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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 7

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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 7
« on: January 06, 2024, 07:00:10 PM »
Peasant Actresses 3
       Chapter 7
       Orgasm Racing – Second Half

        Joy just sat on the couch relaxing as the clock ticked away and
        Emily soaked up the mess on the carpet with towels. The sun had
        reached the point that it shown in the west windows and sliding
        door, illuminating the room with a golden glow. The clock struck
        7:30 while Emily was in the shower. She felt it quite necessary
        to be clean for the event to continue. She was determined to not
        let Joy succeed in beating her score of 7 forced orgasms. She
        felt very strong in her resolve and as much as she had been
        enjoying the sexy nature of this entire affair, this was one
        time that she would surely use every ounce of her resolve to
        keep Joy at bay.

        When she finally finished and returned to the living room she
        felt refreshed and ready for war (sex). It was 7:45 P.M. and a
        breeze had picked up outside and was now blowing steadily
        through the open windows. The air was still sticky with the
        summer heat but it foretold of changes to come. Emily walked to
        the window and looked out for a moment before turning back to
        come sit beside Joy on the couch. Joy was still in a happy
        relaxed mood, having had 45 minutes to relish her surprise
        revenge. Joy felt really good about herself, and with Emily
        having taken some time off from sexual activity, she thought
        that maybe, just maybe, she actually could force Emily into more
        than seven orgasms. She knew that Emily’s resolve would be high,
        but she was becoming determined to give it her best shot.

        When Emily sat down next to Joy she slid right up beside her so
        their legs were touching. She leaned close and kissed Joy on the
        cheek softly. “Ok, girl. Let’s find out what you are made of.
        Two hours on the timer and seven orgasms to beat. You ready?”

        “Hell yes. I’ve been ready for the past 45 minutes. Get over on
        the bed little girl.” Emily set the timer for 120 minutes and
        headed for the bed where Joy directed her to lay on her back.
        Joy knelt beside her and began a front massage, including
        Emily’s face, hair, arms, shoulders, tummy, legs and feet. She
        deliberately avoided tits and pussy for the first few minutes,
        preferring to put her into a relaxed physical state first. This
        was much the same technique Emily had used so well on Joy,
        except that she had used a back massage to accomplish the same
        thing. The massage was physically relaxing Emily all right, but
        Emily still burned inside with the flames of hatred practically
        consuming her mind. She willed herself to be cold and distant,
        even as Joy’s soothing hands caressed her body.

