Columbus Day weekend video release, Suzi Kolber podcast interview with Vicki '78, a 2023 Feast of St John catfighter.
SK: Good afternoon, fight fans, and welcome, Vicki. Might I say, you look spectacular.
V: Oh, stop! But thank you for having me, and in all seriousness, so sorry for all the ESPN drama this summer, but I'm glad to see you landed on your feet with a gig for Our School. In all seriousness, this .... ummm, unique event .... every December 27 our most important annual fundraiser, and propels so many women into a successful adulthood .... and has for years ... well, we appreciate you covering the event for us.
SK: Yes, I've been briefed by your Board on the rich history and tradition of this event .... and its role in your schools history .. . but more importantly .... I'VE WATCHED SOME OF THE DAMN VIDEO from the catfights in recent years, and wow .... you ladies don't screw around, do you? Hairpulling, fists, elbows, knees ... little bit of blood .... dang, is that what we can expect from you and Laura on December 27.
V: So, I'll certainly agree .... Laura and I have a rich history to uphold .... and while I can't speak for her .... I can assure our alumni ... and hopefully pay-per-view subscribers .... that I've been training hard for a few weeks already, and will continue to do so right up to the 27th. Despite ....
SK: .... Yes, good segue..... despite your 63 years of life experience. And, Vicki, while you certainly LOOK 63-going-on-41....
V: ...[blushing] .... oh, thank you....
SK: .....There's some concessions Father Time just doesn't make. Vicki .... and concerns about your ability to take the punishment of an all-out catfight?
V: So, take on that topic is this..... first, my opponent, Laura is 63 as well .... so we're on a level playing field there ....
SK: True.
V: But, more importantly .... Suzi, I look at it this way..... in 2024, I'll be 64 ... in 2025, I'll be 65 .... et cetera .... Suzi, I need to pounce now. The window is open now. I'm doing THIS now. Fighting Laura. Before I'm another year older.
SK: So true, and so wise. As befitting your resume. Vicki, why don't you fill everyone in on your many successes since graduating in 1978.
V: Ok, well .... since you ask ... after graduating in 1978, I went to Hamilton College, and majored in French Literature. I did a little bit of teaching .... at this school, and then at Catholic High Schools in the Northeast .... did some writing .... my published novels are on the website to this podcast .... I got in under the window before Amazon ruined independent publishing for authors .... I married a lawyer, who I've since divorced, but who let me piece together a living .... a frugal one, but a living nevertheless.... I learned the real estate game, and found my niche in a wealthy community in Maine .... always learning and growing, as per the ethos of Our School. That's me in a nutshell, Suzi.
SK: Well summarized, but....
V: .....but??.....
SK:.... Well.... and catfights along the way, tigress?
V: Ah, yes ... the catfights.... well, in school ... and at Hamilton .... I was athletic my entire youth ... track and field mostly .. but, well, I 'discovered' powder puff football in high school. And, well, Suzi, you hosted Monday Night Football, you must know this.... powder puff football is foreplay to a series of catfights. The blocking in the tits, the the tripping, the slapping. I loved the football ... and I loved the post-game catfights even more. The adrenaline rush from catfighting .... I caught the bug at 18, and 45 years later, I've still got it.
SK ... Ah, yes, catfight foreplay. More with Vicki after this commercial break.
To be continued....