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Build up to a ladder match. Three quick shots

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Offline Interac

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Build up to a ladder match. Three quick shots
« on: November 26, 2023, 05:37:16 AM »

All this took place in late 2017

“There had been a major issue brewing, and it came to a head the day Angelica Celaya had an invitation to the Berlanti Verse set.  Katie Cassidy apparently wanted to fight her.”  Greg Johns was sat down at WB office explaining the last few months of fights that happened.

“Yeah, I knew Angelica from those few Constantine episodes, and she showed up on set.  I was alerted.  I was very happy with Katie who had really worked hard between seasons three and four on getting in extra shape asked her and when Katie asks, “What are you doing here?”  I knew that this was a set up.”

“Angelica she just wants to deflate Serinda.  Not just her tits but more importantly her ego.  I have never seen such hatred and she knew what buttons to push on Katie.  Claiming Serinda helped Kate defeat Katherine McPhee but more importantly she Angelica was the reason Katie beat Serinda.  Serinda had been making the claim someone kicked her for a long time and that’s big reason we are here.”

“So, I got the call from the producer before it began.  Before Angelica showed up and he asked why the entire Berlanti verse was on set.  Katie was smiling and I had an idea there was a set up she thought it was, but we were of different minds on what the set up was.  When Angelica showed.  Caity Lotz who as you know plays Katies sister stepped forward “So I think my friend here is going to win but …”  That was what helped Katie decide this was about her and Angelica.”

Angelica spoke up she needed to convince others this was what both wanted “Beating Katie is a challenge I want to see if I can conquer… Serinda is a loud-mouthed bitch that won’t shut up no matter how many times I bloody her mouth.  No matter how many times she’s reminded she lost to you she still thinks she’s hot shit.  I want to fight you; I want to fight another woman that beat her, and I want that to be in a fight I might win because I think both of us know we wont beat Acosta.”

Katie said this was a logical fight and then she let out a nugget no one had heard.  Serinda had a fight with Missy Peregrym.  How did t hat turn out.  How do you think there’s a reason no one fucks with her.  She fucked Serinda up she said it was a waste of her time.  Serinda asked why and she showed why she is the one woman to beat Yvonne Strahovski.  Not many know about that, but they settled up and Zach Levi walked in and saw both bloody and Missy had her choked out with something in the gym he was so flustered but said the big thing was Missy was using the battle ropes to whip her.  Zach begged her to stop she walked over and stood over Yvonne and demanded Zach ask Yvonne.  Said their marriage ended because of the blonde and she wanted admission and for Zach to beg Yvonne and Yvonne beg her… And it happened but Yvonne begged first and then she beat on her more saying what she wanted.  They were bloody, bruised and lost so much hair but yeah Missy beat Yvonne.

Before you ask Missy has nothing to do with this.  Until she was organized to fight Serinda Swan.  Everyone thought it would be a battle.  It was a massacre.  Missy told her she took this seriously and Serinda’s face changed.  No one had ever seen legit fear in her amazing eyes before, but they did then.  Missy hit her at will she tortured her tits, smashed and stretched her limbs and just left Serinda there begging for it to stop.

Then Serinda kind of went into hiding and was telling people Missy absolutely beat her and shed deliver a beating even worst to those who think she’s done.  We know she was talking about Katie because she denies losing that fight and anyone who says they believe Angelica has the superior body gets ripped into by Serinda.  So, when I heard Angelica showed up to Katie for a fight and the other women said this wasn’t organized by them my worries got up.

Angelica showed respect to Katie which is more than Serinda has.  Telling her that her hate for Serinda has little to do with this.  Wanted to fight Katie because Katie beat her, Katie beat McPhee and hey Katie even beat Michalka.  Katie was the challenge she wanted to conquer.

The conversation turned into something that caused questions.  Katie said, “Lets step outside then and figure this out.”

Angelica moved to her side “Show me where you want the ass kicking and it will happen.”