        Joy knew she had her work cut out for her but she focused on
        Emily’s body very hard. She tried to read every nuance of body
        language and sound. At first it was clear to her that Emily was
        very tense. Her muscles felt rock-hard beneath her skin and Joy
        used extraordinary skill for someone so young in massaging the
        tension away. It took nearly ten minutes for her to feel as
        though Emily was relaxed enough for any attempt at sexual
        pleasure to be even moderately successful. Even then she put in
        a couple more minutes of non-sexual massaging before she slowly
        shifted her focus towards arousal techniques. It had actually
        been hard to avoid that because Emily’s fine large breasts and
        blonde-coiffed pussy were so available to her. When she finally
        began to shift to arousal massage she started with Emily’s
        prominent boobs. They were standing tall like the Grand Teton
        Mountains: firm, proud, creamy masses of endowment jutted upward
        from her chest. Joy swirled her hands around Emily’s tits and
        ended up with her nipples between her fingertips, rolling them
        back and forth into hard knobs of expectant pleasure. And
        pleasure they got. Joy shifted out of first gear and began
        sucking Emily’s hard nipples into her mouth and she used an
        infant-like sucking motion, as though she was actually trying to
        milk her tits. She traded sides often and kept up the sucking
        for a full five minutes before she ever let her hand wander down
        to find Emily’s legs already parted a bit. Actually Emily was
        just doing her part to play by the rules allowing Joy full
        access to her parts. Joy rubbed her hand teasingly across the
        ‘J’ pattern of pubic hair, grinning as she reminded herself of
        her own cleverness. Seconds later her fingers were busy probing
        the labia folds of Emily’s pink pussy. She pinched them
        (lightly). She rolled them between her fingers. She rubbed them
        longitudinally. She slid fingers between them and found the
        wetness inside. She massaged them with the palm of her hand,
        using firm but gentle pressure. She used the fingers of one hand
        to part the lips and used her index finger of the other to
        massage the area just inside her lips, all the way from bottom
        to top. Emily practically burst inside by trying to ignore the
        silky smooth touch and the warm pleasure flowing from her pussy
        as Joy used perfectly timed and perfectly soft gentle caresses
        to get her warmed up. Maybe Emily’s anger and determination
        slowed down her arousal, but it couldn’t be stopped. The wetness
        seeping form her cxnt was proof of that. Joy made deep
        penetrating strokes with her middle finger inside Emily’s
        quivering pussy. With her now wet finger she stroked her clit
        with slow, very slow, circular motions, using just enough
        pressure to cause it to slide in the opposite direction as she
        rotated around the perimeter. Emily’s clit wasn’t listening very
        well to her brain and the ministrations of Joy’s practiced
        fingers were having their desired effect. Her clitoris became
        engorged and sensitive, sending wavelets of pleasure into her
        surrounding nerves. The involuntary nervous system began to take
        over for the one that Emily tried to control with her brain, but
        she couldn’t stop the waves from continuing to crash against the
        shore. Each new twiddle of her clit by Joy’s soft touch was like
        another wave rolling onto the beach, only to be followed in a
        few moments by another. The waves continued to build as Joy put
        as many fingers to use as she could. Fingers were rubbing her
        labia. Fingers probed inside her hole, sometimes deeply and
        sometimes just inside an inch or two. Fingers of both hands all
        had a crack at her crack. Emily’s puffy lips were being stroked.
        It seemed to Emily that an octopus was loose on her pussy. Joy
        used her thumb to twiddle the now prominent clit as she slid two
        fingers inside her cxnt-hole. She thrust in and then on the
        outstroke her thumb rubbed exquisitely on Emily’s clit. With a
        gentle rocking motion she pivoted her hand so that the
        sensations oscillated back and forth between vagina and clit. By
        this time Joy’s efforts had turned Emily’s involuntary nervous
        system on full blast. It was in control and Emily couldn’t
        thwart it. Her hips were rocking to the beat of Joy’s pleasing
        finger fuck. She rocked and rocked as Joy, motivated by the
        response, continued her exact same actions until Emily couldn’t
        stop that big wave that was heading toward the shore. Every
        eleventh wave to roll onto shore is bigger than the rest and it
        was like that with Emily. Wave after wave of wonderful pleasure
        hit Emily’s body and every so often a larger wave would strike,
        sending her into another higher plateau of bliss. Finally, after
        seven minutes of the most wonderfully drawn out pleasure, the
        really big wave rolled ashore. It covered the beach, riding
        higher up the sand, surging past the earlier limits of its
        predecessors, drenching the sand and rocks far up from the surf
        zone. It knocked rocks from their perches and uprooted beach
        grass with its force. Finally the wave expired and slid back
        towards the ocean, cleaning the beach with its withdrawal. The
        wavemaster slowly pulled the plug and watched as the wave
        departed back from where it came. Joy knew that there would be
        more big waves to come.

        There was one problem from Joy’s perspective. As successful as
        her finger play had been, it had taken quite a long time. The
        timer showed 34 minutes had elapsed as Joy let the last flush of
        Emily’s orgasm wash back to sea. It had taken a full 20 minutes
        longer to reach the first orgasm with Emily. Intent on capturing
        as many more orgasms as Emily had hidden inside she didn’t even
        quit her clitty play. She just slowed the pace and diminished
        the pressure by using just the palm of her hand to massage
        gently the entire area around Emily’s pussy. She hoped that once
        submitted to orgasm that Emily would find it harder to hold back
        further orgasm. Joy swung her body into position where her own
        pussy was resting on Emily’s left foot. She was on her knees but
        with her knee joint bent she could lean forward and continue her
        digital access to Emily’s cxnt.

