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Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)

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Offline howardcosell

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This was the last story I did on a very extreme board; so this one isn't for the weak of heart or weak of stomach. I write a series called "Angel of Death" elsewhere, and I created a villain named Sasha, who got pretty popular among the readers there. So, I decided to give her an origin story. Sometimes, I have the magic, and sometimes, I don't, but I look at this story as one of the few times when I really felt like I put together something good. Like I said, it's very graphic.

Confessions of a Female Vampire (Victoria, Satomi, Trish)

I want you to know, that I have only loved two women in my lifetime. One is you, the other one was mine a long time ago. I also want you to know that my arrival here in New Orleans was not the first time I have set foot in America. But most of all, I want you to know that I love you, and whatever happens to us from this point on, I will always love you.

For people like us, the world has never been a kind place. This is why I made you like me; it was the only way that I could save you. I understand how you must have felt waking up anew; having died in a coma and now, forever living, but forever living by stealing the life force of others. For me, it was different, but yet, all too familiar. I woke up in darkness and darkness is all that I have ever known. My heart bathed itself in the blackness of the night and I have lived my life as a parasite, looking for a purpose. I have not always lived in Transylvania; when I reached age enough to travel, I would go into the small towns at night and prey on chickens and sheep and the like. I did not know what I was; I only knew of the bloodlust within me. And long before I found myself, this lust would consume me. The castle I lived in was empty, save for rats and corpses. There was no one to touch and no one to call my own. I could hear voices miles away and smell that rich, pure, sweet virgin blood that moved in the veins of young delicious girls walking to and fro in their white dresses and bonnets and I would crave them so. I did not know anything, save that I was a slave to my addictions.

I did not prey on the townspeople… not yet. I did not know at the time, but they had believed they had destroyed the last of us. They did not know that she had found a tall, black haired maiden, with a father and mother who loved her dearly, but with a female lover they so despised… the lover’s name was Victoria. The girl never knew a woman more bountiful than Victoria. Her eyes were the type of blue that you could lose yourself in… she was a rich maiden, from Germany and she was my height, five feet and ten inches. But she was banished for her affairs; cursed to keep her flowing black hair cut short as a sign of her adulterous ways. The girl ran her tongue across Victoria’s beautiful glowing cxnt and rubbed the tips of her nipples. The Transylvanian girl loved the taste of a clean cxnt, and while Victoria was a poor girl, having lost her fortune once her husband banished her, she was as clean as any woman I know. Only her heart was stained and her soul caked over in the rusty wear of her betrayals. The Transylvanian girl and Victoria gave passion to each other, that night in Victoria’s small home… the Transylvanian did not know that this home belonged to a lover of the German woman who she was eating out as she gnawed on Victoria’s large nipples… but all the while, something was watching… something dark, something with its eyes fixed on the Transylvanian girl.

Victoria climaxed and milked her sweet ambrosia into the mouth of the black haired Transylvanian, twisting the girl’s own nipples… but as the girl lifted her head, a dagger was headed for her throat.

Victoria- Die, you miserable slut… die and I take all your wealth!!

The Transylvanian girl had wealth from a family of aristocrats; Victoria knew this. You see, wanting a person of the same sex is similar to this bloodlust that afflicts me. You try to fight it; you try to ignore it, but it is still there. The girl had spent days and nights watching Victoria, and Victoria knew this. After being banished, she had taken her position as a thief and a killer of hearts and bodies. No one could ever want to love a woman cursed for her infidelities; no one would want to be seen with her, considering her short hair and mammoth breasts… but everyone tried to go to bed with her and she took down some of the wealthiest men. She had to make a living and she had come to understand the nature of this world as being one where no one could love freely. That is a lesson I truly wish I had learned long ago… perhaps things would be different, but then, I would not have met you.

But as the girl was watching Victoria, the darkness was watching her and as that dagger came to her throat, a clawed hand wrapped itself around the blade and pulled it free. The Transylvanian girl would fall to her back and when she would look up, she would see Victoria… the puncture holes in her neck and those blue eyes glossy and those full lips quivering. Then, in a brush of blackness… it was upon her. Its lips running down her neck…. Its fangs digging slowly in… so erotically and so slowly… the haze set in as the black haired man I am calling “it” in his flowing cape and his pale skin and his sheer sexy viciousness took Victoria in slow gulps… draining the life out of her as she climaxes over and over again. He turned, handsome as the devil for who he is named, and looked at the Transylvanian girl and she was frozen in his dark gaze. She felt him calling her near… beckoning her closer and closer to him and she rose in her naked figure… and they kissed deeply… its fangs pulling her… when you feel that first bite, my love, you barely feel it, but then, you feel that pull, like dead skin being ripped away, but more like cum being forced out by the combined efforts of both you and your lover. You want to be taken… and he took me that night…the Transylvanian girl would die, and something else would come about… when I awoke, I would call him my father… this was the first and only time I would see the man your books and movies refer to as Count Dracula.  

To be a vampire, one must know her limitations, and there was no limitation for me… save the limitation of love. I longed for the blood of a woman like Victoria; I had only tasted her sex, and that taste was one I will never forget, but I longed to taste it again. My problem, much like the problem you faced when you awoke, was that I could not first take the life of a human. I fed on everything but… and I still was haunted by Victoria’s taste; I still was haunted. She was my first lover before I became a Dracula… and I hated her and I hated her taste as it had embedded itself on my tongue as the last taste of my humanity. I would go into the night and I would lick many a cxnt; women sexing women has never been taboo… it has only been hidden in the darkness. You see, my love, light is the shadow of darkness… there is far more that goes on in one night than in an eternity of days… but oh, how I miss the days. I would have French pussy on my tongue and Russian pussy and Polish pussy and Dutch pussy… bathing myself and pigging out on the cum of others trying to wash away the taste of Victoria… wash away my humanity. But nothing would make it stop… no matter what the woman looked like or the make and break of her cxnt, they all tasted like Victoria…the longing for blood and so much of it right before my eyes as I rubbed my lips against the sexes of other women… I could not destroy my lust and many times, I could not finish for fear of biting…

