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Kitanna v.s. Hennessy

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Offline goog1159

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Kitanna v.s. Hennessy
« on: August 12, 2023, 04:17:02 PM »
Hey guys. I lost again! ???? The match was one sided too! I was totally not expecting her to be so strong! She has done judo and she really man-handled me and put me in the same matchbook pin I told her I’d put her in ???? it was humiliating to be held in that position by someone who is my size. Usually it’s larger women that have put me in a matchbook. The Amazon took a pic. I know you’d enjoy it as I’m spread quite wide ???? Good thing I shaved everything before hand!

We wrestled at my place in a spare room I have on a mat as she requested. I was clad in black sports bra and black thong while she wore almost the same thing except her top had an extra silver belt thing. I did some squats at the gym so  my butt was looking large and juicy ???? I put the oil on my butt and all over my body before they arrived as planned.

When she stepped onto the mat she asked me for some oil and she rubbed onto her body as well. (Plan to be slippery was foiled there). She was very lean and hard, but had a nice butt as well. She looked fit and strong. I was not nervous as I knew I had this in the bag. I was more experienced and thought I was the stronger woman. (At this time I didn’t know she did judo back in Venezuela ????????).

We agreed on the usual no striking rules, no direct crotch attacks, no facial attacks etc. The match would be one round with a submission only. We also agreed that if she lost I’d strip her and put her in an embarrassing position for a pic to which I showed her a pic of the matchbook pin done on a woman from my phone. She laughed and agreed. She said if she won she just wanted the cash.

We then confirmed with each other that we were ready and approached the center in the mat where we were knelt down facing each other. I said to Hennessy (that’s her name) “I gonna put you in that matchbook pin and make you submit mami!” To which she just smiled and shook her head. The Amazon yelled 1,2,3 go! And the match began! My opponent like lightning lunged at me, wrapped her hands around my torso and threw me down to the side of her. I hit the mat hard even from my kneeling position.

She then quickly hopped onto me, grabbed both my hands in hers, pinned them to the mat, moved upward on my body and sat on my face! I struggled for breath and began to kick violently just as I did for my last match with Anna. At this point her knees also had my arms pinned to the mat. Hennessy laughed, raised her butt off of my face and said, “aye mami I thought you were bad? This too easy.” To which I replied, “Get off me bitch and I’ll show you how easy I am!” She then sat back down onto my face one more time and twisted side to side so my face and nose went deeper into her ass crack ????

Thankfully both these women were very clean. I could tell she had just showered as her ass and pussy smelled like lavender body wash. After a few seconds of this torture she got up and off of me much to my relief. I lay there gasping for breath with my foundation and mascara all messed up from her ass smearing them around. Hennessy now kneeling beside me looked down and smiled. She said, “get up and fight mami” I got angry ???? and quickly sat up ready to go again!

Hennessy had a plan and with a flash she ended up behind my back where she took her right arm and wrapped it around my neck to put me in a rear naked choke. I quickly took my hands and began prying at her arm to try and break her grip on me. I was beginning to make progress and loosen her grip when I felt her completely let go much to my relief and surprise. I caught my breath once again but wondered why she did this ???? My wondering however was soon cut short because this move would begin the series of events that would cost me the match and my dignity ??

As Hennessy released her grip from around my head/neck she quickly leaned forward on my back which also caused me to do the same from the force. She then quickly took both of her hands, stretched them forward, firmly grasped both of my legs from below the knees and with one mighty jolt of energy threw herself backward which in turn caused my legs to come upward and my body to fall partially onto her and the mat.

While still holding my legs in this position she then sat up almost straight which caused my head end up resting between her legs. It happened too fast for me to realize at the time but she now hand me doubled over in a matchbook pin! She then spread my legs WIDE ???? which brought back memories of my last match with Anna as she then brought both of her legs up and over mine to lock ???? me firmly in place in a ‘small package hold!’ (A modification of the matchbook that is more extreme) as she released her hands to begin taunting me.

