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Bethan vs Her Biggest Enemy

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Bethan vs Her Biggest Enemy
« on: January 21, 2024, 05:38:47 PM »
Bethan (wearing white in the first photo) and Heather (wearing red in the first photo) have been enemies for a long time. It wasn't started by some big drama or anything like that, they just don't get along and have talked a lot of shit behind each others backs, and from talking to Bethan in the past I know how much she hates Heather.

Bethan is around 5'3 or 5'4. Heather is a few inches shorter, I'd guess around 5'1, however she is heavier.

Bethan is bitchy and angry but she is uncoordinated. Heather is also bitchy but she is more calm and very blunt which is why I think Bethan doesn't like her. Also neither of them have been in a fight before.