For those who read THE SETUP PART 3 Thanks to Nutmeg a link to Parts 1&2 have been moved to intro. Also a missing paragraph in the story has ben added after 6/20/23.
Kara 5-6 130lbs 36D sholder length brown hair Amy 5-4 125lbs 35D blach hair 6' past sholder. About midweek after Kaea & Amys fight Doug called Carl. He wanted to thank them both but especialy Amy for getting Kara rilled up enough to fight. Carl answers the phone & doud said " This is Doug how are you and Amy?" Carl said " I am good and Amy is getting back to norma[, and is anxiously waiting on Karas call." Doug said " It will probably be awile, she is just now starting light workouts, and her bruises are about gone." He told Carl that Kara really wants a piece of Amy and is looking forward to their next fight. Carl was excited to hear this and was sure Amy would be too. Carl told Doug he would let Amy know to expect a call from Kara soon. Doug thanked Carl again told him to let Amy know hoe grateful he was that she was successeful in challenging Kara to fight. Carl told Doug that when Kara calls to set up the rematch they have a large area in their basement where Amy has had all her matches. It has a nice well padded carpet and they have a firsrt rate video system. Doud said it was a shame they did not get the fight on proper video, what they got on their phones did not do it justice. Doug was glad to hear they had a proper place for the next fight. He knew Kara would be home soon so Doug thanked Carl again an said " goodnight" About 2 weeks later Kara asked Doug for Amys number. Doug was excited as he knew the rematch would be soon. Kara called and Carl answered, Kara said " Hello this is Kara is Amy available?" Carl said "Yes" and got Amy to the phone.Carl told her it was Kaea. Amy said " Hello Kara, how are you?" Kara said :" I am fine, I just wanted to call and set up our rematch." Amy said " Great, how soon do you want to get your ass whipped again?" Kara laughed and said " Would 3 weeks from Saturday work for you?" Amy said " Yes it would, Amy then told Kara that they have a great place for their next fight and asked what time?" Kara said " Early afternoon would be best for us." Amy said " Can you be here at about 2PM." Kara "Sure, give me the address and we will be there." Amy said " Do you want to change any of the rules?" Kara said ":No I am OK with what we had." Amy then asked about attire. She suggested they wear bikinis.