I envy men whose wives are real cat fighters. My wife will never fight for no reason. But he will fight in a personal conflict and out of jealousy. Then she burns like a reactor, she is even a lion according to the horoscope and in the year of the tiger. And all her quarrels are spontaneous.I agree with the previous comment that irl is scary. And besides, it always happens at the wrong time.. When two women are fighting on a skating rink in skates, grappling and pounding each other with their fists.. Or when on a hike you dozed off at a rest stop and wake up to the sounds of a struggle, when your wife, wrapped in an embrace with another woman, is rolling on smoldering coals, and this woman's friend half faints from the shock of what she saw.. My first wife was a judoka and a sambo wrestler. Her best friend was her worst enemy in the fight. Sometimes they wrestled in submission wrestling. I loved their long fights on the grass or in the gym after training. Sometimes, out of impotence and anger, they would put their hands in each other's hair.