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My first day: An office sexfight

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Offline TheOrangeMan

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My first day: An office sexfight
« on: March 02, 2023, 12:46:19 PM »
This will be the last story I post on this forum. I'm now publishing my stories over on DeviantArt under the profile "otto60". There are already multiple DA original stories there, so if you're interested in weird sexfight stories, I would love for you to take a look. Anyways, I hope you like this story.

How did I get here? It's my first day at work and I'm sitting in a chair in my new office, bare naked, cxnt locked with my co-worker, scissoring wildly. That's not how I envisioned this employment at all. But to be honest, I don't mind one bit.

The day started normal. I was pretty overwhelmed standing before the building of Pound Games Inc., one of the most successful video game developers in the country. Ok, to be fair, also one of the most controversial because they mostly produce games with sexual content, but successful nonetheless. “cxnt Party 2” was an absolute smash hit and defined the art of erotic gaming. Their games basically brought me through college and helped overcome some rough times. Sure, their games only feature heterosexual relationships and I'm a strict lesbian, but they still entertained me. The girls in the games were always stunning and I thoroughly enjoyed fucking them in game, even as a male avatar. So, it was an absolute dream come true when I got a job offer from this company directly after I earned my college degree in game design.

I entered the building and was told to wait in the big entrance lobby by some guy at the reception, who gave me a dismissive look, that I choose to ignore. The lobby was empty this early in the morning, except one girl around my age. She had long, blond hair, pretty similar to my hairstyle, only that I'm a natural redhead. We had a similar build, small, perky but firm tits, a bubbly butt and we were both a bit chubby, but not fat. But where I'm dressed almost completely black, she wore a yellow dress with pink decorations. Our stares crossed and we nodded at each other as a greeting before I looked at my phone again.

After a few minutes, a super plain looking guy in a suit rushed into the lobby and called me and the other girl to him. We both approached the guy whose name was...Carl, I think. Or James? Phil? Peter? Something forgettable like that, this guy was the definition of white bread. He welcomed me and the other girl, whose name was Rain and as he introduced me, I'm named Sunny btw., and her to each other, we both couldn't help bit giggle. Sunny and Rain, what a pairing. I would learn how fitting this was later, but for now it was a good icebreaker. The suit told us to follow him, and we began descending an infinite feeling number of stairways.

It felt like the suit lead us to the mines of Moria, so deep were we already in the catacombs of this building. Finally, he stopped before a metal door. "That's your office. It's only you two down here so that you don't disturb our male only employees with your bodies. They need to focus on digital girls and not ogle after real ones, so try to enter and exit the building without being seen. To be clear, the only reason why you two girls are even working here is because our CEO wants to release a lesbian focused game and you two are the only lesbian grad students we could find. So, invent and design a lesbian game for us and you will be paid. Everything clear?"

This guy managed to be misogynistic and homophobic in the same sentence without any amount of sarcasm or irony. I looked at Rain, who was rolling her eyes and looked back, her gaze asking what we should do now. I looked back as perplexed as she was, but then I thought, why not do it, creating a lesbian game sounded great and we get paid for it, even if this company is sexist as fuck. I nodded to Rain, and she nodded back and without paying the dickhead in the suit any more attention, we entered the room and closed the door behind us.

To call this office cramped would be an understatement. It housed two small desks opposite of each other with old-looking computers on them. It was a blessing that both Rain and I were of short height, since the leg space under these tables was miniscule. The office had no windows, only a ventilation system so that we don't suffocate down here. The walls looked like they could crumble down any minute. Rain and I looked at each other and busted into laughing. "If we die down here, nobody will ever find us.", I say between laughs and Rain concluded "I think that might be their plan, God beware that we distract the male specimen from their important work.", getting us into another laughing fit.

After we had our good laugh, we sat down on the desks. As our feet immediately met due to the small leg space, we both decided to get rid of our shoes, so that we don't hurt the other’s feet. I got a small tingling sensation as our naked toes touched, but I ignored it. Rain and I talked a little bit about our lives before she said, "Let's both first setup our systems and then we can start brainstorming the game." I nodded and started the computer. As it loaded, I suddenly realized that the LAN cable wasn't plugged in. So, I quickly dug under the table to put it in but then I froze.