        Emily had a mixture of emotions as Joy set to work on number
        two. She had noted the timer and knew that Joy was way behind on
        the clock but Emily knew it could still be made up if she didn’t
        make every single orgasm take as long as possible. She wasn’t
        about to break the rules (after all, she had made them) and
        actively work against Joy’s actions, but she was intent on using
        every mental power she held to thwart arousal and orgasm. Like
        many things this was a dual edge sword. She was trying to
        ‘forbid’ herself from being aroused or having an orgasm.
        Troubling for Emily though, was the fact that with sex, the more
        forbidden it is, the more allure it has. And so it was with
        Emily. She was glad the first orgasm had taken so long but was
        dismayed by the pleasure that had come with it. Even more
        dismayed was she when Joy’s continuous pussy manipulation hadn’t
        caused her to recoil in horror, but to feel a surge of arousal
        coursing through her veins again. This time the arousal level
        wasn’t starting from scratch either, but form a higher plane,
        maybe halfway there. Involuntarily she began to rotate her hips
        within a minute of her last orgasm ebbing away. She even felt
        Joy’s pussy resting on the top of her foot and she moved her
        foot slowly against Joy’s juicy lips.

        Joy was thinking that becoming aroused herself might possibly
        translate into heightened arousal for Emily and so she accepted
        the foot massage of her pussy and even groaned a bit. She was
        acting, hoping that Emily, picking up on Joy’s arousal, would
        hasten her own. Whether it helped or not Joy never knew, but one
        thing was sure. Emily was on the fast track towards number two.
        In only four minutes she was grinding her pussy vigorously
        against Joy’s hand and fingers, moaning with renewed passion as
        the waves beat against the shore all over again. Her tits were
        jiggling all over her chest as her body responded to the
        unwanted exploration. Her foot was still pushing upward against
        Joy’s slit, but she had lost the focus to keep up any semblance
        of reciprocity. Her foot play with Joy’s slit was half-hearted
        and ineffective as she succumbed to the feelings rampant inside.
        Joy had shifted from subtle clit massage to more vigorous and
        direct stimulation, again using many fingers to probe and
        massage every intricate fold of Emily’s pussy, both inside and
        out. “Oooooooh! Ooooooooh! Ooooooooyes! Do me. Do me. Fuck me.
        Fuck me! Oooooooooh Yeeeeeeesssss!” Emily was literally
        screaming as the second big wave rocked her body. Joy could
        barely keep her fingers in place as Emily bucked and jerked her
        body to the inner timing of her orgasm. She bounced on the bed
        with such vigor that she nearly bucked right off onto the floor.
        Joy had to grab her by the hips and pull her back towards the
        middle of the bed to prevent a fall. Only seven minutes had gone
        by since number one. Joy was ecstatic that she had brought Emily
        to number two so soon.

        “If it worked once, it should work again,” Joy was thinking as
        Emily’s second orgasm subsided a bit. Her hips were still
        rocking to the aftershocks of pleasure as Joy continued her
        skillful fingering of Emily’s pussy. With determination etched
        on her face, Joy never wavered in her digital plundering of
        Emily’s wet pussy. She succeeded in bringing her to her third
        orgasm 9 minutes later, and her fourth in another 10 minutes.
        Joy was beginning to think of herself as some expert finger
        fucker when her attempts to reach #5 were met with a sort of
        stalemate. Emily seemed to be enjoying the ride, but she wasn’t
        really getting too close to anther orgasm, even after 20 minutes
        and so Joy was forced to change tactics.

        Emily had been aching with the mental anguish associated with
        her inability to slow down orgasms #2,3, and 4, but as #5 didn’t
        leap in right after #4, she breathed a sigh of relief. She
        glanced at the clock, which read 73 minutes. “Could Joy bring me
        off 3 or 4 more times in 47 minutes? I sure hope not,” thought
        Emily to herself as Joy had begun her manipulations for seeking
        #5. When the twenty minutes had elapsed and Joy changed to
        orally gratifying techniques, Emily wasn’t really worried, since
        now there was only 27 minutes to go. Her relative good humor
        diminished though when Joy’s skillful tonguing began to bring
        Emily into the throes of pre-orgasmic bliss in only 2 minutes.
        Joy tongued with quick little flicking jabs with the tip against
        Emily’s clit. She would wait 4 or 5 seconds between licks. The
        anxious waiting between flicks had Emily so exasperated in
        anticipation of the next lick that she started humping the air
        between her cxnt and Joy’s face in eager prodding for Joy to get
        with it and start licking. Joy actually kept the teasing pace up
        and it seemed only to increase Emily’s frantic humping action.
        In only a minute she was humping so hard and fast that when Joy
        finally dove her face directly into Emily’s pussy and rammed her
        tongue up against her clit for some hard furious licks that in
        only a few seconds Emily burst into orgasm #5, shredding her
        belief that the contest was over and that Joy would have no
        chance to catch up to her.

