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Chapter 2 of Peasant Actresses 2.

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Chapter 2 of Peasant Actresses 2.
« on: December 19, 2023, 09:28:04 PM »
Chapter 2: Peasant Actresses 2, by HGHunt

        And so without any inkling to the others of the underlying
        tension those words masked, Joy picked up the lotion and poured
        it on her hands as Emily lowered the recliner and lay on her
        stomach. Flipping Emily's hair up out of the way, Joy began
        rubbing the oil slowly into her shoulders. Careful not to spend
        too much time with the job, for fear of the other girls
        noticing, she still was very deliberate with her application.
        Rubbing firmly in deep circles she rubbed the oil into her
        shoulders and arms. As she looked around and saw that a couple
        of the other girls had already undone their bra strings in back
        to get full sun, she acted boldly.

        Before rubbing the oil in the middle of her back she slowly
        untied Emily's bra string. Emily did a quick look back at Joy,
        who reassured her with the phrase "just to keep the tan line
        down" and went about her business. Emily absolutely was fuming
        inside, but felt powerless to do anything but go with the flow.
        She could not bring herself to confront the bitch in front of
        her friends. As much as she should have been enjoying this she
        was not. She HATED feeling Joy's fingers caressing her back,
        kneading her muscles as she applied the warm oil. She couldn't
        even admit to herself how good it felt. Joy poured on her third
        handful of oil and began rubbing it lower on Emily's back.
        Making sure to cover her completely she slid her hands up the
        sides of Emily and briefly slid her fingers alongside the
        bulging breasts that were compressed by Emily's weight into the
        recliner. Following the curves of her body back downward she
        ever so deftly slid her fingers just under the edge of Emily's
        briefs. Emily dared not react so she let Joy's fingers invade
        beneath her bikini briefs. Not far, but just enough to make it
        clear that an invasion was taking place. Definitely NOT an
        accident! Her fourth dollop of oil found its way onto Emily's
        fabulous legs. Joy's hands rubbed up and down in long slow
        caressing strokes. The very back was covered, the outside, and
        yes, finally, the inside of those legs, clear up to the joining
        of skin and fabric. The other girls were oblivious to what was
        going on, most of them had their eyes closed soaking up the sun.
        Soft rock music played in the background from the small speakers
        connected to the home's audio system. Once, and only once, Joy
        let Emily know her true intentions. Just as she was about to
        finish her application, fingers snuggled up against the crotch
        fabric of Emily's briefs, she found just enough soft skin
        between her fingers and she pinched it…hard! Emily nearly
        yelped out in pain, but somehow she managed to control her
        tongue and said nothing. Then it was over and Joy went over to
        another recliner. Drinking deeply from her soda she lay down

        The next hour was spent lazily with the girls mostly just lying
        there catching the rays of the mid-afternoon sun. Occasionally
        one would get up and go inside to the bathroom or get a soft
        drink or a small snack. Alicia and Winnie were reading books. It
        was a fabulous, simple, quiet party. Yeah right! Emily was
        incensed at the audacity of Joy, coming to her party uninvited,
        showing off her body in total disregard for decency, drinking
        her soda, eating her food, rubbing her with oil. It was all
        totally distasteful to Emily. She found herself wishing the
        other girls would just leave so she could tear into Joy and
        teach her a lesson she would not forget. She began plotting how
        to get the other girls to leave so she could confront Joy alone.
        Four o'clock came and went. Five passed by too. The extensive
        sun, so early in the season was beginning to take its toll on
        the girls. As those hours passed Emily noticed something about
        Joy. While all the other girls had taken a couple of potty
        breaks in the house, Joy never did. She kept drinking just as
        much soda as the others but she never went to the house to use
        the bathroom. Strange, she thought. Whoa! A little light bulb
        went off in her head.

        Finally Sally and Lori mentioned that they had dates that night
        and thought they had enough sun for the day and wished to go
        home. The other girls began to restlessly move around, taking
        their last sips of their drinks and putting their clothes back
        on. Joy didn't move. She just lay there on the recliner watching
        the others prepare to leave. She knew her plan had worked when
        Emily crooned to her, "Hey Joy, sweetie, since you drove alone,
        do you think you could stay just a little longer to help me
        clean up after the other girls leave?" "Oh, I'd be delighted to
        stay and help out any way I can." The soft words belied the
        hidden meaning that only the two of them understood. Emily could
        hardly wait to see the last car leave the driveway.

        Joy had actually been picking up on the pool deck when Emily
        returned to the pool. Joy's plan was to act cool, forcing Emily
        to make the next move. No problem. In a flash Emily was beside
        Joy, staring at her with her hands on her hips. "You fucking
        cxnt! What a miserable piece of trash you are. Coming to my
        birthday party uninvited, flaunting your slutty body in front of
        my friends. Just who the hell do you think you are?"

        In a soft voice, laced with sarcasm, Joy retaliated, "Why,
        darling, you know who I am. I am the girl who is going to play
        the lead role in next year's school plays. You know that now,
        don't you sweetie." Joy had stood up to face Emily.

        "I promised you a good fucking when I left your house last time.
        Now you are going to get that fucking, and MORE. Your skanky
        body was never a match for mine. Three weeks ago or now, it
        doesn't matter." The words were hurled with venom across the
        short distance between the girls.

