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Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
« on: December 03, 2023, 10:53:52 PM »

Chapter 4. Crushing Engaging  Party

Two days pass since Pam broke Grace and she is beaming with delight, it was a tough fight against a big bust and she beat her rival. Pure and soundly. Pam was able to take the ache and soreness better than she ever has, but the truth was she was aching deep, Grace was no pushover by any means.

To add to her confidence Pam has not had a single challenger at the club since they witnessed the destruction from her last fight. Cause of it Pam is not just ready and hungry to fight so soon, but she ignores the ache deep in her breasts and wants to fight as soon as she can.

Mark is concerned but loves to his wife not just fight but leave these other mothers wrecked in her wake. He tries telling Pam to maybe slow down in case a fight comes she has to take, Pam just sneers as she wobbles her heavier tits “if it does I’ll fight the bitch till her tits are green and black and blue.”

Mark shakes his head but despite the concern he has faith in his wife. That Monday Pam gets the mail and she sits in her kimono , her natural large breasts sit firmly just inside its upper opening braless and heavy, but they hold firm.

As Pam slowly goes through the mail, her bust a stiff almost flex, she sees a hand written envelop addressed to both of them. Pam tears the envelop open with her thumb nail and opens the letter.

Her eyes scan side to side as her lips gently and silently read to herself. The letter is an invite from a couple Marks business had dealings with. Though his wife is older the couple love Mark and Pam and the wife witnessed Pam fight three times and win .

The Donner's were part of the capital company that help fund Mark, having been repaid and making some money off the deal, Mark could do no wrong in their eyes so naturally he and am were invited to the home for a private pool party /bbq.

When Mark got home Pam was jumping for him to say yes, Mark was curious as to why Pam was so intent on going. Pam sat him down at dinner and told her husband ‘’ The Donner’s have witnessed me tangle more than once and they always cheered me on honey, i have a feeling Mrs. Donner’s wants to see me fight again.”

Mark shrugs “maybe or they just want to see us again for a a great business deal”. Pam swallows so eager to attend, Mark finally turns to her “we will go on one condition , no bikinis , the Donner’s are not going to like anything to revealing for the other guests, so a sexy one piece ok”?.

Pam shimmies her heavier tits and makes a frown face, “i guess so, besides if this is what i think it is i won’t be in it long”. Mark shakes his head, “if thats true be ready the Donner’s love a tough fight not those easy ones.”

Pam turns to him, “are you saying my fights at our parties were easy?”. Mark satmmers “no no not at all, i am saying if they want to see a fight like you do, the other woman is going to be hungry to fight as much and won’t just give”.

Pam nods “i am always ready for the tough fights honey, have more faith in me, i been knocking bitches out of my way with my tits”.

As Pam goes to shower Mark mumbles “and one day some bitch might knock your tits out like one did for our club”. He takes a. Big swig of bourbon then texts the Donner’s , “hi guys its Mark, just got the invite and happy to say we will be there, btw Pam is an H cup, just thought you should know in case”.

The Donner’s text back, “well. Glad to hear you will. Be here and so happy forPam it should be an interesting night then”.  Mark wasn’t told if there would be another mother to challenge Pam, but Mrs. Donner’s certainly was leading him to believe it. Pam was already upstairs icing her breasts, it helped but it wasn’t enough to reduce the swelling that was caused from deep in the tissue.

But Pam knew the Donner’s well enough to know she had to be ready. The day of the party, Pam wore a red and pink tiger stripe print one piece bathing suit, it had a high hip cut and a swoop cut top on her huge cleavage.

The straps while thin were strong but her breasts weight made them taught off her chest and strained out. Her round laden breasts shaped the suit making it look painted on. She then slipped on a denim set of shorts, heel sandal and put her hair up, to cover a thin summer robe tied at the waist.

Her pink lipstick was the perfect high lite as were the coral matched earrings. Pam walked to the living room, Mark was stunned at how sexy his gorgeous wife looked. Pam smiles “we ready? Grab the baby and lets see what today brings”.

The entire ride Mark was asking Pam if something was to come about , was she sure she was ready and able and not to hurt. Pam assured him she would be ready if she had to and that Grace while a hell of a fighter, didn’t hurt her as bad as she originally thought.

The family drives at the Donner’s, the car is parked and the family with smiles walk proudly through the house out to the yard where a band plays an other couples are already mingling.

When Pam struts out slowly many a wife and mother start to point and chatter about her, a few were even club fighters who knew her ability. Some husbands were confused a few knew exactly what the buzz was about.