        Now the timer had moved on to read 1 hr 47 minutes. This contest
        appeared to be headed for a photo finish (yes the camera was
        still clicking away). Joy had glanced at the clock and knew that
        there could be no rest. She had to keep on going and she did.
        For only a moment she slid up the rumpled sheets to Emily’s
        prone body and sucked deeply on Emily’s nipples for a few
        seconds, causing them to distend themselves in quick reaction.
        Back down to Joy’s love nest she went. She kneeled between her
        legs and slid a pillow under Emily’s butt to raise it higher.
        Grabbing her big left tit and pulling it up to her own mouth for
        Emily to see, she sucked her own nipple into her mouth, causing
        instant arousal by turning it into a nice hard knob. Leaning low
        she began to push it all around Emily’s still wet pussy. Up and
        down the lips, inside and outside. She spread her labia very
        wide and inserted her nipple as far as its shape would allow and
        followed that up with vigorous wiggling. Her nipple was very
        drenched in Emily’s juices. Emily enjoyed the erotic sensation
        even as she hated being forced to enjoy it by Joy. When Joy slid
        her nipple out of Emily’s hole and began to push it into and all
        around Emily’s clit Emily was forced again to try to thwart the
        advancing feelings pushing outward from her groin. Her clit was
        enjoying the nipple stimulation as Joy bent to her task. Never
        wavering she kept up pushing her hard nipple against Emily’s
        clit. She pushed it side to side. She slid it just into the wet
        pussy and slid it up against the underside. She flicked it back
        and forth across the very tip and she pushed it hard and deep
        with slow grinding motions. Joy too was feeling the arousal. Her
        nipple was sending waves of horny pleasure washing out through
        her body, which only intensified her determined attack on
        Emily’s clit. The clock was ticking and ticking and Joy was
        getting anxious because she needed not one but two more orgasms
        to surge through Emily if she was going to win. Finally (it
        seemed to take forever to Joy, but in reality it was only 6
        minutes) Emily succumbed again. This time she shouted words of
        anger as her body rolled in pleasurable waves across the bed.
        “Fuck you, bitch. Fuck you. Oh God, Fuck you!”

        Emily’s body was not serving its own master. It was serving the
        involuntary nervous system. Joy had succeeded in speeding up the
        orgasmic pace after the slow start and now it seemed that she
        might actually pull it off. Her motivation to force another
        (tying) orgasm out of Emily was met with as much fortitude on
        Emily’s part to prevent it. Emily began to think about anything
        she could that was not sexy as Joy thrust ahead with her
        pleasuring. Emily thought about taking her ACT test and her term
        paper for History class. She thought about singing in the choir
        at church and in the play last spring. She wished she was up on
        stage to sing in glorious harmony with the orchestra. She
        dreamed of having the lead role and wowing the audience with her
        voice and her acting. She dreamed of Mr. Slater’s face as he
        congratulated her at the end of a magnificent final performance.
        She dreamed of the cast without Joy. Now that was a very
        pleasant thought.

        While Emily worked as hard as she could to think of anything
        that might slow down her response, Joy had returned to her
        cunnilingual efforts. She planted her mouth and its wetness atop
        Emily’s pussy and its wetness. She sucked each labia lip deeply
        into her mouth and slid her tongue as deeply into Emily’s pussy
        as she could force it. With only three minutes to go Joy made a
        desperate move. She swung her body around to lie in sixty-nine
        with Emily. Thinking that planting her own pussy right smack in
        Emily’s face might draw the last bit of sexual desire out of
        her, she began sucking hard on Emily’s clit as she rubbed her
        nose down firmly into the folds of her pussy. Swiveling her face
        into and around Emily’s pussy as her tongue and lips devoured
        the pretty clit, Joy was like a wild woman and Emily was
        responding. Neither girl could see the clock from their
        position, but both knew that it was getting very close to 2 hours.

        Emily felt her arousal surge upward again, even with all the
        anti-arousal thought she had been thinking. A quick debate
        flashed through her brain. With Joy’s pussy planted squarely
        above her face should she attack it in hopes of providing
        distraction for Joy or would leaving it alone be the best move?
        Decisions, decisions. It wasn’t an easy one and she finally
        decided that the best bet would be to return the pussy eating
        favor, and do it with such vigor, that Joy would be forced to
        slow down. She could tell that Joy was turned on as pussy juice
        had already been dripping down onto her chin. The internal
        debate in her head probably took only 30 seconds before she acted.