When Katie said “I’m actually only visiting here today so I don’t know how you knew I was here, but you are here and I’m here... 
Angelica walked back outside took off her shirt and turned around.  Katie was coming out now and saw Angelica in her bra, so she also took her top off.  “So how did you know I was visiting today.”

“Is that what’s most important.”

Katie smiled “No I guess what is most important is my doing to you what I’ve done to McPhee, Michalka and fake tough Serinda.”

“Not fighting fake tough and fake Tits Serinda today.  You’re fighting the woman she fears most.”

That’s when someone stepped in and said they weren’t fighting on the set.  Which was weird and they asked about why not being told while the shirts were still on.  Katherine McNamara who was starting to build her name in this world was out before anyone to watch this up close.

They were taken to a new spot away from the main set.  Got there went face to face and knew it was an empty warehouse a great place to fight.  McNamara our golden child was upset not to watch but this was supposed to be about Katie and Angelica.

“Alright right here and right now.”

“If that’s what you want Angelica then I will give you your wish.”

They both began to circle each other.  Katie took o a wide stance like a aggressive karate and Angelica was bouncing like a boxer.  Katie they could tell was more comfortable at this as she moved around easier looking for a opening.

Then Angelica rushed her.  Angelica forced Katie back against a wall and hit two punches to the ribs and pressed her body harder against Katie’s.  then backed away and Katie immediately threw a left hook-on Angelica hopeful exit connecting sending Celaya back “Just like fighting Swanny”

So yeah, that was how it started and the two went and were having a good fight.  Angelica knew how to fight and began realizing that Katies skills at striking had grown even more.  Katie fell in love with the training, and it was showing in her body and her fight skill.

The beating both gave to the other was getting big time.  Like we knew looking at Katie we were going to lose a few days filming.  Katie put her down with a spinning back fist but when she went to finish Angelica flipped her and that’s when it happened.

Angelica was slamming Katie into a wall and Serinda swan showed up and jumped her then hit Katie.  But my god was she going after Angelica and when Katie tried to defend Angelica and got distracted by Elene Satine being there.  Elene was new to this kind of she was never a fan of really anyone but was making it clear to us she should be back in something DC.

Katie and Elene began asking the other to do something.  Katie was watching Serinda begin to really batter Angelica stepped for that.  Elene stepped for Katie but out of nowhere Aly Michalka showed up and jumped Katie.

Elene ended up helping both Aly beat the hell out of Katie Cassidy.  She also helped Serinda which was surprising as I heard the two always had issues.  She helped Serinda leave Angelica laying. 

Aly and Serinda had an uneasy stare down and both shook hands.  Apparently, it was all Elenes doing and the three left Angelica and Katie knocked out.

So, I heard about everything set something up Amazon type battle for Angelica and Elene.  Elene wanted in and Angelica demanded that body.  So, I thought I was doing them a favour.  In all honesty I asked around and no one knew what Elene would bring.  Similar body type as Serinda, Angelica but softer demurer.

Angelica Celaya and Serinda Swan did not look close to ending their feud. The hate they had for each other only grew.  Elene was who initially set this up.  She goaded Serinda on and got help from Aly who was on her final stretch of iZombie.  Angelica wanted the blood of both, and Katie just said she already beat both and Aly and Serinda.

Now Katie was mad at all of them and thought Angelica was part of it.  It became clear it was a set up and despite taking her own beating.  By showing up Angelica was to blame as well. 


Offline Interac

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Re: Build up to a ladder match. Three quick shots
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2023, 05:39:24 AM »

Angelica wanted to fight Elene and we set it up.  Got ourselves a Amazonian style fighting area set up.  They showed up and Angelica was filled with fear and asked.

  “So, uh Serinda is…”

Elene came in “If she comes for your blood, it’ll be already spilled.  I don’t think you’ll last long.”

“That’s not really an answer… You do know that.”

