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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 9 - Saturday

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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 9 - Saturday
« on: January 14, 2024, 03:01:56 AM »
Peasant Actresses 3
       Chapter 9- Saturday

        Emily awoke by about 8:00 and looked out the window to see
        clouds drifting off to the east with patches of blue between
        them. The air was much cooler than the previous few days. A cold
        front had passed through with the storms. She checked the power
        and found that it was still off. She checked the phone and there
        was still a dial tone, so it had not been affected by the storm.
        She sat on the couch as Joy began to stir from her sleep.
        Watching Joy wake up and checking the phone book for the number
        of the power company she was surprised to hear the sound of a
        truck out front. She peeked out to see two men in a power
        company truck pulling in to the parking area out front. She
        yelled at Joy to get up and get some clothes on, quickly. They
        raced to Emily’s bedroom where Emily grabbed a pair of shorts
        and a sweatshirt for each girl. In a matter of seconds they had
        them pulled over their heads and were walking back to the living
        room when the doorbell rang. Joy ran over to hide the ‘toys’ and
        Emily answered the door.

        “Hello, my name is Jake Devlin, and this is Ron Gordon. We are
        with the electric company and we have reports of power outages
        in this area. I wonder if you lost your power last night in the

        Emily looked at the two men. They were in uniforms with their
        first names sewn on their shirts. The power company truck with a
        boom for elevated work was parked out front. She was confident
        that they were who they said they were. “Yes. We lost power
        about 12:30 last night and it isn’t on yet. Are you going to fix

        “Yes ma’m, we intend to.” Joy had reached the door and stood
        staring at the two men from over Emily’s shoulder.

        “Good. I hope it won’t take too long,” Emily watched as the two
        men headed back for their truck. There was a transformer on the
        pole not too far off to the side of the home and they moved the
        truck over there and began working on the transformer.

        As soon as the two men had departed Joy and Emily looked at each
        other with a combination look of consternation and of
        devilishness mixed together. Emily had noticed how handsome the
        men were and also was quick to note the ring on Jake’s finger.
        She also noticed that Ron did not have a wedding band on his
        ring finger. She turned to Joy and asked, “Are you thinking what
        I am thinking?”

        Joy answered back, “Well, I don’t know exactly what you are
        thinking, but I think these two hunks showing up at your front
        door could merge quite well into our scheme, don’t you?”

        “Absolutely! I think we should have no trouble seducing these
        guys. If we don’t and they just leave when they’re done then we
        can go back to plan A, but if they are seduced by our charms,
        then we can use them as just another game in our little contest.
        Do you think that would work?”

        “Sure. I say we keep an eye on them out the window and when it
        appears that they are done, or at least almost done, that we put
        on a couple of your sexiest bikinis and parade ourselves out to
        the pool and offer them some refreshments. I don’t see how they
        could refuse.”

        “Well then, lets figure out how we can incorporate a couple of
        studs into our little contest. Should we let them know up front
        about our contest or should we wait until they are all done and
        ready to leave before we ask them for some kind of score to give
        each of us. Also, what if one of us gets a real loser of a lover
        and the other gets a stud? And how should we determine which one
        of them we each get?”

        Joy thought for a moment and then walked over to the side window
        and looked out to see Ron going up in the cherry picker towards
        the transformer. “Well, I think we shouldn’t worry too much
        about them not being able to perform satisfactorily. Ron looked
        to be only about 25 years old, and Jake is in his early 30s at
        the oldest. I guess we can flip a coin or something to see whom
        we each get first crack at (get it?). There is an element of
        risk here you know. But I think the fun we could have is far too
        great to pass this chance up. If we can get them to stay long
        enough so that they each have sex with both of us then when they
        leave we could ask them to rank us on a piece of paper with a
        score, say from 1 to 10, and then we could just add their scores
        for each of us onto the scoreboard. Would that work?”

        Emily licked her lips as she looked out the window. The
        possibilities were racing through her head, replacing the
        competitive thoughts she had for Joy with lustful thoughts for
        the two guys outside. She didn’t answer Joy’s question right
        away but began commenting on her perceptions of the two men.
        “You know, I think that Jake, the older guy looks a little bit
        like George Clooney. He really has nice eyes and is a very
        handsome guy. I can’t wait to see what his dick looks like, and
        tastes like.” She giggled. “Ron, the younger guy isn’t as
        handsome and he actually looks a little bit overweight, but at
        25 or so, he is bound to be a horny guy. I really like his hair
        though.” She paused before she remembered that Joy had asked a
        question that needed answering. “Anyway, I think it would be too
        dangerous to let them know that there was a competition going on
        until they were already to leave. We could just smile demurely
        as they are leaving and ask if they would like to help us out
        with a little survey kind of thing. Ask them to write down their
        rating, like you said, and give it to us. I don’t think that a
        scale from 1 to 10 is just right for our own contest though,
        since right now we only have a score of 5.5 to 3.5 at the moment
        and allowing scores clear up to ten would give too much weight
        to their opinion. How about a scale from zero to 5, five being
        the highest?”

        Joy agreed right away and the two girls quickly rounded up some
        lemonade and some cookies before heading to Emily’s bedroom for
        a quick change into swimsuits. While in the bedroom Emily found
        a quarter and suggested they flip the coin to determine who got
        first choice of men. She offered for Joy to call the coin in the
        air as it fell to the floor. She called heads, but it was tails.
        Emily smiled and announced that she would go after Jake. Joy
        would get the opportunity to seduce Ron.

        Emily had a number of swimsuits to pick from and the two were so
        close in size that Joy could have worn any of them. Emily chose
        a red and blue print bikini that was thong style with a small
        triangular patch over each breast. The two patches were held
        close together to emphasize her cleavage. She hoped to use that
        display to her advantage when trying to entice the men into a
        coupling with her. Joy found one of Emily’s tiniest bikinis. It
        was shiny silver and it too had a cleavage enhancing shape on
        top and a thin tie-string at the hips. Both girls were showing
        lots of skin. Their preparations took only about 15 minutes and
        it seemed to take forever for the two men to finish their work.
        But finish they did. It took an hour and a half for them to
        repair the power. A couple of short flashes of the power coming
        back on told the girls that progress was being made and when it
        came on for good they were as anxious as could be imagined.
        Neither girl had ever tried to seduce a total stranger before.
        Now they were working as a team to try to seduce the two
        linesmen. It was now nearly 10:00 AM and the temperature was
        warming up. The humidity had plummeted since the storm, but it
        was still going to be a warm day. As the girls looked sneakily
        out the side window they could see that the two men were sweating.