It would not surprise you then if I told you that I began killing many women by biting and draining them while eating them out. This was an accident the first time, but then, I thought of Victoria, a woman cursed for her infidelities, and I remembered her telling me that she could never love one person. She told me that she was brought up in a world that felt a woman’s place was married and she chose to resist it. She would beg me to resist her… but I could not. The taste would not go… so in my anger, I began to drain them all on purpose. I killed many, and I was full. By now, I’d stolen several coffins and gone through the search for my father, but his castle was empty and that is where I lived, hoping he would return and he would explain to me what I was, or at least take away her taste. You have often told me that you find me to be intelligent, no? You would believe that I had figured my killings would have some ramifications… but I never thought twice about them. I awake and find the curtains removed, and the sun burning me as I sought the darkness of the room’s corner. My casket had been moved and someone took the curtains out. I had not realized our family history and what destructive forces my new ancestors were. I had never realized this. I looked up at the woman dressed in all black and carrying an axe as she threw holy water in my eyes and burned me badly as I screamed. She had black hair and elf’s ears and she threw a bible in my lap that burned my sex on impact.

“My name is Raven Belmont… for centuries, my clan has hunted and destroyed the ancestors of one Vlad Dracul… your father, Count Dracula… I have come to destroy you, Sasha.”

I could look into the eyes of Raven and see a woman who’d slaughtered many, many creations of my father’s. She wore a coat, long and black and came forward with her axe. I drove my bare foot into her stomach and she doubled forward, but her axe cut me across my forehead. She did not groan from the kick and my foot burned on impact. Her hair was wet… her entire body was wet with holy water… I felt myself in pure torture as she removed a whip from her side… something about this weapon terrified me…

Raven- I would hunt your kind in the darkness and defeat you in your natural element, but today, I have chosen to eliminate you. I sense you are a very powerful vampire; your power may exceed that of your father’s. Any other of your kind would have burned to ash by now, but you… so strong.

All I had done to this point was try to live as what I was. I did not ask for this life. I saw angels hovering about Raven’s head as she closed in on me… and then, she was gone… I did not understand, but only a moment later, did I see the long cloaked, hooded woman with her clawed hand against Raven’s throat, pressing her against the wall. She turned and looked at me… Adrienne… the blonde I ate out and killed months before, fangs glowing, now like me,

Adrienne- Leave… leave now!!

I rose and backed down my stairs, just as Raven’s whip wrapped itself around Adrienne’s throat and pulled her head clean off, her cloak falling to the floor and her body disintegrating into ash… as Adrienne’s head came off, I cried “Father!!” seeking his aid and longing for his kiss… Adrienne’s head looked at me and said, “Mother…” and then I understood… I went deep down to the moat below our castle and hid there, but I could still hear Raven’s voice and still felt Victoria’s taste on my tongue.

I fled to France, feeling my home burned to the ground by Raven Belmont and the angry citizens who’s sheep and chickens and women I had preyed upon, and the dozens of daughters living below that I was aware of… but could not sense. I could sense life and I could sense things close to me, but I was engulfed in my own dealings and my own pursuit of something… and the sad part is that I did not know what that something was. On the streets of Versailles, I quickly learned how to finish my victims. I arrived in 1789, during the French Revolution. This was a wonderful time for me; the country was in a state of chaos and it was very easy for me to pick off victims in the night. The night after the women’s march and the chaos it brought, I feasted on the blood of many virgins.

I let my anger consume me and I lost myself in the burning buildings and the uprisings. People were seeking a new identity, but really, they were seeking to establish themselves as their own. A pity, that the result of this revolution was be one man and his army… Napoleon Bonaparte. I spent years in France while the army waged war against much of Europe, until I had to flee. You know, when the Revolution was taking place, no one bothered with dead bodies and puncture holes in the necks. I killed the daughters of the aristocracy, but kill one twenty year old daughter of a corporal in Napoleon’s army the very night he crowns himself emperor at the height of his power in 1804, and see how quickly you must flee. Once more, I found my home burning to the ground. As I left France, I could feel eyes upon me… I could see the hazel eyes penetrating my thoughts and when I slept, all I saw were those eyes. These eyes were gold around a deep green… a green that seemed to slowly revolve when I gazed into those eyes… I went back to Transylvania and slept in a coffin in a mausoleum and stayed there, sulking my failures and occasionally leaving to feed on rats.

Weak as I was, I traveled to the New World, the United States of America, following those eyes. As I arrived in Atlanta Georgia, years later, I found myself in a very similar situation. The year was 1864 and the city was under siege as the Civil War raged through the South. I had eaten half the inhabitants of the boat I’d come over on and my strength was back… I felt the deep hazel eyes calling to me, the further south I went… I could feel them watching me as I fed on the wives of soldiers who may or may not have ever come home. It was a lonely world and I would be invited into many homes, claiming entire families. This I had to do to survive.

I learned to ignore that taste of the German Victoria, though she still took my thoughts back to that night I became a Dracula… I could feel the hazel eyes upon me, just as a black girl leveled me with a mallet near the abandoned plantation house I had made my home. She was only three inches shorter than I at 5’9” and looked to weight a little more than 135 lbs. She wore a dress that I knew in these times could have only belonged to a woman of some sort of wealth and this girl was clearly a former slave. The dress was beige and stained in blood. She carried a rifle and a machete and she had shoulder length dark brown hair, medium brown sleek skin, a round face with fat cheeks, and a very nice body, curved, but fit. Her lips were full and a nice shining red and her eyes were dark but seemed to speak of seduction and power. Her dress was torn across the waist to reveal a firm stomach with hints of definition and a perfectly round and very deep navel… there was a cut on her solar plexus and blood with blonde hair on her machete… the hunger had me, but she placed that blade to my throat.

“Who are you? Who ARE YOU? Speak or I will cut your throat where you stand.”

I grabbed the handle of the blade and twisted her arm, forcing her to release it, but she drove her knee hard into my sex… let it never be said that a vampire cannot feel pain from physical attacks… I can tell you for a fact that I felt that pain and I feel it every time I think about that night. I fell to a seated position and she stabbed her machete aiming right between my eyes, but I clapped my hands on either side of the blade and held it in place.

