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Cheryl Cole vs Jenna Dewan

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Cheryl Cole vs Jenna Dewan
« on: December 23, 2023, 03:12:47 AM »

Jenna Dewan marriage to Channing Tatum was not as solid as it once was.  Channing liked an old movie called Jekyll and Hyde but it was a different version with a modern telling that had a catfight.  A basement and two women in a slug fest.  Two equally built women and Channing loved it and they built it for a fight.  Typically, when Jenna fought it was some organized style tournament or completely random.  Megan Fox of course was a combination of both, they organized but Megan couldn’t wait.

Now that she won a fight, and her marriage was rocky they built this. Jenna got a challenge, and it was from Cheryl Cole was someone who was built like her, closer in age and should be a fun fight for Channing to watch.  Plus, there was a rule they had that if Jenna lost Channing could have sex with the woman who beat his wife in front of his wife.

Yes, Channing liked the old Jekyll and Hyde movie which had a tremendous catfight in it.  So, he sent the invitation to Cheryl with the bonus in it for her if she won a role in one of his movies… She was happily married so it would be her choice if she got to have sex with him or not and whether Jenna would be forced to watch or participate.

They were both attired in a sports bra and shorts.  Jenna walked over to Channing and got between his legs and turned to look at Cheryl “This will always belong to me and you will not know it.”

“Big words coming from a little girl who has lost more than she won.”

Those words always succeeded in getting to Jenna who stormed over to Cheryl went for a punch and was taken down slapped three times then Cheryl got up walked to Channing and turned around “I think I’ll let him take me from behind so I can watch you.”

“Lot of confidence coming from you… Have you ever fought any of the best?”

“I’m about to fight you but you are mediocre at best.”

Jenna was calmed down the game was obvious.  Get in her head and make her doubt herself.  “Mediocre at best.  That’s why you are trying to get in my head about fucking my man.  You know you cant win unless I defeat myself before we fight so no I don’t care how he takes you as its just him getting some.  Cheryl let me spell this out we’re here to fight and find out which of us is better.”

“And when I prove I’m”

“This is the arrangement we have.  Want him then you have to get through me and I promise you wont

“I can tell you still care…”

“He might want to try different but he also wants to keep me.  Want what he has you got to do what we said but… Like Megan Fox you are overrated.”

Jenna faked a punch which Cheryl bit on went for the same take down but Jenna wasn’t there instead Jenna grabbed a leg pulled twisted and took Cheryl down and slapped her three times then got up

“Its for better or worst with us and I will be the best in this pit.  I will not watch you with him that is my motivation and to send you back to England.”

Cheryl got up “If you think I traveled here to lose then the pain you get will only worsen when you watch us.”

Jenna shouted threw some haymakers which Cheryl ducked and slipped then got under one hit a knee and scratched at Jennas face.  Cheryl grabbed Jenna by the hair snapped her down onto her back got on top slapped her three times then stood up “Beat you and…”  walked over to Channing “Fuck him in front of you.   You never thought this shit through.”

Jenna rushed Cheryl and the two went for a tumble got up and Cheryl threw Jenna into the wall.  “Channing did.”  Roundhouse kick to the stomach. “This is how he wants it to end.” Club to the back.  “He wanted someone else but hes happy its me.”  Go for the guillotine choke.

Jenna grabbed Cheryl’s legs and pulled sending her down then got on top hit two punches “No just no.  Rules are rules and I’ll stop it from happening down here.” 

Cheryl sat up grabbed a waist lock turned Jenna hit some stomach punches and Jenna kicked the pop star away.  They got up stepped up and wanted a  punch ended up in a lock and collar elbow after being in a shoving match.

They struggled and Jenna was able to pull Cheryl in and hit a knee to the ribs.  Cheryl at it turned her body sent Jenna down .  Jenna held on they rolled around got up and Cheryl hit a knee right into the soft part of the stomach just between the ribs then stepped back and pulled Jenna down face first to the floor.

Cheryl dropped down and a split second after her ass hit the lowere back of Jenna the elbow of Cheryl Cole slammed over the shoulder blades.  Jenna was hurt but was trying to push up.  Cheryl torqued her arm up and swung it the bicep hitting Jenna in the side of the head then Cheryl did the same with the other arm

Even though this was not the environment Cheryl couldn’t resit and she turned her torso and gave Jennas ass a spank “Oh wait that’s what I’ll want Channing to give me later.”