        “Well, it’s now or never.” Joy moved away from the window as she
        spoke to Emily. The two girls headed for the kitchen and the
        prepared tray of lemonade and cookies. With sandals on they
        headed out to the pool from where they could see the men as they
        packed up their tools in the back of the truck. Plainly the
        sight of the two bikini-clad girls had caused the two men to
        take notice. Joy and Emily did not miss their occasional glances
        towards the pool. When Emily yelled over to them that they might
        like a little drink and a snack they were met with a quick
        answer, “No, we’re supposed to find some more outages. The storm
        did quite a lot of damage you know.”

        “Oh, come on. We really appreciate our power being restored so
        efficiently. The least we can do is show our appreciation by
        sharing some cookies and lemonade. Come on over.” Emily ached
        inside, hoping that she had said the right thing.

        When Ron whispered something to Jake, she thought maybe she had
        been successful. A moment later Jake took a step towards the
        pool and said, “Thanks. I guess maybe we could spell ourselves
        for a minute or two.” Emily noticed the shy smile on Ron’s face
        as he followed Jake over to where the girls stood. Joy held a
        pitcher of lemonade and 4 glasses. Emily carried a tray of cookies.

        Emily nodded her head towards the canopied table and offered
        them a seat. “Thanks,” said Jake as he lowered himself into the
        chair and Ron sat next to him. Emily walked over to Ron and
        leaned low, swaying her shoulders a bit, causing her breasts to
        sway a bit as well. Her cleavage, now so prominently displayed,
        had four admiring eyes glued to it. She held out the tray of
        cookies and said to Ron, “We really appreciate your HARD work
        here this morning. I really want to show my gratitude. Here are
        some tidbits for you. Whatever you would like to eat just let me
        know.” She let her eyes meet and hold the gaze of Jake as he
        reached for the plate. Jake was no idiot. He knew a come-on when
        he saw one. He smiled a bit at Emily as he took two cookies from
        the plate. “Thanks. I could sure enjoy myself back here. You
        have a wonderful yard miss.”

        Emily winked at Joy as she handed her the tray of cookies. She
        took them to Ron, who had already leaned forward a bit as she
        approached with her goodies. She, like Emily before her, leaned
        over close to Ron offering the plate of cookies to him by
        gesture. She spoke, “Ron dear, don’t you think I’ve brought you
        some delicious goodies. I would hate to see your appetite go
        hungry after you did such a wonderful job up on that big pole.
        Here, take what you want from me.”

        Ron gulped as Joy finished speaking. He couldn’t take his eyes
        off her splendid tits. For his benefit Joy walked behind him and
        spoke some more. “I’ll bet that HARD work you did up on that
        pole has made you tense. It must be dangerous having to deal
        with so much power all the time. You look tense.” With that she
        took off his hat and tossed it onto the table. She boldly put
        her hands on his shoulders and began to rub and massage them.
        Emily watched as a giant grin exploded across his face. The grin
        grew larger as Joy leaned close enough to him so that her
        breasts pushed around the sides of his head. He could feel the
        firm globes pushing around on either side of his head, even as
        her fingers were kneading his shoulders.

        “Wow, aren’t you the lucky one,” Jake spoke to Ron. “I do most
        of the work up there and you are getting lucky with a
        titillating massage.”

        Emily wasted not a moment in responding, “Oh, I wouldn’t worry.
        You could get far luckier than that Jake. I am an expert at
        making boys feel lucky. Do you want to see how?”

        Jake was a married man, but he had an aching in his groin that
        was powerful and he wasn’t about to put up any barriers now. He
        just smiled a soft smile. He reminded Emily even more of George
        Clooney when he smiled like that. She felt a shiver of lustful
        excitement course through her as she smiled back. She walked
        over to him and reached her hand down to his chest. She rubbed
        him through his shirt. He leaned back as she leaned lower,
        running her hand downward over his shirt buttons. She reached
        his pants and while continuing to look him in the eye, she began
        fumbling with his belt buckle one-handed.

        Jake took initiative of his own now. He reached up and pulled
        Emily’s face towards his own. He didn’t even know her name, but
        he knew what she was offering and he knew he wanted it. He
        kissed her hard on the lips, holding her head firmly in his
        strong hands. Emily swooned at the masculine touch of his lips
        on hers. She longed for more as she continued to work on his
        belt buckle. Finally she unlatched the clasp and was able to
        unsnap the pants top quickly. Her anxious hands pulled the
        zipper down and her hand dove inside to feel the hard cock
        through his briefs. She couldn’t tell how big it was and she
        didn’t even care about that. She just knew that she wanted to
        devour it in every way. As she rubbed her left hand over his
        underwear covered dick she felt his hands reach around behind
        her chest. Expertly he untied and pulled aside her bikini top.
        Her breasts were now exposed and Jake dove his mouth over her
        right tit. He sucked her nipple firmly into his mouth and his
        hard sucking action sent shivers once again throughout Emily’s
        body. Her hand was now grasping the hard dimensions of his cock.
        She was rubbing it from its head to its base. It didn’t seem to
        be any great enormous dick, but it wasn’t tiny either and she
        was certain it would make for a nice feeling in her pussy.
        Before that though she was determined to taste him. Pulling her
        tit away from Jake she had him swing his chair a bit sideways as
        she knelt on the ground before him. Reaching her hands up to his
        loose pants top she pulled downward as he raised his hips to
        allow them to come down. She pulled them all the way down to his
        ankles, where his work boots prevented them from going further.
        Next came his briefs. It only took two seconds for her to have
        them down to his ankles too. His hard cock sprung up and she
        looked with devilish eyes at it from her kneeling position. She
        reached for it with both hands and began to play with it as she
        slowly pulled her head closer and closer. It was a very normal
        six-inch cock but it was certainly ready for action. Its smooth
        hard shaft was topped with a very pretty head, purple hued and
        only a bit larger than the shaft itself. He was very hairy and
        she ran her fingers through his pubic hair and under his cock to
        caress his balls. Holding them in one hand she bounced them
        around to feel their heft. She looked up at him to find his eyes
        closed in glorious expectation. With a quick glance to her left
        she saw that Joy was not idly wasting time on shoulder massage
        any longer.