Under the table I had a good view of Rain's crotch. She didn't wear panties, which to be fair, I wasn't either, but it gave me a good look onto her pussy. And what a pussy it was. A tight, pink, wet cave, almost glistening in the light. It was a grade A cxnt. I knew that, because mine looked almost the same. I'm very proud of having the best cxnt around and a fit of jealousy came over me, but also a desire to see who has the better cxnt. I dug up, trying to hide my red face, but Rain didn't look up. I thought for a moment what to do, should I let it slide and just continue working? But I couldn't let this accidental, but existing challenge unanswered. I spread my legs, so that my beautiful cxnt was clearly visible and then I dropped a pen to the ground, on Rain's side of the table. "Rain, could you pick that up for me?", I said, and Rain crawled under the table.

I felt Rain stopping in her tracks as she saw my wide-open cxnt and I could almost see her face derail like mine did. I spread my legs even more, making clear that this was both a presentation and a statement, saying "Mine's better!". As Rain appeared again, her head fully red, I knew that it worked. Now I waited for her answer, and it didn't take long till I got it. I felt a pen drop under my chair and before Rain could even ask me to lock it up, I was already under the desk and saw her pussy again, this time wide open, showing her full pussy lips and pink, meaty labia in whole. My body was trembling as I got back up and me and Rain shared a meaningful look.

"So," Rain said suddenly after we both relaxed a bit from the visual assault of perfect cxnts. "What do we want to feature in this new game? I think it should be something exciting and eye-opening. What do you think?" Rain's comment was pointing at our reaction to the other's cxnt, and I was quick to catch her suggestion. "Definitely. Let's have a girl as our protagonist and she is searching for the best pussy in the whole world!" I emphasized 'best' as hard as I could, making my intentions very clear. If she thought the same thing I did, I knew what would happen next. And I wasn't disappointed.

"Great idea.", Rain said with a knowing smile. "And after a few misadventures, she finds a blonde girl that has the perfect and best pussy she was looking for!" There it was. Rain implied that her pussy was the best and now it was my turn to tell her she's wrong. "I like it, but I think she rather finds a sexy redhead that possesses the best pussy in the world!" "That makes no sense, it's definitely a blonde that has the best pussy!" "No, it's clearly a redhead, whose pussy is way better than the blonde's!" "No, the redhead's pussy is clearly inferior, and the girl would pick the blonde!" "I don't think so, but maybe the blonde and the redhead would try to prove that they have the best pussy!"

We both knew where this conversation was leading us, but as I said the words, we both stopped for a moment, unsure if we wanted to go further. But as we locked eyes, it was clear that we needed to decide who has the better cxnt and if we got a good game out of it, the better. "I think that's a good idea. Maybe we even let two players control the two girls?", Rain said. "I like that. A redhead and a blonde trying to show each other whose cxnt is better. Like an old-school fighting game. But how should they fight?", I asked cheekily. "Hm, maybe they start by sitting across from each other, and their naked feet enter the other's cxnt and who comes first loses!" As she said that I saw her spreading her legs and reaching her foot out. I mirrored her move, angling my leg up, so that my foot laid on her chair before her cxnt and her foot before mine. We shared another smile and then moved our feet in.

As our toes touched the other's labia, we both shrieked and began to moan. Good that we're so deep down, I thought, we can be as loud as we want. Our toes rubbed against the other's pussylips, going up and down, pleasuring the whole thing. As I ran my toes over her wet caves entrance, trying to rub against every part I can reach, I suddenly felt a big surge of pleasure as Rain's toes invaded my labia and began to enter my cxnt. I moan loudly and then almost ram my toes into her cxnt, earning a moan back. The fight got immediately more intense, as we pushed our toes in and out faster and faster. I rammed my toes deeper in her labia, moving them up and down, raking through her womanhood. I was glad that we both had recently cut our toenails, since we both didn't want to hurt the other, this fight was purely sexual.

Our soles grated over pussylips, touching every part of the other's twat for maximal pleasure. "Hmm", I said between moans. "That’s definitely a good way of fighting. We must work out how our players control it, but I’m sure we will find it. Anyways, how far do you think our players should be allowed to go?" "Uuhhh", she moaned back "I think all the way, don't you agree? Everything to show the other’s pussy is weaker." "Sounds good, our 'players' will like it." "Yes, 'they' will." With this said, we both shared another glare and then simultaneously rammed our entire foot into the other's twat.

