and this is because it was very clever of you to give a background on Martina so one would have a fair chance to understand her and the end where you mentioned that the pictures of Demi made Ana think twice about her draw was AMAZING because it very natural for any woman to feel the same.
You keep impressing me with this series.
Also yes the pictures are not visible on the top but visible when you posted them again now.

The problem with the pic may be that I deleted the pic from my discord, so the link became empty. I apologize to everyone.
Thank you for your words, many ideas were born from dialogues with other people, and the idea of Demi and the return of Martina was probably a question already pondered immediately after the first chapter.
All that remains is to think about whether to continue on this false line of bullying or maybe try to change the basis of approach, although the "Bully" speech is still current today.

However, as was the case with the first chapter, the next chapter will come after another story, so as not to leave too many jobs half done. I'm aware that School Days is having more success than any of the other stories I've written, but I have no plans to abandon my other work as well.

I think the bully theme is going quite well but yeah if you intend to write 8 chapters and all of them have the same theme then it could get monotonous.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2023, 02:06:06 AM »
This is good for multiple reasons but the biggest of them all is this story shows that fights are not just about anger and jealousy at times they can be much more than that. It is my favourite ongoing series. I can't wait for 3rd chapter. I know there are other series demanding attention but this is just the best of all on FCF right now.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2023, 04:54:47 PM »
I am glad to see the way this story is going i think it is all very organic and very interesting. One thing that always worries me is that many time stories have a great start but eventually become a drag which is just hard to relate to but this one is getting better. I hope that Draw of Ana and Demi was not the only draw in the series i know Susanoom said that there will be fights with definite results and i obviously that is extremely important but i really wish to see more ties with when well matched opponents clashing.
As always thankyou for sharing this amazing work.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2023, 04:55:54 PM by Maria Curves »


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2023, 05:59:31 PM »
I am glad to see the way this story is going i think it is all very organic and very interesting. One thing that always worries me is that many time stories have a great start but eventually become a drag which is just hard to relate to but this one is getting better. I hope that Draw of Ana and Demi was not the only draw in the series i know Susanoom said that there will be fights with definite results and i obviously that is extremely important but i really wish to see more ties with when well matched opponents clashing.
As always thankyou for sharing this amazing work.
I was thinking the exactly same thing. I loved this chapter but i really hope that there are more ties in this series.
Trillian : strongsarah315


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Resilience
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2023, 11:13:29 PM »
I am glad to see the way this story is going i think it is all very organic and very interesting. One thing that always worries me is that many time stories have a great start but eventually become a drag which is just hard to relate to but this one is getting better. I hope that Draw of Ana and Demi was not the only draw in the series i know Susanoom said that there will be fights with definite results and i obviously that is extremely important but i really wish to see more ties with when well matched opponents clashing.
As always thankyou for sharing this amazing work.

I am glad to see the way this story is going i think it is all very organic and very interesting. One thing that always worries me is that many time stories have a great start but eventually become a drag which is just hard to relate to but this one is getting better. I hope that Draw of Ana and Demi was not the only draw in the series i know Susanoom said that there will be fights with definite results and i obviously that is extremely important but i really wish to see more ties with when well matched opponents clashing.
As always thankyou for sharing this amazing work.
I was thinking the exactly same thing. I loved this chapter but i really hope that there are more ties in this series.

Thanks for your words. Yes, as I said, maybe via PM to you Maria, history will have winners and losers... but also draws. Obviously these can all be in a row, the first chapter opened up a world, creating expectations and satisfying (I hope) the desire of the ties, so I wanted to avoid using it immediately in the second chapter. The speech is similar to the theme of bullying, by dint of always using the same speech, you risk getting bored.
Then, in case you only want to read draws, just say it and you can also write one shots with that result, or even a series focused only on this aspect, probably to the detriment of a certain end.
However, as I previously mentioned in MP to I forget who (Sorry  ;D) this series will have other draws. How many and when it will rightly be a surprise  ;)
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