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Erin Richards vs Lindy Booth

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Erin Richards vs Lindy Booth
« on: May 16, 2024, 05:30:50 AM »

Story took place in 2019

Erin Richards and Janet Montgomery had a terrific fight.  So equally matched and it showed, both fighting the urge to bite the other at multiple points in the fight.  Every so often she’d say “Should have chewed on her a little.”  She knew one day they’d rematch and fight with the same equality as they fought on the Gotham set.  She only lost because of the set and Janet getting lucky afterall.

The thing about fighting Janet which was different than everyone else was both were actually attracted to the other and it made the Janet fighting all the more fun because lips meet lips and that was nice.

“Heres what I’m thinking” Jessica Lucas was with her “I’m going to find someone else for you to fight, you end it sitting on her face and text Janet ‘your face will be great here’

“First thing, I’m not doing that.  When Janet and I fight again when we rematch it’ll be organic.  I felt her against me, and I know she liked the battle.  So now I don’t need to be atop someone’s face and tell Janet that’s her future, we aren’t nemesis… She has one and it will always be Aubrey Plaza, she brought the worst out in Janet.  Secondly, the last time you set me up you set me up for failure with McCord.”

“You took her lightly and I don’t think you’ll ever do that again with anyone… You and Janet are more rivals than nemesis but who do you think you should fight.”

“I mean how does one answer that question I don’t want to go looking for fights.  That isn’t me, is it?”

“No but you are good at it, you enjoy it and I bet a part of you wants to fight Janet once a day.”

Erin didn’t say anything, but her silence was loud.  She and Janet matched up well so well and there would always be a winner and a loser when they fought but she didn’t want to be like Aubrey Plaza and get obsessed.   The obsession Janet and Aubrey had with each other wasn’t healthy

“Yeah, a part of you wants to fight her once a day… Guess what she probably feels the same way about you.”

“She would know better than to want t… Ah damn it, ok so yeah that fight made me feel differently but what am I supposed to do.  I don’t’ want those face to face like Aubrey.  I don’t want to get obsessive like Rose.   The situation she has with Aubrey where sight means fight physical or verbal no I don’t want that”

“Find someone, fight them, beat them.  Get the word out that Janet got lucky or she’s going to find a person she … Janet’s luck will run out one day and you”

“I’ll make her Quit aloud when we fight again.  Id make Janet quit just as she made me quit”

Erin got up and walked around.  She was feeling Janet’s fist against her stomach.  She could feel Janet’s blood on her fists.  “I want… I need to reset that’s what I need to do.  I don’t like this feeling.”  IT was clear Erin who was a free spirit wasn’t feeling very free right now

“Then change the feeling. Let’s find a person and challenge them.”

“My agent has said I had a few challenges.  People thinking I’m not as good as a fighter as they are being told and they could kick my ass.”

“Really.  So get the list and lets see who is here and find out if yes indeed they can kick your ass.”

Erin was already on the phone typing a message “You know what I was already thinking just that.”

“Wait.  I’ll send the message out and I’ll pick the opponent because you can pick the easiest option no offence.  I will choose who I think will challenge you the most.”

“No McCord”  Jessica gave her friend a look of I would not do that to you.

Jessica walked around and Erin sat down with a smile.  No one or very few would ever dare challenge jessica.  That body was insane and if bodies pressed no body beats that of jessica Lucas.  Jessica having so few challengers made her more eager to find people to challenge her friend so she could watch it and hopefully watch her friends win

“I got a idea and you might not like it but fight someone who is like a Aubrey Plaza.”

“Who like Jena Malone?”

“Like Jenny Slate or Valorie Curry.”

Jessica made some calls then came in “So a fellow Canuck… That’s Canadian wants a go, she has a lot of TV credits has been in some big movies.  Action series and movies should be a good match up.”

“I don’t need to know a name, I just need to know where you want us to fight for you.  This is just for your eyes.”

Jessica brought Erin to a underground parking lot.  “Ok this is my agency they said it would be closed just that car and this one…”  A text came on the car display ‘We do it on sight.’  Jessica looked at Erin and she was smiling then nodded yes.

The car stopped but stayed running to keep the lights on as was the other.  “You stay in and watch.”  Erin said and jessica agreed

Erin got out of the car “Ok you wanted a fight with someone… I was in kick ass and will kick that Welsh ass.”

Lindy Booth was who got out of the car, Lindy Booth was who Erin Richards would fight “Come on wherever your from and…”  Lindy Booth was on Erin quick hitting slaps hands in hair throwing her on the hood of  Jessica’s car.

“My names Lindy booth and who do you think are issuing open challenges.”

Erin blocked a punch to the stomach.  Then kicked Lindy away slid down and felt the need to say something “I’m Erin Richards bitch you will recognize.”

Lindy jumped at Erin arms around Erins biceps they ended up on the hood of the car again and all Jessica could do was cry at the fight on her car.  Erin got a arm free and they wrestled on the hood get on top slam the other down.  It kept going like this for a good three minutes until they ended up on the ground.

They wrestled their the same.  Trash talking the other and smiling, the two women actually enjoyed this. 

Up on their feet they pulled down on the hair and were doubled over trading slaps.  The slaps landed to the back of the head and back itself.  Lindy tried to push forward, Erin reversed and slammed Lindy into the door of Lindy’s car.