Sasha- You have a very strange way of introducing yourself, girl. Perhaps it is you who should tell me who you are.

“My name is Trish and it may be the last name you hear unless you tell me who in the hell you are.”

She pulled the blade free and a flash of my own blood covered my hands. She watched in awe as the wounds healed and I rose, grabbing her by her throat and licking the long thin cut across her solar plexus. Her blood was sweet, the blood of a virgin, but the blood of a true woman, a woman who was no coward, a woman who would gladly kill her slave master and his wife when the ignorant fool refused to free her, despite the Emancipation Proclamation…

Sasha- Would you like to live forever? Would you like to know the true essence of creation and see this ugly world for what it is?

I gazed into her dark eyes and saw her pain… I saw the whips and the cotton fields and the lynching of her brothers. I saw the killing fields and I saw the violence and the rapes… I saw the burning world and the burning hate all in her eyes as the tears rained down from them and I longed to taste this power brewing within that deep firm belly of hers as she was now lost in me. I dug my index finger into her navel and pressed down… oh how sexy she was, this girl… I could smell the virgin ambrosia and sense the blood within her… I cut the navel and tasted it and I felt a slow trickle of blood running from it. I stuck my tongue deep into her navel and licked, choosing not to use my fangs and choosing to enjoy this moment of pleasure… but this was not right, I felt something within me, something I had not felt since Victoria, not since my father… I dropped her and I found that I had climaxed. We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, and then she buried the blade into my stomach. I lurched forward, bleeding badly from the cut… as you have found out my dear, we vampires do bleed… she rose and she pulled the blade out of me as I looked down and cried out, deep within the darkness. She looked around, hearing the dogs and seeing the fires as men were approaching.

“We can smell you, you fucking bitch!! We’re gonna fuck you twenty times and string you up just nice, just like we did your whole fucking family!!”

I saw this woman, this strong woman, drop to her knees and say a silent prayer, then she picked up the shotgun and fired a shot into the dark… I heard a man cry out in pain and a felt his heart stopping as I rose, the deep cut in my stomach slowly healing. She struggled to reload as shots were fired in return… she fell to the grass, but she had only taken a graze to her shoulder as I felt a bullet shatter an eyeball and exit the back of a brain through the skull and out of the head. But then, within seconds to you, but longer to me, the dogs were on her, chewing away at her arms as the two remaining men closed in on her. They kicked her in her precious belly over and over again, calling her names and spitting on her as the dogs chewed away… I tasted alcohol in both their bloods, very very strong bourbon and a little whiskey. A lot of fat on them as well, and dog blood wasn’t my cup of tea either… but I killed them and drank a hefty portion… she was hurting badly and she had bite marks all across her arms and bruises across her stomach. I worried much for her, but it became instinctive. I carried her into the trees above and our eyes met once more… she was barely alive… I gave her my kiss and drank deeply of this beautiful woman’s blood until there was only enough left for what was to come next.

While my Transylvanian and French lovers had become vampires and I could not sense them completely, I had always believed I’d killed them. A vampire must drink all the blood in order to kill and she must never drink the blood of something that is already dead. I held Trish in my arms as she choked and hissed and died… dying is the hardest part of the transformation… I try to forget what death was like for me all those years ago, staring at Victoria’s body, her taste forever etched into my tongue and my father having given me his kiss… I still felt the hazel eyes upon me and the soft voice calling me to her even as Trish’s hair became darker, her eyes more piercing than ever, her lips fuller, and her smile now with a sinister flare. The innocence was gone… but as she was before I made her like me… was the innocence ever there? I cut my wrist and bled into her mouth, as is the custom to get you use to the taste of blood… she craved it so now; her hate was so great, it brought a smile to my face as I watched her wounds heal and we stood side by side in the grass.

She had no family; she had no purpose… she would have been killed right there that night, raped, stripped naked, and hung from one of those trees. But her name, Trish, means “noble,” and I was not going to allow her nobility to be violated any more. She would now be a virgin for all eternity. She looked at me with her dark eyes and licked her ruby red lips… I wanted to take her away with me someplace where there was peace. You see, my love, I had not yet learned that there is no peace in this world. She went wild, charging head on and attacking every male she saw that night as I calmly followed. She drank and killed mercilessly. I remembered only moments ago, when she first laid me low, that despite the machete and despite the nervous and angry twinkle in her voice, she was calm. That calm was gone… until she was full and she realized she could drink no more. Then, it seemed as though she was calm again. I took her to a plantation house, feeling the hazel eyes upon me and fighting to resist the taste of Victoria as I longed to touch Trish once more… but she turned and fought me off.

Trish- Get away from me!!

Sasha- I have taken you away from this horrible life you live, Trish; I have freed you. Now, we are companions; you must understand what you are!

Trish- Freed me? You’ve only killed me! No… what you have brought upon me is a fate far worse than death! Back there, I would have been killed or raped or lynched true enough, but I had my dignity… I would have died FREE! I don’t want to live the rest of my life killing people… I have seen enough death!

I lowered my head… I did not have the words… I had not lusted for the taste of her blood, I had lusted for her…

Trish- You think you saved me… but you are very wrong! How do you know I wasn’t trying to get killed? Did it ever occur to you that perhaps I was? When the slaves became free, masters around here have been killing us… I’m the last one to escape the plantation… everyone else is DEAD. I wanted to take as many of those bastards out as I could before they got me and I wanted to die with my people… but you stopped me!

Sasha- But in freeing you, I have allowed you to take many more.

Trish- You foolish monstrous witch! You didn’t free me! I’ll never see another sunrise; I’ll never feel the heat of a day’s work of even breathe the spring air… there were some things that I loved and adored and you have taken them all away from me. I don’t want to live like this… you have to kill me!

She understood what she was. I got up and began to leave her.

Trish- Where are you going? You can’t leave me here like this? You come back here and you finish what you started!!

