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Second story, thats my seat

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Offline Benhill

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Second story, thats my seat
« on: May 01, 2023, 10:02:53 AM »
Second try at a story, sorry for spelling mistakes, using a phone to write these, anyone want to improve it more then welcome.

loretta walked into the uni hall for another day, most have been 150 people in the hall, she went straight to her normal seat near the middle. anyone looking at loretta would consider her a african goddess, at 5.4, dark skin, long black hair, cutie smile, muscler body, she was a beauty, her main prize were her d cup breasts that defied gravity. it was loretta first year in england and at uni, she had come over from ghana as a foreign student, she loved it in england so many different people to meet and things to do, but her main goal was study and do the best she could for her parents.

the lecture started as normal but someone let a fire alarm off, probably one of the immature students she thought, it hadnt been the first time,but it did mean everyone had to leave, after 20 minutes of everyone leaving and coming back in loretta saw someone was in her seat, excuse me i was sitting their, sorry but someones in mine theirs loads about, loretta why done you move, other woman, because im sat, loretta you can still move, other woman, no loretta move, other woman, no, loretta was getting annoyed but they were surrounded by people she sat down to the left of her not saying another word, the lecturer let everyone come back in before getting everyone attension to continue the lesson, we will have to go quickly we have a lot of time to catch up, plese only take notes no questions until the end,

as the lecture went on loretta looked at her new found rival, they seemed to be quiet similar, both black could be same height, build, both wore a grey hoodie over what looked to be a black top, similar blue jeans, face was differemt but hair was the same. the other woman pushed into loretta with her shoulder as she got something out of her bag, loretta pushed back against her, the other woman was a bit shocked but pushed back, both woman tried to push against each other with their shoulders, niether getting anyway they seemed to be equal. loretta was getting frustrated she found herself competing with a woman who had taken her seat and it seemed she was getting no where until loretta felt the other womans hand reach under her hoodie and grab the her side of her waist, loretta didnt have any fat so her skin was twisted, loretta bit her lip to stop from moaning, she quickly returned the grab and saw the other woman bit her lip, it only made the other woman try harder to grib tighter, for the next couple of minutes but woman played a game of merci, trying to hurt the other enough to make her give. Loretta was stong willed, she might never have competed with another woman or even been in a fight but once she started something she never gave up, it also seemed the other woman had the same mentality. both sat their loretta using her left hand and the other woman her right trying to twist each other skin and getting nowhere, the rest of the lecture was a blur to them and it seemed they were a blur to everyone else that were quickly taking notes,

it seemed a new stalemate under loretta feel her move her hand, she quickly matched she didnt know where it was going but guested and she had to move fast not to be left behind, they both moved their hand to each others boob, Loretta right and the other womans left, lifting the bra cup and placing their hands on the side of the boob, their seemed to be a long pause,  both contemplating if this was worth it, if court they could be kicked or laughed out of uni and bring their parents shame. loretta had never felt anpther womans boob before let alone seen another pair, she knew hers were  good set but she also thought this womans were large and firm maybe as much as hers. she couldnt stop herself from gripping her fingers tight, both woman seem to act at the same time, they let out small moans, not heard by the people next to them. they didnt grabbed as hard as before, they didnt want people to hear them but also it seemed they wanted to cause the other pain and not finish quickly, maybe 10 minutes went by before the lecturer yes the class had ended, both woman returned to reality when everyone started moving about to leave,  they quickly pulled their hands away and packed their stuff up, never saying a word,

loretta tried to go quickly to the exit, not to hurry away but to wait for this other woman, she couldnt just leave what they had done, she needed to finish it, but 150 people leaving a lecture quickly and you can lose someone easily, loretta lost track of her, until she saw her heading not out of the building but down a small hallway, at first she thought it was odd but then remembered their was a small set of toliets hidden away down their, not many used because they were hidden and a small walk, she followed quickly trying not to let her know she wS following, she lost her down a set of stairs but knew where to go, she got to the door slowly opened it, she could see the other woman had taken her top off and was checking out the side of her right boob in the mirror, loretta did that hurt loretta said, the other woman quickly pulled her top down in shock, before filling up with anger, does yours she said, loretta not really, you lie the other woman said, whats your name loretta and yours katrina.

katrina so why you follow me you want more, loretta, yes you know whis isnt finished between us, katrina, so what do you want to do, loretta lets see as she removed her hoodie and placing her bag down. they both stared at each other, loretta thought she could be a good body double,  she looked strong and them breasts did seem big, she saw katrina looking at hers making her push hers out,  katrina take your top off, loretta im not into woman, katrina then why look at mine, loretta to see how small they are, Katrina shut up, yours flet small, loretta shut up yours felt weak, katrina then show me, show me if yours are bigger, loretta you know they are as she pulled her shirt over her head,

both stared at each other they as they took it all in, katrina, now the bra, loretta hang on, as she turned to lock the door, as she turned around she saw katrina unhook her bra, she quickly followed but neither let them fall yet, this was new ground for both of them, seeing another womans breasts for the first time let alone competing with one. both took a big breath and let then fall at the same time, it seemed in slow motion as the bra fell and they leaned back to display their proud breasts, both were in awe lòoking at a mirror image of themselves, two sets of large brown breasts that seem to sit high on their chest with not a tiny bit of sag, dark brown nipples pointing straight at each other, shock and awe gave way to jealously and envy, loretta wondered how they could finish this would it be with their hands or would they now fight, she knew she had to win this no matter what, they both seemed to move together towards each other as if thinking the same, slowly moving until their breasts were inchs apart,