Erin lowered her head rolled away from Lindy’s strength forcing the hair hold to be let go.  Erin then rolled upward and hit a backhanded slap that spun Lindy.  “Yeah, glad you brought it I needed this.”

Lindy hit a back elbow then twisted her torso and tried a over hand haymaker.  Erin blocked it and swung Erin around two full spins and back into the car and hit two punches to the stomach.  “You’re a bit of competition but I don’t need to humiliate you taking that shirt of yours off.”


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Re: Erin Richards vs Lindy Booth
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2024, 05:33:18 AM »

Lindy went for a  head butt  it got blocked by Erin and Lindy hit a punch upwards into the belly of Erin Richards.  A loud gasp as air left Erin and Lindy made more left as she spun Erin hard and into the car

“Not here fore talking or seeing that mediocre body just to…”  Left and right to the stomach of Erin Richard by Lindy Booth

Erin grimaced hit a short inside left uppercut to Lindy “This is about fighting thank god because I know you body wise wont measure to me or the one I’m chasing.”

Erin went for another short uppercut but got her bicep grabbed and pushed then Lindy stood up and hit three hooks to Erins face.  “I came  here to fight and to win the fight.”

Lindy pushed Erins head downward to the left and tried to turn into a vicious knockout knee.  Erin caught the knee and still never stopped its upward climb but slowed and nullified the impact then pulled Lindy down to the ground.

Erin hit two slaps tried to sit up hit more.  Lindy grabbed the hair rolled and was on top and yanked left and right Erins head by the hair.  “You lose.”

Erin turned Lindy over repeated Lindy’s attack “Not to you.”

Lindy turned Erin over “You could, I’m not here to lose though.”
Erin got a hand under Lindy’s chin and pushed up “You will lose though.”

Lindy was pushing at Erins face “You’ll have to earn it, I don’t fight to lose.”

Erin neck was being stretched this hurt this girl really came to bring it in a fight.  No animosity just shows up and fight.  Erin had to get out or she would lose then Lindy went to cover Erins mouth and Erin powered up and got lindy away.

Erin rolled on her stomach got up on her hands and had some quick breaths.  She didn’t like that at all, that was amazing.  A move that was so simple but took her breath and potentially the fight away from her.

THUD.  Lindy was up and hit a kick to Erins side she wanted ribs but got under.  Erin rolled onto her stomach.  The next attack was predictable, so she had to get ready.  Lindy went for the stomp Erin caught the foot and pushed up on it and away. 

Lindy spun out of that knowing she was lucky to stay up.  She turned stepped forward to go back at Erin Richard.  Erin got up threw herself forward at Lindy and both went over the hood of Lindys car into the darkness of the underground parking lot.

Jessica could hear the fight sounded like it got extra violent.  She got out “Where are you two?  I cant see theres no lights.”  Then a hand went on the hood started to stand up and she saw it was Lindy “Oh wow…”  then another hand on the back of the head of Lindy booth pulling her back down.

“Seriously I got my phone and will watch you two with the flashlight.”  Jessica was getting nervous she could hear higher impact being delivered.  “You two don’t hate each other.”

Then she saw someone struggling to move but was around the front of the car.  She smiled seeing Erin.  Erin looked over at Jessica, lip split scratches on forehead and hair completely dissheveled.  She nodded her muscles were tight and she was trying to drag Lindy Booth

“Wow she brought it to … Come on its over I won”  Erin was dragging Lindy by the hair but Lindy was trying to block it.

Erin threw the head to the side into the bumper “Fuck off Canuck… I won I beat you and you need to deal with it bitch.”  Erin went for it again it was blocked by a elbow and Jessica saw the punch from Lindy below Erins belly button.  Jessica saw Erins reaction and assumed it went very much below the belly button.

“No need to call me a bitch.”  Erin threw a punch as Lindy was coming up.  Lindy blocked it slid around Erins back and jumped on her back “You want a bitch you got one.”  She was pulling at Erins hair riding hair.  Lindy wanted to drive Erin down on the hood of the car.

Erin tried to fight it.  She was trying to pull Lindy off her back, but Lindy fought harder.  Hands in hair “You’re going to lose.”  Lindy said and Erin said, “Not to you.”  Finally, Lindy overpowered Erin drove her face down into the hood, but Erin had gotten Lindy’s head and face enough upwards to lessen the impact.

Lindy’s face ended up taking higher impact higher up on the hood.  She immediately let go and waved everything off.  Erin was about to pull her away but Jessica stepped in “You’re busted up but you won she waved off the fight.”   Erin looked and the top of the car hood is where Lindy landed “She nearly had me.”

Erin hugged Jessica and needed help walking back to the car.  The fight wasa short but hard on her.  Erin got in the car and looked up there was Lindy Booth, blood coming down her forehead two swollen eyes.  She pointed at Erin and then motioned to come here.  Jessica asked Erin “What are you going to do.”

Erin got out of the car.  Erin and Lindy slowly made t heir way to each other had a tense stare down and Lindy hugged Erin “Thank you for the fight.  It was fun, you got some toughness I hope I was tough.”

“You were… It was a good fight…Thank you.”

(Upcoming:  Dina Meyer vs Victoria Pratt rematch; British Fight Pit; Beau Garrett vs Jaimie Alexander; Danielle Harris vs Lacey Chabert; Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus)