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Chapter 2 A Few Changes Make Things Intense (Pam mothers champ)

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Chapter 2 A Few Changes Make Things Intense (Pam mothers champ)
« on: November 19, 2023, 12:49:20 PM »

Chapter 2

A Few Changes to make things intense

Pam never wanted to be a champ of a club or an organization, or expected to be , but now that she devoured this groups top fighter she was going to enjoy being the top mother cat.

Pams first change and the biggest was every mother who wanted to fight another mother was to bring her baby to the club and after a win publicly nurse the losers baby and her own.

Another change was every mother ready to fight, looking to fight or here for a fight was to bring her bra, but wear very revealing dresses or blouses, it was a way to be sure more equal women fought others close to or their own cup size.

Like anything these changes weren’t instantly welcomed, but if they wanted to go on coming here they had to learn to adopt to them or not be allowed in. Pam and Mark sat at the far end of the bar every weekend, Pam always wore a sexy V cut mini dress that showed her laden firm breasts . Her hair and make up were perfect as well.

Many of those who witnessed the fight that put Pam in her top spot, had no intentions of challenging her, but a few of the jealous mothers were looking for other mothers that could.

Pam didn’t mind the walk ins or others bringing fighters here, after all its how she got here.
As she and Mark watch , the fights here are becoming so much ore intense with the addition of the winner nursing losers baby as all watch.

One Saturday night as Pam took up her place at the bars end, she wasn’t expecting to be challenged , but one was coming all the same. One of the regulars brought a challenger, a mother named Janice. Janice was 5’8” 139 and every bit Pam’s equal.

Sporting a 36F-26-36 figure and veiny milk laden firm round breasts, her aureolas were wider and her nipples were more thin. As Pam sips a drink wearing a sexy white mini dress that hugged her body tightly, her own milk laden breasts swelling and threatening  the dresses thin straps and V cut opening. Her matching bra in her purse a she her thick nipples and 3” aureolas tent the thin material.

When Janice was escorted in , her eyes instantly went to the clear enclosed ring, where two busty mothers were going at it tit to tit. Her smile indicated she liked what she saw already, wearing a peach mini dress the V cut an over lap criss cross style. The straps a bit thicker but every bit as strained from her heavy laden firm breasts.

Like all Janice was told to go braless and bring a bra, she did a bit excited over the prospect of why. She was told what she was walking into and who she should look for and see if she wanted to fight her.

Pam took notice and the woman pointed Pam out to her, but Janice not wanting to seem to anxious, just nodded and looked back at Pam briefly then back at the fight going on.

Pam inhaled and raised a brow, she was, both slightly insulted and yet felt more confident that this woman was maybe worried when she saw the champion. Mark noticed the brief stare as well, he leaned to his wife, “think she is looking for a fight ?”. Pam licked her lips as her husband rocked the baby slowly, the woman who brought an in took her baby for her.

All the mothers not fighting were obligated to watch the fighters babies till the fight was over , so no mother had to worry. Pam notices the hand off and purrs to Mark, “ i think she came looking for a fight  honey, mind sitting on my other side with our daughter so she and i can chat “.

Mar stands and moves to the other side leaving a seat open beside Pam, Jan glances over again and sees the seat has been made available. She nods to herself then watches the current fight become slower as the two mothers clinch tightly and as they crush together try to rest as they grind breasts.

Jan leans to her friend and then the two women slowly walk along the bar toward Pam. Pam sits up more and purrs to her husband, “here we go “. Jan reaches Pam and eases on the bar stool beside her, she takes a moment to look at the  fight then orders a drink.

Pam knows the game this woman is acting disrespectful on purpose and is hoping Pam will break the ice . It s a simple yet psychological little way to make Pam look worried or jealous of her .  But Pam knows this game all to well, she patiently waits sipping her own drink and acting as if Jan is no one to be concerned over, a much bigger insult and mind game.

As the two fighters in the ring are now freely dragging and smearing again, Jan in a moaning purr says loudly , “nmm i so am ready to devour a bitch just that way”. Pam smirks and purrs back, “thats pretty bold talk considering the company in this bar honey.”
Now Janice has to give Pam her due, she looks at Pam, and both their eyes lock. Jan then gives a look to the bulging side breast in that thin dress of Pam’s. Pam knows it an arches up in her seat to show it fully, Jan then arches in her seat as Pam has a need to compare.