        Joy had watched as Emily began her frontal attack on Jake while
        she was massaging Ron’s shoulders. Her tits had been busy
        pressing into the back of his head and around to the sides, and
        when Ron saw Jake take some initiative in the other chair, he
        responded similarly. He turned his head to the right and pushed
        his face hard into the bikini covered breast flesh. He buried
        his face between those two large orbs and shook his head back
        and forth, relishing the feeling of being overwhelmed by tits.
        He had no current girlfriend, but of those he had had over the
        past few years, none would have come close to Joy in terms of
        breast size. This was a dream come true for Ron. Joy let him
        play his face washing game with her tits for a moment before she
        reached for her own strings and untied them. She pulled away
        long enough for her to toss it aside and she jutted her tits
        right back into his admiring face. Ron used both hands to pull
        her boobs closer together and again used them to envelope his
        face. It was obvious he was a ‘breast man’. Joy couldn’t be
        prouder of her two magnificent orbs than she was right now. Here
        was a guy who was intent on worshiping her endowments. She was
        still standing and had a good view of what was transpiring
        between Emily and Jake, but she knew that Ron was enjoying
        himself so much with her tit-face washing that she was not about
        to push for something different just because Emily was getting
        Jake’s pants off.

        Ron felt like he had died and gone to heaven. Here he was, a
        confirmed big tit lover, and the sight and feel of Joy’s D-cup
        boobs was nearly sending him into orbit. He LOVED big tits. He
        was anxious as hell to take full advantage of the opportunity
        before him. He didn’t know everything the girl would allow him
        to do, but with the aggressive approach she made, he was sure he
        could expect some serious sex from her. He continued rubbing her
        tits across and around his face for several minutes. Joy let him
        take as long as he wanted since he was so obviously enjoying the
        moment. When he pulled back finally he could see Jake in the
        next chair with Emily just about ready to engulf his cock in her
        mouth. But for him he wanted his cock somewhere else first. His
        cock was raging inside his pants and he wanted it out. He untied
        his boots and tossed them aside, followed by his socks. He
        unbuttoned his shirt in record time and removed his pants and
        underwear to be totally naked. Joy had removed the string bottom
        of her bikini to be just as naked.

        Ron admired her bare pussy for just a moment but he told Joy to
        get over to the lounge chair and lay down. She did as he
        commanded but was a bit surprised when he told her to turn
        around and lay with her head at the low end of the chaise. “You
        have the best titties for a titty fuck I’ve ever seen. Let’s put
        them to good use.” With that he swung his leg across her body
        and the chaise. Straddling her torso he lowered himself so that
        he could slide his penis between her big heaving tits. She
        pushed them together for him and he slid his cock slowly between
        them, relishing the divine feeling. Joy smiled up at Ron and
        implored him to, “Fuck my titties. Yeah, fuck them good. I love
        your big dick (well, it really wasn’t all that big) fucking my

        He was in absolute heaven. Joy’s tits were big enough to
        completely envelope his cock when she squeezed them together.
        The joyous friction was something he had been waiting for since
        he had seen it in a porn flick five years earlier. None of his
        previous partners had tits large enough for the real thing like
        Joy was giving him. One of them had tried but it just wasn’t as
        satisfying as he thought it should be. Now, “Oh God! Your tits
        feel so good. Just keep squeezing them together like that. Yes!
        Yess! Yesss!” Ron’s fantasy coming true so wonderfully had him
        rapidly approaching his orgasm. He pumped harder and harder into
        her majestic boobs as she licked her lips and kept eye contact
        with him. He had a little pot belly but Joy hardly noticed,
        intent as she was on giving him the time of his life. In less
        than five minutes he reached his climax. His cock squirted its
        first jet onto her chin and he pumped furiously between her tits
        as more spurts of cum shot out onto her neck and her chin and
        between her tits. It made a wonderful pearl necklace. He
        screamed in ecstasy with the joy that comes from the fantasy
        fulfillment depths of his brain. “Fuck! Yes! Oh Godddddd! Feels
        so Gooood!”

        Joy grinned from ear to ear to hear him and see him and feel him
        cum like he did. He slid backwards on the lounge and lay atop
        her body. He kissed her softly on the mouth as she reached
        around behind him and grabbed his buttocks and pulled him closer
        to her. His softening dick lay on her bare pussy mound and he
        seemed content to just lay there softly, relishing the fading
        glow from post-sex happiness. Joy however had other plans. She
        could hear a commotion from over by the table, and knew that
        Emily had not been twiddling her thumbs the past few minutes.

        Emily’s mouth had wasted no time in finding Jake’s cock. She
        tongued its tip first. Swirling her tongue around the head in
        circles as she caressed his balls with her left hand. Using her
        right hand to guide his cock she pushed it to one side and
        opened her mouth as wide as she could and slobbered her lips
        over the base of his cock and slid them slowly and wetly up to
        the tip. She repeated the maneuver on the other side. His dick
        was now glistening with her saliva along its entire length. Then
        she flicked her tongue on the underside of his glans every few
        seconds. She certainly hit the spot with Jake. He moaned and
        groaned with every little flick of her tongue. His cock twitched
        in anticipation as she waited several seconds between flicks.
        After a couple of minutes of glorious teasing she slowly slid
        her mouth down over his cock. Her lips squeezed and her tongue
        was busy on the underside of his cock. She took about two inches
        into her mouth and repeated her in and out fellatio with just
        those two inches for about a minute before she gobbled another
        inch and took those three inches in and out of her mouth in slow
        smooth sucking strokes. Jake, like most men was a pushover for a
        good blow job, and he was sure getting one now. He was fortunate
        enough to have a wife at home who was adept at fellatio too, but
        the fact that he wasn’t getting a brand new experience didn’t
        make it any less enjoyable. He didn’t know how old Emily was (he
        wasn’t about to ask, either) but she sure had the knack. Another
        minute with half his dick and she added one more inch. On the
        in-strokes Jake could feel the tip of his dick bumping the back
        of her mouth and he was thrilled that she was taking him so
        deeply. About a minute of that wondrously deep sucking and she
        pulled out and returned to the sideways licking of his cock
        clear down to the base. “Heavenly,” he thought. Then as he felt
        his cock burning with passionate heat and aching for release she
        stuffed it back into her wet mouth. Her eyes glanced upward to
        find his eyes staring back at her. Their gazes met and they
        devoured each other with their eyes. This time as his cock hit
        the back of her mouth he was surprised to feel her not pulling
        back out for another slow withdrawal. Instead he felt more
        pressure on the tip of his cock and her lips slid lower on him a
        half inch. She followed that with another half-inch, and
        another… Slowly she moved but eventually he was completely
        inside her mouth. She had literally swallowed his cock. Opening
        her gullet to a man was something she had learned by following
        some tips from one of those marriage/sex websites that offered
        advice for couples’ sex lives. She had practiced the techniques
        off and on for a week or so and found that she could stuff
        nearly all of a 10” dildo into her mouth. She never knew at the
        time when she might have an opportunity to use her newly
        acquired skill, but it didn’t hurt to be ready. Now, Jake found
        himself the lucky guy first to appreciate the effort Emily had
        put into her preparedness.

