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Pam Mothers Champ , A Wine Party

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Offline DottiD

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Pam Mothers Champ , A Wine Party
« on: September 18, 2023, 10:57:37 AM »
Pam Mothers Champ

A Wine Party

Mark and Pam were all smiles on the flight home, though her husband did not see the actual fight, knowing his wife once again dominate and drained her rival was enough .

Pam while sore from the assault Angie went at her with,Pam was a little worried, had Angie pressed the attack better or had Pam herself not had the mind to get free, she would have been beaten badly.

Pam spent a few days going over the fight in her mind, she never wanted to be in such a jeopardizing situation like that again. Her breasts were swollen for a week and the deep ache lasted a bit longer, but each day Pam knew she was getting better. It didn’t take long she was starting to ache for a fight again.

She talked to her husband about having a new party, he smiled at his wife’s hunger for action, but at the moment most of the people that attended their parties were away or on vacation and that meant less chance of a rival mother hearing about the party and showing up to challenge Pam.

After a few weeks and Pam hungry for a party, Pam went to the mailbox and as she sorted through the bills, she noticed an invitation was among the mail. Not sure who it could be as she not heard of anything coming up that she could recall, Pam opened the invite .

It was from a woman they knew of but not really friends with, the woman often attended their parties but Pam could not recall if she had ever stayed to see her fight another mother.

When Mark got home that night Pam showed the invite and Mark knew who she was, but again it wasn’t as if he had the woman on speed dial. He shrugged and looked at Pam , “wanna go?, if nothing else we can have some wine and its a night out”.  Pam thought a moment and she smiled “on one condition , if its a boring party you promise we leave when i ask “.

Mark chuckled and nodded, “we don’t have to stay long babe, but we don’t have to bring the baby”. Pam never batted an eye she just blew out a deep breath, and said ok.

They mailed back the R.S.V.P. For two and forgot about it. Had Pam not wrote it on the calendar they might have even missed it all together. The night of the party, was a humid hot night , Pam was having second thoughts about even going , but Mark said they kind of had to as she always attended theirs and it wasn’t nice to say we would go and not show.

Pam forced herself up and went to her closet, she found a red and yellow rose floral sundress, it was as see through as a dress could be without revealing everything. With 4 yellow buttons down the front, Pam decided on a red cup less bra.

A little underdressed but since it was going to be dark she wasn’t worried about revealing to much to the wrong people. A thong and a pair of nude thigh highs and yellow heels, she pinned her hair back with a matching sun flower pin .

Pam didn’t go over the top on makeup just a good coating of red lipstick and some mascara, Mark wore cargo shorts and a polo shirt,  and headed out, although it was a wine party, Mark made sure to stop and bring a bottle just to be nice.

Mary the hostess was not wealthy but she wasn’t poor either, her 4 bedroom home was on 2 acres and always had manicured lawn and yard. As Mark and Pam arrive Mary met them at the door with a smile, she gave both a hug and a kiss to the cheek as if she knew them a lot better.

The couple slowly made their way into the home and after being introduced to a few people a few they knew already, the uneasiness of meeting others lifted and the couple took a seat.

Mark went to get himself and Pam a glass of white wine as Pam sat, she wasn’t paying much attention to anyone. But what Pam didn’t pick up on was a few of the other guests here had been to their parties before and knew Pam was not shy about facing another woman in certain competitions.  The result was small clicks of people looking at her as they whisper as to who she was and who she had won against.

Among the guests was a couple that arrived late, but knew the hostess better, they were laughing and talking with the hostess as they were lead in the home. A few small introductions were made, and Mark took the lead in saying hello to the couple but as he did his body blocked most of Pam. And in kind Pam barely saw enough of the couple to pay much attention, but as the couple got their drinks, Pam made note they did not have a baby with them, Pam took a deep disappointing breath.