        Joy felt Emily’s tongue slide deeply into her cxnt as she forced
        her nose deeply into Emily’s pussy, to the point that she
        couldn’t breathe out of it. Now the two were in a pussy-eating
        duel. Emily was trying to distract Joy from her task and Joy was
        equally intent on causing a fire alarm of epic proportions to
        blast through Emily. The duel was waged with tongues, noses,
        lips and chins. The furious pace was bound to tire them out, but
        for the fact that not much time was left.

        Emily reached around Joy’s ass and pulled it towards her so hard
        that she left handprint marks on Joy’s behind.


        The timer went off as the two girls were sucking clitty like
        there was no tomorrow. The timer didn’t stop them, however. As
        close as they were to bringing each other off, and neither girl
        wanting to be seen as giving up, the clit-sucking duel
        continued. Their bodies writhed in ecstasy together. They were
        like rutting heathens. Only the basest of emotions coursed
        through their veins now. Even though Emily knew she had
        technically won the race, she was as intent now on bringing Joy
        off before her as if this was a contest of its own. Joy thrust
        her ass backwards so hard against Emily’s mouth that it made her
        neck crack. Emily paid no attention and kept on licking,
        sucking, tonguing Joy’s musky cxnt. Joy grabbed Emily’s ass from
        beneath and pulled it up hard against her mouth and the two
        pounded each other’s face with the humping and grinding of the
        wildest proportions. A nuclear blast couldn’t have separated the
        girls right now. Their muscles were tired, but their desire and
        motivation were stronger. Their bodies were almost as one, now,
        as the goals of each were the same. Their squirming, humping,
        pounding pussies were reaching new heights of prolonged ecstasy.
        Each girl had come to the edge of orgasm two or three times, and
        yet the orgasms did not come. Pushing themselves towards a
        physical limit that was unknown to them, they continued. Five
        minutes after the timer had gone off and still they were at it.
        Ten minutes and they were still at it. 17 minutes actually went
        by before the two girls exploded with their own version of a
        nuclear blast. The light that flashed in their eyes (even though
        they were closed) was brighter than anything they had ever seen.
        The shock wave blasted through their tissues with terrifying
        speed. The heat of the reaction made their bodies glow as
        temperatures shot up above 100 degrees. Their sex organs and
        mouths practically melted together from the heat. The delicious
        sensations mushroomed into big clouds of wondrous loving
        feelings. Never had the power of an orgasm been so intense. It
        brought tears to their eyes.

        When finally, the two girls could think and breathe again they
        rolled apart and sat up to see the other crying. They looked at
        each other knowing that they had shared something very special.
        It wasn’t as if there had been two orgasms. There had been only
        one. But it was exponentially bigger than any they had ever felt
        on their own before. They held each other and cried some more.
        It took 15 minutes before either could speak a proper word.

        “Wow!” Joy commented, “that was pretty intense.” It was an
        understatement of course. Emily managed a smile as she looked at
        Joy’s face, “Well, I guess that last one was a tie. But I only
        had six orgasms within the two hours and so I guess I win.
        Aren’t you going to congratulate me?”

        Joy smiled back and coyly responded, “Congratulations. Ha! I
        think we should both get some kind of award for that last one.
        That was incredible. I have never came so hard in my life. I
        thought my body was going to split apart into a million pieces.”

        “Yeah, that was pretty amazing. I could feel your heat just
        jumping at me through your pussy. My orgasm surpassed all the
        others by a long shot. I wonder if we could ever duplicate that
        one?” She caught herself, thinking back on the reason they were
        here. Seeking mutual pleasure wasn’t the reason and she wasn’t
        too sure she hadn’t already said too much. Joy noted that Emily
        cut herself off and she eased the direction back a bit towards
        combat by saying, “Well, maybe it could be duplicated sometime,
        but I think we still have some unfinished business to tend to.”

        Emily was actually relieved to hear that from Joy. She had just
        had the most intense and wonderful orgasm of her 19-year-old
        life and she was now telling herself that it was just a
        20-minute aberration and that she must return to the
        confrontational sexuality mode. Oh what delicious torment!
HG Hunt