Rate them like: 1)Nahhh....No Rising Heat Here 5 SIZZLING HOT (Wanna see this up close and personal) (Catfight "Heat" Scale
A) "Oh that? That's our neighbors bra....her panties are hanging up in our bedroom---wanna hear about it, Dear Hubby?"
B} "That crazy blonde bitch tried to choke me with my own bra.....but I won" (One cheerleader to another)
C) Sniff, Sob, Whimper.."You never told me about her-My boobs are gonna hurt for a week......and no, you're not going down there for a month....I need to recover....Next time warn me about ALL your exes"
D) "Do you see that? Do you see her? It's our Professor (College).....Imagine seeing her down here on the beach? What are the odds? Girls-ya wanna really dispute the bad grades she gave us? I'll grab her hair....Who wants to join me? Who wants to help me strip her?"
E) "See guys......Us Blonde's are NOT dumb....and Yes We Can Fight-----See I'm in total control of this big boobed Brunette?"
F) "So she is the winner? She's not near as pretty as me. I'm gonna take her down a notch after she gets the crown.....Who's with me?"