I was now totally trapped and helpless! I could not move at all. My back and shoulders were firmly planted to the mat, my legs locked down by hers and my head locked between her legs. The only things free were my hands and they could not help me unless I used them to tap out and submit to her. As I looked down I could see my fat vagina bulging through the thong and my butt cheeks spread under the strain. This spread also made my thong go further up my butt to give me a natural wedgie which felt very uncomfortable. Thank goodness I wasn’t wearing a g-string because that would have cut ???? and also reveal my pussy in the hold.

The regular deadlifts and straight legged deadlifts I did earlier along with the squats and some stretches had me a bit sore but also more limber so the hold didn’t hurt too much. What it did hurt was my pride ???? as the Amazon took out her phone and began taking pictures and video of my humiliating position. Hennessy looked down at me as I looked up at her and said, “ok Kitanna is this how it’s done like in the picture you show me?” I had no words and I just looked at her surprised and in pain as I had now begun to feel the effects of the hold.

I began moaning as my hamstrings started to pull and cramp up. Hennessy laughed as I moaned. My pussy was ok but what was spread most was my asshole! As you’d see in the pics. Being doubled over like that was also breath intensive but I didn’t want to give up and submit to her so quickly so I controlled my breathing and massaged my hamstrings with my hands hoping that she’d let me go and continue the match. As I lay there in discomfort staring at the ceiling, Hennessy looked quite comfortable even talking to the Amazon in Spanish.

I know some Spanish and I could tell that she was saying something about this being ‘easy money’ for her. At this point I had been in the small package hold for approximately 3 minutes and the pain in my hamstrings and asshole was unbearable at this point. I had one last chance to possibly escape and that was to try and roll from side to side and hope that she lost grip with her legs and let me go. I mustered up the courage and began to move my body from side to side using my ‘still free’ hands to generate momentum but it was in vain as Hennessy took her hands and pressed down onto my ankles which stretched me out even more and made me scream ???? in pain as my already bartered hamstrings and asshole suffered even more stretching.

I shrieked in pain which annoyed her so she took both hands and covered my mouth ???? I knew I wasn’t about to escape and the overall pain and humiliation was too much so I tapped out and she released her hands from my mouth. I then said, “I submit! You win Hennessy please let me go!!!” To which she replied, “only if you say I’m the winner and you are the loser!” I said “ok, ok you are the winner and I am the loser! Now please let me go!!!

She then released her legs from on top of mine which caused my legs to fall into a heap. I lay there flat on my back as I reached behind me and pulled my thong out from deep within my asshole to relieve the natural wedgie the hold had caused. The Amazon walked over to me and asked if I was ok to which I responded, “no but I’ll be ok.” Hennessy asked the same and told me that I should work on my martial arts skills more and that in Venezuela they grew up rough and had to learn to defend themselves.

I was appreciative of their advice and good sportsmanship. The Amazon helped me up and I went into my handbag to get the winnings. I was stumbled while walking to give Hennessy the cash and almost fell but she sort of caught me and put me to sit down on my couch which was not too far away. She said that she’d like to have another match with me but when I was better. She said that we could do it naked if I was comfortable with it to which I replied, “sure I’m down for that in the future.”

She then counted the cash, changed and they left making sure I was ok. She left me $2000 poorer and another loss added to my stats not to mention a humiliating set of pics and a sore body/butthole. ????

Wins - 11  Loses - 26

Most humiliating defeat by Spladle.


Offline goog1159

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Re: Kitanna v.s. Hennessy
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2023, 04:18:44 PM »
Although I lost yet again I’d still like to thank everyone on the forum who messaged and posted encouraging comments when I was thinking of retiring. I will keep at it and get to winning like I used to!

Wins - 11  Loses - 26

Most humiliating defeat by Spladle.


