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A Sim's Tale #6

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A Sim's Tale #6
« on: November 11, 2023, 02:08:42 PM »
The Sims 6

A Shallow Landgraab

Bob Newbie was a very content young man. His new job was going well, his mother was off his back and, most importantly, he had all the action he could hope for. If he'd known fucking a milf was like this he'd have paid more attention back in college. He was pretty sure the headmistress had a few guys on call. Course it hadn't always been this pleasant. The breakup with Betty had been tough, if amicable. Especially with the word around town being that she was living with that doctor guy that would occasionally watch after them when they were younger. The pity in the eyes of the nosy Nancy's around town got on his nerves something fierce.

He and Betty drifting apart more and more until they, unofficially, broke up. Considering how long they'd been together it had hit him harder than he let on and affected his grades which were already average at best. Of course he eventually got over it when he suddenly came into demand. Bob wasn't entirely sure HOW he knew what to do while in bed, or that it spread that he could keep it up longer than the average guy, but soon Betty was a distant memory with the amount of ladies beating down his door.

From cheerleaders to volleyball players to the swim team, he had his choice of nightly partners. With his ego now thoroughly tickled his grades went from below, to average and then above. He started working out and, while he was never first pick, he did pretty well at basketball. Come graduation he passed with honors, coming back home with excellent grades and a phone full of numbers. Numbers which he had yet to use.

He never intended to shack up with an old acquaintance's mother. Hell, he and Dallas had never even been particularly close and only hung out in the earlies since neither wanted to appear as a loner. What little he'd known of June was from the odd visit here and there and fact that Dallas despised her. Something that Bob couldn't understand. Who the hell would hate their mother?

It happened at the Grind, a new club that had opened in his absence.

From a distance she looked a bit on the chunky side, the tight outfit highlighting her hourglass figure. Her waist was a bit flabby and her ass, under the skirt jiggled noticeably. He couldn't see her face, but decided that with that body he could overlook it. Up closer, moving to the music, telegraphing his movements she spun around and he found himself chest, to ample chest with June Shallow. He started to stutter an apology, but she merely smiled at him with a knowing look and a finger to his lips. He suddenly felt himself overwhelmed by the woman, a feeling he was unaccustomed to, June guiding his hands around her waist, letting him hold her close as they danced. The smile only grew wider, and she licked her lips openly, winking at him when his staff poked at the inside of her thigh and their steps took them closer to the door.

She had been the one to pull him to her car, hand slipping into his pants and drawers to fondle his swelling length, eyes lighting up as his girth spread her fingers. Not to be outdone, he pushed his arms under her top to bounce her bra-less boobs in his hands. She was easily bigger, and heavier than any girl he'd done in the dorms. She'd not resisted as he tugged it over her head, her hands expertly tugging his jeans and boxers down to his knees. They fucked right there in the backseat, without any words exchanged, and when it was done he could only collapse in a sweaty heap, stunned by just how effectively she'd drained his dick.

"Jesus," he'd grunted at how overpowering her pussy had been. She'd shot him that same predatory smile, given his tired prick a couple of swift strokes, then clambered into the front seat. Sitting up, he started to reach for his clothes while he heard her on the phone. Then the car started.

"Backseats are rough for me at my age," June said over her shoulder. Painfully aroused and not really believing his luck Bob at least pulled on his boxers in case this was some trick. When they finally got back to her house, it finally hit him how empty it was, but any further thought went out the window as she strutted upstairs, having not even bothered to take her clothes out the car, crooking a finger to follow her.

He'd not forget that night, even if he'd wanted to. And after a night of wild sex he also fucked the town hottie Ruby Broke, while watching June and his mom get into a fight, and finally June gave him a blowjob while his mom ate her out and was also scissored by Ruby! And...after his mom had been forced out June and Ruby had turned on him. He didn't leave till well after lunch, moving painfully.

All this and more went through his mind as he pulled up into the Shallow driveway. He was under no illusions that he was anything more than a sex toy for June. A slab of young man meat to give her what she wanted, to be discarded if she found one more appetizing. But then again, he wasn't so different. She was the same age as his mother after all, and as hot as she looked now, as wild as she was in the sack, the years had a way of catching up quick.

No strings attached sex with a smoking hot milf was a dream come true. And would keep him satisfied until he found someone closer to his own age to settle down with. He had a phonebook full of horny college girls to go through after all, not to mention the local ladies. Knocking at the door, Bob grinned when June opened it clad in a g-string bikini.

"When you called, you didn't mention a bathing suit," he said huskily, boldly filling his hands with the overflowing titflesh.

"Oh dear...didn't I," she purred, fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. "Whatever will you do?"


June wasn't the only one having fun.

Their shift over for and free for the weekend, Ruby and Max couldn't leave quickly enough. Her face in his lap, Max pushed the Lemon to it's limits to his new favorite spot. A secluded area near Riverview International Airport where the noise of the arriving and departing aircraft drowned out the cries they forced from each other.

"God, baby...your mouth feels amazing." The young man groaned, grateful that this strip of road seemed empty. His redheaded lover was getting better at forcing her way through his, formerly, iron control and driving him to climax. His left hand shifted gears, then pushed down on her head. "C'mon baby. Take it all in!"