Elene walked up to her and pushed Angelica down “The answer is I’m going to kick your ass.  Serinda is an appetizer I’m a meal and I gave you the answer.  Serinda Swan is inferior and a imbecile.  You are here with me.”

Angelica got up brushed herself off “You never answered my question. I don’t want to us to get into a big fight, and it gets broken apart because Serinda is here and jumped me.”

Crack, Elene slapped her then told her “You are so scared of her when you should be fighting me.”

Angelica backed up and was avoiding the extra punches “Ok bitch you want me to worry about fighting you and not thinking about that slut Serinda then fine.”

Angelica put up her hands and hit a jab was hit by a jab.  Elene went for a take down but was thrown away by Angelica.  Elene scurried for the door she came in from but was caught and thrown into the wall by Angelica. 

“Where did you think you were going.”

Angelica ripped Elene’s shirt off then the bra but got slapped after that then punched which put Angelica down.  Elene smiled at her “Did you think this was going to be a cakewalk.”

Angelica got up and Elene pointed out she wasn’t bleeding yet.  For some they began to wonder what that was about Angelica said if Elene wanted her to bleed then shed have to earn it.   Promised to bloody up Elene.

They were battering each other.  Elene was finding out as good of a body she had trouble taking the tits on tis.  But Angelicas anger was not winning out, Elene could always find a way back and for some reason Elene was biting and scratching a lot.

Angelica began ripping at the hair telling the red head there would be no blood from this fight other than Smallville and Smallville should get used that.  Angelica wore her out she took her shots, but it didn’t look like Elene belonged in this.  That surprised me.

Angelica had taken her shots, but she locked in a bear hug and was demanding an apology.  What she got was not an apology.  It wasn’t a bite but Elene grinded her upper teeth into Angelicas forehead and it made Angelica add more pressure until she heard “I told you id get blood.”

Then Angelica squeezed harder and congratulated her then we heard “About time you got that blood.”  Angelica let her go she knew it was Serinda Swan.

The stare down they had was as bone chilling as you’d expect.  There was a mutual hatred between these two more than any other duo.  I helped cast Serinda as Zatanna and to see someone with a body every bit as good as hers and a look even more exotic.  Serinda was filled with so many things when it came to Angelica and jealousy was one.

Angelica had the same look the same feelings.  Neither was used to that and never had a true one on one.  I saw the video and seeing them staring at the other and knew why these two kept jumping each other.  Straight up they had no idea how the fight would go.

Angelica said “She got her shots… You wanted me to bleed so she was going for it right away.”

Serinda responded with something that scared everyone who heard it but Angelica when she said “I want you used to it because what I do to you will be bloody and brutal so get used to feeling your blood on your skin.”

It took a bit of a stare down and Angelica told her it was the end of talking between them.  Serinda agreed and stepped forward then Angelica made a move, but she was trapped.  Elene had her legs.  That distraction caused Serinda to go in and hit a nasty all or nothing punch that put her down.

Serinda go ton top of Angela and first Elene held Angelas legs.  Serinda hit sick punch after sick punch to the face.  Angela blocked some so Serinda told Elene to grab the arms and hold them down.  Elene did so and after more punches to the face and some throat thrusts Serinda ripped the shirt open then knees started so she punched her and ordered Elene to get the legs trapped.

“She’s just about out but I want to finish this once and for all.”  I remember Serinda saying but Elene wasn’t trapping the legs.  She hit a round house kick to the back of Serinda’s head.  Elene turned on her and yeah, the rumors they never got along and confusion of Elene setting Angelica up twice now and Katie once made a bit more sense.

“So, I need to tell you what Elene did.  She left both out cold you know that but what she did was after beating up on Serinda some more and telling her she smashed Serinda’s tits with her own.  So, it became obvious she was losing to Angelica on purpose for this moment.  She sat on Angelicas face smothering her out while having Serinda’s face between her tits and knocked both out and left them there.  She left promising Serinda that maybe she’s on side with her maybe she’s not but she is the best of the lot.”