Finally Jan says “well other than these women who are in the H an fuller class, “i don’t see any other mother here i couldn’t match or beat if i had to fight, do you honestly ?”. Pam is feeling her jealous blood boil at the insult then with a fake smile , “well you might need glasses then honey, cause i know of one that not only will give you a fight , but has a good chance of crushing you and milking you “.

Jan breathes in, “care to point her out or bring her to me?”. Pam stands up smoothed her dress then sits back down and says “you found her , right here in front of you.”

Jan then inhales and both women turn the stools to look at each other, they instantly glare into others deep veiny cleavage then slowly lock eyes again. Jan gives a look of disapproval, as does Pam, then Pam asks , “i hope you brought your baby and a bra cause when mothers fight here we fight for milk, bras and nursing the children, its high stakes so only a real mother and woman accepts them.”

Jan swallows slowly , “well i am sure you know the woman behind me, she as my baby, and as for bra her you go”. Jan then eases her bra from her purse an lays it in front of Pam, “ will that due honey?”.

Pam breathes in as she says, “well see the man behind me ? He has my baby and for my bra here you go sugar”. Pam produces her bra in same way then lays it in front of Jan. The two admire the custom bras and fine material.

Jan then looks at Pam, “well i see the fight area is a little busy, so while we wait mind if we compare a bit?.’’  Pam now knows Jan is no rookie to this and has fought before, she eases her drink aside as does Jan then both straighten their upper bodies for the other.

Pam softly says, “well i would love to, you want me to spread that lovely dress top, or you care to?”. Jan wanting to get in Pam’s head purrs back, “why don’t we not worry about all that and we can just reach inside and let our hands take care of the rest hmm?”.

Pam rather not have her dress stretched anymore but she certainly isn’t letting some walk in make her feel nervous . Pam takes a breath in, “well then be my guest “. Jan licks her lips as Pam isn’t falling for her ploy, she says back, “ok then be my guest as well and lets discuss this as we do”.

As the fight is going on and there are many glued to it, slowly women seeing whats about to take place slowly begin to look to the bar. As they do Jan and Pam push at others breasts through the dresses then Jan forces her hand inside Pam’s left side then right side and deeply and roughly grabs hold and starts to massage and lift Pam’s bust.

Pam licks her lips as she mimics the move to Jan’s breasts and the two mothers sit and grope others breasts with jealousy and dislike for each other.  Both women continue the kneading and groping , each pinching others nipples as they do.

Finally both groan at the others grasp, Pam moans “uuhhnn mmfff feel how full and firm and heavy mine are ?”. Jan groans back, “uwww ohh nmm i do but i doubt yours are as full, firm and laden heavy as my own are “.

They continue as Jan asks “so you just fight tit to tit honey?”. Pam replies as they both purse their lips at the groping, “oh sugar this is a fight club for Mothers and i am the top Mother, if you want to fight me any other way just ask, i am happy to oblige “.

Jan rolls her shoulders as they deeply continue, “as a matter of fact i do want to fight you more than tit to tit, why don’t you and i agree to hands on, and then tit to tit  hmm Ms champ?”.

Pam glares at her rival with a smirk , her brow lifts as she moans back, “i would love to, as long as you agree to stakes for each one of those “.

Jan now pulls on Pam’s breasts and Pam does it right back, “i agree , name them “. Pam and Jan are slowly huffing heavier breaths, Pam swallows “wonderful, for the first round loser worships winners tits and for the  final round loser is milked and her baby nursed by winner, that is if your mother enough of course”.

Jan gives Pam’s breasts a twist, “i accept “. Pam twists her rivals right back, “you satisfied my tits are a challenge or you want something else sugar “. As Jan eases her hands from the dress top Pam spreads it exposing her nipples and arches proudly.

Jan clearly sees what it is and she lowers her face closer to Pam’s exposed nipples then before latching on asks, “how long on each one honey?”. Pam clears her throat 2 minutes my husband will put his phone timer on the bar, by the way if you go past the time or bite to hard I’ll claw your eyes understand ?”.