Pam and Mark meet up with the Donner’s and greet each other, Pam so wanting to ask who was her challenger swallowed the desire to wait this out as if it was random. The truth is after Pam’s first party and challenge , she came to expect it at any party, just who was her burning question.

Pam was given a wine and she sat at a table with Mark and the baby, as people wandered about and conversations resumed, Pam while talking to her husband was searching the crowd a if her eyes were radar.

Mrs. Donner walked by several times and Pam gave the look of “well?”, Mrs. Donner either shrugged or shook her head no that no one was here. Pam waited and slowly was beginning to accept if something or someone was to meet her here, she either was a no show, or had to cancel, pam if joked to herself this possible woman got scared off. She finally started to relax and Mark took a much needed deep breath as well. He looked as his gorgeous wife and asks “hey you wanna feed her here or wait till we get home. ?’’

Pam inhales as she had a emergency bottle in case, as well as her own supply in her bust, she looks at Mark, smiles “can we wait a little while longer then i can nurse her in the backseat as we head home, besides she about to nap”.

Mark smiles as he stands to get her another drink, his hand rubs her shoulder when his eyes notice a couple walking very slowly up the path to a table near by. The woman was striking sandy brown haired woman who was very busty for sure.   Her husband wearing a suit carries the car seat , the woman looks around as if she knows who to find.

Then her pace slows as she sees Pam sitting , her spike heel sandal gently rocking the car seat , her hands on her thighs as her arms are closed in and bulge her already large bust more.

The woman stares but Pam’s eyes never scan to meet hers, he sits with her husband and he places the car seat by her heeled sandal. Her husband gives her a light kiss as he bens to her asking if she wants a refreshment.  Seeing Pam enjoyed some she nods yes, then adjusts her suit straps and looks into her cleavage then sits back.

The woman is Gail, a 32 year old wife of a professional businessman, her sandy brown hair was pin straight and thick, her cheeks a round shape, as her full lips looked pursed, with a champagne colored lipstick.

Wearing a champagne one piece suit with leopard type dots in a darker tan. She was 5’8” 137 pounds and was chosen for her 38H-26-36 figure. A mother as well Gail was no stranger to an altercation, it was how she met her husband , taking him from a younger blonde fiancé a few years ago.

Her husband returns and sets the glasses down, then sits back, he asks his wife, “well thats gotta be her , are you sure you want to try her and are ready?”. Gail swallows and sees the large profile of Pam she licks her lips, concerned but positive of her choice tonight.

She smiles a t him for caring they hold hands a moment, and she nods, “its what i have to do honey and you know i almost never lose, so her and i are going to be a very interesting chat.
Gail then releases his hand and sits back as she sets her heel the way Pam’s is and slowly rocks her car seat in the same fashion.

Mrs. Donner walks by and greets the couple , her body blocking Gail momentarily, smiles at Gail as she leans to her, “so have you met her yet?”. Gail with a grin “no i am waiting for her to either nurse her baby or see me about to”. Mrs. Donner looks back at Pam then nods to Gail , “just so you know the bulk of the guests left we invited them earlier so it would clear them out, the ones still here know whats coming just were waiting on you.”

Gail breathes in as this is about to start, Mrs. Donner sees a bruise on each inner wall of Gails cleavage, her face turns to concern, “Gail my dear your hurt are you sure about this?”.

Gail smiles as she pulls the swoop neck lower to show the marks proudly, “i had a fight a few days ago otherwise i am good no worries. Mrs. Donner nods and stands upright “ok well once you have others attention the floor is yours and hers”.

Gail inhales a nervousness she doesn’t have often, then she sees Mark return and set down their glasses, as Pam reaches for it Mark holds her fingers and softly says “you might want to try to nurse her now”.

Pam narrows her brow at first “honey i just told you its ..” then Pam follows Marks eyes and she sees the woman staring at her, and it is clear to her she found the woman she was expecting to see here.

With no real display, Pam shifts her seat, she leans slowly forward making Gail see her round tits spill forward bulging. Pam scoops up the baby and then stares at Gail as she eases down her right strap. Her large round breast and thick nipple and brown aureola comes into view.

Pam stares at Gail, as she flicks her large nipple at the babies lips. Gail sees the large breast, the thick nipple and wide aureola. With no hesitation Gail leans forward showing off her spilling cleavage, she sits back with her baby and eases her right strap of.

Her breasts large and round in view to Pam, her pink brown nipple thick and her aureola wide as she stares back she flips her nipple at the babies lips. But both mothers aren’t looking to actually nurse the babies, they are showing off to the other as well as making their challenge clear.