"Mmmmmm..." Ruby mumbled around a mouthful of cock, delighting in the tremor of his voice. She loved having this power. His eyes on her during work, clearly counting down the hours. Sometimes she couldn't wait and they'd forgo lunch to have a quickie in the back room.

Reaching his preferred spot, and happy to find it deserted, Max pulled up the brake and switched off the engine. In short order the car was rocking violently to muffled screams and shouts while the glass rapidly fogged up.


At the Riverview airport entrance the doors opened to accommodate a pair of blondes. Glancing around, the older looking one sniffed.

"Now, now." The younger grinned, holding out an arm and tilting her body to provide a view of plentiful cleavage. "It was your idea to just spring the visit."

"I suppose," she patted her hair as a taxi screeched to a halt ahead of another pair that were racing to the spot. "But don't pretend that you didn't want to come. After all, this is where she moved to."

"Well it only seemed right." The younger swung their small bags into the trunk, drinking in the open stares at the tight mini she wore. "She is a friend and would probably like to know what's heading in her direction."

"Right, so you chose to come personally instead of just calling." The older said, clearly exasperated. "You're here to check out that girl she's been talking about."

The younger blonde shrugged and nodded. "What can I say? You know Paulie is with compliments."

"Watch how you do things." The older woman reminded her, gesturing the other woman to get in first. "We're not in Sunset so walk carefully."

"Don't take this the wrong way Nancy, but considering what I've heard about who you're hear to meet I think that applies to you more than me."

"Oh don't worry, Jamie." Nancy smiled. "June and I go way back."


"Order up!" Mags Newbie called, sliding a plate down the line. Her co-workers struggled to keep up with the redhead. Recently promoted to head chef the woman had been on a tear of late.

Personality wise however she'd shifted from the quietly friendly woman to a more aggressive mindset. Already strict, the change had the younger staff jumping at every barked command. While the older ones could appreciate the improved work ethic they were confused as to what had caused such a change. She'd answered her phone about an hour before and come back snapping cruelly at any that moved at a pace below what she desired.

"June..." Mags whispered through gritted teeth. Not only had the black haired witch cheated and humiliated her, but she'd also taken her baby from her. She'd seduced Bobby just to provoke and get back at her for how often Mags kicked her ass during their years in the same dorm. If only she could...Mags cocked her head as she read the name on an order. Stopping the server, she took the plates from him. "Yvette, take over. I need to check on something."


"You know that if we were home right now, you'd be enjoying quite the birthday gift." Betty remarked, leaning back in her seat, winking.

"Opening my gift can wait." Brian sniped back, grinning at his girlfriends tight black top and short...very short red miniskirt. Leaning over, he covered Betty's hand with his own. "Is it that hard to believe I want to take my girlfriend out on a date? Our FIRST date?"

Betty blushed at that. Their already active love life had only increased since her fight against, and subsequent three way with Pauline almost two weeks ago, but hadn't gone out together on what could be called a date. She smiled at him while, under the table, She extended her legs to caress his inner thigh. "Well I think you'll be quite happy with this present. It's something you can play with long into the night."

"Sounds like fun." He smirked back. "But what'll you be doing in the meantime?"

"Betty, it's good to see you!"

"Mags? I mean...Mrs. Newbie?" Betty stuttered, the mood immediately lost, shooting to her feet out of reflex at the woman that appeared at their table. "It's been...well it's been a long time."

"Yes, just before you went off to college. And I see the young Brian's with you to." Brian nodded awkwardly at the attractive older redhead as she placed their plates in front of them. He knew who she was, and who her son was. And, more importantly, his relationship...FORMER relationship to his girlfriend.

"Mrs. Newbie, it's been awhile." He acknowledged. Then, improvising. "Too long in fact. I believe I told you to see me again in three months. That was almost half a year ago."

Mags laughed lightly. "Oh that little matter resolved itself. I just came over to say hi since I haven't seen Betty since she got back. I'm sure Bobby would also feel the same way."

Betty winced at the dig. Her and Bob's split had been friendly enough in the sense that neither mentioned it the few times they crossed paths on campus. Then her expression hardened and she smiled sweetly. "As do I. Tell me, have any of his campus girlfriends swung by as of late? I hardly got to see him since he was always occupied  at the time."

"I...don't think he's even mentioned them." Mags replied, a wrinkle appearing above her nose. Pride mingled with embarrassment as she pondered the young Simovich's words. Finally, muttering to herself she wandered back to the kitchen.

"Did you just call her son a man whore?" Brian grinned at Betty's self satisfied smirk.

"Serves the bitch right for trying to mess with my night out," she replied, lifting a fork and poking at her spaghetti. "Keep an eye my food for me. I gotta visit the ladies room."


Back at the airport the car was still rocking as the cries within reached a crescendo with a prolonged squeal and it's wheels almost leaving the ground with the violence. Slowly it settled and a door opened with a rush of steam and heavy breathing.

