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From suspicion to surprise

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Offline Dave84

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From suspicion to surprise
« on: April 05, 2023, 04:13:56 PM »
I returned home after a short business trip and instead of unpacking, I just plopped down on the couch and turned on the news.  I have a habit of sitting in the same spot on the couch and for some reason the a gel from the couch to the wall mounted TV just seemed to be a bit off.  I moved a little, adjusted the coffee table and finally got intbe right spot.  And that's when I noticed it.  There on the carpet just in front of the coffee table was one of my wife's fake eyelashes. 

I've been married for just over ten years and I know my wife and her idiosyncrasies very well and it was way out of character for her teave one of her ridiculously expensive eyelashes on the floor.  My wife is an attractive 36 year old woman with a type "A" personality,  but she can be a bit frugal. That eyelash and the couch being out of place made me wonder.

When my wife got home later that evening I noticed something different about her. I travel on a regular basis for business and although she's always happy to see me when I come home.  I could tell something was a little off this time. When I hugged her she almost seemed to pull back a little. I'm not much of a suspicious person, and there's never been a question in our marriage, but I elected not to ask her about the eyelash. Something wasn't right, but I just didn't know what it was.

Things got back to normal, but I did notice that my wife seemed to spend more time at the gym each week and focus considerably more on her diet. Not that that's a bad thing, but we liked to go out for drinks a couple times a week and I noticed that her drink of choice had become sparkling water.

I'm afraid I let my imagination get the  best of me and I began looking for differences in my wife's behavior as it related to our relationship. Infidelity had never been a consideration, but things just seem different and I just had to know.  It seemed to "feel" different every time I returned from a few days out of town.

I decided to purchase one of those hidden cameras and place it in our bedroom for the next time I went out of town. I know, very untrusting of me. But I was married to a beautiful woman and I'm just an average guy with an active imagination. So in went the camera.

On the flight back home anticipation was driving me crazy. I had hoped I would find nothing on that secretly placed bedroom camera and I also hoped I had installed it correctly. It was motion activated and I had three days worth through when I got home

My arrival time put me at home in the evening and once again my returning hug seemed a bit tentative from my wife. I patiently waited for her to go to sleep that evening and then I retrieve the camera. I removed the disc and placed it into my laptop and began to watch. There wasn't much to see except two nights of an attractive woman in pajamas going to bed.

It was on the 3rd Day of recorded video that I saw my wife enter the bedroom and change from her business attire into a sports bra and spandex shorts. That's not what she wears to the gym, and what was she doing home from work at mid-morning.

The angel of the hidden camera provided me with a limited view outside the bedroom however it didn't include the hallway that led to the living room. And that's where I saw something unusual. Unfortunately it was too far away, the motion detection system picked up what look like my wife moving the couch the coffee table and a chair from the living room.

I wasn't sure what I was going to see next, but in the upper left corner of the video I could see the outline of another person in the living room with my wife. It wasn't a handsome young man, but it was someone closer to my wife's size. The image was small and hard to see because of the distance. I wasn't able to zoom in, but after carefully watching I could tell it was another woman. I could only catch glimpses of what was occurring in the living room, and at first it seemed that both women were stretching. Was my wife holding exercise classes during the day in our home? None of this made sense.

What I saw next really surprised me, at first I thought they were dancing. They seem to move around the room, but together. I backed the video up several times to look closely and then I realized what was happening. They were fighting. Yes, my wife was fighting another woman in our home and I captured it on video.

Two things went through my mind:  one, what in the world is my wife doing? Two, I need to find a better location for that hidden camera because I wanted to see more of this


Offline ColombianCouple

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2023, 10:58:50 PM »
We like the start ????
Cant wait for part 2
Lets talk about fights and fantasy...comparisons, catfight, titfight,  sexfight, and the consecuences if a blood no violence



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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2023, 01:25:03 AM »
That's a beautiful fucking tease.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2023, 03:59:54 AM »
Ya, exercise class.  As in cardio kickboxing.  Without the cardio part.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2023, 06:07:58 PM »
I hope you will continue this.


Offline Dave84

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2023, 04:34:15 PM »
I so wanted to carefully approach my wife about what I saw and what she was doing, but how could I.  Putting up a hidden camera in my home to catch her cheating, so much for trust. But she wasn't exactly honest about her at home activities.