She could finish herself; all she would have to do is cut her head off or wait until sunrise, but you see, my dear, she did not. I read the newspapers I would buy at nighttime as the war ended, President Lincoln was assassinated, Jim Crowe set in, General Grant became President Grant, and I would read of Trish’s murders of Ku Klux Klansmen and others. I knew it was her; I could sense her mark all over it… she had also been working with another, I could sense her too… I knew then that Trish had fully accepted what she was when I realized she had taken a companion of her own… but on Christmas Eve 1938, I left my home in Atlanta and got the paper on a cold night and upon returning, found Trish’s companion, a blonde haired blue eyed woman, Angela, a young wife to a Klansman that Trish killed… a woman with a racist heart now completely changed due to Trish’s desire to save her from a disease that turns the cells black… here she was dying on my doorstep… the holy water arrows, nearly two dozen, all through her back as her eyes seemed to be melting as she looked up at me. I looked straight ahead and saw the arrow; I could’ve caught it, but I took it right on the shoulder as I turned. It burned a nice hole in me and I dropped to my knees. I saw a tall woman with a ripped bearskin poncho and she carried a bow and arrow with a mallet that was made from the thighbone of some sort of monster… she smiled and I noticed a scar running through her right eye, splitting the blue eyeball in a vision of red white and blue.

“Sasha Dracula… greetings from Europe… my name is Ann Marie Van Helsing.”

Van Helsing… Belmont… two names forever attached to the Dracula family…you know, Ann Marie’s great granddaughter, Zelda Van Helsing has a television show where she hunts down creatures of the night and kills them; perhaps you have seen it. I watch the show from time to time and I can tell you that despite the criticisms she’s received for having fake hunts and for the creatures not being real, you and I are both living proof that her hunts are real. They are all butchers and murderers. But back to that night, I pulled the arrow from the shoulder and rose as the large woman stepped aside and showed me Trish’s naked body behind her, a long blade buried deep in her luscious navel… she was still alive.

“You will make a wonderful addition to my collection,” the woman said as she reached under the poncho and showed me her long necklace of fangs. Trish dug her teeth into Ann Marie’s throat from behind, but all that came was Trish’s own blood as her fangs were removed and had not grown back in yet. The large woman elbowed Trish’s stomach hard and I cringed as I saw the blade jerk upward and the wind was blasted from Trish. Ann Marie jerked the blade from Trish’s body and in one swipe, beheaded the blonde… I felt my strength rising just as Ann Marie drove the blade through Trish’s heart, sticking her to the tree behind her. This myth about stakes being driven through the heart as a means of killing a vampire… it is nonsense, my love. Ann Marie knew this; her purpose was to stick Trish to the tree and she had accomplished this… but my hand drove deep into her chest and I removed the vampire hunter’s heart. I pulled the blade free from Trish and she dropped to the ground, crawling to her Angela… I watched the beautiful strong black woman cry at the sight of her beheaded dear… I feasted on Ann Marie and burned her body, then I turned to Trish…

Sasha- I am leaving this place… I would really appreciate it if you came with me.

She turned to me, the burning tears in her eyes and sneered.

Trish- You did this to me. I will never go with you! You brought this upon me! I finally found someone who understood what I was; someone I could spend eternity with and we were going to turn a male so that we could start a family… but your curse ruined all of it!!

Sasha- I am sorry.

Trish- LEAVE ME!!!

I went back to my home. The next morning, I covered myself completely and went out into the dawn… I found two mounds of ash… she stayed with her Angela until the sun took them… Trish had finally found her freedom. That evening, I boarded a train for California. I did not feed and was very weak when I arrived in San Francisco. I could take no more of the pain… it seemed that death and chaos were everywhere I went. I had spent my time in Atlanta ignoring the world’s changes… a World War here, a Great Depression there, and the great European and Asian imperialistic movements that were all over the world. The United States was comfortable in its sovereignty and so was I in mine, but that night with Trish and Ann Marie Van Helsing sent it all back to me… Victoria, Raven Belmont, Adrienne, and my father and all the women I had turned, but refused to acknowledge as they burned down with my castle in Transylvania and my home in France.

I spent four years in San Francisco before I first laid eyes on the woman who I would fall deeply in love with in late 1941… a Chinese immigrant from a wealthy family, now reduced to a stay on Angel Island only to be moved to the mainland. In Europe and in Asia, World War II was raging… Hitomi Satomi… so beautiful and so regal a woman. She was short at 5’4” and had the prettiest brown eyes and long black hair. She was in her early twenties and sold her artwork while trying to get citizenship, but to no avail. I thought the world rejected my kind, but to see its oppression to those who’s skin color is not the same, whether that skin is white, black, yellow, brown, or red, disgusts me. Knowing how she was treated and the way she handled it made me take some comfort in what I was. But still, while watching her walk home from her work as a maid from afar, I could not bring myself to speak to her. I saw her long legs and her small mouth with its sincere smile as she bowed and nodded at every person she passed. I saw a woman who was pampered as a child and treated as the royalty she was, reduced to being harassed by drunken cowards and having to fight her way home… but still, I could not bring myself to speak to her.

December 7, 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, and while Hitomi was Chinese, she now faced more of a backlash walking the streets than ever. Rumors ran abound that Asians would be placed in concentration camps… I saw sadness in her eyes and I felt her worry… this was the woman I would get to know soon, the woman I would try to save and the woman I would fall in love with. Know this, my love, my greatest failure as a human being was an inability to see things for what they are. I knew what Victoria was, but for some reason I ignored it, even when I had a great feeling she would kill me. As a Dracula, my failures are the same, because I know what I am, but for some reason, I feel that I can save someone so precious as Hitomi… or even someone as precious as you. I still felt the hazel eyes upon me and Victoria’s taste on my tongue, but Hitomi’s sweetness was the only sweetness that would matter to me in the coming times…

"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2010, 03:43:05 AM »

Do you know what love is, my precious dear? Do you know what it is to live between the breaths of another while she plays the very strings to your heart? Do you know what it means to kiss the very air she breaths, hoping that her smell will cleanse you of your pain? Until I saw you running that night, I had only loved one woman… Satomi Hitomi, the very name evokes a sadness in me, a dark brown and violet swirl of sadness. Some believe that hate is a stronger emotion than love, but these people know nothing of the two. Hate brings focus; you can hate something so much that you are willing to change it. You can hate something so much that you can be willing to destroy it. But love… my sweet, love will make you forget who you are, forget why you’re here, and forget what you truly wanted in life, if you ever wanted anything at all.