"Jesus," Ruby gasped, crawling until she was hanging out the car, the night cooling her sweat drenched body. Trembling at the sudden chill the redhead struggled to catch her breath.

"Christ," Max groaned, sitting up, gulping in lungfuls of musky air that made him cough. His hand rested on Ruby's bum, her legs lying across his waist with his aching staff between them. "Don't think you can top that one Red. Fuck...I saw my life flash before my eyes."

"Me? You oughta classify that thing as a lethal weapon!" Ruby moaned. Experimentally she gave her legs a squeeze, heard him gasp and felt it swell against the inside of her thigh and gave a hysterical giggle. "I can see the headlines. Redhead found dead outside airport. Detectives confused by smiling face."

"Death by snu snu." Max joined in the laughter, the movements making his manhood swell even further, something they found hilarious. But humor gave way to ardor and Ruby's movements kept Max at full extension. A terrible hunger on her face, Ruby twisted around to swallow as much of him as she could, head bobbing rapidly. Squeezing at the redhead's full, rounded rear that now stuck up in the air, Max saw his next move. Grabbing her hips, he flipped Ruby into the air so that her legs, slightly bent, rested on his shoulders.

The position was uncomfortable for the woman, but that quickly became irrelevant as Max's tongue was as talented as his dick. Ruby's moans of pleasure further stimulated the sensitive flesh which in turn had the boy introduce a pair of fingers to aid his tongue in working over her treasure. In response Ruby sped up even further, grabbing what little of him that wasn't in her mouth, massaging it with her fingers.


"Not a bad looking place." Jamie remarked as they stepped out of the cab. "Almost as big as yours."

"Bigger." Nancy replied, handing the cabbie his fare and hefting her bag. "Kurt was always big on appearances, not much on substance."

Walking up to the door a loud scream distracted them as Nancy was about to hit the bell. Before they could react, there was another, this one decidedly male. The older blonde chuckled. "I knew it. Out back."

Following the path to a small gate, the two circled around the mansion, following cries that came faster and faster until there was hoarse bellow, followed by a breathless squeal and loud splashing noises. Finally coming around the back they found themselves in a wide pool area, complete with showers and a changing room. Their attention though was focused on the shallow end of the water, where a woman with long dark hair was pushed up against the pool wall by a man who's face was obscured her hair. Even from here the two blondes could hear them panting.

Their bodies started moving again when Nancy moved closer and cleared her throat. Two pair of eyes turned to her and the young man gasped, trying to pull away, but June simply held on tighter and flipped her hair over her head. "Nancy." She called out, smiling. "Didn't expect to see you so soon."

"Well, your video intrigued me," she responded, staring boldly at Bob who lowered himself as best as he could into the water. "Though I guess we should apologize for interrupting."

"Oh, don't." June gave Bob a quick peck and unwound herself, shaking her hair and sashaying out of the water unashamedly naked. "Would you like to join us or should we head inside?"

"A swim would be nice," Nancy replied, lips curling as Jamie strutted over to the pool, looking down the red faced youth's body with a friendly smile. In a single, swift motion she slipped out of her skirt and blouse. There was nothing underneath. "No reason we can't talk and relax at the same time."


The music pulsed loudly, reverberating all along her body. Betty swung her hips to the beat of the music, blouse, slick with sweat from the heat of the surrounding bodies, while her skirt fluttered, no longer pretending to hide what was underneath.

Brian moved with her, grinning as she shook her upper body, setting her boobs jiggling delightfully. He reached for her, but pulled away teasingly, raising her hands and spinning around him, while her hips also moved in a circle. He remained stationary, waiting until she gyrated back in front of him, grabbing for her waist, linking their fingers and pulling her rest her back to his chest.

Stepping together, their movements carried an overtly sexual undertone, letting everyone around know that she was his, and he was hers. His heat was rising and gave a soft gasp at the feel of her hand at his crotch. Then he felt a VERY pleasant sensation at his back and it suddenly occurred to him...he was holding Betty's hands. So it couldn't be hers currently trying to jerk him off.

"Guess who," he heard a sultry, throaty voice whisper in his ear before giving a distinctly unmanly yelp at a bite on his ear.


"So how long're you here for?"

"Three days, maybe four." Nancy stated, dipping her head below the water, and flinging it back, pushing hair strands to the side. "I said it was for a possible new deal, so I need to give the impression that it took some time. On that note...just what exactly are you proposing?"

"I'm planning on setting up a...let's say rival party to your own." June sat in Bobs lap at the stairs by the shallow end. She kept her eyes on Nancy that floated nearby, her large breasts resting just above the water enough to let him make out a pinkish nipple. The young man was clearly aroused, and nervous. "Those two I sent you were just a teaser."

"Do tell?"

"As you know I recently acquired this prime piece of real estate. In the process I ran into my current roommate. She's quite the tigress on and off the sheets." June grinned at a poke near her entrance at that statement, shifting around lightly she felt a tremor as he slipped inside her. "Not only that, seems Mags took offense to me and Bobby here having fun together."