Offline suhmann

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Re: Kitanna v.s. Hennessy
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2023, 05:47:30 PM »
Although I lost yet again I’d still like to thank everyone on the forum who messaged and posted encouraging comments when I was thinking of retiring. I will keep at it and get to winning like I used to!
Judoists are well tamed by the girls from bjj. You need to be like jiu-jitsu and grappling.And the endurance for fighting is excellent for cycling over rough terrain in a mask.. Half of the judoists don't like the stalls and they work on throws and stupid holds for 30 seconds... Therefore, by submitting, if they are not excellent wrestlers in the stalls, they are quickly deflated.. I know this from my first wife, but fortunately, she loved to fight lying down. Come on, lady, it's time for your fragrant ass to sit on the faces of your rivals .. We are waiting for great photos.


Offline goog1159

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Re: Kitanna v.s. Hennessy
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2023, 10:17:39 PM »
Although I lost yet again I’d still like to thank everyone on the forum who messaged and posted encouraging comments when I was thinking of retiring. I will keep at it and get to winning like I used to!
Judoists are well tamed by the girls from bjj. You need to be like jiu-jitsu and grappling.And the endurance for fighting is excellent for cycling over rough terrain in a mask.. Half of the judoists don't like the stalls and they work on throws and stupid holds for 30 seconds... Therefore, by submitting, if they are not excellent wrestlers in the stalls, they are quickly deflated.. I know this from my first wife, but fortunately, she loved to fight lying down. Come on, lady, it's time for your fragrant ass to sit on the faces of your rivals .. We are waiting for great photos.

Thanks luv. This is helpful advice. I did grappling last year and it helped but my trainer migrated so I have to find another. Will get on that!

Wins - 11  Loses - 26

Most humiliating defeat by Spladle.


Offline suhmann

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Re: Kitanna v.s. Hennessy
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2023, 10:09:30 AM »
Although I lost yet again I’d still like to thank everyone on the forum who messaged and posted encouraging comments when I was thinking of retiring. I will keep at it and get to winning like I used to!
Judoists are well tamed by the girls from bjj. You need to be like jiu-jitsu and grappling.And the endurance for fighting is excellent for cycling over rough terrain in a mask.. Half of the judoists don't like the stalls and they work on throws and stupid holds for 30 seconds... Therefore, by submitting, if they are not excellent wrestlers in the stalls, they are quickly deflated.. I know this from my first wife, but fortunately, she loved to fight lying down. Come on, lady, it's time for your fragrant ass to sit on the faces of your rivals .. We are waiting for great photos.

Thanks luv. This is helpful advice. I did grappling last year and it helped but my trainer migrated so I have to find another. Will get on that!
I recommend a female coach.It is a woman who knows how a woman fights .Women by nature instinctively know how to fight, it is lying down, using their legs. They are more dynamic and flexible in terms of moving from one action to another.Many women who fight in amateur wrestling submission and catfight did not do anything at all and fight really fantastically.. But it is grappling that teaches competent defense in the stalls, allowing you to outplay your opponent, get out of the wrap and prevent your opponent from taking you .. And .. I always have a woman as one of the coaches or partners.Come on, lady, we're waiting for your victory.


Offline goog1159

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Re: Kitanna v.s. Hennessy
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2023, 07:02:23 PM »
Wow who is she? I’d like to tangle with her

Wins - 11  Loses - 26

Most humiliating defeat by Spladle.


Offline suhmann

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Re: Kitanna v.s. Hennessy
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2023, 11:54:37 PM »
Wow who is she? I’d like to tangle with her
Lady, she's a pro fighter. Her name is Irina.


Offline goog1159

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Re: Kitanna v.s. Hennessy
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2023, 01:15:23 PM »
Wow who is she? I’d like to tangle with her
Lady, she's a pro fighter. Her name is Irina.

Do you have pics of her matches? Does she cat fight?

Wins - 11  Loses - 26

Most humiliating defeat by Spladle.


Offline suhmann

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Re: Kitanna v.s. Hennessy
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2023, 07:50:42 PM »
Wow who is she? I’d like to tangle with her
Lady, she's a pro fighter. Her name is Irina.

Do you have pics of her matches? Does she cat fight?
Catfight don't know, she's submissner, grappler, jitser