        After a moment to acclimate herself to the throaty fullness she
        began to bob her head slowly back and forth on his cock, bobbing
        to an ancient rhythm of instinctual lust. Jake let out a loud
        groan as Emily sucked his cock fully into her wet throat for the
        third time. He was unable to relax and he started pumping his
        hips in time with the motions of Emily’s actions. In moments he
        felt the welling fullness in his balls and the imminent
        discharge it foretold. In only a couple more slow strokes of her
        mouth and his pumping he screamed his pleasure and she prepared
        for the result by pushing his cock absolutely as deeply into her
        throat as it would go. Her lips were plastered against his groin
        when she could feel the hot spurting cum-juices flood her
        throat. Spurt after spurt rocketed down her throat as he
        quivered his orgasm and shouted the intense pleasure he was
        feeling. “Oh God! Yesssss! Yessssss! Yeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss.!”

        Joy was astounded when she peered across the intervening few
        feet to see the last moments of Emily deep-throating Jake and
        the pounding orgasm it induced. She watched as Jake finally
        pulled his cock from the depths of Emily’s face, a few drops of
        cum still hanging in strings from the tip. Anxious to not let
        any opportunity for gaining advantage over Emily she yelled out
        “Switch!” By taking charge with a voice of authority she was
        seeking to mold the next moments into further pleasure for all
        involved, and hopefully rewarding herself with the bonus points
        that might come her way from the two men.

        Ron dismounted her and she immediately went over to Jake and
        Emily with a big smile of anticipation. Emily couldn’t afford to
        act like the bitch that she felt like, not with the two men
        looking on, so she cast her glance over at Ron who was staring
        at them. With a quick leap she was up and walking towards him.
        She watched as his cock jerked a bit in anticipation. She asked
        him if he had liked what he had seen. Instantly he said yes and
        with no time passing her mouth had dropped to his cock and was
        sucking life back into it immediately. Ron lay back on the
        nearest recliner and told Emily to swing her body around into
        the 69 position. Prepared to follow his lead she complied and in
        a moment her pussy was plastering Ron’s face. Emily lowered her
        head and began her cock-resuscitation in earnest. In moment
        Ron’s cock had reached its full hardness and length, somewhat
        longer than Jake’s. They launched themselves in to a frenzied
        oral attack on each other’s organ. Ron’s tongue delved deeply
        between the folds of her pussy and slid around to feel every
        little intricacy of her womanhood. Emily rocked her body back
        towards his mouth in lust. Ron didn’t waste time with little
        gently nibbles and licks like Joy but instead forced his tongue
        almost cock-deep into her depths while he felt his cock head
        bouncing off the back of Emily’s mouth. Ron’s bigger cock only
        presented a small challenge for Emily and within moments she had
        forced his dick past her gag reflex and into her throat. When
        her lips reached bottom and she squeezed the base of his cock
        with all her might as Ron stopped his cxnt lapping. The wonder
        of the feeling of his dick impaling Emily’s mouth so deeply
        caused him to lose his concentration. He just lay back enjoying
        the thrill, Emily slammed her pussy hard back against his face,
        jolting him back to awareness of his task. His tongue found her
        clit and began vigorous licking. Their rhythm hit its stride and
        with occasional grunts and groans renting the air they weaved
        their delicious passion back and forth between them.

        Jake’s eyes twinkled as he asked Joy, “Do you think you can keep
        this thing from going limp?”

        “No doubt about it!” Joy lept to the task and in two seconds she
        had her mouth wrapped around the same cock that had been so deep
        inside Emily’s mouth only moments before. The taste of cum was
        strong and it only served to motivate Joy. She was kneeling on
        the ground and Jake leaned back in the chair as Joy ravenously
        sucked his cock. When she started it had been diminishing in
        rigidity, but within two minutes it was rock-hard and Jake
        moaned in pleasure from the wonderful sucking action Joy pulled
        his cock with. Her slathering tongue would twirl around and
        around the head at the top of each stroke. With her lips closed
        over her teeth she bit her way back down his cock, pressing hard
        on his erection. The intense pressure was driving him crazy with
        desire and he grabbed the back of Joy’s head and with forceful
        motion pulled her head deeply onto his cock in fast and furious
        face fucking. The tip of his cock banged at the door to her
        throat and Joy was powerless to resist. Her own lust and desire
        let her allow his methodic banging. Then in a flash he pulled
        out of her mouth rolled her over on the lounger and mounted her
        pussy, slamming his cock to its full depth on the first stroke.
        Joy pulled her legs up high near her shoulders and the angle
        allowed him full penetration into her wetness. Groaning and
        moaning continuously Jake pistoned her pussy as fast as he could
        move his hips. Joy met every thrust with a push of her own and
        in only a couple of minutes Jake lost his load deep in Joy’s
        cxnt. He screamed his pleasure and ground his groin against Joy
        as hard as he could. He lay low to her body and kissed her
        deeply on the mouth as his hips ground and wiggled his cock into
        her body with slow a post-ejaculatory rhythm.

        Joy sucked Jakes tongue deeply into her mouth and she continued
        and ground her pussy against the slow wiggling of Jake’s hips.
        He still hadn’t pulled his dick from her sopping wet pussy, but
        continued the slow grind. Their tongues danced, and even though
        Jake had come twice already his cock had only partially deflated
        and it began a recovery to erection in two or three more
        minutes. When Joy could feel the strengthening cock inside her
        she began to fuck more vigorously and Jake slowly built up his
        motion to a moderate pace. The intense eroticism of the moment
        had allowed Jake to recover and maintain this erection better
        than at any time in his life. The two of them hit a new more
        relaxed fucking pace than the furious rate from before.