The two women gave each other a quick smile seeing both were busty, but not much else was said or attempted to. After Mark sat back down he and Pam were sipping their wine, when the couple took a moment to stare at them. Pam felt the eyes on her and she glanced briefly and back again. She smiled to her husband Mark as she lifted her glass to her lips but instead of a drink whispered to Mark, “are they staring at us , do you know them?”.

Pam knew Mark in his business met hundreds of people and investors so it wasn’t a silly question at all. Mark smiles at Pam and does a side glance and then shrugs as he replies “i have no idea who they are , but maybe she wants to know you better being a mom and all”.

Pam perked up a bit but after about 5 minutes the couple made their way about the party seemingly not interested in getting to know Pam and Mark in any way. The night went on and Mark kept checking with Pam if she wanted to leave, at first she didn’t the wine was good and the company not so bad.

But Pam was still hopeful the other couple was going to come around, but seeing the wife stayed in the kitchen most of the night Pam shrugged it off and finally said to Mark “lets head out “.

As they went about the house saying a few goodbyes they came into the kitchens opposite side, the hostess made a frown when Pam said they were going. That’s when the entire atmosphere changed, if you ask Mark the other couple was getting info on Pam and waiting for the right time. If you ask Pam it was the wife’s way of waiting for the bulk of people to leave, but if you ask their hostess, it was when Pam walked in and the lighting from the flood light just out back shined from her other side and showed through her dress and the tight tummy and bountiful bra cups holding a very heavy amount of breast meat.

When the hostess asked if they really had to go, Pam’s reply was “yeah i wanna get home to nurse the baby change her and put her to bed”.    The hostess smiled and thanked them for coming but thats when the wife from other couple decided to show her true colors.

She spoke out of turn and said, “you don’t have to run home for that, surely you were smart enough to have milk ready. Let your sitter take care of that, unless you aren’t full enough”.  Everyone got quiet especially those who had seen Pam in a duel between mothers before, they all hid their grins as they hoped a fight was brewing . As the hostess stammers to try to smooth the comment Pam interrupts, she glares back at the  other mother, “uhh not that its any of your business honey, but i am more than full enough to feed mine and yours if i had to”.

Pam’s eyes scan the other mother trying to figure out how busty she was, but the woman never took off the sweater she wore over the sundress she had on, and it was a good two sizes larger then the woman’s body frame.

Pam stood at attention her veiny bust swelling to get free, thats when the other mom arches off the counter top, she leaned on and slowly with her back to Pam eases the sweater off, she then hands it to her husband and turns to Pam.

Mark couldn’t help it, the woman’s bust looked to be much fuller than Pam’s, and it was as if she knew it the way she arched and pushed her cleavage and veiny contained breasts out at Pam to look at.

She smiles at Pam “trust me honey i have enough to nurse mine, yours and make you drink the rest, and i am Mother enough to prove it “. Pam instantly feels a chill and an adrenaline rush bolt through her, she hands her sweater off to Mark, then slowly steps closer to the Mother.

Pam softly purrs “well lets get to know each other honey, I’m Pam and you are?”. The other Mother steps to face Pam unafraid “names Margo, and i would love to get really acquainted with you Mother to Mother “. With no one stepping in and all eyes on the pair the hostess in a nervous voice says “listen girls why don’t we all step in the living rom and you all can discuss things there ok”.

Margo’s husband takes her arm and  follows the hostess in, Mark grabs Pam’s arm and whispers , “baby you sure of this one so soon after? She looks fuller “. Pam grabs his hand and looks at him, “you know i am aware of the risks honey, i want this , i need this, if i lose its on me ok, love you , now come on”.

They enter the living room and the two couples slowly separate to opposite corners of the living room. The two mothers stand staring across the wide room, both feel their busts heaving as their nipples stiffen and tent through the dresses.

With the remaining guests all standing to see what happens, Margo a sly smirk starts to ease her right dress strap down. As she does Margo softly purrs, “cmon Pam no need to be shy now”.  Pam takes a breath an starts to ease off her left dress strap, neither says much more as they both ease the other dress straps off.