We got in there and first order was got Serinda away from Angelica.  When they woke up, they wanted at each other again.  They also wanted at Elene; Angelica thought it was an act but took her win.  Serinda wanted everything she demanded it all but mostly in between other demands it was mostly Angelica.  Those questions really needed a one-on-one fight but then Serinda got a challenge from a woman upset she never got there… Katie Cassidy.


Offline Interac

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Re: Build up to a ladder match. Three quick shots
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2023, 05:41:02 AM »

So, we got to the latest incident.  I got the notes, and it was obviously a set up but neither Katie Cassidy nor Serinda Swan cared.  Katie wanted to prove her wins weren’t a fluke and Serinda wanted to prove they were.

Katie promised to write her name on Serinda’s body with Serinda’s blood.  This was getting serious, so it was not going to be on a set.  The promises of violence by the rage built in so many that we have paid before was ramping up.

Serinda still showed up on set only to get a note.  I read the note, and it was clear it was a location and some colorful language.  Serinda balled it up ran away and back to her car.  She took off and a few minutes later we saw another car and I saw the driver it was Aly Michalka.

Serinda went to a few destinations, and no one was there.  Each time and we tracked this another car was added, until finally Serinda got to some farmland where Serinda had to swerve.  Someone threw something.  Serinda stopped the car and saw Katies she got out screaming.

“Where are you?  Bet you won’t get lucky again.”

We had drones there and the sound picked up “Come and find me bitch.  Because this time … This time you won’t have any excuses left for why I beat you.  The set up was broken its just us.”

Serinda was wading through the corn stalks until she saw some broken stalks and feet.  She began to follow that and knew it was Katie.  We had everything ready we had drones following Katie and someone attached units to Serinda’s vehicle, so we had cameras release and follow Serinda.

As Serinda got closer she never knew on one end Aly Michalka was showing up.  Cursing at Katie she began looking for the two.  On the other end was Angelica Celaya and she was there for Serinda.  So we knew somewhere Elene Satine was also around

There was a big opening and Serinda walked in.  It was cleared like a circle and Katie Cassidy was waiting on the opposite end.  Serinda said she was surprised Katie never tried to jump her and Katie said it wasn’t her style it was Serinda and friends and all other bitches.  She doesn’t need to jump others.

Serinda said they talked enough, and Katie finally agreed with Serinda so they walked to the middle then Serinda rushed and Katie side stepped sending Serinda to the ground and pointed out “You still think I’m the weakling from Melrose… I’m the Black fucking Canary now.”

Serinda slowed down and wasn’t rushing in.  They slowly walked toward each other trying for a angle to throw a punch.  Obviously, Katie was more comfortable and hitting jabs and small tepes which kept her away.  Then Serinda was able to get in and left hands got behind the neck and the piston rights were going off into the others face

Katie was really feeling that almighty power of Serinda Swan.  Serinda frustration, irritation and embarrassment was all coming out in t hat right hand.  Katie might be a better striker, but Serinda was stronger and had the stronger fist.  She had to make a change as to what was going on or be knocked out and then the swan ego would be out of control.

Katie tried to get away and leverage Serinda away with some tai chi.  Get her distance use her skills but Serinda wasn’t having it.  She was a woman possessed and when Katie tried to use that momentum and get Serinda away Serinda grabbed Katies hair, and both went tumbling.

When on ground it favored Serinda.  She really used her body well but Katie whenever she got the opportunity on top instead of trying to press bodies and answer back on Serinda realized she couldn’t compete.  It was a lesson learned from last time so she would try and get up.  When up first thing shed do is land strikes on the tits of Serinda swan.

Serinda had improved at striking defence but still got hit especially in the tits.  She was blocking most head kicks though.  If they got back down both went after tits and there was a struggle and Serinda was landing her bombs there.