Jan winks and leans in then her lips kiss the aureola of Pam’s right breast, her tongue traces it till she runs it along Pam’s shaft then her lips kiss the tip and finally Pam says “go”.

Jan’s mouth swallows the stiff nipple and is sucking with vigor, teeth saw and nibble but no damage, her lips and tongue sucking as her head tilts side to side, and bobs back and forth.

Pam closes her eyes at the sensation, “uuhnn more sugar make it worth my time.” Jan hears the plea and obliges Pam. Her hands grip Pams shoulders and she presses her mouth against the nipple, aureola and breast meat sucking  so fully and hard she nearly lifts from her seat.

Her hot mouth working at Pam’s breast like a starving baby, Pam can’t watch as she feels the sensation Jan gives her , “ohhh nmmm that your best sugar nmmm “. Jan pays no attention , she knows Pam is feeling this and she presses closer to Pam. Her warm saliva drooling on the round breasts upper underside.

Pam holds her dress wide so her rivals access is undisturbed, as Pam squirms a bit Mark calls it , “time “ as the phones timer goes off, Jan slides her lips along the nipple stretching it till it settle pops free.

Pam glare as Jan sits back in her seat and releases her rivals shoulders then spreads her dress top, “well you think you can handle it ?”. Mark resets the timer and Pam lowers her face and leans to the waiting nipples of Jan, she hisses to Jan , “try not to moan to loud sugar “.

Her lips kiss the aureola and before Jan can realize it Mark says “go” and Pam locks her lips on Jan’s aureola and is sucking wildly as if there were only seconds left. Jan tilts her head a bit , her lips part, “uwww ohh harder honey i am here to fight remember “.

Pam happily obliges and sucks harder as Jan squirms she looks at Pam’s head bobbing along her still nipple. Everything inside her wants to pull her rival off by the hair but she wanted this and has to finish it.

As the seconds run down Jan can feel how much stiffer and swollen her nipple is getting, she huffs to Pam, “make it count Bitch almost out of time”. Pam hears that and starts to saw her teeth lightly on the thick nipple shaft, her tongue flattens on the tip as her lips wet and warm draw on the base.

Jan feels the the teeth work her nipple, they aren’t biting so she can’t complain or try to prevent Pam from going on. All she can do is hiss as she moans, “use those teeth bitch, cause I’ll use mine as hard,nmm almost over then i go”.

Pam now uses the entire nipples length to roll her teeth and lips on it. Jan shutters at the feel, “uuhnn bitch oh my god”. Just then Mark says “TIME”. Pam roughly slides the nipple free of her lips and with a smirk sits up and with her pinky finger , wipes the corners of her mouth.

Jan then pulls her dress closed as Pam is done, Pam makes sure to spread her dress front, she inhales, “lets see what you got Bitch”. Jan wastes no time, once the timers reset she dives her lips on to Pam’s nipple and is working it hard.

Pam licks her lips and her face contorts a bit as Jan is doing the same style Pam did every bit as hard. Pam squirms in her seat, “uuhnnn mff cmon Bitch you can do better than that , can’t you “?.

Jan’s head is tilting and rowing as her teeth, tongue and lips give Pam’s nipple the same working over hers received. Pam is breathing hotter , her eyes drift a bit as she both enjoys this and cringes at the effect.

Jan now eases forward on her stool, her mouth sealed on the nipple as her advance eases Pam to lean back. Pam gets a serious look and one of fear as Jan becomes aggressive, just then Mark calls out “TIME”.  Jan spits the stiff nipple free she glares at Pam, its clear this will be a fight for both.

Jan wipes her mouth “well Bitch we going to fight ?”. Pam a smirk of confidence, “give me one second “. Pam swaggers to the hostess, she tells her to postpone the next titfight she has been challenged to a fight”. The hostess nods and as the fight going on ends, the hostess enters the clear wall ring to hold the winners arm up.

As the fighters exit she then announces the following, “Ladies and the few gentlemen here, the next titfight must be postponed as our house mother champ has been challenged to a two style fight, so without further delay allow me to introduce the challenger , Jan”.