Then slowly they both slowly ease the dress top half down till their veiny round full breasts jostle free, both wearing a cup less bra look.  Margo a sly grin purses her lips at Pam and slowly cups then caresses her veiny round breasts.

Margo is 5’8” 137 pounds a 30 yr bleach blonde, with a 38F-28-38 body, her thick nipples are like quarters and her aureolas are 4-5” round, her veins map through her massive bust pumping her nipples.  Pam cups and caresses her bust back as she licks her lips at Margo, then both women reach back and undo their bras and ease them off.

Now free and breasts standing outward, the two mothers set hands on heads and after mutual slow shimmy start towards the center to fight. After one full circle as they glare Margo squares to Pam and drills her breasts into Pam’s firmly, the CLOP rings out as Pam feels her rival but is more aroused then hurt for the start of the mothers fight.
Pam arches and seems to row her breasts up into Margo’s, “cmon Bitch your tits better do more than that”.  Pam then as she smears her breasts down Margo’s firmly pumps side to side into Margo’s breasts, the double CLAP of flesh rings out as Margo smiles at the attempt, ‘“nmmm speak for yourself bitch, your tits haven’t even shifted mine, cmon give mine a fight “.

With no need to be urged on the two mothers stand firmly in place and start to grind, rub, push, pull , drag and pump their breasts into the opposing pair. Both omen grunt and moan and huff but neither is doing much to try for an early quick close to this duel.

Pam after nearly 15 minutes of non stop contact decides to try to give her fuller rival a little something to worry about. She arches lifting her bust outward then starts a heavy more forceful, head on bumping .

Margo loses a half a step as their round over filled breasts collide head on over and over, “uuuhnnnn uhnnn mmfff mmfff Bitch cmon”. Pam looking between them eyeing her attack while getting Margo’s breasts redder is only making them quake and not as much shifting, “uuuggg uuugggg Bitch take it cmon feel my tits Bitch fight “.

The slow methodical exchange goes on for another 15 minutes, both Mothers are getting sweaty and their breasts red, but neither eases off an inch. Margo can feel Pam’s attack but to her its more annoying then painful, she steps back into Pam and with her shoulders delivers a very firm shimmy, making her breasts slap Pam’s side to side.

Pam despite trying not to feels the heavy collisions and her head turns as she pulls her shoulders up and in and loses a step backward, “uuuhhhhmmfff uuhhmmmfff Bitch “. Margo now stepping in and after her rival sneers, “ohhh problems Bitch hmm? Feeling my tits now aren’t you cmon i want more “.

The pair have another determined exchange and their breasts now red and swelling both are feeling the others attack deeper within adding to the weight and laden round mass and chest muscles .

As Pam side steps to lessen another series from Margo, Margo angry now growls “stop avoiding my tits and fight”, then grabs up at Pam’s hair and shakes her head side to side as she pumps, slaps, and grinds her tits into Pam’s.

Pam grits her teeth and grabs Margo by her hair and the two Mothers step as one around the living room pulling hair as they fight tit to tit like savages, Pam in pant “ohhh wanna pull hair to cmon then cow lets get to it “.

The Mothers spin slowly but never lose breast to breast contact, they snap and tug each other’s head by the hair but they really want their tits to do the fighting. Margo decides she is done playing with Pam, she whips Pams head left then right hard by the hair Pam winces and grunts, as Pam is tilted to her right side Margo steps her thigh between Pams and with her bountiful firm breasts into Pam’s shoves the champ back and down onto the floor.

Margo lands roughly onto and Pam looks up as thy hold others hair Margo smiles down at her rival, “now Bitch my tits are gonna crush yours “. Pam’s eyes widen as Margo smears her tits on Pam’s till the two are nipple to nipple and aureolas and breasts swell together.

Pam pulls her arms in close to help her tits bulge upward as Margo does the same to bulge hers and slowly as they stare at one another, Margo presses her tits onto Pam’s and starts to pin and press them down.

Pam tilts her head back as she gasps out at the weight and pressure, “uuuugggg you Bitch my tits”. Margo a vicious grin, “what tits bitch hmmm, i barely feel yours putting up a fight now”.