"Mags? Well now that's a name I haven't heard in years. Considering your history together I imagine that would've led to some fireworks. Her reputation was on par with yours back in the day." Nancy raised an eyebrow, absently rubbing at one of her breasts. "So...offense as in you two had words...or perhaps something more. Just how much are we talking here?"

"Enough that she didn't mind rolling around with me even while the stud here was present." June stroked Bob's face, the young man trembling. "I'm pretty sure she'd have jumped me again by now except I let her know that that Ruby would get involved. If she wants me, she's gotta go through her...or bring someone to keep her occupied."

"Ruby...that would be this new roommate of yours yes? So where is she tonight? Sounds like quite the catch."

"Sadly Ruby is out at the moment." June's smile turned lecherous, reaching beneath the water to encourage Bob's soft thrusts. "Considering the hour I'm guessing she's with her current paramour. Otherwise she'd have been back long ago."

"Hmmm...pity," Nancy gave Jamie a look then turned back the naked noirrette. Unlike the twin cougars Jamie swam in her underwear. Despite anything else she might engage in, the young woman had a sense of decorum. "Anyone else?"

"One of yours is apparently in the area. Pauline Wan." June replied, encouraging her young lover to take her breasts in his hands. Bob's brain was currently working on overdrive with what was going on around him, trying to keep from showing too much interest in what they were talking about. Instead he focused on the pleasing visuals.

Nancy's boobs, from what he could see, was easily in June's league if not maybe a little bigger. E-cups if he had to guess. The blonde was also of a similar size and build, but after seeing June in action he didn't doubt that there was some muscle under those soft curves. He'd not be averse to finding out.

Off to the side, Jamie flipped over into a backstroke, her covered boobs jiggling lightly with the movement of her arms were also of an impressive size. Double D or perhaps a large D to his expert eyes. They stood out compared to Nancy's due to her slimmer, more trim body. June glanced at him out of the corner of her eye before continuing. "Also, not to brag, but we also have a bit of a legend in the area. Fatima..."

"Simovitch? I know." Nancy nodded. At both Bob and June's surprised look she elaborated. "Seems Pauline's gotten friendly with her daughter. I'm speaking second hand, but from what I've heard Betty managed to beat her in a fight. Seems she made enough of an impression that Paula decided to help her out."

"Betty? Betty Simovich!" June's incredulousness was briefly mirrored on her lover's face, something that Jamie picked up on and filed away for personal reference. "Girl next door, wouldn't hurt a fly, Betty? I find that hard to believe, but perhaps she was just a late bloomer. And what kind of help are we talking?"

"The troublesome kind." Nancy grimaced. "Lola Belle."

"Oh...shit!" Bob gave a pained yelp as June's hands dug in his thighs. Unseen by him, the milf's eyes lit up in excitement. "That's going to be quite the show. Assuming of course Fatima has the same fire she had back in the day."

"Sadly, I'm afraid all we'll be seeing is the fallout. Unless you can convince her join you before Lola comes around." Nancy shot her a shrewd look. "You won't have much time. You know their history. Lola's chomping at the bit since getting word. And once that brat of hers heads back to boarding school..."

"I'm going to try. Believe me." June squirmed excitedly at the prospect. Bob's gasps picked up speed. "So...beyond that. What do you think of my proposition?"

"Oh...that? I was already planning on agreeing." Nancy shrugged, ignoring Jamie's surprised look. "Things have been getting a bit too predictable at the parties. Same old rivalries, same old grudges. Would be fun to point them at some new blood from time to time."

"I see," June squinted and then abruptly rose and fell hard and fast in Bob's lap. The young man's face twitched in surprise and pain, then groaned expressively, falling back into the water as June ground him out. Her face was flushed, staring hard at Nancy. "If that's the case then I'm guessing you came visiting for another reason, yes?"

"Oh yes. I was quite disappointed when you stepped off the stage after getting knocked up." Nancy smiled, slowly approaching June. Stepping into the shallows her upper body rose from the water, breasts swinging gently, shining and nipples lengthening, hardening in the cool night breeze. Reaching behind her back, she undid her hair from the severe bun, letting it fall loosely all the way down to her well rounded rear. "Then I get your video and message about you getting back into the game. It's been far too long since you and I slung tits, wouldn't you agree?"

"Oh definitely. "June licked her lips in anticipation rising off of a spent Bob Newbie, wading across the low water to the blonde, breasts brushing together lightly. To Bob's dazed eyes Nancy's definitely had more hang, weight to them, but that could also be due to them being longer than June's. His lovers' pair were, by comparison, fuller and more rounded. "Far too long."

"Really?" Jamie complained. "Then why the hell did I have to come along? I could've been..."

"You came because you wanted to and because I needed you to." Nancy retorted, her eyes never leaving June. The brunette smiled as the blonde caressed her massive breasts, gently bouncing them in her hands. "We still need to test this...Ruby...out as well."

"Darling, Ruby tests out all the way." June reciprocated Nancy's touch, fingers flowing over and under her fellow cougar's knockers. Fondling each other carefully, June licked her lips in anticipation, running them along the woman's cheek until her moist lips touched Nancy's ear, whispering. "I should know. Though I suppose your girl has met all the criteria as well. She looks eminently fuckable."