        As they stared into each other’s eyes and their bodies rocked in
        joyous copulation, Ron and Emily were still locked in their
        mutual oral/genital embrace. Emily’s pussy was sending delicious
        waves of pleasure throughout her lower body and her rapid jerks
        foretold her orgasm. Ron was barely able to maintain his oral
        concentration because of the fabulous deep throat fellatio his
        cock was enjoying. As Emily began her intense gyrations Ron
        continued to lick and suck her tasty clit and he felt his own
        juices begin their journey from deep in his scrotum. In moments
        he was spurting his cum into Emily’s anxious mouth and Emily
        finished him off as best she could, considering her own orgasm
        was now washing through her body. With mouths eagerly pleasuring
        each other the two of them climaxed together. Emily’s pussy
        clenched and unclenched in staccato time around Ron’s extended
        tongue, and Jake’s cum blasted into her mouth and overflowed her
        lips and drizzled its gooey slime all over his hairy balls. As
        their passion subsided Emily spotted Joy in the middle of her
        long slow fuck with Jake. Ron turned his head to see Joy’s feet
        above her head and Jake holding her legs with his elbows as he
        pumped his cock in and out of Joy’s accepting pussy.

        Lust as deep as an ocean still coursed through Emily’s veins and
        she got up from her perch over Ron’s face she walked over to the
        humping Jake. Kneeling on the ground she lowered her head and
        tilted it to one side she put her mouth close to Jake’s bouncing
        balls. Sticking out her tongue she could caress his sack with
        her tongue even as he kept up his methodical pumping of Joy’s
        pussy. Straining her head even more she was able to vacuum suck
        his balls into her mouth. Ron let out a low throaty groan if
        intense pleasure as he felt his cock and balls so wonderfully
        serviced by the two girls.

        Ron lay in recovery for three or four minutes watching the show
        on the next recliner before he felt his own dick begin to harden
        again. Feeling left out he knew he wanted back in the action,
        but wasn’t quite sure how to “fit in”. Both girls were very busy
        with Jake, but Ron, being the junior worker wasn’t about to tell
        Jake to share, so Ron just sat up on his lounger and began
        stroking his own dick and watching the festivities. While Joy
        was mostly intent on Jake’s continued elegant fucking of her
        wanting pussy, she noticed when Emily had begun her ball-sucking
        adventure. She could sometimes feel Emily’s chin bump up against
        her ass as it followed Jakes testicles on their downward stroke
        into her cxnt. Joy also saw Ron sitting on the lounger and with
        a look his way her eyes beckoned him as she licked her lips. Ron
        saw and tentatively got up to walk over to Joy. Standing at the
        side of the recliner, he lowered his body until his dick was
        hovering over Joy’s face. Adjusting her position a little to
        accommodate the bumping and humping she was getting from Jake
        she managed to find the tip of Ron’s dick with her mouth and
        pull it in.

        Joy was in pure heaven. Two dicks were now inside her body and
        both were hard and aching for another release. Ron began his own
        gentle face fuck. Finding the rhythm of both men wasn’t easy for
        Joy and she occasionally got out-of-sync and Ron’s cock popped
        out of her mouth, but she would always manage to get it back in
        with his help. Joy was swooning with pleasure and barely heard
        Ron’s words, “Fuck, Jake. You never told me about this part of
        the job!”

        Jake groaned and could barely speak his response. His voice
        sounded hoarse when he said, “Hell, Ron. This never happened
        before, but you can bet your sweet ass that the next time
        there’s a power outage up this road, there ain’t nobody but us
        gonna come up here to fix it. You know Ron, why don’t you take
        my place? I want to fuck that wench that has her mouth gobbling
        up my balls right now.”

        “Sure. I’d love to fuck this bitch.” Ron let his courseness show
        but no one cared. In moments Jake had pulled out of Joy and
        Emily, having heard their talk, felt in no position to thwart
        their decision. Besides, she thought, she was anxious to show
        Jake that she was just as good a fuck as she was at giving
        blowjobs. She really wanted Jake’s cock in her pussy.

        Joy just lay there and in moments Ron rearranged himself over
        Joy and lined up his cock where Jake’s had been seconds before.
        He admired Joy’s pink wet pussy lips for a moment before sliding
        his dick full-length into her depths. He, like Jake before him,
        began a slow methodical fuck of Joy’s exceedingly wet pussy. The
        slobbery cxnt made popping noises as he pulled his cock out each
        time. When he felt his cock hit bottom of her cxnt he would
        wiggle his hips side to side in vigorous thrusts. Ron felt like
        the luckiest guy in the whole world. He had never imagined that
        the reality of fucking and having sex with two such beautiful
        girls would ever happen to a guy like him. It was a fantasy come
        true and he was loving every minute of it.

        Jake, after removing all the rest of his clothes, wasted no time
        positioning Emily on the other recliner. The day, even though
        cooler and less humid than the previous several days, was
        warming up, and their bodies were all sweating. Jake looked at
        Emily’s prone form and her wanton smile. As his eyes dropped
        across her body he felt his cock twitch in a big jerk when he
        noticed the big sweaty tits jutting proudly up from her chest.
        Emily noticed his gaze and offered, “Why don’t you fuck my tits
        before you fuck my pussy? I can hardly wait!”

        The giant smile that crossed his face told Emily her proposal
        was being accepted. Jake threw his left leg across the lounger
        and positioned his ass across her chest. Emily pushed her tits
        up with her hands and Jake’s cock nestled into the soft squishy
        cleavage. Closing her tits around his cock allowed him to pump
        through them with glee. Emily smiled as the man’s organ rode her
        tits in a glorious titty-fuck. She monitored his face as the
        sensational feelings her tits provided made him roll his eyes
        and grimace in pleasure. She felt a rush of power, knowing that
        her body was providing such pleasure to these men. Knowing that
        she had this control she began to pant and groan herself. In
        moments she was swooning and began loudly demanding to be
        fucked: “Fuck me. Put your cock in my pussy and fuck me hard. I
        want your cock inside me. NOW!” She screamed.

        Jake certainly didn’t resist the temptation. How could he resist
        a gorgeous girl begging for his cock? He slid lower on her body
        and positioned his cockhead over her juicy slick slit. He rubbed
        it momentarily across her labia lips in a tease. When she
        lurched forward towards him she timed it perfectly and he found
        himself impaled halfway into her aching cxnt. Foregoing his
        intention to tease her, he began to fuck her pussy in a slow
        purposeful fuck. In seconds Emily, realized she wanted more. She
        yelled, “FUCK ME HARD! FUCK ME HARD! Harder, harder, harder!”
        Emily rocked her hips into him with immense vigor. He found her
        rhythm and they rutted together with Emily panting, “Fuck me,”
        with every single stroke. Her breath came in short spurts and
        the rapid pace would wear her out if she didn’t reach climax
        soon. Never fear for Emily. She knew what she was doing. Her
        rutting heat had grown and grown and now with Jake pounding into
        her cxnt with the wild abandon of a cave man, Emily felt the
        surges of her impending orgasm. She banged her ass against
        Jake’s powerful thrusts with as much force as she could muster
        and she squeezed with all her might those feminine muscles
        surrounding her wet vagina. The combination overpowered them
        both at the same time. Their screams melted together in the air
        as they came simultaneously. Jake fell down across Emily’s body.
        He could no longer support his weight with his arms. Like that
        they lay and writhed together as the flood of wonderful pleasure
        washed over them as though they were one.