Margo presses more and slowly Pam’s breasts are being squashed down around her arms and if it continues will be flattened to her body. Margo slowly smears, and rolls her tits on Pam’s, “uwwww ohhh yesss feel my tits now don’t you Bitch?, nmmm not much of. A big talker are you honey”.

Pam shakes her head as she can Margo’s mass start to swallow her own and she starts to panic that this will be not just. a loss but she will be controlled by a mother should have soundly ruined. Flashes of her husband asking if she was ready race in her mind, maybe she took on more than she was ready for after a fight she nearly lost.

Panting under rival, Pam does the only thing she can, she grabs Margo’s hair a the temples and pulls up and back on it. Margo fights the tension of the pull but eventually her head is pulled back as far as it can go, it allows some ease off Pam’s bust, enough she gets her right knee up and digs her heel in the rug then using Margo’s hair rolls her rival off and she ends up on top now.

Pam instantly drops her heavy breasts on Margo’s and then like her rival grinds them in and down in a slow undulating motion, moving the fuller mass at will now. As Margo pants her breath Pam looks down, “feel my tits now Honey hmm?, i am gonna knock your tits all over your chest “.

Margo gasps out “uughhhnnn my tits get off my tits you Bitch”. Pam looks down at her rival, “oh whats the matter Bitch don’t like being pinned?”. Pam pushes up till seated on Margo then stands up, she slowly swaggers from her rivals prone body and as she does , cups and caresses her breasts.

Margo is a bit slow to stand as she does she also caresses her breasts as the two mothers again circle then square to each other. Pam starts to put her hands on hair when Margo says, “oh not this time honey, tit tot head on grab my arms “.

Pam wasn’t sure if she was being set up lowers her arms then sees Margo step in closer and grab hold of her biceps, Pam does the same grip back and the two mothers stand face to face breasts swelled between their arms.

With about 8 inches separating them Margo starts the fight off again. She slowly at first drives her breasts head on into Pam’s, who returns the same move right back second by second the two mothers widen their stance and begin to pump and shove their breasts into the others head on.

Both have been giving it their all for just under an hour and now are feeling the effects of their rivals heavy firm breasts to their own. Margo huffs heavily as the two start a steady rhythm, “uuuhhh uhhh mfff mfff cmon Bitch fight my tits bring it”.

Pam tired of Margo trying to make her look weak verbally , grips her rivals arms tighter and now matches the rhythm of her rival with a more pronounced pumping head on action. Everyone there watched with wide eye intent as these two go at it and use their breasts like punches, what i think no one noticed was so subtle yet only a true fighter would see it.

But as they stand there trading head on collisions Pam’s breasts were sitting a bit higher on her chest, and the very bottom bulbous area was pounding into Margo’s mid breasts and upper breast where her muscle and tendons held onto her heavier weighted down pair.
But for Margo, her most lower bulbous area of her breasts heavier then Pam’s were Slapping just under Pam’s breasts and hitting the ribs and torso of Pam, essentially having no effect on her rivals breasts .

Pam though grunting more from her abusive attack then feeling her rivals never realized it as Margo had not. But the two stand straight leg ramming their breasts head on, but as the bitter blow for blow went on Pam was gaining momentum, she slowly started to add right to left then head on and continued it that way.

Margo was now feeling Pam’s breasts start to pound hers, but as she tried to break away, Pam tightens her arm grip and steadies Margo. Pam leans her face in to Msrgo’s “going somewhere saggy tits?”. Margo shook her head unable to understand how her heavier breasts were being abused with ease, “Bitch let me go and fight my tits”. Pam spits at her “i am fighting your tits you wanted it this way now fight or give”.

For another 15 minutes the two Mothers stand as all watch and go tit to tit as hard as they could without titboxing one another. Finally as Pam got faster with er alternating method Margo was hurt, she lost her arm grip on Pam’s arms and was now trying to push Pam off her .

