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wife vs ex wife final chapter

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Offline ooreach

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wife vs ex wife final chapter
« on: June 16, 2023, 06:01:01 PM »
Megan let out a howl as Tom just caught a glimpse of what could only be Bev taking a bite at Megan’s panties and what lied beneath them.  She howled and balled up her fist and struck down twice into Bev’s face. Bev stopped fighting and lay still. Still staring daggers, but still. Megan looked back up at Tom and smiled.  A painful smile, but still a smile.
She let Bev up and Bev stormed out of the bedroom in tears.  Megan took a minute to gather herself and got up and slowly went to the bed that Tom was in.
An hour after that Megan excused herself to go to the bathroom.  There was only one on the main floor of the house so when the shower was running she nocked and came in. “ gotta pee.” She yelled. She had just kicked her ass, so sue her for needing to use the bathroom.  She did her business and just as she got up the shower stall slammed open.  Bev came rushing out and they collided. Soon, working their way back to the shower stall just big enough for a few people both wet and naked women ended up on the bathroom shower stall floor. “ You can smell your man on me.” Megan growled. Hands when to crotches as each began to maul the others exposed womanhood’s.  Hands clawed at pussy and breasts. Each where not just fighting to win but to wound and attack the others lady bits.
Rolling back and forth both naked bodies intertwined as each mauled and dug nail into the others breasts till little nail marks began to trickle blood. Each had a hold of the others clit and began to twist as each screamed and growled like feral cats. Tom busted in and tried to separated them but they both lashed out at him till he backed off. They coiled together even tighter. Pussy to pussy and breast to breast each coiled tighter as they tried to physically choke the other unconscious.  Bellies pressed together they tried to cover the mouth and nose of the other and sneezed  as hard as they could as nipples acted like daggers pressing into the breast flesh of the other.  Ass cheeks tightened to show off muscle as each tried to clamp down harder as they coiled thigh to thigh.  Megan went still first with Bev right behind. Tom reached in to turn the water off. Both where still breathing, but both where unconscious. He decided to wait till one woke up and see what happened next.  Bev was his wife but Megan had bought and paid for him, for that night.
Bev came to first and as she coughed violently from being choked out she quickly gathered her surroundings. Looked up and saw her husband just standing there, Naked and as aroused as she had ever seen him. She shot him the darkest stare so that he backed up a few feet till he hit the toilet bowl and almost fell over. She looked around the bathroom and found the curling iron. She raced up off the shower stall floor and grabbed it. She raced back and began to tie Megan’s hands together.
Megan was coming around and Bev ordered him “carry her to the bed.”  He did as he was ordered. He looked on as a puppy expecting a treat. She shot him the same dark glare and said “ you can leave, now.”  He backed away, about to protest, but decided against it. She howled “ shut the door!” He did. Megan was heard screaming but soon the angry words and sounds began to muffle. He couldn’t help himself. He crept back to the door and opened it only a crack. He saw Bev on top of Megan. They were moving back and forth, but not as much aggressively as with passion.
Both spotted him and without thinking Megan grunted out “ go sit in the corner, be a good boy and we’ll be using yours services in a few minutes.” Bev shot a glare at him, but he was obeying the women’s commands. She turned back to her business and signed “ I guess you did win his services for the night.” Megan grinned “ you’re the real prize.”
About 1 hour later they called him over to satisfy Megan and then Bev.