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Sarah Brooke

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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2023, 02:30:53 PM »
I love how Sarah is not afraid to fight nude! Only way for a woman to fight in my opinion


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2023, 02:06:43 AM »
Though still on my Sarah Brooke honeymoon and looking at the next clips of hers I want to see  I'm also looking at others at Suitefights and thought you guys could give me a few thoughts on these if you've seen them  ... like they aren't as good as the review looks , better than they look , etc etc

Bella / Nikki  -   Mila / Nikki  -   Vika / Camilla  -  Vika / Sunni

Of course there are a few others I want ( like Mila / Sarah ) but don't want to pass up the other girls like I have Sarah all this time.

In my searches I saw Sarah did an Ultimate Surrender against Cheyenne Jewell.  I never liked that site because of the round four strap-on stuff but had they did trib for a round four I would have watched more. Anyway, the fact that Sarah did a fight for them and took the strap-on from Jewell gives me hope she just might turn up somewhere in a trib match  :o... which just might kill me if it was done right with the right opponent. 

Thanks for any info on those Suitefights I mentioned. 


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2023, 02:46:52 AM »
Mila vs Nikki is on par with Achilles vs Hector.

2 girls totally trying (and succeeding) to wreck each other for 2 brutal rounds.

Suitefights fights stop too soon, but not that one.  Round 3 would have ended tragically.


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #33 on: July 10, 2023, 02:28:09 PM »
Mila vs Nikki is on par with Achilles vs Hector.

2 girls totally trying (and succeeding) to wreck each other for 2 brutal rounds.

Suitefights fights stop too soon, but not that one.  Round 3 would have ended tragically.

Thinking of Mila vs nikki round 3= i need a box of tissues ;D ;D it would have been excellent to see


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2023, 10:47:59 PM »
Though still on my Sarah Brooke honeymoon and looking at the next clips of hers I want to see  I'm also looking at others at Suitefights and thought you guys could give me a few thoughts on these if you've seen them  ... like they aren't as good as the review looks , better than they look , etc etc

Bella / Nikki  -   Mila / Nikki  -   Vika / Camilla  -  Vika / Sunni

Of course there are a few others I want ( like Mila / Sarah ) but don't want to pass up the other girls like I have Sarah all this time.

In my searches I saw Sarah did an Ultimate Surrender against Cheyenne Jewell.  I never liked that site because of the round four strap-on stuff but had they did trib for a round four I would have watched more. Anyway, the fact that Sarah did a fight for them and took the strap-on from Jewell gives me hope she just might turn up somewhere in a trib match  :o... which just might kill me if it was done right with the right opponent. 

Thanks for any info on those Suitefights I mentioned.
My two favorite catfights you mentioned are Nikki vs Mila/Nikki vs Bella Luxx.
Nikki vs Mila was an all-out war and the two ladies really went at it. Back and forth action with breast mauling and hard slapping. 9.0/10. In a rematch, Nikki would take Mila. Nikki vs Bella Luxx featured tow ladies going at it 100%. No holding back featuring hard hairpulling, body punching and Bella going for Nikki's tits. Nice thong yanking with lots of stand-up/ground pounding action. 9.5/10.0 as it was non-stop each trying to get the other to submit. A rematch must as Bella right now is the one to beat.


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2023, 11:32:42 PM »
Mila vs Nikki is on par with Achilles vs Hector.

2 girls totally trying (and succeeding) to wreck each other for 2 brutal rounds.

Suitefights fights stop too soon, but not that one.  Round 3 would have ended tragically.

Hard to tell who would have won. Nikki was exhausted and Mila was getting more aggressive


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2023, 01:37:25 AM »
The statement at the end of the fight mentioned that neither wanted to quit but the producer (?) called it due to both girls having been injured.

LOL, injuries ... how did that happen  ?  All they did was punch, pull hair and slap the fuck out of each other ... how could you get hurt doing that ?   ::)

Some of you guys seem to know a lot of inside info on many of these fights ... any one know what the injuries were ?