        "Do you really think your skinny ass is capable of beating me
        again. "I'm here to tell you one thing. You will regret you ever
        laid eyes on me after I give you more of me than you ever
        dreamed of."

        It was obvious to Emily that Joy had not turned into a coward
        after their first sexfight. Indeed, she acted even more
        confident than before her loss. While evident to Emily, this in
        no way diminished her own confidence or hatred. Joy would have
        to pay for her audacity and that was all there was to it. Both
        girls were on the same wavelength there. Those were Joy's
        sentiments exactly. Neither bothered to mention rules. There
        were none. There was no mention of what the stakes were. They
        both knew. Neither thought to discuss how a winner would be
        determined. They both knew.

        Emily took a short step closer to Joy with a scowl on her face
        that almost took away its beauty. Joy determinedly matched Emily
        with a defiant step towards her enemy. "Woman to woman." Emily
        spoke as she reached behind her to undo the tie on her lime
        green bikini top. As she allowed it to fall to the deck, Joy
        mirrored the move by allowing her gigantic breasts to swing free
        of their tiny containment. Each girl took just a moment to soak
        in the sight of their enemies' breasts.

        Magnificent was the sight as those four tits pointed menacingly
        at each other. Their bikini briefs were off in another instant
        as both girls removed them and tossed them aside. Both girls
        were breathing heavily already as they stared daggers at each
        other. If ever two girls felt like enemies without a man or boy
        at the center of it, this was it.

        The rage inside Emily reached its flash point. She lashed out
        with her hands and grabbed Joy's imposing globes. Instantly she
        had a vice grip on those tits and was squeezing and pulling on
        them in noxious anger. Joy was only an instant behind and
        latched firmly on Emily's striking tits and the pulling and
        twisting contest began. Flashes of pain shot through both sets
        of tits. Cries of anguish rent the air and screams of the
        foulest language rang across the backyard. Fortunately Emily's
        family lived nearly a quarter of a mile from their nearest
        neighbor, so no one would here their screams. Staggering around
        the pool deck, seeking advantage, they used a lot of pent-up
        energy twisting and pulling their breasts into bizarre and awful
        shapes. What moments before had been as appealing to view as any
        cinematic star were now being grotesquely malformed by the
        powerful fingers latched onto them. Never flinching, never
        losing their grip, they continued battling around the deck for
        several minutes. The banged into chairs, tables, the barbecue
        grill, but never let up their cursing and fighting. "You filthy
        cxnt, I'm going to rip your fucking tits right off," spat Emily.
        "Not before your tits are turned into mush, bitch."

        Their cursing and screaming only intensified their
        determination. But even with the adrenaline surge of energy they
        had, both girls began to tire. It became harder and harder for
        them to keep their balance as they jerked each other around the
        deck, often precariously close to the water. Joy gritted her
        teeth so hard that her jaw muscles were starting to ache as she
        summoned her strength in waging the battle against Emily's tits.
        Her own tits were taking an awful beating from Emily's powerful
        grip, but she knew that Emily was suffering immensely too. Tears
        streamed down her cheeks, and she planted her feet as firmly on
        the cement deck as she could and pulled with a vengeance. Emily,
        pulling equally as hard in the other direction could not match
        the leg strength and found herself falling towards Joy. Joy
        twisted her body out of the way, hoping to land above Emily as
        she fell. She was above her all right, but it was in the water.
        In the heat of the battle they had ventured too close to the
        edge of the pool one too many times. Emily would not let lose of
        her grip, even as she fell. Her thigh hit the edge of the pool
        and the rest of her toppled in with Joy an instant behind,
        dragged in by her tits.

        The surprise and shock of the water caused them to release their
        grips finally. Neither had prepared by taking a breath, and
        falling into the deep end they both surged quickly to the
        surface inches apart gasping for breath. In their fatigued state
        it was clear to both of them that they couldn't stay in the deep
        end of the pool for long, but the rage inside them was
        overpowering and they each reached for the other as soon as
        their heads cleared the water. Each grabbed a quick breath
        before finding the other's fingers locked in their hair. The
        arms resumed their yanking motions left behind only seconds
        before. This time, though it was hair not tits. Their tits
        thanked them for stopping the abuse, but the two girls had no
        time to think about that. They were fighting like she-cats in
        heat in eight feet of water. Their quick breath would never be
        enough to sustain them very long as they sunk slowly towards the
        bottom, eyes open and staring daggers still, right through the
        water at each other. Emily's grip on Joy's shorter hair was
        strong, but Joy definitely had an advantage here because of the
        length of Emily's hair. She could keep repositioning her hands
        for better leverage. In the water their hair tended to float up
        and away, so finding a good grab was difficult. The hair was
        slippery too and since the restriction of motion caused by the
        water affected their pulling the jerks weren't as pronounced as
        they would have been above water. Nonetheless, the girls were
        putting all they had into the hair-pulling fight, even as they
        sunk towards the bottom of the pool. Lungs straining from the
        exertion and lack of oxygen, they pushed off with all their
        might together when they felt their feet hit the bottom of the
        pool. Slowing their hair pulling long enough to safely reach the
        surface they rose quickly and gulped in several breaths of
        desperately needed air. Their bodies were nearly spent after
        only 10 or 12 minutes of fighting.
HG Hunt