Pam felt something giving in her rival and poured it on even harder and faster, the clops, claps and slaps rang out faster and firmer , Margo was gasping now and her head was looking up as she was being pounded.

In a last ditch effort Margo presses into Pam to slow her attack, but Pam was expecting it, instead of struggling with Margo, Pam opens her arms and tightly hugs her rival, crushing her tits between Margo’s body and Pam’s bust.

Once she secured the clinch, Pam starts an undulating grind of her tits into Margo’s pulling, shifting and pushing them where she wanted them to go. Margo was shaking her head no as she threw it back in pain, and after 10 more minutes all saw Margo’s hands drop off Pam’s frame then her arms go slack and finally she whimpered out loud, “Ok Ok Enough YOU WIN I GIVE mY TITS can’T GO ON”.

Pam held onto Margo another 2 minutes or so before springing her arms open and stepping back so all could see Margo drop onto her knees in pain. Smiling in another victory Pam swaggers behind Margo and shoves her forward onto all 4’s then straddles her bare back.

Margo curses “you Bitch get off me”. But Pam was intent on collecting her due, she laid her swollen red hot breasts on the back of Margo and reaches under slapping her hands on each breast, then with all her strength starts to man handle and manipulate Margo’s breasts as deep and hard as she could.

Margo shook her head as tears well up, and her breasts are twisted, squeezed, tugged, pulled and worked like a cows, till finally Pam is able to start her rivals milk flowing , flooding the living room rug under Margo’s breasts.

Amid Margo’s cries to stop Pam taunts her “nmmm we aren’t done yet Bitch”, content she finished milking Margo, Pam forces her rival on her back on the wet floor then hikes her dresses hem and places her wet pussy on Margo’s face demanding she pleasure her to orgasm.

With no choice Margo complies and her tongue sinks deep in Pam and starts her rivals hips undulating till finally as Pam caresses her own breasts she orgasms on Margo’s face smearing the make up left. Pam then looks to her husband “bring me this cows bra baby”. Mark walks over with both bras and drops them beside Pam still sitting up on Margo. Finally Margo slides her wet pussy down Margo’s body til her breasts hang over Margo’s face and she commands Margo to open her mouth.

Scared what may happen if she doesn’t Margo parts her lips again and this time Pam drops her first her right then left breast on Margo’s face and starts to milk her own breasts into Margo’s open waiting mouth.

As fast as the spray fills her mouth Margo swallows it till slowly she can not keep up the pace and starts to cough and gag on Pam’s milk. Frantic Margo taps on Pam’s back to stop, Pam sits up again looking down at he milk stained face of Margo then Pam looks up summons Margo’s husband to come over to her.

He kneels next to Pam who offers her tits to him and he begins to suck more milk from her swollen tits a she smiles rolling her head back. Once content she pushes him off and before standing she caresses her breasts at Margo under her, “like i said Bitch, i have enough to feed you, him , your baby and now mine ,shame your baby wasn’t here to enjoy the juice of a real Mothers Milk”.

Pam pushes up by using her hands on Margo’s breasts and then puts her cup less bra on as she fixes her dress. All the while she glares down at Margo as. A warning to not dare get up yet, finally ready to go Pam drapes Margo’s bra on her shoulder, takes her husbands arm and with a broad smile swaggers out of the party to go home thanking all for watching the fight.

As couples aroused and stunned mingle and a few leave Margo is finally assisted up by her husband and the hostess Mary walks over and tells Margo,”” are you happy now you stupid bitch? Do not plan on seeing another invite any time soon to one of my parties , you losing cow”.

Margo barely fixes her soaked dress as she hangs her head and cuddled in her husbands arms is walked to their car, in total shame.

The End


Offline DavidG

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Re: Pam Mothers Champ , A Wine Party
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2023, 04:55:48 PM »
Absolutely fantastic from start to finish


Offline YH5050

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Re: Pam Mothers Champ , A Wine Party
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2024, 04:12:39 AM »
Titally agree with David G!
Love your stuff Dotti!