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Battle Of The Big Women. Jazz vs Tara.

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Offline EMW

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Battle Of The Big Women. Jazz vs Tara.
« on: November 10, 2023, 04:42:50 PM »
it's that time when the island has it competive fight to see who will lead and represent the Island.

And this time two heavyweight fighters from different sides of the Island will fight it out and whoever wins will be the leader of the Island till next year.

All fights relating to the leadership have no rules by tradition and both women must fight until one either gives, submits or is knocked out. There is no  time limit as soon as the bell ring than the women will fight using all tactics.

Don't be fooled by their looks both women know how to fight !

So here we see both women before the fight. Click the image for a larger view.

Jazz ( Representing the west of the Island.)
Tara (Representing the east of the Island.)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 05:00:48 PM by EMW »