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Exams: Prologue

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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Exams: Prologue
« on: March 03, 2023, 09:12:00 PM »
This is the latest installment of my “732 Series”. You can read the rest of the series up to this point on my page on Fights.Sexy. Here’s the link:

Another week had passed since the girls did Tamara’s exams, which turned out to just be their midterms. As Tamara instructed, they were now on their way to St. Lilith’s for what would be their finals. They remembered what Tamara told them last week. How this was going to test their teamwork and because of that, they would pair up in ways they have not before. Jasmine and Holly would face one pair of examiners while Vanessa and Nicole faced the other pair. They were very excited, as these examiners would be Tamara’s friends and according to her, massive nymphos. Their hearts were pounding with anticipation on the drive there.

“You think Sabrina will get jealous that we’re going here for someone else?” Vanessa asked as she drove.

“Probably.” Jasmine answered. “I’ll be sure to let her know next time I see her.”

“Maybe if you still have energy after the finals, you can go and whip her pussy, anyway.” Nicole suggested.

“If these examiners are anything like Tamara described, I doubt it.” Holly added.

“They’d better be worth all the hype.” Jasmine said. “Can you imagine what it must be like for Ben having to spend all day without us?”

“I bet he’s fantasizing about me right now.” Vanessa teased.

“Only because I’m dominating you in his fantasy, just like in real life.” Jasmine shot back, playfully.

They soon arrived at the prison and entered through the front door. They sat in the waiting room, expecting Olivia to come and guide them towards where they were supposed to go but in came in someone they were not expecting. A small, cute looking girl with dyed, hot pink hair came in. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wore pink makeup too. She had a big, perky smile on her face. Her uniform hugged her nice and tight. Her rack was impressive but it was a little hard to tell what her cup size was. At least a solid D. No smaller than that. She looked quite young too.

“So, this must be the famous Task Force 732.” The girl said. “I’m Trina. I’ll be your guide to your exam rooms today.”

“That would be us.” Vanessa said. “No offense, Trina but we were expecting Olivia.”

“Captain Brooks is busy today, so she sent me. I’m still new to this but she trusted me with being your guide.” Trina explained.

“You seem awfully young for a prison guard. Again, no offense.” Jasmine said.

“I just turned 20.” Trina said. “I’m here to pay for my College tuition.”

Holly and Nicole seemed very fond of the young guard, who was only two years younger than they were and they both eyed up her nice figure and the uniform, which showed off her smooth legs.

“If you’re ready for your exams, I can show you the way.” Trina offered in a perky, happy voice.

The girls all got up and followed Trina to their destination, conversing on the way.

“Where’s Tamara?” Holly asked.

“Chief Colby is currently in a meeting with our warden, Madam Red.” Trina answered.

“Oh, is she now?“ Nicole asked deviously, checking out Trina’s swaying ass as she walked.

“Yes.” Trina answered. “She said she should be done by the time you’re all done as well and should greet you upon your exit.”

“How did a cutie like you end up working here, Trina?” Jasmine asked.

“Thank you!” Trina said happily. “I saw an ad for the job online and in the interview, Captain Brooks said that Madam Red has a real fondness for girls like me, so I got the job.”

“Interesting.” Vanessa said.

“You called us famous before.” Holly said. “I take it we’ve become well known?”

“Oh, very much so.” Trina answered. “You’ve brought in some of our most notorious inmates and we look forward to seeing you bring in more.”

“Speaking of which…” Jasmine said. “Would you mind doing something for me, sweetheart?”

“Yes?” Trina asked sweetly.

“I’m sure you know the first inmate we ever brought in here. Sabrina Phillips?” Jasmine asked.

“Of course.” Trina answered.

“Well, could you tell her that we’re here but not to see her? It will drive her insane.” Jasmine requested. “And tell her that Jasmine says she’s better than her.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Trina said.

“Oh, you don’t have to call me, ma’am, hun.” Jasmine said. She noticed that she was talking to this young guard the same way Tamara talks to all of them.

“If you say so.” Trina said. “Oh, it looks like we’re here.”

They all stood in a hallway with one door on the left and right side, respectively.

“These rooms are typically reserved for our conjugal visitors.” Trina explained.

“Oh, really?” Jasmine asked curiously.

“Yes.” Trina said. “They’re brand new. Madam Red wanted to make our conjugal visitors more comfortable and offer them more options. We’re currently constructing more rooms like this with different amenities.”

“Noted.” Jasmine said deviously.

“Chief Colby relayed her instructions to me, so I can repeat them to you.” Trina said. “Your examiners are waiting for you in each of these rooms to my sides.”

“Jasmine and Holly will take this room.” Trina said, pointing to her right. “And Vanessa and Nicole will take this one.” Trina said, pointing to her left.

“Jasmine and Holly’s examiners’ names are Veronica and Ashley.” Trina explained. “Vanessa and Nicole’s examiners’ names are Gwen and Felicia.”

“I know Chief Colby already told you the rules but she asked me to remind you all.” Trina explained.

“This is a test of your teamwork, utilizing the only two pairings that have not fought a two-on-two match together.” Trina said. “Las Brujas sicarias love to battle in pairs, as you have already experienced. This exam will prove vital. Just like your midterms, this is not about winning, so much as it is about impressing your examiners. They will grade you and give Tamara their thorough analysis of your performance. The winning team will get to keep the losing team as sex slaves for the rest of the night.”

“There are also details that she did not tell you before.” Trina explained. “She said that there are no time limits on this. Same rules apply. Last team standing wins or last woman standing’s team wins. You can take your time and converse with your examiners, get to know them but take this seriously and fight as hard as you can. She also asked me to say “Good luck, my darlings” from her. Any questions?” Trina asked.

The girls all said nothing. They understood completely.

“Very well.” Trina said with a smile. “Enjoy your visit at St. Lilith’s Correctional Facility.”

Jasmine and Holly went into their assigned room while Vanessa and Nicole went into their’s. This was going to be interesting.