"You have no idea dearie." Nancy retorted huskily, arms going around June's waist, pulling the dark haired woman close. She nibbled at the raven haired woman's mouth. "I just hope this Ruby can give her a proper show."

"Shit, shit, shit, shit..." Bob's eyes were wide at the two cougar's grinding their breasts and hairy mounds together, planting kisses and gentle bites across faces and shoulders. The stare from the hot blonde floating across from him only made things worse. Just what the hell had he blundered into this time. And would he be allowed to stay and watch. "Please, please, please..."

There was a startled grunt. June held Nancy tight, pulling on the blonde milf's waist. Nancy lowered her head, and stared up at June through her lashes, arms moving up to under the dark haired mature's pits. June gasped at the sudden increase in pressure, both sharing a wide, eager smile. "Original stakes?" June panted.

"Oh yes, darling." Nancy gasped, locking her arms around June's meaty body.

Bearhugs tightened, legs stiffened and they began grinding their massive mammaries together feverishly. Bob immediately sat up in aching arousal and Jamie swam closer in interest. Straight up grinding was something typically left for the end, with the confident woman, pulling the other into a hug intending to end it in style. Usually women would fight with their tits beforehand, to soften and weaken the glands before going in for the kill. So either they were both just that confident or...judging by the moans...just that hot for each other.

Before she could decide, a signal must've passed between them as they released each other simultaneously and stepped back.


Bob jumped and Jamie gasped in surprise. She'd not seen the set up, or even the swing. Both cougars merely grimaced as their breasts bounced roughly on their chests and then, before Jamie could even register what had happened, the air between the two was filled with their large orbs smashing together rapidly in blows too accurate to be random. Swelling in excitement the taut flesh clapped together brutally and repeatedly, staggering both older woman, but the quickly came back, with boobs swinging.


Max grunted at the sting of sweat on his back in the fresh scratches Ruby left there. He had no feeling of time though, in the back of his mind, he was aware how much darker it was getting. Not that it mattered. The only thing the muscular young man cared about was the soft bodied, wildly gyrating, screaming woman he kept pinned under him in the backseat of his Lemon. Her trembling snatch squeezed, grabbed and massaged around his dick in manners that tested his control. His member ached at the amount of times it had unloaded into the wild redhead, the intense pleasure making the young man whimper. He didn't want it to stop. Not yet.

Ruby moaned at steady, impaling thrusts from her younger lover, the intense pleasure making her gnaw on his shoulder. Her legs were locked firmly around his waist and she dragged her nails down his body to jab into his butt. He got the message and sped up his motions slightly, making the redhead cling to him even tighter. She grabbed at him with her inner muscles, clamping down on the invading length in manners that them both whimpering. She turned her head to the side, licking at his face until he twisted his neck, sucking on the pink organ until their lips met.

Max groaned. Ruby panted. Lips pulled away with an explosive gasp and Ruby suddenly began to whimper with increasing frequency. But Max's grunts also took on a frantic edge and his thrusts sped up until he was pounding away with no other thought than to drive his climax before him. Ruby's ankles unlocked, legs waving wildly, kicking at the roof and windows in her pleasure maddened state. The end was here and it was merely a matter of which would succumb first.

Max stiffened, giving a cry that barely sounded human, hips jerking in time with a pulsing spray that fired deep into Ruby's sore snatch. Barely seconds after the lush redhead screamed and screamed again, the contractions of her pussy matching Max's spray almost perfectly. The young man gave a croaking groan at the sensation, pumping...pumping until he gave one final hard thrust, dick throbbing strongly again.

Ruby felt the final rush of Max's essence distantly, her own orgasm tearing through the young woman. She couldn't speak, couldn't scream or even breath. It felt like she was having a stroke until, finally, she could breath again. Gulping down air like a fish the redhead felt sparks of pleasure working up her spine as she held Max tightly, both of their breathing slowly steadying. "That were..."

"Amazing?" Max finished, voice unsteady. Moving slowly, tiredly, he sat up, pulling Ruby with him. Just as carefully, Ruby maneuvered herself off of Max, prick re-appearing with a disgusting POP and a rush of fluid down her leg. Side by side they sat quietly, breathing heavily. "Guess I was wrong, could top the last one."

Ruby chuckled shakily, leaning her head back, entire body sore. Then she her hand moved, extending a finger to gently caress to top of his cock. Max groaned, his dick jumping at the touch. "Don't think I've ever seen you this small." She murmured, wrapping her hand around the sticky organ. "Still bigger than any I've seen. You have quite the toy here."

"Keep that up and you might end up breaking it." Max warned. He could get used to this. It was a novelty for him to finally find a woman that could keep up. "Though if it was you, I don't think I'd mind."

"Remember what I first told you." Ruby growled, giving his dick a squeeze. Max grunted, then grabbed a breast, pinching a stiff nipple. He gave her that same challenging stare that had gotten them into this situation in the first place. "I'm the kind of girl you don't take home to mommy."