They had both taken a beating this time and found themselves topless with beaten up tits.  Serinda’s body looked purple and had marks from feet, shins and fists.  She was able to lift Katie up and throw her into the stalks and screamed “Want more then.”  When Katie was sent out and landed on her ass.

Serinda had a puzzled look as Katie was completely topless now as well.  Then she looked up and coming out of the corn maze was Elene Satine.  Elene asked a simple question “Which of you am I here for.”

“I want both as well.  I came here for both.”  Serinda was jumping at Elene when that was heard, and it was Angelica Celaya.  “Now there’s three … No, I just want Serinda and Elene you should be thankful for that maybe I will settle up with you later.”

Serinda was wrestling with Elene when she heard Angela.  That shook her and Elene slammed her tits into Serinda’s putting her down and told her “Now we know which of us was right all along.”

Chaos ensued with all five.  It’s the shortest way to describe it all four wanted a go at each other.  Katie was livid she didn’t want this interference again.  She did everything she could to stop it

Katie fought Elene.
Angelica fought Serinda.
Elene went after Serinda.
Angelica went after Elene.
Katie took on all three and was winning when all of a sudden Aly Michalka showed up wanting Katies ass.  She wanted a rematch with Katie and not many of us knew that and Katie was finding out the hard way as she kept screaming “I beat Palicki and you think you’re better than me.”

Everyone knew Aly was still mad but this level of mad.  Katie beat her fair and square we all knew that but how much it ate away at Aly w didn’t know and Katie was fighting back and on the other end all three were going after it

Katie was getting her shots in but the thunder coming from Aly was amazing.  We had so much footage from this and she looked amazing and it seemed personal when she was getting Katie covering up knowing a fight ender was coming what did come was something we never expected.

Melissa Benoist jumped out and jumped on Aly’s back “I got you Katie.  I knew you would need back up.”  She was ripping at Alys hair and Aly was struggling with her on her back but when Melissa went for a choke finally Aly was able to reach up and destroy Melissa flipping Melissa off her back.

Aly hit Melissa with a round house and then shouted “I’m the real super woman here and you are just…”

“My friend and our star.”  Katie said.

“I’m not done with you…”  Aly was turning and Katie threw a sickening head kick, the foot went right into Alys throat and put her out.  Katie Cassidy stood over a destroyed Aly Michalka for the second time and then heard it.  Angelica Celaya squealing, she was beaten on two on one and Serinda hit a cheap shot on Elene before she got cheap shotted.

Serinda and Katie were the last two standing at that moment and Serinda was staring at Katie who was standing over Aly Michalka she shouted, “CASSIDY LETS FINISH WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR!!!”

Katie had the distance back she was ready and when Serinda ran at her Katie knew it was time and jumped for a knee then bicycled it and destroyed Serinda’s face.  Serinda Swan was knocked out, Aly Michalka was knocked out.  Melissa Benoist was crying, Angelica Celaya was crawling and pointing.

“Yeah, bitch I beat her again and now I owe you.”  Katie found out quick it wasn’t her Angelica was pointing but it was a warning.

Katie lost track of where the biggest troublemaker was.  Elene hit a elbow to the back of Katies neck then drove her knee into the back of Katies knee.  Katie Cassidy absolutely beat Serinda Swan but now Elene Satine was putting her down.  Elene looked at Angelica and drove Katies face into the ground then dragged Katie Cassidy into the stalks
Angelica tried to find them and that left Serinda, Melissa and Aly.  They left and all wanted the same thing so I’m here now saying more heard about what was going on and they want in.  Most of all was Adrianne Palicki.  So, we will fill it out but these women since they cant decide it one on one want the ladder Match then one on one cage matches as decided by the winner fo the ladder match

(Upcoming:  Ali Larter vs Jodi Lyn O’Keefe; Cheryl Cole vs Jenna Dewan; Jessica Lowndes vs Vanessa Hudgens; Hailee Steinfeld vs Saoirse Ronan)