Jan eases off the stool walks over and enters the ring, she swaggers its perimeter then takes her stance in a corner. “Next the latest mother champ, you all watched her devour the last champ, Pam”.

Pam saunters in, she walks the ring , as she passes Jan, Jan says, “your done for”. Pam winks at her “your in for a long night Bitch”, Pam takes position opposite Jan, the hostess stands center ring her fingers beckon both fighters to her.

“Mothers you have chosen a two style fight, what are the rounds please Jan?”. Jan a smile “hands on titfight loser worships winners breasts, and a titfight tit to tit loser gives up bra, milk and her baby nursed by the winner “.
The club all a buzz as the hostess looks at Pam , “Pam you accept all?”. Pam smiles “oh i completely do”. The hostess nods “ok then once the ring door shuts I’ll ring the bell and you two mothers can start your fight, as always no one will break you up till one gives, good luck”.

The hostess exits as the two mothers stand a foot or so apart glaring, the door shuts and the bell rings as the hostess shouts “Mothers FIGHT”.

Pam and Jan glare as both breath heavier, then Jan slowly spreads her dress top and Pam follows suit. They never lose the others stare as they strip off the top half of the dresses, exposing the bras they will put on the line as well.

As each mother adjusts her dress top to hang from her hips they now reach back and start to unclasp their bras for the other. Amid the silence more so in the confines of the ring, each hears the others clasps spring open.

Both have a sly smirk as they start to ease the straps off their shoulders then with no hesitation, both women ease their bra cups off their round veiny breasts, they dangle them in others face then toss them to their corners.

Both women smile in pride as they inhale for the other and then caress their bra indentations out, ending with a pinch on their thick brown stiff nipples. Pam and Jan then widen their thighs and lean forward, till their chins rest on the others shoulder.

Their heavy laden firm breasts way out and down between them, then Jan softly into Pam’s ear, “sure your mother enough for this hands on fight honey?.” Pam in Jan’s ear, “mmm i know i am , i hope all this talk isn’t cause your worried , we ready to fight now?”.

The two busty mothers stand leaning forward their round veiny breasts hang freely between them as they res chins on others shoulder. The single rule for this hands on fight is use hands to tits only. How rough, or deep or even long it goes on is between the fighters.

Both know full well their milk will be pressured to escape during the fight, and will full well carry into the other titfight. But both will risk it to prove to the other and all watching she is the better fighter, woman and mother.

Every one watching is looking on in total silence, this is not just a mother vs mother fight , it will also determine if the club has a new champion or if Pam is more than a lucky fighter.

Both women make sure they ares eat then slowly both reaches up for her rivals hanging breasts. Jan using her cupped palms CLAPS up against Pam’s breasts, her hands let the weighted globes fill her palms and then she shuts her hands tight on both breasts and starts to knead, grope and squeeze as she tugs down on both breasts.

Pam feels the tight grip, “uuwww nmmm massage my tits honey harder “. Jan a smirk positive Pam feels her hard grip, “oh lets not play that game bitch you feel this and you know it”.

Pam smirks as she then brings her palms at Jan’s breasts but she tilts her palms slightly so the heel of her palms touch her rivals breasts first. Jan thinking as she kneads Pam’s , the mutual move is about to begin, instead Pam slams the heel of her palms up into Jan’s breasts with a solid SMACK.

Jan grunts , “uuugghhh bitch”. Pam then presses her rivals breasts up at her chest and now gathers the mass in her hands and starts to knead and squeeze and twist the mass. Pam hisses in Jan’s ear, “i am not playing any games bitch , i am here to ruin your tits , now fight “.

With Pams taunt both mothers increase the level of strength they use on the others breasts. The crowd watches both mothers pull, squeeze, twist , tug slap, smack and over all deepen their fingers grip and hold.

The two mothers breath heavier and already start to grunt as each uses her rivals breasts as if kneading thick dough, all their finger strength digging into fleshy breasts only to pull and tug on it in order to grip on again harder.

Their breasts almost instantly turn red as they stand still, only their hips and hands and breasts moving . Pam presses her cheek to Jan’s, her mouth runs along her rivals ear as she hisses in to it, “ohh you fucking bitch i am going to twist your tits into a new shape “. Jan snorting her hiss, “your a big talker to bad you can’t fight as good, I’ll hurt your tits so bad you will never wear a bra again or nurse from them”.