As the pre fight is acted out Mr and Mrs. Donner start to spread the word things are about to begin.  The two mothers look at each other , they may not want to give the other the satisfaction of looking at the others round veiny firm laden breast but they can not pull their eyes away.

This time it is Gail that starts it off, “looks like your baby is having a rough go of it, whats wrong your milk sour? If so i can tend to her needs “.  The insult was the worse Pam was given to date, she slowly hands the baby off to her husband, then rolls her shoulders back as her proud breast stands firm.

Pam inhales , “soured ?not at all, my milk is so fresh my baby is just full and content, but your baby seems to turn from your nipple, is it to weak? Or maybe your milk has a bitter flavor from being stuck in their so long”. Gail opens her lips a bit in the insult, then each mother caresses a hand around her large breast, and it is Gail who purrs, “maybe you would like to compare ?”.

Pam stares “i would love to”. Both mothers ease the other suit strap off her shoulder and now caress both their breasts then weight them for the other as their thick nipples stiffen even more. The caressing massages show how heavy , firm and full their breasts are.

Gail moans , “nmm my tits are so laden, and firm and round”. Pam moans back, “mine are as well, but you know perhaps before the babies wake , you and i should settle this mother to mother hmm?”.

The two mothers continue to caress their large mass, they glare at one another still sizing the other up, Gail finally asks, “you want to fight me tit to tit mother to mother ?, you do know loser gets milked and her baby nursed by winners tits, yes?”.

Pam gropes her tits once then arches straight bodied in a pose, her breasts stand out majestically on her chest, “oh i know all to well ho to fight like a mother and fight with my tits, and the stakes of such a fight , so are you ready to fight my tits?”.

Gail stares then stands up, “i am ready for a fight “. Pam stands up “so am i “, Mrs. Donner steps between the two mothers, “Pam?, Gail?, you can follow me to the spot i have chosen please “.

With their round veiny mass , swollen and the veins darken and mapping across their breasts to the thick stiff nipples like highway lines on a road map. The pair turn and see almost no sway, just a heavy wobble of the weight.

With each step as they follow Mrs. Donner, they see almost no jostling or quake in others breasts. Both become more angry , jealous and ready for a fight that they accept will leave one on the ground  hurt , drained and forced to see her baby filled by her rivals breast and its milk.

The select guests smiling in excitement walk on either side of the fighters, upon reaching the wooden platform made to resemble a living room floor, the busty step up on it, their heels click as they have no time to admire its craftsmanship .

Mrs. Donner waves to her servants that carry out 4 metal posts they slide the posts in each corner then each servant produces a stretchy almost bungee style rope. They stretch them post to post and then walk away.

Mrs. Donner smirks as she says to Pam and Gail, “oh i wish i was in your places”. Mrs. Donner turns and with a smile rings an old metal school bell, silencing all. Her announcements clear as expected, no one interferes till one of the mothers is finished fully.

Everyone nods sipping their drinks, Mark and Gails husbands stand behind their wife with the babies, then Mrs. Donner rings the bell again “Gail are you ready ?”. She nods yes, “pam are you ready?”. Pam nods then Mrs. Donner rings the bell again “Ladies you may begin your fight

Mrs. Donner steps away and every eye is glued to to the two busty mothers in the man made ring. Both easing her hands on her hair then pushing out her breasts they slowly head straight for one another.

They slow right before touching and just glare. Their large breasts rise and fall slowly but steady. Both let her eyes scan the others breasts as they once again lock eyes, now they ease their breasts side by side to the others. Feeling the warmth of her rival, her weight and her firmness as their breasts rise and fall touching the other pair.

Gail sees Pam is swollen, more than she should be, she looks in her rivals eyes , “hmm you look hurt? Are you sure you want to fight my fresh tits ?”. Pam licks her lips hating her rival saw she was in a fight recently.  Pam breathes in slow, “well you know how it is , ammo can’t always pick and choose her battles, and like tonight i have no choice but to , unless you are having second thoughts”.

Gail inhales at the over confidence Pam has, but she also takes its warning. Then as with most the silence over takes the area, then is blown apart by the fresh crisp sound of meaty breast flesh CLOPPING together.  Combined with the mothers grunts of the collision, this time however the head on CLOPS go on and on.

The two mothers weren’t titboxing , they were just driving their breasts head on, trying to out crush the others pair it seemed. Their angry grunts the only other noise as they just keep plowing head on into the other.