Cheryls turn and slap gave Jenna the ability to twist up and hit a elbow to Cheryl’s stomach.  Jenna had such a strong core and she knew it she turned back inward and flipped Cheryl off.  Cheryl got up quick as did Jenna they went at each other and Jenna dropped to her knee arm between Cheryls legs and head on the outside hip she fireman carry flipped Cheryl Cole

Jenna floated over and cross body pinned Cheryl.  She grinded her arm and elbow into the head of Cheryl Cole and hit some small punches to the stomach.  When Jenna went for a bigger punch, Cheryl pushed at the under arm and turned Jenna over.

Cheryl hit a knee to the ribs while pressing her body down across Jennas.  She then loosened up hit another one.  Cheryl tried to get that knee on the belly but felt Jenna ready to escape so she flattened out and kept trying to pin Jenna down.  Slightly lifting the bicep and shoulder she would hit that in the face.

Jenna was expecting that and turned on her stomach.  Transitioned ninety degrees so she and Cheryl were running a straight line.  Jenna blocked the knee strike trapped the leg tried to stand up with Jenna then turned her hips and sent Cheryl crashing onto her back and Jenna head on her stomach ass on Cheryl’s face.

Jenna pushed up for some punches to the stomach only to have Cheryl push her ass and Cheryl raise her legs.  Cheryl went for the head scissor and began to rotate to her left get away from Jenna doing the same.  Jenna had to not panic; this was another woman with dancer legs.  To lose to another dancer by the legs was not going to happen especially with what would happen after.

Jenna got herself into a plank position crawled up then flipped so she was on the other side of Cheryl’s legs and bridged upwards.  Cheryl reached for a ankle but Jenna and her flexibility weren’t done getting one leg over another and going for a chest sit she finally got her head out from Cheryl’s legs

Cheryl scurried up and Jenna turned for a round house kick, but Cheryl leaned back avoided the sure KO then rolled back ward cartwheeling up and onto her feet.  Jenna came in threw bicycle knees they were blocked by Cheryl.  Then Jenna threw one punch it got blocked Cheryl stepped in for a trip, but they got tangled up.

The strong legs of each woman were in a battle to get inside to trip the other down.  They ended up turning and twisting then slamming shoulders into the solid wall.  Jenna got her elbow between Cheryl’s tits grabbed the right wrist to block a punch and turned then slammed Cheryl hard into the wall.
Jenna hit two short knees to the stomach then let the wrist go and hit a left hook.  Jenna was getting comfortable and pressed her body into Cheryl’s “You fucking English bitch.  I beat Megan fucking Fox and I’ll be damned if you wreck my marriage.”

Cheryl underhooked and overhooked Jenna pressing the body in tighter and was able to get her calf on Jennas and push it.  Cheryl turned Jenna and slammed her into the wall “I am here first to fuck you over and then to really fuck your mind after I fuck.”  She let go dropped for a take down then slid back and hit two punches to the stomach.

Cheryl blocked a knee and tried to get inside.  Jenna was pushing away and tried to get away, but Cheryl was feeling it now got her right arm at Jennas hip and was controlling her and blocking the exit.  Cheryl came up with a left and cracked Jenna hard and made her slide down the wall.

“Get ready Magic one.”  Cheryl put her hands on the wall brought her hip back and went for a knee to the face but Jenna sliding down allowed her to go under a arm and avoid the knee which hit the wall.

Jenna was up grabbed the back of the hair and threw Cheryl’s face into the wall then saw hands were up to block the hard impact, so she hit some free punches under the right arm into the ribs.  Cheryl threw a back elbow.  Jenna ducked stepped back then threw both forearms like a tackle hitting into the chest.

Slide the arms up form a X and choke Cheryl.  Cheryl jammed her thumbs into Jennas under arms then pushed her away and hit a left hook and tried to follow with an upper cut, but Jenna got her hands on both arms.  Cheryl immediately bears hugged Jenna with the under hooks.

Jenna tried to overpower Cheryl, but Cheryl had the power position.  Cheryl got her core under Jenna’s and lifted her up “What the hell.”  Turn and slam Jenna down with a wrestling move.

Cheryl went for a arm triangle she got her knee on the belly was getting ready to switch sides.  Lock it down and choke her out “I wanted more topless action.”  Channing said and Cheryl paused “You’ll get to see me topless soon enough just need to take care of this nuisance.”