That night all those many, many, many years ago with Victoria, the human in me did not love her… I just wanted her. All those women I ate out… I didn’t love them… I just wanted them, and believed they could remove the taste of Victoria from my tongue, that sweet reminder of what humanity is… that thing that seems so distant… but to Trish, so dear and so precious. I didn’t love Trish, I just wanted her, I wanted to take her away from what pained her, bring her to another level… but she hated me for it. I never loved any of those women, but I loved Satomi Hitomi. The moment I saw her, walking home, something hit me… I could not breathe and I ducked into an alleyway and watched her, a sadness clutching my heart. I longed to know this woman, so pure and so angelic a woman, so small and so delicate. I look at these glass paperweights with ballerinas dancing in the snow of a city, and every time I see one, I think of Hitomi. She was that girl, dancing freely in the chaos, and it brings tears to my eyes, you see. Hitomi wasn’t a high maintenance woman or a woman that prided herself on her outer beauty. She was beautiful, but beautiful in a different way. She was beautiful because she was perfect in an imperfect world. Hitomi lived from day to day selling her art and helping her fellow Asians who were suffering from illnesses and racist treatment in San Francisco. She had a purpose and she had an obligation, and wherever she went, her aura seemed to touch me… a woman like that, I had to know. I woman like that, I had to have… I must tell you that I did not wait for Hitomi to be in danger or introduce myself or try to be her nighttime lover… I came down in the night and bit her… taking her to my world of darkness.

As I have told you before, love makes you forget who you are. I’d killed many out of anger or sympathy, and turned many out of an ignorance of what I was or a need to save them, but with Hitomi… I wanted her… I loved her. Love involves a deep and desperate primal selfishness. I felt myself afflicted by this desire to taste her perfection and biting her was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done… I didn’t want to spoil her with my world… but I could not control my love anymore… I needed to feel it… and she was as sweet as dew in the morning and as innocent as the shine in a newborn’s eyes… she moaned softly as I held her, cupping her deceptively desirable breasts and draining her crimson sweetness from her neck. I felt something that I did not understand, a reaction I would have never expected from someone I was taking who I hadn’t previously met. She pushed her rear into my crotch and looked into my eyes with her exotically purposeful brown eyes… and I released her… fear gripped me as her simple gaze, the gaze of a woman so small, yet with such an aura about her that she held power over one like me, could force me to turn away for fear that I would be trapped in her eyes. I felt her hand in my hair and I rose without even feeling my legs moving; my head moved all on its own and my fangs found the holes in her neck again as she beckoned me to finish.

My love, as you live, now one of us exiled from the light of day, you will find that you can sense the pain of others and see into their pasts. Sometimes you can control it, and sometimes, you cannot ignore it. My precious Hitomi had come from a wealthy family in China, but had been deported in shame after a scandal. Hitomi was a spy for China in Japan; she was stealing and funneling valuable information to the Chinese and to the nations that would become the Allies once World War II began. But she fell in love with a talkative Japanese agent and could not betray him. This was a very honorable man who went against the direction Japan was taking in joining Nazi Germany and Italy as the Axis powers and the imperial movement. Hitomi would help her love escape Japan and upon arrival in China, he was hung and she was deported. The only reason why she did not suffer the same fate was because she served her country and because of her family connections. Satomi Hitomi was the name she took when she became a spy because it was a Japanese name, but upon her banishment from China, she had to keep the name as punishment. However, while I sensed great sadness in her at her family’s rejection and the loss of her love, I sensed great pride in her as well. She was rejected by her very name, now living under a false title, but she knew who she was. She died silently in my arms and awoke with a stronger aura than ever before… she held me and cried silent tears as I carried her to a dark abandoned shipping yard and we slept until the following night.

We took jobs as maids at a nearby inn. We obviously worked at night, and we would feed on the sick and the criminal element that chastised the Asians and would not go into service. When Hitomi would speak to me, her voice was so soft, sometimes I felt she had an elevated form of telepathy because her soft sweet voice would penetrate the very depths of my mind. We would steal boats from the docks and take midnight sails into the bay, loving every moment of being together and I felt a calmness coming over me as we would sleep in those boats. With the world embroiled so deeply in war, we found our cause in trying to help others as we dug deeper and deeper into our own hearts. They say vampires are descendants of Satan… but by mercy killing the sick and eliminating the criminal element, we were doing the work of the so-called Creator. This is the way Hitomi wanted it; I’d never known someone so willing to accept every change that came her way as my precious Hitomi. We slept in the sewer below the inn; she told me that coffins were too obvious and raiding a cemetery would only offend and desecrate the dead. I had been one with the darkness for a few centuries, and she was telling me what was right and what was wrong, but she hadn’t been one with the darkness for more than four months. Love does that to us, you know. Together, we watched as her fellow Asians were herded into concentration camps and we watched the world change. We saw a war end with atomic bombs as humanity destroyed humanity in its silly ideological battles. We joined a nighttime activist group that not only fought against communism, but fought for the United States’ right to resume its sovereignty.

The America I came to was an America that was fighting against itself. The America I’d met Hitomi in was an America comfortable with what it was, but after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, after the elimination of Hitler’s Germany, leaving only Stalin’s Soviet Union… America would become a place of biased obligation… a nation desiring to go to other nations and fight wars for others, but unable to take care of its own. Hitomi and I longed to change this world, and because she believed she could, I did as well. My love, you can suck all the blood you want from a racist or a rapist or a radical… but you can’t suck the evil out of a world so full of it. Hitomi would cry for every poor person or diseased person we killed to feed ourselves. Her heart would ache so, and because her heart ached, mine did as well. The only thing we took comfort in was our love of each other. One night around Thanksgiving, she turned to me as we held each other in the cabin of the boat that we’d bought.