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2023, 06:30:57 AM »
The statement at the end of the fight mentioned that neither wanted to quit but the producer (?) called it due to both girls having been injured.

LOL, injuries ... how did that happen  ?  All they did was punch, pull hair and slap the fuck out of each other ... how could you get hurt doing that ?   ::)

Some of you guys seem to know a lot of inside info on many of these fights ... any one know what the injuries were ?

Very true. The end of round 2 of mila vs nikki was exciting. Its not like they had eyes swollen shut or were busted open


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2023, 07:08:24 PM »
Though I know some here say that Suitefights ends fights too soon, I'm glad the guy ( name ? )  does so sooner rather than later. I know some here say they want to see cuts, blood, swollen shut eyes, knocked out teeth but I don't think most of us want to see shit like that.

I'm new to this forum and Suitefights so haven't seen everything they have like most of you have but so far they only fight stopped and awarded to one girl that I didn't think should have been was the Sarah / Lora fight when they gave it to Sarah because Lora bit Sarah. I question it because it it wasn't like Lora clamped down on Sarah's tit and she was screaming in pain. I think they could have given the round to Sarah, checked the damage and warmed Lora and let it go on if they both agreed. Though I'm still madly infatuated with Sarah, she shouldn't have had the win given to her like that even though I think she would have won anyway.


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2023, 09:17:05 PM »
Just saw the Sarah / Mila  fight .  I don't think the draw was the right decision ... it should have went to Sarah because she was in control and on top  the whole time.

Have to hand it to Mila ... no matter what trouble she's in like taking 50 continuous slaps from Nikki or being smothered all afternoon by Sarah, she still has that smile going on  ;D ;D


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2023, 09:44:28 PM »
Just saw the Sarah / Mila  fight .  I don't think the draw was the right decision ... it should have went to Sarah because she was in control and on top  the whole time.

I like them both, so I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on the decision.  But Sarah was on top in the fight in a mostly defensive posture.

In other words, Mila's number one tactic is to let you think you have her pinned; then, she headlocks you, and goes to town on your midsection with her knees and feet.

To prevent getting kicked by Mila, Sarah pinned Mila, but from the side ..... and then just held the pin ..... and held it .... and held it.  Sarah wasn't doing much damage to Mila--she was just playing defense.

On the other hand ...... Nikki pinned Mila AND played offense.  But in return, especially in Round Two, Nikki sustained some powerful kicks all over her torso.  Which would have found Round Three an epic, violent bruiser of a round--for both girls.

Thus the need to stop Nikki/Mila.


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2023, 11:06:24 PM »
Though I know some here say that Suitefights ends fights too soon, I'm glad the guy ( name ? )  does so sooner rather than later. I know some here say they want to see cuts, blood, swollen shut eyes, knocked out teeth but I don't think most of us want to see shit like that.

I'm new to this forum and Suitefights so haven't seen everything they have like most of you have but so far they only fight stopped and awarded to one girl that I didn't think should have been was the Sarah / Lora fight when they gave it to Sarah because Lora bit Sarah. I question it because it it wasn't like Lora clamped down on Sarah's tit and she was screaming in pain. I think they could have given the round to Sarah, checked the damage and warmed Lora and let it go on if they both agreed. Though I'm still madly infatuated with Sarah, she shouldn't have had the win given to her like that even though I think she would have won anyway.

Most of Sarah's victories are dodgy fights she was losing: lexi, Charlie and lora


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2023, 11:08:55 PM »
Just saw the Sarah / Mila  fight .  I don't think the draw was the right decision ... it should have went to Sarah because she was in control and on top  the whole time.

I like them both, so I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on the decision.  But Sarah was on top in the fight in a mostly defensive posture.

In other words, Mila's number one tactic is to let you think you have her pinned; then, she headlocks you, and goes to town on your midsection with her knees and feet.

To prevent getting kicked by Mila, Sarah pinned Mila, but from the side ..... and then just held the pin ..... and held it .... and held it.  Sarah wasn't doing much damage to Mila--she was just playing defense.