They continue to torture one another each time faces and breasts get redder and their breasts swell nearly double in size from abuse as black and blue and some purple blotting surfaces.

As they both grunt in pain and deep aches, slowly the off white drops start to form at their thick nipples. Both mothers feel it but try to deny the flow sad if they can with their rival working their tits so deeply, and with jealous hate.

They both feel their fingers get moist as their tits start to glisten from the milky residue being coated over their breasts by their prying fingers. Pam arches her back a bit as Jan has a twisting squeeze on her tits, she cringes at the pain as they pulled elongated. “Uuughhh you Bitch my tits.”

Jan hears the effect of her skilled yet savage grip, “Give you cow or I’ll milk you dry right here “. Pam slides her face along Jans shoulder , till her forehead rests where her chin was. She now can see her own breasts glisten in her milk as Jans hands are twisting and squeezing and kneading with power.

Pam tilting her head side to side on Jans shoulder, “uuuugghhh ohhh you Bitch fucking Bitch my tits “. Every reply of pain has Jan working the champs tits harder and deeper , “Give you Bitch now I’ll yank them off”.

Pam shifts her stance , her legs a bit wobbly, she is starting to breath heavier and almost every panting breath has a sign of pain in it. Women watching the duel are wide eye and now seem to be favoring Jan as the soon to be new champion.

Sweating as they viciously tug milk from the others tits Pam is gulping she needs to break Jan’s steady rhythm or she knows she will fall soon. The two mothers are huffing and hurting but it is clear as of now Jan is hurting the current champ badly.

Pam finally feeling her fights all but drained cups the right tit of Jan and using her left hand balls a fist and slams it into the full round veiny right tit of Jan. The dense yet solid THWACK of the knuckles hitting the full dense globe is heard about the club, as is Jans cry in agony.

Jans knees buckle and her head rears off Pam’s shoulder only to drop down again and her forehead now at recast on Pam’s shoulder. Her cry made it clear her rival hurt her, “Awwww my tit you fuming Bitch ohh god damn you !!”.

Pam knowing she hurt her rival deep, now taunts back, “can’t take it bitch then give or shut up and fight “.  Jan a little pink in the face from the blow growls “oh you bitch you wanna get dirty lets get it on”.
The two mothers now stutter step bent at the waists as they continue to pull at breasts like it was taffy, but now the added slapping and occasional punch is delivered to add to the savage hands on titfight.

Both mothers are weak kneed now and seem to rely on each other’s shoulders to keep them standing. Milk now starts to drip with no help from their hands torturous abuse, the sound of wet fists striking breast meat rings out.

Pam starts to walk her rival backward , looking to get her to a corner and really hurt her tits, Jan unsure where she is in the ring tries to side step to avoid anything. Then finally as both mothers are ready to fall, Jan grabs both of PM’s breasts , pulls down on them elongating them , then with one hand holds both breasts by the nipples and suddenly starts to punch at Pam’s captive breasts.

Jan swinging freely now, “cmon Bitch take it , your mine Bitch got it”. Pam winces and lifts her head to scream, “Awwww Awww my tits oh you bitch stop!”. But Jan is here. For a fight, she uses her advantage to plow Pam back into a corner , once there Jan lifts her head and starts to use both hands to deliver her blows to the hanging tits of Pam.

It doesn’t take many more hits Pam screams out again, “MY TITS YOU cxnt I GIVE STOP!!!”. Before Jan can stop Pam pulls her arms over her tits and falls on her knees in front of Jan.

Jan breathing heavy, face and tits red holds up both arms over head and shakes her sore swollen tits at the women of the club. Pam on her knees cradles her tits and her tears are hidden by her sweat.

Jan after a proud victory stroll about the plastic walled ring, steps to Pam, yanks her head up to look up, then slowly goes to her knees . She uses Pams hair to pull her face into her sweaty , milk coated red tits. “Now you weak Bitch worship my tits “.