Hitomi- Tell me, Sasha, do you think, if I wanted to, I could make this world freeze?

Sasha- What do you mean, my love?

Hitomi- When my people were being placed in concentration camps, I wanted to be with them. I felt that with them was where I belonged, either me in there with them, or them out here with me… this beautiful gift you bestowed on me has given me so many wonders… but my people will never truly feel that peace and the world will still suffer.

Sasha- My love, I understand, but what you must realize is that as long as we are together, we can end the world’s suffering. I believe in you; I believe that the very power of your stare can wipe the hate from the hearts of evil men. I believe the love in your smile can melt the iciest souls. I believe your touch … I believe in you, my love. The moment I saw you, this existence of mine had no real meaning, but now, you’ve given me something… I can spend all eternity with you.

Hitomi- But Sasha, my question is do you believe that we can change the world… that we can bring peace… do you truly believe that?

Sasha- I do. I believe that if we truly wanted to, if we TRULY wanted to, we could rule the world together. If people did not want peace, we force them to accept the peace.

Hitomi- But that is not the way, my love. They must accept it own their own. My purpose in my times in Japan was not to destroy Japan or strengthen China, it was to bring about peace. But with the power I have now… I just want people to be happy. I want people to love each without cultural, economic, and social restrictions.

That night, I tasted Hitomi… my tongue ran across every inch of her body, from her sensitive earlobes to the holes I made to her shining perfect breasts to her small round navel that barely stuck in to her somewhat large but citrusy sweet cxnt… so sweet it was… so sweet that I lost myself again in its taste… I licked her cxnt and felt the sweetness and felt the overpowering sensation in me as she grabbed my head and forced me deeper into her essence… to explain this feeling is very difficult. It’s a sensation that you have to experience for yourself in order to understand… I felt myself lifted to the sky with my empress… my sweet Hitomi. Nothing mattered anymore, not tomorrow, not yesterday… we could rule the world, she and I. I truly believed this. We were in the air, naked as sin, my tongue sucking her petite perfumed toes and licking that sweetness of as it ran freely down her long firm legs. That night the moon never shined brighter… my love, there is nothing quite like the sight of the moon over the Pacific Ocean… especially when the sky was clear of clouds, the wind was blowing in a musical rhythm, and the stars were out… I will never forget that night.

When I awoke the next night, the boat was burning. It was docked… I didn’t see my precious Hitomi through the blaze and smoke… I didn’t see her anywhere on board, but I could feel her near… then I heard a voice I had not heard in so very long, but I tasted a taste I had known all my life in the darkness.

“Nice to see you, Sasha.”

Victoria… she stood on the boat amidst the fires, the cum seeping from her cxnt as she held my Hitomi by the throat in her grasp. She had two other women with her, both with silver hair… twins. They seized me in my weakness and held me down while I watched her overpower my precious Hitomi and rape her, ramming her fist into my beloved sweet cxnt and pulling it out, stealing the sweet cum from her and licking her fingers, mocking me… but I could do nothing as I struggled. I thought Victoria had died that night, but she had not… she too had become a Dracula…

Victoria- I have been haunted for centuries by you, Sasha… haunted by the taste of your cxnt… haunted by the smell of your hair… everything that reminds me of what I used to be! A whore! And you left me… for this cxnt! You have poisoned my dreams; you have not allowed me an existence free of my past!! Now, because you took that away from me… I will take something away from you!

Victoria’s silver headed twins beat and kicked me mercilessly. I realized that they had weakened me by drinking my blood while I rested… I saw my Hitomi screaming, but could not hear her sweet voice as they continued to beat me. Then, they ravaged her over and over again, fist-sexing her while Victoria sat on my face and forced me to smell that smell that had haunted me for so long. Victoria screamed at my beloved, ordering her to cum as the horde continued to violate her, eating her out with vicious pace… biting and sucking… trying to steal the love from her… but she refused to cum… she refused to give them her sweetness… and Victoria became enraged…I heard Hitomi screaming and that scream is the last sound I would hear from my precious Hitomi as Victoria rose and took an axe… beheading my love as I was too weak to move forward. I remember her eyes locked on mine as Victoria and her two minions continued to eat her out and devour her sweet cxnt after she was beheaded.

Victoria- I have tasted you for too long, Sasha… I have remembered you for too long! Now, I have left you a memory that will haunt you for the rest of your undying days.

I fell unconscious… I prayed the fires would take me… from the moment I saw my Hitomi’s head fall… I did not care for fighting or for living or for dying… it all did not matter… when I woke, the fires were gone… the ship was sailing in the night and I saw nothing but water… I felt hazel eyes calling to me… but I ignored them… I walked out onto the deck and saw my Hitomi hanging from the sail pole, her head sown back on, but her body as glowing as it ever was. Her eyes were open and they were still crying… I took her down and begged her to live again… I bit my wrist and bled into her mouth until I collapsed from weakness…she had to live… she had to live… but she was dead… she was gone… I don’t know how long I stayed aboard that boat… I did not feed and fell very weak… I let Hitomi go into the ocean… I could not feel… I dove down and sucked the blood of fish… a different type of taste… my boat crashed and I fell unconscious…

when I awoke, I was in a car driving through New Orleans, Louisiana… I looked at the woman driving it… those hazel eyes… the night was full of termites and the air was wet… I no longer cared for living… not now, not with my Hitomi gone… I was too weak to be angry… but the hazel eyes only rubbed my hair and stuck her bleeding wrist to my mouth for me to drink her blood… she had sympathy in her eyes… she had heaven in her eyes… I saw Victoria’s sexiness, Trish’s strength, and Hitomi’s honor and loyalty in this woman’s soul, a woman both African American and Native American… Clara… but I could not love her… however, I knew she already loved me…