That was all Jenna needed to recover and when Cheryl stepped over to the other side Jenna kicked her legs up over her head.  Her strong core again allowed her to finish, and she reversed out and was now on top of Cheryl’s head and hit some elbows straight down on the spine then some punches to the side.  Jenna shot a glare over at Channing bit down on herself and grabbed Cheryl’s tank top and pulled it off

Cheryl pushed forward sending Jenna down grinded her chin between the tits then pushed the shirt upwards.  Jenna tried sliding back to avoid this but it wasn’t a hard slide. “The man wants this so who am I to.”  Cheryl sat up and a h ard push got the shirt over the face and looked over “That what you want.  Her body not her face.”

Jenna was using her legs and core lifting right and left wiggling her way out of the shirt and Cheryl knew it would happen.  “Nah bitch you on the way out… Get up.”  Cheryl got up and backed away “Let him see what hes getting and what he had before.”

Jenna was up on her feet “Then come on, you do a lot of talking about what you are better than but not a lot of proving.  Show me whose body is better.”

Cheryl bouncing foot to foot and making sure her tits got extra bounce.  “That for him well to beat me here you need to be here for me.  I’m the one you need to beat to fuck him and I wont let it happen.”


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Re: Cheryl Cole vs Jenna Dewan
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2023, 03:19:25 AM »

“You won’t have a choice.”  Cheryl threw a jab it hit then a straight kick which was caught and thrown down so Jenna could hit a left hook.

Jenna then tried to tie Cheryl up because Channing obviously must have wanted to see bare body on bare body.  Cheryl parried her away faked a body kick and hit a right over hand to the ear and a left hook that put Jenna back a few steps.

“He don’t want to see my body pressed against yours he just wants his body on mine and I want to prove you are overrated at every facet.  Every facet.”  Cheryl hit a leg kick, moved her angle to hit upper cuts to Jenna’s stomach.

“Come on you wanted someone here and you don’t have the stamina, so I guess we know why Channing is looking outside the marriage.”

“Would you SHUT UP!!!”  Jenna just started throwing wildly and Cheryl blocked slipped rolled and then went for a takedown, but Jenna somehow dove back for a takedown defence.  Underhooking the arms it was Jenna sweaty let that go and jumped over Cheryl then before Cheryl could react Jenna was behind.

Cheryl tucked her head in and tried to roll out.  Jena followed suit she got the back, and she wasn’t losing it.  Two athletic women who fancied themselves dancers first were engaging in a contest of rolls.  Cheryl trying to get away and Jenna wanting a even better position.

“God damn look at the sweat now.”  Channing watched this for five minutes.  Both were showing some equality when Jenna moved wrong.  Cheryl moved inverse and was able to flip Jenna onto her back and was in side control but that never lasted long and now both worked their way up to their feet. 

Cheryl got under and slammed Jenna into the wall and was pressing her body into Jennas “Happy now, now your man can see who the real dancer is.  Who the real woman is.”

“Yes he haas what he wants my body vs…” Jenna stopped a foot and then her sweat soaked body which was pressed tight into Cheryls fight and sweat soaked body got lower grinding hard down on the boobs Jenna turned and slammed Cheryl into the wall.  “Not as good as Megan Foxs body which I beat.”

“Go to hell.”  Cheryl was no longer addressing Channing she wasn’t liking what was being done and got her hands to the face of Jenna Dewan pushed to get relief then hit a elbow followed by a hair grab and turn around.  “Its better than you and that’s all that matters bitch.”

Cheryl couldn’t slam her as Jenna blocked it they were both hand under chin now and one in hair while bodies fought tight together.  Jenna felt such firmness such strength but wasn’t making progress nor was she being moved.  Cheryl when she showed up thought about this what would happen if they ended up in this position.  She thought she was the real dancer and would dominate; she was wrong.

Cheryl tried to knee Jenna but it was blocked and Jenna tried to lift Cheryl up but Cheryl put her weight down on Jenna’s back getting back down.  Jenna forced a takedown that didn’t last long.  They wrestled closer to channing really pounding punches into the back and sides.  Found their way up bodies somehow got pressed tighter.

They were both trying to get low potentially lift the other up.  The pressure was getting to much neither tit was winning, no legs were winning out and the stomachs “Jenna I’m loving this, I love you.”

Jenna was happy to hear that but that helped Cheryl who got the ability to hit a knee into the ribs lift and push Jenna away.  Cheryl threw wild right and left hook “He might love you but hes going to fuck me.”