"And I'm not the kind of guy your daddy wants to meet." Max tweaked the spike between thumb and forefinger, smirking at the twitch on her face. Roughly, he grabbed her head and pulled Ruby into a chewing, tongue twisting kiss. Murmuring threats and obscenities the pair felt their heat increase, both Ruby's nipple and Max's manhood swelling as blood once more gathered there. "Guess that makes us two of a kind."

Groaning, Ruby's hand moved rapidly up and down the fleshy tower Max presented while her muscular young lover shoved two, then three, then four fingers, pumping them furiously into her quivering snatch. Bodies curled closer together, Ruby dragging a clawed hand across his chest. Max responded by reclaiming her breast, pulling it up to his mouth that sucked it in, tongue flicking repeatedly across her nipple.

Finally, Ruby pushed hard at her lover, trying to force him down, but instead was shoved over by a much stronger Max who shoved his swollen length fully into her with a single thrust. Kissing hungrily, Ruby grabbed at him with her cxnt, squeezing hard with muscles strengthened from wrestling with June's snatch. Max gasped at the pressure and glared into the self satisfied green eyes under him, then thrust hard and slow.

"Don't know what you got going on with the Shallow bitch." He growled, loving the anger that sparked across her face. "But by the end of tonight, only this cock'll be enough to satisfy you. No amount of carpet munching will match."

"You're outta your league, muscle jock." Ruby rasped, sweating in lust, legs going around his hips. Only she got to call June a bitch. Time to put this boy in his place. "I'm gonna drain you dry. Then YOU'LL be one crawling to me, BEGGING for a taste."

Anger flickered in Max's eyes and his thrusts sped up, biting Ruby's lips and pulling back to avoid the CLICK of her counter bite. "Max Mc.Dermott doesn't beg for anything. Least of all to fuck some fat titted, big assed ginger thirty something." he grunted. Oh yes...taming Ruby would be a challenge. But it would be most definitely worth it.

"Who the fuck's a thirty something!" Ruby snarled in outrage. "I'm only twenty eight you baby, bitch bastard."

"Well this twenty four year old baby's going pound that pussy of yours till you cry uncle." Max snapped, pushing her arms over her head. "Let's fuck baby!"

"All night long if need be." Ruby promised, meaty legs and talented pussy squeezing his waist as they began to fuck in earnest once more. "Not that it'll take that long."


Jamie scooted herself along the edge of the pool, trying to get a better angle. In thigh deep water, the two fleshy milfs moved from one end of the shallows to the next as they boxed their breasts together in aimed, powerful blows. Their movements generated waves that splashed up on the tiled floor and made her movements troublesome. Finally tiring of the effort, the pulled herself from the water to sit on the edge.

Bob felt himself painfully on edge. Oh, he'd seen his share of catfights. Hell it was a matter of pride that he'd been the cause of more than a couple, but as hot as those had been it was nothing compared to this. The impacts of those large orbs set sections of their anatomies jiggling in manners most pleasing. It was something of a liquid sound he realized, the full, firm bags of flesh sloshing together before flying back. The breathy grunts and soft moans from the two women at those impacts had his erection ready to blow at the slightest touch.

Both June and Nancy however had forgotten about their audience. In the dim illumination of the pool lights the bosomy, voluptuous matures gasped deeply, pounding the heavy glands together ferociously. But despite the darkening of the orbs, despite the clear pain both experienced each time they swung those firm teats, both bore joyous smiles on their faces.

June could scarcely contain her excitement even as she winced at a powerful thrusting blow from Nancy. The woman had been her first rival and the two had fought and fucked with equal energy. Arching her body slightly, the noirette got a little extra force behind her swings, the busty blonde's breathy squeals making her nipples swell painfully. Despite the chill of the air and water, she felt herself begin to sweat, increasing the power of her swings even more.

Nancy felt her nipples stiffen into sharp spikes at the aching blows June hammered into her. Those melons of hers were still as big and firm as she remembered. Both from fighting and playing with. A short smile turned into a grimace as she felt herself beaten back by the dark haired milf. Gritting her teeth, Nancy swung from the hips, slamming June's boob at an angle and sending it flopping against her shoulder.

Jamie fondled her breasts at June's sharp cry. Now Nancy advanced, elation open on her face, swinging her tits viciously against June's, the waves from their conflict sloshing over the edge and onto the tiled floor. Step by step the blonde beat the whining brunette back, boobs slapping and squashing together. Then she missed her timing and June's breasts gave a stinging WHACK against the outside of her swelling mammaries. With a yelp she attempted to recapture their rhythm, but all she accomplished was their boobs spearing together nipple to nipple, instead of beating against the inside.

The feel of the sharp spikes, pressing together, or sliding against one another had the already horny matures panting as they stood toe to toe, face to face barely a meter away from Bob's position. Finally June gave a hoarse groan, grabbing Nancy and pulling them together. Even while their breasts squashed thickly, spreading out to bulge over their arms, the dark haired cougar pulled the blonde into a fierce, chewing kiss that she returned with equal fervor.

The waves picked up as their lower regions began pumping together with increasing vigor, spinning quickly, slowly drifting away from the staircase. The water moved over their bellies, then kissed the underside of their boobs, still squashed together, while their gasps and moans only increased in intensity.