        Ron’s slow fucking didn’t last long either. Joy, having heard
        the screams of Emily, and watching the buildup of fucking
        between Emily and Jake, began her own vocal demands for Ron to
        fuck her faster. She yelled his name repeatedly and begged him
        for harder fucking. The air was pierced by the cries of both
        girls and the grunts of both men as they let their animal lust
        take control. They willed themselves the energy to comply with
        their young partners cries and demands. It was no surprise that
        as Emily and Jake finished their orgiastic screams and grunts
        that Joy and Ron were right behind. As their groins slapped
        together loudly and Jake was collapsed on top of Emily, Ron
        yelled his war cry and shot his wad clear to the bottom of Joy’s
        waiting hole. He had never before had three orgasms within the
        span of time that these girls had wrung them out of him. He too
        collapsed on top of Joy, like his boss on the next girl over.
        Both men were totally spent of sexual energy but thrilled in the
        afterglow of wonderful sex. The two girls managed to look at
        each other and smile a big smile as the men atop them sought the
        energy to stand up. As Jake arose from his luscious perch he
        glanced at his watch and noticed that it was almost noon.

        Realizing that there were still people without power and since
        he didn’t want to get fired, he mentioned to Ron that they
        needed to leave. Ron realized that it was time to go to and he
        slowly pulled out of and off of Joy. As they stepped over to the
        adjacent chairs to retrieve their discarded clothing the two
        girls slowly stood up and stepped close together and gave each
        other a big kiss. Arm in arm they turned towards the men and
        Emily spoke up: “Thanks a lot guys. I sure wish we lost power
        around here more often. Particularly when the rest of the family
        is gone. We had a lot of fun. I hope you guys did too.” She
        paused. “Oh, by the way, Joy and I have a bit of a debate going
        between us. We are naturally competitive girls and we hope you
        might help us settle it. If we asked you to give each of us a
        rating as lovers would you do it? We would like to know who is
        best. The only fair way we can think of is for each of you to
        write it down on a slip of paper and put it in an envelope. We
        wouldn’t open it until after your were gone so that neither of
        you would have to be embarrassed or worry about hurting either
        of our feelings. Could you do that for us before you leave?”

        Ron and Jake looked at each other and Ron spoke first, “What the
        hell. Why not?” Jake affirmed with a simple “I guess so.”

        Emily fetched 4 note cards and wrote her name on two of them and
        Joy’s name on the other two. She gave one of each to the two men
        and gave them a pencil with the instructions: “Please use a
        scale of 0 to 5. Five being perfect and zero being awful. Write
        your score on each of the cards and drop them in this envelope.”
        They looked at each other and then back at the naked sweating
        girls. Reliving their couplings together in their minds the two
        men gave it serious thought. Surprisingly they followed her
        commands and didn’t invent large numbers from off the scale, but
        stuck to Emily’s instructions. When they placed their cards in
        the envelope and after Ron sealed it, they walked to their truck
        and drove away.

        For a moment the two men rode silently but then Ron asked Jake,
        “Damn. Those girls were amazing. I hope they were legal age.”

        Jake said he was pretty sure they were at least 18 (he was
        right). He turned briefly to Ron and asked, “Well, how did you
        score them? It was odd for them to ask us to do that, but since
        they were so good I thought it was the least we could do to
        accommodate the request.”

        Ron thought for a moment and then answered, “I thought at first
        of giving them both the highest possible score, but then I
        replayed the situation in my mind and decided to give a little
        bit more to that first girl. I’ve always loved titty fucks and
        she really got right into it, so I gave her a five and I gave
        the other one a four. How about you?”

        Jake laughed. “I guess we’ll even out. I gave the first one, the
        one with the lighter blonde hair a five and I gave the second
        one I was with a 4. That first girl took my entire cock into her
        mouth. Not even my wife has ever done that. God, that was great!
        So I had to give her a slight edge. I’ll tell you another thing.
        I will remember this day for the rest of my life. That was amazing!”

        Meanwhile back at the pool, the two girls had ripped open the
        envelope to discover what Ron and Jake had thought of their
        performances. They were both anxious but in moments after seeing
        what they had scored, they were laughing at the results. It
        turned out that both girls had come up with nine more points.
        They sat down on the recliners and, since the lemonade and
        cookies were not all gone they took a snack break and discussed
        the men and the sex.

        “That older guy, Jake, he was great! I could have sucked his
        cock all day long. When his eyes lit up it sent shivers all
        through my body. I wouldn’t mind doing him again some time.”
        Emily waxed on and on about Jake and Ron. Not only had she
        pleased them, but she too had been very satiated by the hot sex
        she had shared with the two men. If only time had allowed she
        thought, she might have gotten even more involved and kinky.

        Joy agreed with Emily that Jake was the better looking and the
        most fun, but she had to admit that she really liked Ron’s cock
        better as it banged up against her womb when they were fucking
        so hard at the end. The full feeling combined with the depths of
        his powerful strokes and the awesome power behind them really
        turned her on. The girls talked for nearly a half-hour,
        replaying practically every move at least twice. With the glow
        of their conquest still with them they decided to take a picture
        with the score. Emily took it upon herself to write the event as
        follows: Powermen contest: Emily – 9, Joy – 9. It’s a tie.
        Running score was now Emily 14.5, Joy 12.5. They ate a solid
        lunch and returned naked to the pool for a swim. The mood at the
        moment was that of a pair of was that of having conquered the
        world together. Even though they were in competition the fact
        that they had so successfully seduced the two grown men and
        enjoyed so much wonderful sex with them made them feel like
        conquerors. They had decided that a swim would feel good and
        that they should rest a bit before resuming their competitive
        endeavors. So they lay down on the lounge chairs and snoozed for
        about 40 minutes before they roused themselves and went into the
        house for a potty break and more drinks.

