
PRODUCERS & OTHER FORUMS SITES: Please note - you MUST HAVE A RECIPROCAL LINK back to this site is you wish to ADVERTISE your site on this forum. If you do not have a link back to us, we will remove your posts with immiediate effect - 25th April 2010


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Offline Tigress Alisha

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  • The Indian Tigress and Sexfight Queen
« on: April 04, 2023, 10:15:19 AM »
This is more of a public effort to discover more Indian cyber sexfighters on here. I know a few since Yahoo times, met some new ones, and a few who have since disappeared. But to quote something I read elsewhere here, have seen many Indian fighters work under a foreign profile given they perceive it boosts their acceptability with rivals - something I probably need to get more information on to understand better (without turning this into a race discussion).

My FCF profile here has enough about me so if you're Indian, do reach out and connect (FCF or Discord please... Trillian sucks!) - even if we may not be compatible for fights immediately. But if we are, bring it on! Grrr...
Tigress Alisha
Discord - tigressalishaxxx