Then they were gone.

Jamie blinked at the sudden disappearance then realized what had happened. They'd gone over the lip that separated the shallow from the deep end. Even as Bob started moving their heads re-emerged, slicked back yellow and black hair hiding their faces, gasping for breath before Nancy's head shot forward to reclaim June's lips, forcing them back under. After over a minute they came back up again sucking in air, before going back under. Two more times this happened and Jamie, now curious, dove in and under. Through blurry vision she watched as the coiled matures rocked and rolled together, lips and breasts remaining plastered together, while their hips and asses pumped with impressive force considering the water resistance.

Sitting on the lip she watched as they shot up for more air before coming back down, this time June the one doing the pushing. She went back up once herself in time with another of theirs, dropping back down in tandem. But this time something different happened. Coming down  she spotted a slight discoloration as they sank slowly to the floor and Nancy suddenly gave up the kiss, bubbles flying out of her open mouth and she tried to pull away.

June, however hung on like a leech, and kicked her long legs powerfully, pushing them against pool wall, making their way back up. Once they broke the surface June kept Nancy pinned, thrusting hard until the full bodied blonde gave a choking cry, squirming wildly, before relaxing. "Don't you dare stop!" June shouted deliriously, still thrusting. "I need to come to!"

Jamie watched in shock as her friend traded kisses and bites with the curvy noirette until both, this time, arched squealing in delight and relief while crushing their bodies together further. As the cries faded Jamie heard a soft groan and spun around to catch Bob's dazed look as the young man finally reached his limit.

Then came the laughter.

Her head whipped back around to catch June and Nancy laughing easily, relaxing with June running a long pink tongue up Nancy's face, while the blonde bit her chin teasingly. Making out almost tenderly, they remained stationary as moist smacking sounds filled the air until, finally, they released one another began swimming languorously back towards the shallow end. "God...I forgot what it was like fucking you." Nancy panted, breathing heavily. "I almost feel tempted to suggest we just head for your bedroom."

"Ditto, darling," June replied in a hitching tone. "But all in good time. I still need to flatten those delectable sacks of yours. For old times sake."

"Honey, the only sacks getting squashed tonight are yours." Nancy replied good naturedly, jumping lightly as her feet touched the floor, twisting her body around so she was moving away from June. "Then you're all mine for the foreseeable future."

"Uh uh uh." June waggled her fingers, boobs and taut stomach gradually reappearing as the water level got lower. Once it barely covered their asses Nancy stopped, waiting for June who stopped, just out of range, nipples quivering. "It was nightly. After I pound your tits and pussy to mush tonight I'm willing to squash you again for tomorrow night."

With a fierce groan, the cougars shoved themselves together, arms going around necks, banging their breasts together like pairs of fleshy drums. Fondling her own breasts anew, Jamie trembled the two kissed again furiously as they moved into a grind, then started slamming together as their lips came apart. Glancing across at her fellow spectator, she did a double take at a small island between his submerged legs. Well...she thought, quietly sliding into and under the water. No point in letting a good thing go to waste.

Bob Newbie's mind was currently on an extended vacation. It had been awhile since he'd been forced to get himself off, but he didn't think it had ever been that hard before. And still the two fleshy sexpots squirmed and gyrated back and forth before him, his dick jumping each time he saw them make out as much as when they resumed banging those melons he wanted to get his hands on. Then he felt a pressure around his dick that wasn't his hand. Looking down lazily he found himself staring into a pair of blue eyes surround by a mass of yellow hair that floated around them. Head rising, Jamie pressed a finger to smiling lips, slowly removing her wet bra. His dazed expression barely moved at what spilled out and he settled down comfortably as Jamie moved back and forth, his engorged cock trapped between the swaying mounds.

"Oh yeah..."Nancy groaned, grinding her boobs energetically against June's. "Feel that Juney. Feels like summer 89. When I knocked your ass into the mud on the farm with my Ds."

"Yeah?" June feverishly battered her breasts against Nancy's, rotating her body to rapidly beat them together. "Feels more like the craftworks cabin, summer camp 92. Remember how you begged me to make you cum, Nan? After I smashed you with my double Ds."

"i remember how close we came to being caught cause of how loud I made you scream." The blonde grunted in irritation at the noirrette's repeated ramming attacks, squeezing her arms tighter. She gave a fierce grin at the wince on June's face, the curvy milf's arms also pulling into a grind to offset the lack of striking. She licked at the water and sweat running down June's face. "C'mon baby...just give up. You know my top titties will grind yours to mush."

"Funny. Feels to me like I'm squashing those overgrown sacks of yours." June gritted, rising onto her toes and pushing hard against Nancy. She smiled at the discomfited expression that ran across the blonde's face, rubbing their noses together.

"Don't be jealous," Nancy whispered. "My boobs were always bigger and better."

"Floppier maybe," June murmured. "Never better."

Despite their taunts, despite the squeezing of their strong arms and the mashing of their large breasts neither woman was able to gain an advantage. Minutes passed and the only that had changed was their grunts became louder and fiercer and they were feeling exquisitely horny. The slickness of the breasts only added to the sensations and had the two milfs wild with lust for each other. June pumped at Nancy, slapping the slight paunch of their bellies together.