        As they walked to the poolside tables with a drink in hand Joy
        mentioned nonchalantly to Emily, “God, girl, I’m still tingling
        all over from what happened with those men. I hope we have
        another storm tonight,” she said giggling. “Maybe I’ll feel
        normal after a swim.” She dove in and swam in strong strokes to
        the far end of the pool. Emily watched as Joy swam and she felt
        heat rising in her bosom. Seeing her partner in seduction using
        her muscles gracefully brought the lust Emily felt for Joy’s
        body right back to the forefront of her thoughts. Instead of
        following Joy into the pool, Emily set down her drink and began
        a prancing walk around the edge of the pool as Joy watched her
        progress. She moved with seductive grace towards Joy,
        interrupting her walk to pause, bend over and flash her ass in
        Joy’s direction. Moving gracefully the last few steps she
        grabbed her breasts with her hands and held them up and out in a
        seductive gesture that was not lost on Joy. Emily’s horniness
        was overpowering her and she felt like she had to enjoy Joy’s

        “Quit teasing and get in here!”, demanded Joy, as she watched
        Emily’s little show. Joy too couldn’t avoid the feelings of
        horniness that surged through her loins and radiated out to the
        far reaches of her body. She licked her lips as Emily coolly
        stepped down into the water. “I’m pretty horny too. I bet we
        could take care of each other if we tried.” Emily used a little
        understatement. She knew damn well that they could take care of
        each other. She stepped closer to Joy and wrapped her arms
        around her. The music was still playing in the background and as
        their bodies slid together in the water they began to dance.
        Naked skin slid deliciously across naked skin. Joy’s tits felt
        the impress of Emily’s tits as they pulled each other tight with
        their arms. Their tummies pressed together at the water line and
        their pussy mounds, hairless and soft, rubbed together under the
        surface. Their legs moved slowly through the water, finding the
        gap between the other girl’s legs. Their faces were very close
        and their eyes drank in the vision. Slowly their mouths moved
        together and the kissing started.

        Oh what kisses they were: loving, gentle, tender, and
        passionate! Both girls were so intensely horny and desirous of
        the other girl that notions of battle were in neither brain now.
        The dancing and the passion rose as they moved as one in the
        shallow water. Tongues began dancing inside mouths. Hands
        caressed backs, buttocks, and heads. Breasts wiggled erotically
        in soft contact. Aroused nipples danced their own jiggly dance
        between heaving boobs. The cool water sloshed at their hips as
        they gently prodded each other with their mounds. The water felt
        nice. The music was soothing and romantic. The two girls bodies
        were melding together, almost as one. The absence of antagonism
        at this moment might be attributed to a couple of things. First
        was the fact that the pure sexual energy of the morning had not
        dissipated away. Satisfying those men was wonderful, but deep
        inside it seemed to both girls that the real sexual satisfaction
        that they knew was that which came from the other girl. A
        definite shift deep in their brains had occurred. Their lust was
        meant for each other! The second reason for the lack of
        bitterness at the moment was that their bodies were tiring. Sex
        requires energy for certain, but competitive sex, fighting sex,
        angry sex, requires a much larger commitment of resources from
        your body. These resources were beginning to be depleted. While
        they may not have known it, both bodies were sending subliminal
        messages to their brains wishing for rest. They were not totally
        exhausted, but their bodies were more suited for soft passionate
        love than for hot, angry, fighting sex. And so it was that they
        continued their lustful embrace without even a tiny
        contemplation of battle.

        Their dance steps took them closer to the steps at the southwest
        corner of the pool. With uncanny grace they lowered their bodies
        together to the second step, their embrace unbroken. Joy’s right
        leg was lower and slid underneath the crotch of Emily. Emily’s
        leg mirrored Joy’s position and the two girls mashed their upper
        bodies and mouths together as each sat on one leg of the other
        girl. Hips began rolling in small circles, pushing wet pussies
        down against smooth thighs. Their tangled bodies’ passion was in
        danger of boiling over but their position was not conducive to
        further arousal so Emily pulled her lips away from Joy and
        whispered in her ear, “Let’s fuck in the water.” Joy just mutely
        nodded her consent. She leaned back against one side of the
        steps and Joy did the same. With only a small adjustment of
        their legs they were able to scooch their hips into perfect
        alignment and their pussies met on that second step, about 18
        inches under the surface of the pool.

        Perfection! It was as though each pussy knew exactly what to do
        to its counterpart. In seconds a gyrating rhythm of grinding,
        pushing, sliding, and twisting female organs had accelerated the
        pace of arousal in both girls. With not a single pubic hair to
        interfere, their sensitive skin, even in the chlorinated pool,
        was doused in wonderful tingly sensations, foretelling of
        intense excitement to come. Their cxnts rammed home the message
        to the other of the powerful lust enveloping them. Their eyes
        danced, and faces contorted in ecstatic smiles and grimaces.
        Small moans and short sucking intakes of breath punctuated the air.

        Even with such overpowering lust, Joy and Emily couldn’t fail to
        feel the déjà vu of prior engagements of this nature. In each of
        those the element of competition, intense competition was
        prevalent. And so it was that this sharing of cooperative
        intimacies slowly evolved into competitive intimacies. Neither
        girl pre-conceived the idea, but as the minutes went by each
        could feel the power and motivation behind the thrusts and
        parries of the other. Between deep sucking breaths Emily let go
        the words, “You first my dear.” She was already very close
        herself. “No! Be my guest. You go first!” Joy retaliated with
        emphasis on the word ‘You,’ and gave Emily a big pussy bump for
        emphasis. And so once again the girls found themselves locked in
        a pussy fight. It had seemed that before that moment each girl
        was using her pussy for her own personal pleasure, but it was
        deliciously apparent that whatever one did to please herself
        only escalated the pleasure of the other. Now a mental shift had
        taken place. Each tried to do to the other what would force more
        pleasure upon her without generating heightened arousal in her
        own body. IMPOSSIBLE! Consequently very little changed in their
        pussy play. Slick lips pushed up against and inside of slick
        lips. Clits bumped heads and twisted erotically around and
        against each other. Joy tried to slide her clit inside Emily’s
        labia for a moral victory from the insertion, but Emily lowered
        her clit to thwart the attack. The two clits bumped together for
        the umpteenth time, sending jolts of pleasure rocketing out to
        nearby areas of their bodies. Emily gritted her teeth in
        concentration, trying to avoid the release that she had been
        aching for such a few short minutes before. Joy twisted her body
        a bit more sideways, leaning on the top step at water level. She
        lifted her upper leg high in the air, holding it with her hand,
        opening up her pussy even farther to Emily’s pussy. Not to be
        outdone, Emily rolled a bit towards the top step and lifted her
        upper leg the same. Both pussies were now nearly as wide open as
        if fingers were spreading the lips of their wet pink labia. Even
        the inner linings of their outer vaginas could now touch, along
        with the continued bumping and grinding of their outer labia and
        clits. The moaning grew more frequent. The breathing became more
        ragged. The twisting and pushing of hips became even more
        intense as they battled to make the other girl come before
        control was lost. Each girl tried to push orgasm out of her
        mind, but in fact it was ALL either could think about. By all
        rights both girls should have cum by now, but through
        extraordinary will power each had held off far beyond what
        normal endurance should have allowed. Muscles ached from the
        strain, but onward they went, demanding more of their bodies in
        hopes of pushing the foe beyond the brink.