Our screams of pleasure echoed through the basement, as our feet drove around in each other's cxnts, rubbing all through labia. We both kicked at the other's insides, not violently, just maximizing the pleasure through the quick motions. Our toes dug through labia, dancing through pussy juices that flowed over our feet. We were both impressed how much the other could take, but also both determined to go even further to show our own superiority.

Under ear shattering screams, me and Rain slowly shoved more and more of our legs into the other's gaping twat, going deeper and deeper, filling the other more and more. Each time I thought I finally had her filled, she managed to suck in more of me as I sucked more of here. Our leg hair tangled with our cxnthair before sucking up wet precum as it entered our caves. Now it was truly a battle to see whose cxnt was more durable and could take more, since we both stuffed the other to the brim with our legs. We both pushed and pushed while simultaneously tightening our twats around the other's leg, trying to halt its tracks and prevent it from entering further. Kegel muscles wrestling with leg muscles, pushing against each other for superiority, as both our legs slipped slower and slower into the other. I tried to kick harder and harder, while I gripped her leg with my cxnt, trapping and squeezing it. Her leg kicked hard, pleasuring every part of my tight cxnt, as it tried to go further. Precum flowed like crazy around both our legs and with a synchronous scream of pleasure, we both came at the same time, flushing the other's leg out of our cxnt.

"Uhhhh, Ahhhhhhh.", we both panted, our bodies squirming and writhing from pleasure, sore cxnts squirting out waves of cum, wetting the offices stone floors. "Ohhhh.", Rain moaned "The redheads cxnt was stronger than the blonde thought!" "The blonde's cxnt too!", I panted. "The fight might end in a tie. So how do they proceed?" "We'll, they definitely need to decide whose pussy is the best. And since their both equally durable, their cxnts must settle it between themselves!" "I agree. The two are neutral to each other, but their cxnts developed a hatred for each other. They need to prove they’re the better cxnt!" "Yes, the other's scent makes them angry, they can't tolerate a pussy on their level, one must be superior. They must clash and their owners are happy to oblige. They stand up and let them meet."

When Rain said, 'stand up', we both left our chairs and walked to the small area beside our desks, facing each other. Like on command we both yanked the other’s skirt down, truly exposing our bare-naked cxnts. Rain also slipped out of her dress, and I followed, it's easier fighting naked for sure. For the first time we saw each other naked, and it was fascinating how similar our bodies looked aside our different hair colors. Our bodies touched, sending shivers down my spine as our perky tits bounced against each other and erect nipples met tip to tip. Our pussies were only inches apart now, almost touching but not quite. I put my hands around my gaping mold, spreading and closing it, simulating a biting motion. "The cxnts yearn to bite each other, rip in and devour their enemy!", I say. "True.", Rain agreed, letting her cxnt also bite the air. Our twats looked like two rabid dogs, snarling, and trying to rip into each other. "But I think there's some other part who wants to clash first!", Rain's said pointing down. I looked at our crotches and saw only now that our clits were rock-hard, pointing at each other, their tips so close that they would touch with our next move. I smile. "Yeah, their weapons should collide first, giving our players another chance to lace up. Also, I think the characters would definitely trash talk during the match. You agree?" "Of course.", Rain said smirkingly before changing her voice slightly, indicating that she's now in character. "Your pathetic tiny clit can never defeat my plump beast; I will stab you into oblivion."

I smile one last time, before also getting on character, now able to go all out. "Fucking blonde bimbo, my dragon will annihilate your foul beast and grind it to dust!" "My beast is way stronger than your dragon!" "No, my dragon is stronger!" "No, mine!" "Mine!" While still trash talking, our clits touched, pressing together tip to tip. We both pushed them against each other, trying to barge the other’s clit back in their hood. Our weapons bulldozed together, plump heads mushing tightly, pushing with extreme force. Head on our clits fought violently. But despite our great pushing, our clits did not move an inch. We still trash talked and insulted the other's clit loudly but had to realize that we are even in terms of clit strength.