To Be Concluded… 

I had been in love. I had really been in love with my precious Hitomi. She was a woman of obligation, a woman of purpose, and because she loved me, she died. The sun had set and it would never rise again… I found myself dreaming about my Hitomi every time I closed my eyes, even as I rested on the boat. I found myself going to our dark under board, looking for her, as if I didn’t see her die right before my eyes. I longed for Hitomi, but Victoria took all of that away. All that was on the boat was what I took with me. As I Clara drove me through New Orleans, I didn’t care where I was, I didn’t care how I got from the Pacific Coast to the gulf of Mexico, I didn’t care what year it was… none of that was important… none of it mattered anymore, not even revenge. I had seen the world in its truest, ugliest form, and I had nothing but loath for it. Clara took me to her small home near Belle Chase and the next few years went by in a blur. She cared for me; she cradled me as I thought of my Hitomi, longed for my Hitomi. She brought me virgins, willing virgins, begging for my kiss, begging to become thing horrible creation my father made me and that I had made so many. I would feast and give them my kiss; what of it? I no longer cared for life and I no longer cared for death… all of it was nothing without the sweetness of my Hitomi. There was no desire to hunt Victoria down and no desire to leave.

I watched new oppression in America like I’d not seen before. Watching the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, I thought of Napoleon and the inability for the powerful nations to coexist. Watching the oppression of African Americans, the lynching and the abuses, I thought of Trish and her freedom gained through death and only through death. And I watched a president with good intentions get gunned down, and I thought of my Hitomi being taken from me on the boat all those years ago, the sting of Victoria’s cxnt still etched into my tongue. Was this what happens to hope? I remembered reading Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave and his theory that a person who sees the world for what it is and tries to get others who are still in the darkness to have vision will be stoned to death by his or her own kind. As far as I was concerned based on all that I had seen, the darkness was the safest place in all existence. Watching all the hatred in the world, I wondered if there was such a thing as love and I nearly forgot that I had once been in love. But if that love was dead, could love be found somewhere else. Clara spoke to me as we settled in one cold night. The year was 1964.

Clara- I love you, Sasha. I have watched you from afar and I have loved you.

Sasha- Child, you do not know what love is.

Clara- You have given so many your kiss; you have freed so many of the pains and sorrows of this world and made them immortal.

Sasha- If you believe that, then I fear for your sanity. You must have never come across a Belmont or a Van Helsing… or another who couldn‘t get the taste of you off her tongue. I gave them my kiss because they asked for it. This existence is a curse. And you shall one day know it, as will all who have received this curse from me.

Clara- Then why did you do it if you didn’t want more like you?

Sasha- I have never read anything about Satan turning away volunteers to burn in hell. I felt your hazel eyes following me, from my times in France until now. You have watched my life, so therefore you should know where I am in that life right now.

Clara- All I know, is that I have waited what feels like eternities for this moment. I love you the same way you love Hitomi.

Sasha- DO NOT SPEAK OF HER! Do not… speak of her. You wish to be my companion, then fine.

We lived the next few months traveling the great south of Louisiana. She had very little. We gambled in nightclubs and raided them of the cheaters. We spent all our money on little trinkets or gave it to the poor. We lived in shacks on the streets of New Orleans and fed on rats and strays. I’d slept under silk sheets in beds in Paris and dined on the finest Creole blood; I had my own castle in Transylvania, my own house in Paris, my own Plantation in Atlanta, my own boat in San Francisco, and now, I had nothing but the emotions… the taste of Victoria, the echo of Trish’s voice, and the sweet smell of Hitomi, but I still did not care for anything anymore. We would sleep among the burning crosses and live our nights under the swastika moon. And I felt a bond forming with Clara. We would watch as the same vampires I gave birth to, the same women Clara had brought to me, started their own community. We considered going to them and joining them, but we did not. We lived between the moments and longed for simplicity. We ignored the world around us and forgot that it existed. We killed those deserving, the evil, the weak, but we banished the emotions of regret and sorrow from our minds. Not since my times in France had I ever feasted so heavily.

In late 1965, I saw storm clouds swirling, and before we knew it, our lack of keeping up with current events had caught up with us. Hurricane Betsy slammed into Louisiana and our shack was quickly washed away as we slept. It was daytime and I found myself swimming in dark water, but the sun was covered by the clouds. I needed to feast and I needed to rest. All I could see was endless black water. I swam with the snakes and fed on dying dogs, looking for Clara; I could feel her eyes no more. I saw people, living… dying people… tied to the bridges to keep themselves afloat as the waters continued to rise. How did this happen? How did I allow myself to become so blind to what was going on around me? I floated for hours, looking for some living thing to feast on, but finding nothing but death. Not even the smell of death and that horrible black water could erase the sense of Hitomi and swallowing so much of it did nothing to relieve me of the sting of Victoria’s cxnt. When the hurricane had passed, I searched for Clara, but I could no longer feel her; she had washed away somewhere. But I could feel so many more like me. I never saw Clara again.

I felt so many eyes on me; I could not distinguish Clara’s from those. But I could distinguish one pair of eyes, still watching me from afar… Victoria. I returned to Transylvania tired and defeated. I went to where my castle once was and dug a cave. I slept and waited… waited for a Belmont or a Van Helsing, or some mob to come and cure me of my curse. I waited for what seemed mere minutes, but lasted years… but no one came. The madness took me; I saw myself talking to my Hitomi and I saw myself laughing in my own face at my misfortunes. I saw Clara, wondering the earth looking for me, or perhaps having died at the hands of a vampire hunter or someone, killing her for the mere color of her skin. And I felt illness overtake me as I slept, a heat burning at me… could this have been the end of my life? Could they have finally found me and are burning me? With I finally have my freedom? My eyes opened, and I was back in New Orleans staring at the black haired, blue eyed woman who stole away my Hitomi… Victoria. I was chained on the alter of a church as she stood over me.

Victoria- How pathetic are you, Sasha? I have tried to live a life true of a Dracula. I have tried to find my peace, even through the gift that our father gave us centuries ago. But I am forever connected to you. You have forever scarred me with your taste!! I love what I am; I love my immortality… but you are haunt my dreams and every woman I taste is you… you make me hate it.

Sasha- Kill me.