On the other hand ...... Nikki pinned Mila AND played offense.  But in return, especially in Round Two, Nikki sustained some powerful kicks all over her torso.  Which would have found Round Three an epic, violent bruiser of a round--for both girls.

Thus the need to stop Nikki/Mila.

Round 3 would have been beautiful violence. Instead the audience is left pining for more. A rematch never happened which is a true tragedy


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2023, 08:22:54 AM »
Though I know some here say that Suitefights ends fights too soon, I'm glad the guy ( name ? )  does so sooner rather than later. I know some here say they want to see cuts, blood, swollen shut eyes, knocked out teeth but I don't think most of us want to see shit like that.

I'm new to this forum and Suitefights so haven't seen everything they have like most of you have but so far they only fight stopped and awarded to one girl that I didn't think should have been was the Sarah / Lora fight when they gave it to Sarah because Lora bit Sarah. I question it because it it wasn't like Lora clamped down on Sarah's tit and she was screaming in pain. I think they could have given the round to Sarah, checked the damage and warmed Lora and let it go on if they both agreed. Though I'm still madly infatuated with Sarah, she shouldn't have had the win given to her like that even though I think she would have won anyway.
Lora vs Sarah was the last SF match I bought besides the oil tournament (I've missed A LOT of their fights). I can honestly say I don't know what the hell they were talking about saying Lora bit her? It looked like Sarah's  arm MAY have wrapped around Loras mouth leading to am unintentional bite but either way it didn't seem nowhere near severe enough to stop the fight. Unless some kind of heat developed between the two girls as a result I don't know why they  didn't continue. If Lora bit her on purpose though that opens up a whole new topic, like I can't believe  Lora would stoop to biting someone on the sneak to help win a fight.
Sometimes it'd be nice to know some behind the scenes stuff from these fights because from my viewpoint it just looked like ANOTHER weird SF finish and since it happensso often for them in situations like this some insite would be nice to help us understand. This fight was also the last straw for me as far as inconclusive fight endings for that company goes. There's about 11 fights they've done I haven't bothered purchasing because of this and I've been loving their work since day one.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2023, 08:25:52 AM by jaybee »


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Re: Sarah Brooke
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2023, 11:41:23 AM »
Though I know some here say that Suitefights ends fights too soon, I'm glad the guy ( name ? )  does so sooner rather than later. I know some here say they want to see cuts, blood, swollen shut eyes, knocked out teeth but I don't think most of us want to see shit like that.

I'm new to this forum and Suitefights so haven't seen everything they have like most of you have but so far they only fight stopped and awarded to one girl that I didn't think should have been was the Sarah / Lora fight when they gave it to Sarah because Lora bit Sarah. I question it because it it wasn't like Lora clamped down on Sarah's tit and she was screaming in pain. I think they could have given the round to Sarah, checked the damage and warmed Lora and let it go on if they both agreed. Though I'm still madly infatuated with Sarah, she shouldn't have had the win given to her like that even though I think she would have won anyway.
Lora vs Sarah was the last SF match I bought besides the oil tournament (I've missed A LOT of their fights). I can honestly say I don't know what the hell they were talking about saying Lora bit her? It looked like Sarah's  arm MAY have wrapped around Loras mouth leading to am unintentional bite but either way it didn't seem nowhere near severe enough to stop the fight. Unless some kind of heat developed between the two girls as a result I don't know why they  didn't continue. If Lora bit her on purpose though that opens up a whole new topic, like I can't believe  Lora would stoop to biting someone on the sneak to help win a fight.
Sometimes it'd be nice to know some behind the scenes stuff from these fights because from my viewpoint it just looked like ANOTHER weird SF finish and since it happensso often for them in situations like this some insite would be nice to help us understand. This fight was also the last straw for me as far as inconclusive fight endings for that company goes. There's about 11 fights they've done I haven't bothered purchasing because of this and I've been loving their work since day one.

Suitefights gives m night shaylam style endings to most catfights instead of standing back and letting the girls sort it out.
Still the best producer of this era with little competition.