**FINAL ROUND**An unexpected last minute surge found long time brunette tit rivals Lucy Pinder and Kelly Andrews beaten and eliminated in Round 3. With breasts throbbing and exhaustion setting in, surviving buxom blondes Eva and Michelle turned their attention towards one another. After a short, intense stare down, both women took a deep breath, held their breasts high and charged at one another. One last desperate burst of intense energy sent both woman thrashing, swinging and bumping their breasts together quicker and more violently than ever. Sweaty and agitated, they groaned in anger and pain as they attacked. Only one busty blonde can survive, the other is submitted into elimination. Who gets eliminated this final round?
Choose ONE woman to ELIMINATE!*Lucy Pinder and
Kelly Andrews are ELIMINATED after Round 3 with a combined 53.3% of the votes.
*Sammy Braddy and
Malene Espensen are ELIMINATED after Round 2 with a combined 47.7% of the votes.
*Chelsea Jones and
Saskia Clarke are ELIMINATED after Round 1 with a combined 42% of the votes.
...remember, you're choosing ONE to eliminate!