Jenna threw a right hand over the left hook “NO.”  Left knee to the stomach “ENOUGH”  Left uppercut, right upper cut.  “You and YOUR FUCKING MOUTH”

Jenna went for a head kick it was blocked and then Jenna got  tripped “Yes me and my fucking mouth.”  Ground and pound from half mount “A mouth all over your fucking husband bitch soon enough.”

Jenna was getting battered and felt she could be knocked out and so close to Channing made it worst.  She reached was able to get a underhook and overhook and hold onto Cheryl.  Cheryl was pounding her fists into shoulder and sides and Jenna was able to move her hips to get Cheryl back into a full guard.

Cheryl at this point wanted to pound the meat of Jenna Dewan and was intent on tenderizing the sides.  Jenna got from full guard slid back and now was able to get to the wall and stand both up.  “Ok bitch.”

Cheryl heard that squeezed Jennas tits even though to this point it wasn’t that kind of fight not really.  A gasp from Jenna and Cheryl stepped back for a big punch but Jenna wanted that and got her foot on the wall pushed off and hit the point of her knee between Cheryls tits.  Moved around hit a upper cut backed up and knew she had it.

Cheryle was back tracking determined to not trip up and get away get a breather.  Jenna was waiting.  Cheryl threw a defensive punch Jenna let it hit and it gave Cheryl confidence she tried to plant her feet for a bigger punch but Jenna was ready “You made this about.”

Perfect hard right cross and rather than follow with left hook.  Jenna turned her shoulders activated her  hips.  A spin, then a look to acquire a target and Jenna landed a perfect spinning left hook kick that she knew was going to land.  Jenna wanted Cheryl out but not knocked out and pulled off enough to do just that.

Jenna placed Cheryl in front of Channing and got a knee ont eh spine then pulled a head up locked in a chicken wing “Cheryl theres enough to acknowledge I won so do you acknowledge now in front of MY man that you don’t measure up.  If you don’t, I’ll take my time smashing you up for all the shit you got on with.”

“I understand and I never measured up to Jenna.  I think she broke my nose I don’t need no more just please I don’t …”

“Lesson, you need to learn bitch is if you want to fuck him you won’t be beating me.  You come here to fight me and to hurt me and I will match but if its about him you will not be getting the good fucked, but you will get fucked up.  Come on let security help her out we are done in here.”  Jenna with that left with Channing.

Cheryl collected herself.  Got her clothes and got to her car where she got on big shades and a hat.  She drove to a nearby AirBnB changed her clothes and hid her face even more and left for somewhere else.  A gym where she got out and as she got to the door she could hear the battle going on inside the empty gym.

Cheryl walked in and could hear the sounds of a raging battle.  Finally, she got in and there was Olivia Munn and Megan Fox naked, bruises all over their bodies.  Each grabbing the others  tits and trading head butts.  They stopped seeing Cheryl and stepped back “You two fought I thought.”


Megan and Olivia stopped and backed away.  It looked like a war this area was torn up, the blood was coming down off their knuckles and tits.  Faces barely recognizable they slicked their destroyed hair back and it was blood soaked.  Olivia looked “You sent her too.  You really did I thought you were joking.”

“I thought you were… Did you win?”  Megan Fox asked Cheryl Cole who was the only one who knew both these women told her about Jenna Dewans new challenge idea.

“I lost.  We went after and I kept telling her what I was going to do with her husband and that made her fight harder.  She got me then told me… Told me.”

Olivia stepped forward “Its very important you tell us I sent you there because you wanted to bang Channing.  She sent you because  you thought Jenna needed a beating.  So what did she say?”

“I was out and barely conscious and she held me there to tell me that if I wasn’t showing up to fight her but to fuck him then I was getting my ass kicked.  I made it clear all fight whenever I had her I was going to fuck his brains out and in the end she made it clear she won and you better know how to step up to her.  If I ever go at this again … Fuck me I do not like that girl.”

“So you have to go in for her not him in order to win…”  Megan slowly looked at Olivia Munn who cursed “Fine Megan you gete first shot you want her most and I want to fuck her man so you …”

Question mark kick by Megan knocking Olivia Munn out cold “I’m going to devour Jenna dewan.  Ive never been readier for a fight.

(Upcoming:  Alexa vega vs sarah shahi; britney spears vs jessica simpson; Ali Larter vs Jodi Lyn O'Keefe; Hailee Steinfeld vs Saorise Ronan)