        Maybe it was the coolness of the water or the multitude of
        orgasms each had had over the past two days. Whatever it was,
        they had been pussy humping now for over 40 minutes, and in an
        agitated state all the while. But neither girl had ever quite
        reached the precipice of orgasm. It was as though they rolled
        right up to the edge only to roll back just at the last minute.
        Joy was feeling both very lucky and very powerful at the same
        time. Lucky because she knew that she was only a tiny instant
        from having orgasmed at least five times already, powerful
        because she had thwarted each at the last moment. Emily wished
        for the end as her aching, burning leg and back muscles were
        ready for recuperation that she was not about to give. She too
        had felt the knife-edge of orgasm slice ever so close, only to
        miss by a sliver. Onward she pushed herself, grinding her clit
        hard into Joy’s wide-open vagina. As she pulled back to thrust
        again she felt her own vagina invaded by Joy’s hard, protruding
        clit. It slid deliciously up and down and back and forth in
        quick retaliation for her penetration. The moments were dragging
        on but the intensity was not diminishing at all. Each little
        clit was exceedingly prominent from the unending stimulation.
        Almost the size of little thumbs they could wedge their way
        inside vaginas and give a semblance of male-female coupling. It
        was intoxicating for each of them. The feeling of having your
        vagina penetrated by a hard angry clitoris was wonderful, as was
        the reverse as the soft squishy vagina linings caressed the
        invading clit. Turns were taken in providing access via leaning
        back further and opening legs wider, followed by turnabout where
        the body was raised up a bit, hips were lowered, and the clit
        angled its way down and into the opposing cxnt. As delicious as
        this parrying was, and even with the apparent cooperation of
        alternating fucks, both girls were intent on holding off as long
        as it took to strike a blow against the other girl by forcing
        her to cum. As the clock continued its turning it seemed to the
        girls as this was the only existence. The outside world was not
        there. The music was not there. The house was not there. The sky
        was not there. Even the fact that they were in the pool was lost
        on them. They were totally consumed by their duel.

        They had been in the pool for an hour and a half, locked in
        tribadistic embrace for 65 minutes and battling for orgiastic
        control for 50 minutes when the body/brain mechanism of control
        finally gave out. It was only by the thinnest of slivers, but
        Joy mistimed one of her thrusts against Emily’s pussy, only to
        find Emily’s clit poised to meet her own clit’s advance. The two
        clits had banged into each other and muscles fought for control
        and brains fought with the power of the instinctive need for
        release. For twenty seconds they dueled in seeming stalemate,
        bouncing against each other for the thousandth time. Emily’s
        eyes were closed in concentration. Her face contorted in an
        appearance of pain. But her body worked its magic and with every
        ounce of energy she had she plastered her clit ferociously
        against Joy’s enemy clit. It worked. Even though Joy’s face was
        equally contorted. Even though she screamed obscenities at
        Emily, seeking dominion over Emily. Even though she too pushed
        her awesome clit with full power against Emily’s clit. Their
        thick clits had outdone themselves in this epic battle. Emily’s
        orgasm was only fifteen or twenty seconds behind Joy’s, but that
        was enough to provide Emily with another victory. When Joy came
        she screamed at the top of her lungs in pleasure and agony
        combined. As her immense orgasm erupted, having been pent up far
        too long, she continued her heated clit duel with Emily, even as
        the waves of pleasure shot through her nervous system. Right
        behind came Emily’s long awaited release. The water practically
        boiled as the final throes of savage passion surged their groins
        into the last gyrations of pussy lust.

        Almost as if tied together by some connecting rod, the two
        pussies did not immediately stop grinding against each other. A
        flywheel effect seemed to be in play as the two pussies couldn’t
        be stopped from their grinding. Even in the afterglow of orgasm,
        usually associated with ultra-sensitivity, their pussies rubbed
        on for several minutes, gradually slowing by degrees the
        intensity. Like a train trying to slow down, their cxnt-coupling
        extended for seven or eight more minutes before they parted at
        last. No words were spoken during this phase, but looks of
        satisfaction and lust passed back and forth between the girls.

        For Emily, almost beyond the thrill of victory was the
        satisfaction of knowing that she had pushed herself to a new
        limit of endurance in controlling herself, even under the
        intensely erotic onslaught of Joy’s wonderful pussy. It was only
        after leaving the pool and noticing that almost an hour and
        fifteen minutes had gone by that she knew exactly how long it
        had been. But now too, she was beginning to refocus on the
        intent of this long weekend, and she was very happy to notch
        another win against such a formidable foe.

        Joy certainly had ached for the win, but in the total release
        she had felt, in all its wonder, she didn’t pout about it either
        outwardly or inwardly. She too had been amazed by her own
        ability to stave off orgasm so many times and for so long. It
        was a significant milestone in her own mind, even without the
        win, to have lasted for so long, and causing Emily’s orgasm just
        a few short seconds after her own. She knew the scoreboard would
        not reflect her feelings, but it caused her no worry.

        As the two girls slowly struggled to leave the pool they
        realized just how exhausted their muscles had become. It was all
        they could do to climb out the few steps and walk over to the
        towels. Drying off as they walked inside. It was already 3:15 in
        the afternoon and they headed to the scoreboard where Emily
        instructed Joy to write the last event as: Pool Fuck – Emily
        wins marathon. Total score now reads Emily 15.5 and Joy 12.5.
        They posed for the picture and headed for the kitchen for some
        nourishment. The fatigue was setting in and they snacked for a
        moment and then without much talk settled down on the couch to
        relax as the music played on.
HG Hunt