Victoria- Oh, I will, sister lover. I will kill you, over and over again. You see Sasha, your problem is that you love… you can’t help it. But your love belongs to me; you refuse to give it to me. So, whenever you love, I will come and take that love away from you; I will destroy that love. And eventually, you will come and find me, and you will be mine as our father intended it. But I won’t kill you, you are too much fun. You refuse to embrace what you are… you will soon though.

She was gone and I was alone again. I never truly took into consideration what she had said. But I thought about it, and it did make sense. However, I would not allow her to steal another heart away from me. I simply decided to never love again… until I saw you, my precious Mercury. I saw you that night, running on the tracks. And you accepted me into your heart. You did not know what I was, but you gave me love and then, I watched you get AIDS from a tainted needle while you were simply giving blood. I never thought we would be together, but as you lay in that coma, I had no choice but to save you by giving you my curse. I am sorry my love. And this is what I left for you to read when you awake. I will show you the ways of the night; I will always be there for you. As you rest, I am no longer waiting for Victoria to strike. I am gathering my own forces to strike her. Nothing will stop me. I can feel her eyes on me, but she must certainly be able to feel my eyes on her. The world is a truly evil place, and it treats my kind as if we are iniquitous. Yet, all my experiences speak to the contrary. I love you, Mercury, and I will make this world ours. Together, we will rule the night!!

"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2010, 06:02:41 PM »
I read this last night and didn't get a chance to comment.  I luv this story!  It's a little different that what we're used to here, but it is absolutely fantastic.  It is very well written, and it showcases your ability as a writer to weave tales.  Very inspiring! 

Thanks for posting this, Howard.

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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2010, 06:19:31 PM »
loved the many varied and vivid settings, the deep, complex characters, the portrayal of the era's passing by... I loved everything! really had me glued to my seat and I'm desperate to read about the Victoria-Sasha showdown now!

Thanks for sharing something a little different honey!

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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2010, 09:50:42 PM »
A story that's unique to this board.

Very well done.



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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2010, 05:03:59 AM »
thanks, everyone. I think this one may have been the last really good story I wrote lol. Have to figure out a wat to make that magic happen again. Sure Jessika. I wrote under the name Xevioso there. glad y'all liked it.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2011, 11:56:39 PM »
Nice story. I like most of them. Not really catfight stories, but good reads. The only strange part was Victoria. Why didn't Sasha at least try to explain she went through the same thing...the taste.

I would like to read more of Sasha. Where did you post them?



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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2011, 12:42:07 AM »
more fun and interesting to read than later period Anne Rice for sure.
always love a good vampire story and you gave the genre a nice twist! 
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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2011, 12:58:15 AM »
Wow! Thanks guys. Unfortunately, between OMG, Patrisha Norway, and I, our computers crashed and this is the only Sasha story we have other than the her brief appearance in my Angel of Death series, which was her first appearance... she was a villain who saved the woman she loves, a track star named Mercury, by turning her into a vampire. I wrote it so that Mercury contracted AIDS through a tainted needle while she was giving blood and Sasha saved her life. This story was the letter Sasha wrote Mercury for Mercury to read while Sasha was out looking for food and to turn more innocent women into vampires to join her cause, thus putting her at odds with my female Angel of Death. We're planning on doing more stories with Sasha and Angel of Death; OMG and Patrisha have characters of their own they're trying to develop and they want those characters to interact with Sasha lol. Thank you for enjoying the story and for the kind words. This was one I really was worried about because like the stories I have posted here under my "antisocialman" account, they're long and complex lol.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2011, 03:38:12 AM »
Well, once again I guess I'm asking where "elsewhere" is. I love Anne Rice as hairpula said also,  but yours are better.  Some of us like more complexe stories.  ;)


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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2011, 11:52:46 PM »
What do you do about people like this? I guess it's all about the choices we make and how we deal with people. But what do you do about this guy?

Do you confront him publicly, knowing that he was bugging you to comment his stories, knowing that several female members have complained about his "stalker" personality, knowing that he's done this sort of insulting thing before, but moreover, knowing that he's just a kid hiding behind a computer who desperately wants attention because he has shortcomings in his real life? Do you really need to confront him?

Do you complain to the mods about him? Do you tell them that you have friends who also suffer from Asperger's Syndrome and you told them about Rickster and they said his behavior has nothing to do with AS? Do you really need to complain about a guy who was foolish enough to message you his real first and last name, not knowing who you are or could be? Is he worth it? Do you wonder why people let this foolishness happen with hardly any repercussions or do you take the Janet K. Brown route and just run away to post on another site because of one dumb comment?

I know how I would've reacted to this a few years ago lol. But I have to remind myself of what my signature was back then, ironically enough... "Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then, they beat you with experience." I don't come here for foolishness; I don't come here to argue with people and fuss with them. And I damn sure don't come here to go backwards. So... what do I do about this? Absolutely nothing.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2011, 11:57:07 PM »
And another thing... don't send me your real names or anything like that. I've been told that just about anything you put on the internet can be viewed by somebody else if that person is good enough at it. And even if you trust me or whoever, it's best to keep that to yourself for your own safety. PUH-LEASE don't do that. Okay, one of my favorite songs is on... The Bee Gees, "Nobody Gets Too Much Heaven"... so, remember what's really important in life and enjoy it.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2011, 05:59:42 PM »
After a LONG period of requests for a follow-up to this story... I'm doing one lol. It may not focus on Sasha alone, but I'm in the plotting stages of it.  :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2011, 10:35:14 PM »

"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline Laurie Breeze

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Re: Sasha' Letter: Confessions of a Vampire (Extremely Heavy Content)
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2011, 11:06:26 PM »
After a LONG period of requests for a follow-up to this story... I'm doing one lol. It may not focus on Sasha alone, but I'm in the plotting stages of it.  :)

Another story from Howard...this is ALWAYS awesome news!!! Can't wait!

Just read this this afternoon! A PERFECT way to get in the Halloween mood!


We're on a circuit of an Indian dream
We don't get old, we just get younger
When we're flying down the highway
Riding in our Indian Cars