Pam still cradling her own tilts her head up more and slowly begins to lick and suck and kiss Jan’s tits. Jan a smile watches her rival worship her tits and thick stiff nipples, “nmmm yesss more Bitch or I’ll punch your weak tits again”.

Pam sore and not wanting to have her proud tits anymore does asShe is told, the next round will show these other mothers why she deserves to be the champ. Her mouth with saliva dripping works her rivals tits and stiff nipples, the off white milk running from her mouth onto her own tits.

Finally Jan push’s Pam’s face off her breasts, she stands up smiling, though her breasts are as red and swollen and bruised as Pam’s. She tries to not show the pain , but as they sway side to side she is forced to cradle them like Pam.

The hostess steps into the walled ring and cause time for both mothers to take a few minutes to recover, before going tit to tit for it all. As both step from the ring they are handed ice cold towels to place on their breasts, to help ease the swelling and bruising .

Both of these warrior mothers take a seat at the bar , but this time they are being kept separated so no alterations break out before the main event. Both Pam and Jan sit with robes on and the towels cooling their hurt breasts, the ache deep in their breasts is beyond painful, but the cool towels are helping as both enjoy a couple good drinks.

Neither stares nor says a word, the fight they just had was nothing more than a rough competition, the titfight they are about to have will be the true test, even more so with both having hurt breasts.

After a good 45 minute rest, both Mothers are asked if they are ready to continue, with a deep inhale both nod and say they are ready to fight. First Pam then Jan stand up and follow the hostess to the ring entrance.

Pam saunters in and takes her corner , she tosses the cold towels out then her robe. Jan then enters and does the same, both mothers arch displaying their proud tits , and many women wince at the bruising they see on both mothers.

The hostess a smile announces, “Ladies , it is time for the main event, a tit to tit fight for the title of champion mother here at the club. Pam our current champ vs. Jan the challenger. As you all know the loser will lose her bra, be milked , either face sat or breast smothered or both, and worse of all her baby nursed by the winner as we all watch. So with out any more delay both mothers have agreed they are ready to go on , so Mothers …FIGHT.”

The hostess steps clear and shuts the ring door, Pam and Jan just glare a moment, they see their rivals breasts are both hurt but still firmly stand out for real fight. Both inhale as they set their hands on their heads then slowly start towards the other at center ring.

Just before making contact the two mothers with breasts out ready for a fight, pause and circle . Their shoulders bump as they turn as one, Jan softly hisses to Pam, “you think our last fight hurt , honey in your for a new level of agony”. Pam snorts back, “you talk a big game sugar , but i here i am standing face to face ready to fight. So either start, or leave my ring, cause till you beat me tit to tit , mother vs mother  your just another cow looking to be something she is not.”

Jan sneers as she knows the last round meant nothing other than to hopefully hurt Pam enough she beats her for the title. Both women stop the circling and square to each other, their round veiny heavy wet breasts bump slightly, then their dark pink stiff nipples touch, bend a bit then suddenly “FLICK” past the other pair.

Both mothers make a slight moan at the arousal of the touch,but they aren’t here for a nipple duel. As they inhale and tighten their chests, both mothers push their swollen tits together.

The CLOP rings out letting all know the fight has started, both mothers tilt their heads back , looking up they both grunt at the contact and the start of the fight.  With no cheering needed Pam’s nod Jan slowly begin to drag their heavy firm laden breasts side too side across the opposing pair.

The feeling of their breasts in contact is both arousing and painful, but neither tries to pull back or make an adjustment. Instead the two mothers stand toe to toe and drag firmer and a bit faster.

Pam and Jan start to huff right away, “mmfff mfff cmon bitch”, “uuuhhnn uhnnn oohhh waiting on you bitch fight my tits”. They know the taunts are just a feeble way to make thier minds weak , but as they hear the taunts both mothers now start to drag then pump into each other.

Their still laden breasts ring out the fleshy CLOPS , over and over again. Slowly coupled with grunts of both pain and the effect of the collisions.

Slowly but gaining momentum, the two busty mothers start to pant as they thrust their breasts head on into the others. Their proud swollen bruised breasts once again start to leak their prize milk.