neither spoke,  is was if they could read each others mind, they slowly pressed their d cups into each other, jist seemed they were trying to work out if their was any difference between them, the sizes were the same and they couldnt see or feel any difference in the firmness, at once they rubbed them against each other making each if them moan a little, it seem to be going to slowly for them and the moan from the others lips gave them a new idea, so  they started swinging them into each other slowly building up until it was like racking balls hitting each other, the only noise coming from the room were a pair of boobs slapping against each other, it must of become painful because they were letting out girlish gruts and cries everytime they hit. neither gave any inch to the other, both just standing and slapping the hell out of each other, Loretta might of done this all day but she was getting annoyed it was taking to long, she placed her hands on katrina waist and pushed her breasts into her using her arms to pull katrina in to her, the shock and and the force caused katrina to let out a load moan, but loretta didnt have long to enjoy before katrina copied the move, it wasnt long before they moved their hands to the others upper back so they could use more force to slam their breasts into each others, they could each see the pain on each others face, but trying not to let out a scream from each hit, after 1 slam together katrina moved her arms behind loretta and squeezed with all her strength trying to flatted their breasts together, loretta let out a huff as  all her air left her body, she attacked fast and wrapped her arms around katrina,

both stood with their arms wrapped around each others upper body, right arm over left, trying to squeeze the life out of each other, heads resting on shoulders, breasts completed flatted together, 4 balloons trying to be popped against each other, when they hit another stalemate, they would realise their grips then use all their strength to bearhug each other with everything they had, their breasts would return to normal then be completly flattened against their rib cage, still neither giving anything to the other, loretta wondered what see could do next to try and break this woman, until they heard a knock at the door, hello whos in their someone called, both woman froze, another knock, whos in their youve been in their ages, loretta one sec, both broke apart, hatred still filled their eyes but they had to stop, they grabs their hoodies and out them on and stuff their tops and bras in their bags, they try to regain themselves,  they both look like they have been at the gym, Loretta follow me, she opens the door, sorry we were chatting to long, the girl burst in ignoring the two, loretta leaves and head out of the building followed by katrina, katrina where we going, loretta somewhere close we need this finsihed, loretta uni digs are a 30 min bus ride and see doesnt want this woman to know where she lives, so she heads to a near by park, lorettas boobs had a throbbing pain and as they walked every step felt like someone was slapping them, they went into the park off the path, a dual carriageway ran next to the park and they headed to a small clearing next to it, loretta dumped her bag down and turned to face katrina who copied her.

loretta we will be fine here, no one comes here because of the noise from the road, and no one can see us from the road, katrina, so no one will see or stop us, loretta yes, katrina may i ask one thing, no marks to face, loretta yes thats fine, both remove their hoodies to display their proud chests, still no signs of weakness, but they felt on fire with the cold her hitting them, both woman slowly moved towards each other, the eyes full of hate for this woman they didnt know exceeded until 2 hours ago, bith lifted their hands to signal a new way to combat the other, they bith let out a scream before moving fast and grabbing the others breasts and using all their strengh to squeeze them, pain shit through them but they didnt care, they just wanted to damage each other, both stared into each others eyes enjoying the pain on each others faces, the grabbing changed to them cupping each others breasts trying to squeeze as much as possible, before they changed to trying to use thumb and fingers to twist breast flesh, if one found a soft area that caused the other to yelper then she copied, every noise of discomfort from their rival made them want more, they changed again to grabbing the others boobs to pull them outwards towars themselves, using their body to try and pull the other with them, both woman screamed unable deal with this new pain, but they wouldnt stop, they started moving about trying to pull the other with them, neither moving far, if one moved a step back the other would use all their force to move back again, after a while they had to change from the pain and getting nowhere,  they rested their heads on each others shoulders and pulled down, looked like someone trying to milk a cow, they would pull down then lift them pull down even harder, this was the worse pain they ever felt in their lives, boths were now crying from the pain, they couldnt stop and couldnt keep going, before either would quit one slipped and pulled them both down, they broke apart quick and slammed into each other on their knees and quickly wrapped their arms around each other,

both woman were breathing heavily, trying to recover from the pain, their breasts felt like a boxer had been using them for trainning, they were on fire and just resting them against the other pair hurt, both were still crying from the pain, they didnt want continue but couldnt stop now otherwise it would have been for nothing, the pain slowly reached a level they could deal with and after their ties stoped they regain their will, they slowly pushed their breasts together, casuing loads cries from each other, this hurt but they could deal woth this, neither wanted or could handle another round like before,  so they slowly pushed together, then rubbing against each other, heads on each others shoulders,  slowly rubbing,

both woman on their knees glued to each other rubbing breasts, this was all they could handle now, their breasts completly flawless before these events now looked like someone who had 10 kids, they hurt with every movement and they might never recover but they kept going both needing to know who was the best, they didnt move for what seemed like hours never breasts over coming the other, both still the same size and firmness as the other, the energy levels were nearly gone in both until one of them started openly crying, her boobs seem to have given out, one pair seemed to push the other about like hands in dough, she tried pushing the ither woman away but didnt have the strengh, she started screaming i give until she completly gave up remaining motionless while the other woman kept grinding away with her breasts, Loretta let the other woman fall to the ground knowing she had completely won, she wasnt in much better shape it took her a while to regain her strengh before she could move, she put her hoodie on knowing her bra might kill her, she left the other woman whimpering not caring if she ever saw her again, knowing she would always be the better of the two.