After a few minutes of pushing, I decided to change up my strategy. I disengaged clits for a moment and then snuck my clit under hers, pushing from below. The moment our clits touched further send pleasure waves over me, making me moan, but I kept my focus. "I will bend your clit in half!", I said, starting to press hard against hers from below. "Ha, my clit will never move, it's like a rock! You can't bend it, but later I will bend yours!" Rain hissed and strengthened her clit against mine. She tried to hold it in position while I tried to bend it upwards form below. We both knew that this could be integrated great into gameplay, using quick-time events to try prying the other’s clit upwards. I pressed and pushed hard, using all my strength, but her clit was truly like a rock, keeping steadfast in place. I adapted my plan by pulling my clit down and then flinging it up abruptly against hers, using the momentum to propel her upwards. Her clit moved slightly but remained steady. But seeing that ensured me that my clit can bend her rock and I humped and humped and humped my clit against her like crazy. It hurt and it bend slightly multiple times, but after a few minutes I had to surrender.

Rain laughed in character "Ha, your puny dragon couldn't lift my beast. Now see how it lifts yours!" "Your clit may be good at staying in one place, but it cannot hope to move my mighty dragon!", I hissed back in character and positioned my clit over hers. She started pushing against my clit, but I held against. Her pushing force was strong, but my clit stayed in place, even if it got harder and harder to hold it there after a while. I steeled my whole body and clit, made it hard as a boulder, unmovable and indestructible. Rain's clit hammered harder and harder against mine and my body began to shiver, like her body had before. My clit was bend up slightly by her unending barrage, but I immediately put it back in place, hardening it even more. After a few more minutes, Rain had to accept that she couldn't move my clit either, making this another tie.

Rain disengaged her clit from mine and pointed the two spears at each other again. She gave me a quick smile that I reciprocated before we both got back in character and exchanged hate glares. "See, your beast is weak and cannot stand up to the strength of my dragon!" "Fuck you bitch, my beast will snap you dragon in two!" "My dragon will claw your beast and kill it!" While we kept trash talking our clits rubbed side by side, grinding at each other, meeting full length. Then at the same time we pulled back and rammed our clits together sideways. We both howled in pain and pleasure, pulling back, and humping again. Our clits collided over and over, getting knocked back from the impact before clashing harder once again. After a while they didn't get knocked back anymore and we rubbed and graded our clits all over each other, trying to break the other's clit. It was a full assault while we screamed profanities at each other, mocking the other's clit and emphasizing our clits superiority. But after half an hour of relentless clit on clit action, neither got any advantage and we both came with huge screams, falling on our butts to the floor.

Our orgasm was massive. For a few minutes we were just lying on the ground, cxnts squirting unending barrages of cum while our bodies trembled and quivered. As our climax finally subsided, we both spread our legs, showing our cum filled, but still gaping and ready cxnts to each other. "You ran away long enough but now is finally the time for your cxnt to be devoured by mine!", I boasted. "Ha, ran away? Your pathetic twat quivered in fear of my magnificent pussy and hid in shame. But now it cannot conceal itself anymore and will be eaten alive by my ferocious cxnt!"

During this banter we both stood up, but instead of directly jumping on each other, I walked back and sat in my chair, spreading my legs, and inviting Rain to join me. She didn't waste time and immediately sat down before me. I put my arms around her back and pull her to me, so we both fit in this chair. We were tightly cramped together, out nipples touching, lips only inches apart. But we kept our cxnts separated, feeling the burning desire to finally lock up. "My cxnt will win!", Rain yelled, and I yelled back "No, mine!" and with this we synchronously humped our pussies together.

It was like a switch suddenly turned. From one second to the other we became wild animals, furiously humping and ramming our cxnts into each other. Our molds collided repeatedly, sending waves of pain and pleasure all over our bodies. Our arms were holding the other in a close embrace, pulling us tighter and tighter together to prevent us from falling out of the chair. We only used our hips for humping, our upper bodies staying fixed together.

"Pull me tighter you bitch, don't you have any strength!" I hissed, pulling her more to me.
"You're the one whose weak slut! Let's get tighter!", Rain hissed back, strengthening our embrace.
"Tighter, bitch!"
"Tighter, slut!"
"My pussy will break yours!"
"My pussy crushes yours!"
"My pussy is stronger!"
"No, mine is!"
"My pussy hates yours!"
"My pussy hates your more!'"
"No, mine!"