As their breasts now SPLAT head on together, milk is knocked from their thick nipples. The ritual duel goes on , then it is Jan who wants to make Pam hurt again. Jan collides head on then instead of rearing back again she waits till Pam eases back and shoves her breasts at the outer breast wall of Pam’s right breast.

Jan forces both her firm heavy breasts to crush agains the rounded side wall and shove the right breast into Pam’s sister left breast. The wet clap rings out , Pam cringes as she feels the deep pain from earlier remind her she’s hurt.

Jan feels little resistance from her rival so she presses firmer then pulls her breasts slow across Pam’s . Pam feels her breasts being dragged, she purses her lips as the stretch to her tendons and muscle instantly start to swell and the bruises start to shine again.

Her only little relief is her own milk and Jans allow their large rounded veiny mass to slide over the others equal pair. Pam knowing her rival is a fighter and well versed has to stay in this or will be devoured in minutes.

Waiting for Jan to line up her return drag, Pam feels Jan’s breasts slap aside her right, immediately Pam jolts her breasts into Jan’s. The move is like Jan was shoved at the breasts, her breasts recoil from Pam’s and more milk is forced from her.

Jan also hurt and thinking she is going to break Pam early suddenly arches and gasps loudly in her own pain. “Aaagghhh Bitch my tits “. Pam hears the effect and now starts to take control from Jan. Pam in a hurting snarl, “feel my tits now bitch hmm?, cmon lets really titfight bitch my girls are hungry for a fight”.

Jans breasts get rattled from the sudden back strike, they clap together as Pam turns her breasts at Jan and now stabs into Jan’s right breast sidewall and crushes the rounded globed breast.

Her right breast is shoved hard against her left and as she rolls her shoulders and starts to step backward, Pam grabs her by the hips and now starts to punish the right breasts outer wall.

Over and over and faster each time Pam drives her powerful twin breasts into the side wall, crushing and flattening the rounded shape against its left counterpart. The wet THWACKING sounds louder each series and Jan is shaking her head as she now pushes at Pam’s shoulders to break free, “ohh ohhh mff mfff you Bitch my tits get off me , let go bitch”. Pam growls “fight my tits cxnt cmon “.

The two powerful mothers step and spin locked in a fight , their breasts wrestling and battling between them. Milk leaking and soaking their veiny breasts to a glistening plump form, both know they can’t go on to long after that brutal hands on fight, so they know one mistake or slow move and the other mother will destroy them.

The battle goes on , with Pam slowly breaking Jan down with her move now alternating side to side, Jan is red in the face as her breasts are and so swollen then look as if they may burst.

After nearly 40 minutes of just raw dragging and colliding their breasts , Jan knows she has to do something and do it now. In an act of fear, she slips her hands under Pam’s arm pits and hooks her hands on Pam’s shoulders to both slow Pam’s attack and pull down on her rival.
Pam her lip curled at the move feels Jan stab her wet tits directly into her own cleavage. The sudden shove nearly parts Pams breasts. Both women now seem to stop moving as they glare, Jan a wicked grin and Pam a look of doubt .

Jan snarls “cmon bitch , now who is feeling whose tits hmm, i am going to wreck your tits”.

Jan starts her new move, it is a serious move and one that if it goes on will certainly make Pam drop or give in her grasp. Sh starts a rhythm sliding her massive tits between Pam’s and then pulling them up on top of Pam’s and continuing to repeat that motion.

As women watch this intense war, they see Jan is really hurting Pam. Pam is shaking her head as the move has her both frozen from the hold on her shoulders and the motion Jan has is taking a toll on her back and chest having to endure the weight of Jans laden breasts.

Jan a steady rhythm now smirks, “cmon yess feel my tits bitch, you cheap excuse for a mother and champ, my tits are destroying yours, wanna hold their weight bitch hmm?’’.

Pam gasps “aaghhhh no my tits oh you fucking cow”. Jan then pulls down on Pam’s shoulders making Pam dip, she then smears her large tits on top of Pam’s and stops pressing them on top of Pam’s and hurting the muscle , tendons and ligaments.

But Jan just made a novice mistake, she went for the big move to early in this fight , with a mother who has destroyed many an equal. Pam acting to hurt dips lower, then as Jan steps in closer Pam thrusts up and her laden tits upper cut Jan’s.