The movement set their titflesh jiggling as well, the noirette's orbs moving against the blonde's heavily, though they also gave up some ground as the proud flesh spread outwards against their arms. Nancy gasped, slamming her hefty breasts back into June's boobs with a meaty THUD, garnering a sharp cry from the rival mature that startled her.

"Uuuhhhhh..." June groaned. Her eyes then widened, panic flashing, and her grip loosened for a split second.

"Oh yes..." Nancy whispered silkily, straining hard and shoving a long leg through June's as she steadily walked the woman back. June resisted gamely, their curls mingling as she shoved back against the blonde, but slowly and surely Nancy's rack began displacing her own. Her back touched the pool wall and the blonde brought her face close to her raven haired rival's, their breath hot against the chill. "Boobs were amazing as I remember. But mine were better, weren't they Juney."

"Ooohh...fuckkkkk..." June moaned longingly, still grinding her thick tits against Nancy's firm pair with impressive energy. The business mogul sighed and matched her efforts with equal vigor, increasing the pressure between their massive, warring chests. Then June gasped again, and seemed to sink below the blonde.

"You still got it Juney," Nancy whispered, lowering her head to suck at the wide-eyed noirette's neck. June's bust now rested noticeably lower in the water, while Nancy's floated proudly and triumphantly. "If I'd been out of practice as well you might've beaten me. you want me to finish this...or do you want to go to bed?'

"Be...bed..." June swallowed, the shock of her loss overridden by a desperate need to get Nancy on the bed. "You got me Nan...this time."

"And don't you" The matures raised their heads at a heartfelt groan, twisting around. On the tiles surrounding the pool, Jamie bounced roughly on Bob's waist, head thrown back, the young man tugging urgently at her hips, mouth wide open. "Looks like the kids've already gotten started. You don't mind?"

"Course not." June gave a tired grin, as they released, holding each other's hand as they rose out of the water. She shot the couple a look and cleared her throat. She was amused by the lack of shame in their eyes as they looked at her. "The spare bedroom doesn't have a bathroom, so I'd recommend you shower before heading inside."

They didn't bother waiting to see if her words were heeded, naked hips swaying, moving inside. But Nancy did glance behind her to catch a wink from Jamie, Bob pounding away at her from behind. She turned back to find June, extending an arm at the staircase. Accepting the hand the matures shared a smoldering look of promise. It was going to be a very long night.


Elsewhere another long night was already ongoing. Dripping with sweat, panting and gasping, Ruby and Max pumped and thrust determinedly into one another. Legs criss-crossing they glared unflinchingly in each other's eyes, supported by their arms as their movements had their asses rising off the seat.

"Gonna break it!" Ruby threatened, squeezing hard with her inner muscles, fighting to keep the awe off her face. How the fuck was he still so damn big. "I swear. You're gonna need help after I'm done to get it up again!"

"You talk an awful lot!" Max grunted, pushing against her, the sweat and cum soaked vinyl slippery. His bad overworked dick ached, but the pain was still tolerable. "After I'm done reaming your pussy I'll put that mouth of yours to better use!"

Cursing and sweating, their scissored genitals radiating both pain and pleasure, the competitive lovers kept moving together, a new rivalry developing. Ruby panted, clawing at the inside of his thigh. Max gritted his teeth, reaching across to cup a wildly bouncing breast. They were going to settle this issue tonight, both swore, the car windows already fogged over. Even if they hadn't been neither would've noticed the black car that drove up, then backed out at Ruby's exultant scream, shortly after followed by Max's hoarse bellow.


Betty couldn't hide the small smile on her face as she reversed onto the highway. She wished she knew who's car that was. The way it had been shaking whoever it was definitely enjoying themselves. Speaking of which, she gave a small chuckle at the rapid squeaking of the leather seats and the cries and moans in two, decidedly different, pitches. Shifting into third gear, she kept the pace steady to allow them more time.

To allow Brian more time with his present.

In the backseat Brian Saul and Pauline Wan rocked in joyous copulation, their cries of enjoyment muffled by each other's lips as they were overwhelmed. Panting, pausing only to catch their breath, the seat squelched as they shifted positions, Pauline bouncing wildly on his rod, rapidly bobbing breasts held in his hands.

"Happy birthday Bri," the Japanese woman gasped, smiling at Betty's reflection in the rearview mirror.



Offline Augur

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Re: A Sim's Tale #6
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2023, 05:58:58 PM »
An excellent addition to the saga! While Nancy's big vintage rack does seem to have some sag to them, she's clearly not lacking in density, being so eager to match her tits against June's in a close grind, right from the get-go. Will be interesting to see how those mammoth jugs fare against younger competition - though one might assume Nancy's sidekick Jamie has already gotten her firm boobs worked over by the older blonde, lol.

Also, curious to read about the conclusion of the 'intergender sexfighting contest' between a certain buxom redhead and her hung lover-boy stud. Both appear determine to tame the other, but only one can succeed... unless there's a draw, of course!  ;D
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

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