After hours on on line searching, I found a covert camera that would fit in well with the living room decor. It was an  exact duplicate picture frame that was on one of the shelves  in the living room..  Well maybe not an exact duplicate, this one had a hidden camera in it. Early one morning I removed the photo from the frame and slid the photo (of one my wife's cats) into the new frame.  I didn't activate the camera, just wanted to do a test run to ensure she didn't notice anything different.

After a few days and several evenings in the living room I felt like I was ready to launch my plan.  The following week I had another short out of town trip. Only two days, but my wife was well aware.  I activated the camera on the way out and sent the wife a text letting her know that I was headed to the airport. 

This new camera allowed me to watch remotely and as soon as I landed I checked to see if the camera was functioning.  It was!  The business trip was less than productive as I couldn't help but think about the camera and what it might capture.  To my surprise it captured nothing other than my wife on the couch watching TV with the dog.

Back from thr businesses trip I checked it again while riding back in the taxi.  Nope, nothing.  I was disappointed and maybe a little relieved and my mind returned to work obligations.  My normal.schedule of working late kicked in and I absolutely forgot about the camera.  Coming home late one Wedneday evening I found my wife trying to untangle the bottom of the mini blinds.  She said that the dog was barking at a cat and had stuck his head in the mini blinds and twisted them around.  I helped her with unraveling the tangle and then I remembered the camera.  The mini blinds were in the living room!

Once the wife was asleep in bed I accessed the camera's memory via wifi.  The time stamp showed my wife entering the living room at just after 2pm.   She was alone, but she entered the living dressed only in a sports bra and running shorts.  This camera was awesome!  The lense caught virtually the whole living room.  She carefully moved the chair and coffee table away from the center of thr room.  Less than 5 minutes after the furniture was moved she went off screen and returned followed by a man.  My heart sunk.  My fears were realized.  Who was this guy and why was he at my house.  There was no embrace or hug at least in the livingroom,but it was obvious that they new each other. 

The guy was younger than me and handsome,  but when he helped her move the couch from the living room I was confused.  With no sound on the video I couldn't understand what they were saying, but they were talking.   Once the furniture was out of the room Mr handsome left the room.  What, where was he going?

Off screen I couldn't see what he was doing.  I guess I need more cameras.  My wife nervously paced in the living room.  She pulled her hair back and put it in a ponytail just as the guy returned in view.  He was smiling and to my surprise a woman followed him into the living room.  Who was this?  Body language told me that my wife didn't know her. She was dressed in sweatpant and a sweatshirt.  They talked for just a few minutes and while they talked the woman began removing her sweat shirt.  There were nervous smiles and no sign of the guy.

The removal of the  sweatshirt was followed by her sweat pants.  She was wearing a shorts and T shirt and moved to the center of the living room.  My wife joined her in the center of the room and in an award move pointed to the woman's sneakers.  They both seemed to laugh and the woman began unlacing them.

What was going on in my  house?  Who was this woman and where was the guy?  I couldn't believe what I was watching.  My wife continued to peacefully sleep while I watched recorded events on my tablet.

The woman carefully placed her tennis shoes in the corner of the room and then returned to where my wife waited.  Standing close to one another I could see an attractive short haired woman close to my wife.  With a trigger or warning the two women attacked one another.  Both went for each other's hair as they spun around the room.  Bent at the waist the women tried to pull each other to the carpet.  The woman's legs wrapped around my wife's and she forced my wife to the ground. 

I watched as a war between two women unfolded in my living room.  One of those women was currently sleeping next to me.  How was this possible?.  I paused the video and looked at the woman sleeping next to me.  She seemed so different as compared to the tiger on the video.  I returned to the video and watched with anticipation and began silently rooting for my wife.


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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2023, 04:48:13 AM »
Don’t stop now

Absolutely! Can't wait to see what happens next.


Offline finglock

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2023, 10:05:25 PM »
bumping this up


Online Damerei

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2023, 07:45:39 AM »
Such a good setup! Can’t wait to see what happens next.


Offline maskedwriter

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2023, 12:58:36 PM »
Promising beginning. Can't wait to see part 2.


Offline adventerer2003

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2023, 02:46:34 PM »
The story has gotten my heart rate up and my blood flowing! I'm pacing back and forth in my living room... lol!
Life is boring without adventure.


Offline hghunt999

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2023, 02:52:34 PM »
mmmmm. Hoping for more soon. Interesting.
HG Hunt


Offline Doc Holliday

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Re: From suspicion to surprise
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2024, 06:22:17 AM »
This buildup is so great!