The SMACKKKK!!! Was so pronounced that every woman heard it before they heard Jan’s reaction of “AIIEEEEEE OH YOU cxnt MY TITS!!!!”, but before Jan could react Pam thrust up again, SMACKKKKKK!!!, then again and again and one last time.

Jans breasts were jostled and hammered from below. Her undersides were being crushed and the previous pain was just being reignited. Jan now is desperate to shove Pam away from her , but Pam grabs Jan by the upper arms and starts a savage side to side pummeling of her breasts against Jan’s.

Not only is Pam actually beating Jans milk from her tts , but she is pounding the recent bruises and making Jans breasts useless to fight back. Jan is shaking her head and throwing back in pain, her sweat now mixing with fresh tears,her mouth drops open as she can’t even scream her agony.

Instead Pam is walking her rival back on the wall, and once there Pam starts to use every motion and angle she knows to hurt and break /Jan by the minute, “uuhnn uhnnn mfff mfff mf cmon you cow fight back, nmmm feel my tits hmm? Where are yours bitch hmm, cmon your tits are gonna destroy mine , well lets see it cmon put em up bitch”.

Jan is looking up , her tears running, her shock is such she just stands mouth open eyes wide as she feels her breasts being pummeled by an equal but better pair.

Finally as Pam starts to use a rolling pin motion up and down Jan’s breasts, stretching them both up and down, Jan can’t stand it, she screams out , “STOP STOP, I GIVE GET HER OFF MY TTIS I GIVE PLEASE STOP’ !!!.

Pam dips and uppercuts Jan’s tits one last time, the formidable rival goes to her toes in sheer pain then as Pam steps back, Jan collapses to the floor.

Now it is Pam who throws her arms up and does a victory strut around the ring, as all the women of the club see she wasn’t just lucky taking the championship for herself.

Pam grabs Jan by the hair pulling her onto all 4’s, then mounts her back and with no guilt or mercy milks the rest of Jans supply from her wounded breasts. Jan screeches, and cries and whimpers tilt he abuse finally ends.

Pam then shoves her on her back on the floor and straddles her rivals torso, just then the hostess opens the door to the ring , in her arms are both babies. She hands each to Pam who makes Jan look up at her, guides her swollen stiff nipples to their mouths.

Each infant locks their mouth on Pams breasts and start to nurse from the leaking breasts, Pam glares down at Jan as she hisses “i am the champion mother here bitch, i ever see you hear again I’ll rip your tits off got it?”. Jan nods in disgrace as her baby wildly feeds on her rivals breast.

Pam nods to the hostess who takes both babies back, then re enters the ring with both bras, she hands them to Pam who drapes each on her shoulders. Then Pam eases higher up Jan and after leaning down and smearing her wet tits all over Jan’s face with pride, Pam sits back up on Jan and pulls her thong aside and forces Jan to lick her pussy.

As Jan does in shame , Pam is undulating her hips , her eyes fluttering as she is ready o have her orgasm. Her orgasm arrives and Pam arches and cups her own tits caressing them as she explodes. Her juices smearing all of Jan’s face.

Pam finally content stands up and sets her heel on Jan’s breasts, poses then saunters from the ring. As she does a number of mothers start to clap as they see Pam has shown she deserves the title.

Jan lays on the floor for a while till finally her friend and two other women come to her aid. They help Jan up and assist her to the bathroom where she takes a warm shower then gets dressed again.

She walks back out no bra under her dress, her wounded , swollen breasts sway causing extra pain. She takes her baby, then sees Pam wiggle her fingers bye, Jan lowers her head and walks out of the club beaten and broken.


Offline YH5050

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Re: Chapter 2 A Few Changes Make Things Intense (Pam mothers champ)
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2024, 09:52:13 PM »
Another beauty!


Offline TexFan1

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Re: Chapter 2 A Few Changes Make Things Intense (Pam mothers champ)
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2024, 04:08:44 AM »
Been a while since reading this one.  Loved the pre-game challenge.  I hope that shows up in a future chapter and the two mothers taste and drink each other as a prelude.  Perhaps they can challenge each other to a drinking contest.  The mother whose milk lasts the longest is the winner.