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Academy Girls - The Revenge of Lisa Harper

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Offline bikemanrick

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Academy Girls - The Revenge of Lisa Harper
« on: January 19, 2024, 07:19:40 AM »
Academy Girls - The Revenge of Lisa Harper

It was the last day of school at the Catholic Academy, where Lisa Harper and her friends were packing up their belongings and heading out the door. Lisa was one of the top students in the school, and she hoped to graduate as one of the top five in her class. But her grades were the last thing on her mind at the moment as she texted a couple friends to find out what they were doing that night.
“There’s a party at Tracey Johnson’s place,” texted Paige, one of her friends. “Starts at 8 o’clock.”
“Okay, I’ll be there. But I might be a bit late.”
“Why’s that?”
“You know that slut Beth Jenkins?”
“Yeah, the whore who works at the strip joint, shaking her ass for all the horny assholes in town?”
“Yeah, that’s the one.”
“What about her?”
“She’s been sleeping with my dad. I caught them red-handed the other night.”
“Yeah, well my mom found out and is staying at a hotel.”
“That’s crazy,” texted Paige. “But how will that make you late for the party?”
“The bitch stops off at the deli every week around seven-thirty and orders her meat for the week.”
“Well, that shouldn’t take long. The bitch surely doesn’t eat that much. She’s barely a hundred pounds.”
“One-ten, like me,” Lisa texted. “She’s also about my height at five-six.”
“That’s pretty scrawny.”
“Well, fuck you, Paige.”
“Not you. That Jenkins slut.”
“So, what are you planning?”
“She always parks her precious ‘Vette in back at that place. Doesn’t want anyone to scratch it or whatever. And it’s pretty secluded, if you know anything about the joint.”
“I don’t,” Paige responded. “But I’m dying to know what you’re planning.”
“I’m going to wait for her at a nearby parking lot. And when she comes out of the Joe’s Deli, I’m going to key her car in front of her and kick her ass.”
“That’s brutal, Harper. But you think you can take her?”
“You ever seen me pissed off?”
“Oh, shit yeah. You’re a fuckin’ hothead.”
“That’s right. And when I get mad, you better watch out.”
“Pretty much,” Paige texted. “I’d say Elizabeth Jenkins is going to get her ass kicked.”
“No doubt.”
Lisa ended the conversation and headed to her car. She’d just gotten the BMW for her 18th birthday last week.

Miss Elizabeth Jenkins, a 34-year-old divorcee and town slut, was zipping up her tight Levi’s after having hot intercourse with Mr. John Harper, who owned most of the businesses in the small town of Pittfield in Southwest, Pennsylvania. He was primarily an investor who had two very bratty daughters. She particularly disliked Lisa, Harper’s older daughter. And she would probably be home from school soon, so she needed to get rolling.”
“Next week then?” Harper asked, puffing on his cigar. “The wife left me, so what the fuck.”
“How can you be so cavalier about your marriage?”
Harper swung his leg over the bed and stood up, face reddened with ire. He towered over the small blonde.
“Don’t go lecturing me about morals, you stupid bitch. You’ve screwed about everyone in town.”
“Fuck you,” shouted Elizabeth. “And you can forget about next week. We’re through.”
Elizabeth stormed out of the house, hopped in her white 2023 Corvette and hightailed it down the street toward home.

Lisa arrived at Joe’s Deli at 7:15 p.m. She parked in the adjacent Good Will lot, which was hidden from the meat store by trees and a large hedge. She could still see everything in the Good Will lot from where she parked.
She saw Jenkins pull into the lot at 7:29 p.m. The woman hopped out of her car seconds later, then sashayed down the alley toward the deli – her buttocks oscillating in her tight jeans.
Lisa watched the prissy little bitch until she disappeared around the corner. She reappeared about 10 minutes later. And Lisa was now standing by her Corvette.
“Hey,” said the woman, as she traipsed toward her vehicle. “Get away from my car.” As the woman approached, she recognized the Harper girl. “Oh, it’s you.”
“That’s right, bitch.”
“Hey,” said Elizabeth. “Show some respect, high school girl.”
Lisa smirked. “I don’t have any respect for some skinny little cxnt like you, especially when she’s sleeping with my dad.”
Elizabeth eyes widened.
“That’s right, bitch. I saw you screwing my dad a couple nights ago. Thanks for that image, you goddamn slut. I’ll have it etched in my head till I drop dead.”
“Okay, you caught me. So what? Your father called me.”
“But you knew he was married, didn’t you?”
Elizabeth opened her purse and pulled her keys out. She then looked at Lisa. “Okay, you little brat. Step away from my car.”
“Make me,” said Lisa.
Elizabeth’s face reddened. She tugged on the sleeve of her white shirt. “Listen hear,” she said. “I’ll give you five seconds to get away from my car, then I’m going to . . .”
“Woooo,” Lisa taunted. “What are you going to do, you skinny little bitch? You think you can take me?”
"Of course," said Elizabeth. "You're nothing but a schoolgirl brat."
"And you're nothing but a two-bit stripper whore." Lisa then stuck the key to her car up and said, “I believe someone’s gonna need a paint job soon.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Watch me.” Lisa turned toward the Corvette and placed her key on the driver’s side door.
"You fuckin' little bitch!"
Elizabeth rushed forward and grabbed Lisa’s arm. Lisa shook off her weak grip, then shoved the blonde with her left hand, knocking her on her ass on the pavement. She then put a 12” scratch in the door, just as the woman got to her feet and raised her arm to hit her.
Lisa backhanded the older chick in the cheek, which sent her staggering to her right. She then charged forward and kicked her in the side before she regained her balance.
“Ohhhh,” cried Elizabeth, as she grabbed her her left side. She dropped her purse, but recovered quickly. She punched the girl in the face.
Cussssh! Lisa landed a face punch of her own, then blocked the second punch the stripper threw at her. She then socked the woman in the gut and doubled her over.
Lisa placed her hand on the woman’s forehead and shoved her on her ass. She then grabbed the back of her long blonde hair, pulled her up and dragged her by the heels of her cowboy boots toward a concrete wall.
Elizabeth screamed as she reached up and groped for the girl’s wrists. But the girl started swinging her body to the left, then to the right.
“Let go of my hair, you stupid high school bitch!”
“Oh, no, you little cxnt. Not until I pay you back for breaking my mother’s heart.”
Lisa dropped the woman on her ass, then kicked her in the back. Elizabeth winced, then bit her lower lip.
“Stand up and fight me, bitch. Come on. I want to knock you the fuck out. But first I'm going to slam your face into that concrete wall , then you won't be pretty enough to go whoring around.”
Elizabeth’s throat churned as she turned her head and eyed the girl. Her heart was pounding. She now actually feared the teenage girl, scared to death of what she'd do to her.
“That’s right, cxnt. I’m going to put your little tight-jeaned ass through the ringer and hang you out to dry . . .”

. . . You’ve reached the end of this story, which will be continued if there’s any interest. Can Elizabeth escape the girl’s wrath, or will Lisa lay her out on the pavement? What about the scratch on the car? Will that anger Elizabeth enough to fight back before she get’s her ass kicked? Stay tuned.


« Last Edit: January 19, 2024, 09:01:34 AM by bikemanrick »


Offline Pinnerdown

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Re: Academy Girls - The Revenge of Lisa Harper
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2024, 06:06:29 PM »
Well done bikemanrick,
Elizabeth has got to be pretty pissed about her car. I am more than curious to see if that will be enough for her to take Lisa.