Both pairs of breasts get red fast, as does their cheeks, their breathing a little labored and accentuated by the determined collisions. For a good 3-5 minutes the crowd figured this was going to be a fight of who could take the most pain. And skill, and ability and finesse was going to be thrown away.

As the heavy head on collisions go on, its Gail who wants to see if Pam is all she seems to portray, as a fighting mother. Seeing her rivals breast meat quake as she feels her own do the same, Gail jams head on one last time then presses to Pam and with her shoulders pulled back, roughly drags right, then left, then right , then left again.

The motion is defined, slow and firm. Both mothers feel it, but Pam not ready for the tempo change gets the worst of it . Her lips purse as she lifts her chest, a bit ready to pull her breasts out of the attack. She doesn’t fully, but she does lose a step as Gail smirks and wants more , a lot more.

Gail inhales and has a smile and glare that tells all watching “i am about to hurt this bitch”. She marches forward, her breasts out for war, hands on hair and looking so intimidating. She closes in on Pam, for all watching this next attack of Gails will be punishing for sure.

She sways her hips and hisses to Pam, “put em up bitch , we are gonna titfight”. With one more step Gail is in Pam’s space then her catty smile suddenly turns to a shocked look, there is an very audible SMACK that rings out. Before she knew what hit her Gail was staggered back , not before Pam stepped in and made a second SMACK, ring out, then a third and then a fourth.

Before Gail was able to realize what her rival did, her undersides were being upper cut and pounded, and now pumped up into by her rivals breasts, as hard a she could. Gail shook her head in confusion, her eyes welled up and her cry set the tone, “OH FUCK MY TITS, YOU BITCH MY TITS OWW”.

Another 15 minutes of constant pumping up and in and jostling Gails breasts as if they had no weight to them, and Pm was slowly destroying her rival. Pam leans in and hisses “Oh my how the tables have turned Bitch, want more ? Put em up my tits are here to fight “.

Gail is sweating , tears run from her eyes as Pam refuses to ease up on the move and delivers two more uppercuts. Gail sniffling shaking her head no winces in pain, then without being prompted falls on her knees in front of Pam, and screeches out , ‘ STOP STOP I GIVE YOU WIN , MY TITS I CAN’T GO ON”.

Pam tugs Gail onto all fours and mounts her bare back, then leans down and slaps her palms onto Gail’s breasts and starts the ritual. Pulling, tugging , twisting yanking and squeeze in so hard and deeply Gail has almost as many tears as she does milk soaking the floor they are on.

As Gail is being drained Pam abruptly looks up at the hostess and nods, Mrs. Donner has the husbands set the car seats on either side of Pam. Pam forces Gail on her back then sits up proudly looking down over her full tits, she scoops each baby up and brings them to her stiff nipples.

Both babies latch on an start to nurse health gulps, Pam just smiles in pride at Gail. As Gail broken, beaten and embarrassed lays there watching her motherhood duty be taken away.

Pam nods again and each husband sets their child in the car seat and  then eases up on her face, pulls her suit bottom aside and grabs Gails bangs and yanks her face into her wet pussy folds.
Pam undulates and smears her juices on Gail’s face till satisfied, then lowers her bust in Gail’s face and engulfs Gail’s face in her swollen cleavage smothering her rival. As Gail screams into the dense flesh , there are just muffled noise to the onlookers.

Pam hisses at Gail’s ear, “still think i am to swollen to fight ?”. Gail barely can shake her head no, Pam then growls in her rivals ear, “your gonna tell the mothers you know i am the mother champ aren’t you?”. Gail nods then Pam finally lifts off Gails face then stands, she sets a heel on Gails breast as she fixes her suit

Mark hugs and kisses his busty bride and the Donner’s thank them for coming, Pam and Mark walk to their car and on the drive Pam says innocently “oh i hope my next fight at the club is better than that cow was”.

Mark was so elated for his wife and Pam was as well, neither took into account Pam has three fights in less then two weeks and her breasts are swollen , heavy and sore. At home Pam showers and as she caresses the soap over breasts she lifts them a bit and feels the sharp wincing pain, it intensifies as she releases them. A worried look on her face as she hears Mark ask , “babe you ok in there ?”.she swallows and then replies “yes yes but just really tired , mind if we go straight to bed tonight ?”.

Mark smiles “anything you want my love


Online TexFan1

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Re: Chapter 4
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2023, 01:52:50 PM »
Awesome chapter.  Maybe Pam's tits need a break to heal up?  Perhaps she can have a few more sexfights while she recovers?  The hotel one with the other mother was great.


Offline DavidG

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Re: Chapter 4
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2023, 05:46:18 PM »
Short and sweet but just as great