We got totally off on the unhinged trash talk, thrusting our twats with insane strength into each other, pussy lips colliding hard, prying each other open before retracting and doing it again. Our twats were already glistening red and hurt like crazy and we both knew that we couldn't keep this up any longer. We also knew that this wasn't how we wanted to end this, so like on a signal, we both stopped after a hump, keeping our pried open twats together, pussylips finally locked in a bite. We bite with our pussylips as labia begins to intertwine, folding together. Our cxnts start to go deeper into each other, sucking hard while we grinded them together, feeling every inch of the other’s love cave, giving us insane amounts of pleasure.

"Ohhhh, do you feel our cxnts biting in, devouring each other?", Rain moaned as our molds fell deeper and deeper into each other.
"Ahhh, yes I do, but my twat is eating yours!", I moaned back.
"No, bitch, your cxnt is engulfed and slowed whole by mine!"
"My cxnt will suck yours in and drain it of every drop of juice!"
"Your cxnt will be dry as a desert when I'm finished with you!"
"I don't think so, fucking bitch. Let me shut up that filthy mouth of yours!"

Right after saying that, I plunged my tongue into Rain's mouth, starting to twist around her tongue. Rain immediately retaliated, trying to push my tongue out of her mouth. Our tongues were now between our mouths, and we pushed hard, first with the tips before more and more of our tongues met. After a while, both tongues were out completely, hanging down to our chins, pushing together with their full length. We pressed our wet meat flaps hard against each other, salvia dribbling down our tightly locked bodies. Our tongues were flattened between our faces as we pushed them nearer and nearer together, trying to suffocate the other's tongue. But as always, we were equal.

Like our tongues, our boobs were also flattening each other. Our tits were not the highlight of our bodies, being rather small, but they’re still firm and perky and pressed hard against their opposition. Since they weren't that voluminous there was no risk of them popping, something that could have happened with bigger breasts, seeing how the pressure on our apples was monumentally high. They were tightly locked between our bodies, fighting for space. Both our left nipples had inverted the other's right nipple, going deeper and deeper in and sucking the other dry. Milk was flowing through our nipples out from our tits into the other, but even in suction we were equal, no tits getting any bigger due to more milk. But we still sucked, trying to get as much milk as we could, thinking of it as another possible game mechanic, draining the other player of their milk to get stronger. It could work with a kind of milk-meter, letting you do milk-based attacks when full. This was going to be an interesting game.

Our focus however was still on our cxnts and there the sucking was even stronger. Our peaches were at this point grinded deep together, every part of our labia fighting its counterparts. Folds over folds twisted and knotted together, making our twats inseparable. We used our Kegel muscles to suck as hard as possible, trying to get every piece of juice out of the other. Pussy liquids were traded back and forth between our cxnts but because of the insane suction we both exerted the drops never stayed in place for more than a second before changing place once again. Our trash talk was still in full force, letting us both invent dialog for our game and blow off steam. We hissed and screamed, giving our cxnts voices, and going on about how they eat each other and how giant their hate for the other vagina is and how our twat is the best on earth. It was never-ending and we loved it. Just cxnts fighting for superiority, grinding and rubbing without any pause or restraint on an endless quest to defeat each other. It was awesome.

Our pussy-grinding duel lasted for almost two hours. We were both on the edge multiple times, trying to avoid an orgasm to not be the first to cum in this final duel, continuing to throw our twat at the other and explore them even deeper to finally make them surrender. We managed to hold on long but at some point, the pleasure was too much. We were both screaming loudly, wailing in pleasure, until we finally came in the biggest orgasm I ever experienced in my whole life. It took a long time till it subsided in which we just laid in the other's arms, not able to move any more. After a few more minutes, I looked at Rain and we both smiled. "I would say that's enough for our first day!", I said smiling. "Yes, you're right. A draw it is. But I think we have a good basis for our game!", Rain answered. "We sure have. A one-on-one sexual fighting game between two girls. That must be successful." " Especially since we make it. And we will make sure to test every mechanic and fighting style thoroughly, won't we?" " We will. I'm thrilled of working with you, slut!" "Likewise, bitch!"