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AGW TAG TEAM MATCH: Taylor Swift/ Blake Lively vs Jessica Alba/ Jenna Ortega

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The arena was buzzing with anticipation. The crowd, a sea of eager faces, chattered excitedly as they awaited the entrance of the four famous women who were about to engage in a fierce tag-team wrestling match.

First to enter were Taylor Swift and Blake Lively, the dynamic duo known for their chemistry both on and off the stage. Taylor, clad in a form-fitting red and black outfit, looked like a warrior queen ready for battle. Blake, in a shimmering silver and white ensemble, was the perfect complement to Taylor's boldness, exuding grace and strength. Next came their opponents, Jenna Ortega and Jessica Alba. Jenna, dressed in dark purple.

Blake Lively smirked as she stepped forward, her gaze fixed on Jenna Ortega. "You know, Jenna," she began, her voice dripping with condescension, "I'm not sure if anyone told you, but this is a wrestling ring, not a playground. Maybe you should leave the fighting to the adults."

The tension between the two women was thick in the air, and the crowd was on the edge of their seats.

Jenna, undaunted by Blake's insult, took a bold step forward and addressed her partner.

 "Don't worry, Jessica," she said, her eyes never leaving Blake's. "I'll handle her. You focus on Taylor."

The crowd erupted into cheers as Jenna made her declaration, showing that she was not intimidated by Blake's attitude.

Jessica nodded in agreement, understanding the unspoken message. It was clear that Jenna had just turned this match into a personal vendetta against Blake, and Jessica was more than happy to take on Taylor Swift.

As soon as the bell rang, the tension that had been simmering between the four women exploded into chaos. Blake lunged at Jenna, her face twisted with rage as she attempted to take her opponent down. Jenna, however, was quick on her feet and deftly dodged Blake's attack, retaliating with a well-placed kick that sent Blake stumbling backward.

Meanwhile, Taylor and Jessica circled each other warily, each waiting for the other to make a move. Suddenly, Taylor darted forward, attempting to take Jessica by surprise. But Jessica was ready, catching Taylor's arm and using her momentum to flip her onto her back.

Jenna Ortega was relentless, refusing to give Blake Lively even a moment to recover. She unleashed a flurry of punches, kicks, and body slams, each one connecting with devastating force. Blake tried to defend herself, but Jenna's attacks came too fast and too hard, driving her back against the ropes. With Blake now cornered, Jenna pressed her advantage, raining down blows with a ferocity that belied her small stature. Blake tried to shield herself from the onslaught, but Jenna was merciless, using every trick in the book to keep her opponent off balance and on the defensive.

Jenna didn't waste any time celebrating her victory over Blake, Instead, she quickly turned her attention to her partner, who was embroiled in a fierce battle. Jenna wasted no time in joining the fray, landing a kick to Taylor's midsection that sent her staggering backward. Jessica followed up with a clothesline that took Taylor off her feet, leaving her prone on the mat.

The two women then worked in tandem, using their speed and agility to keep Taylor off balance and on the defensive. Finally, with a well-timed double-team maneuver, they managed to throw Taylor out of the ring.

As Jenna and Jessica celebrated, they failed to notice that Blake had recovered and was now on the prowl. Seizing the opportunity, Blake leaped into action, landing a powerful blow that sent Jenna tumbling out of the ring to join Taylor on the floor.

But Blake wasn't done yet. With lightning-fast reflexes, she turned her attention to Jessica, landing a crushing punch right to her jaw. Jessica stumbled backward, momentarily stunned, but Blake didn't follow up with another attack. Instead, she turned and climbed out of the ring, her sights set on Jenna.

Blake was a woman possessed, her fury driving her to inflict as much punishment on Jenna as possible. She grabbed Jenna by the hair and threw her with all her might into the side of the ring, the sickening thud echoing through the arena.

But Blake wasn't finished yet.

With a snarl of rage, she dragged Jenna to the crowd barrier and hurled her against it, the impact sending shockwaves through the audience.

Still, Blake showed no mercy.

 Dragging Jenna to the crowd barrier at the entrance ramp and slamming her into it with bone-jarring force and finally, into, through, and over the steel steps.

While Blake was wreaking havoc on Jenna outside the ring, Taylor had been biding her time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Seeing her opportunity, she quickly climbed back into the ring, her eyes locked on Jessica. Taylor wasted no time in launching her attack, landing a series of kicks and punches that sent Jessica reeling. Jessica tried to defend herself, but Taylor was relentless, using her superior speed and agility to keep her opponent off balance.

Jessica stumbled backward, desperately trying to regain her footing as Taylor closed in for the kill.

Taylor, confident in her victory over Jessica, went for the pin, hooking Jessica's leg and pushing her shoulders to the mat. The referee dropped to the mat, slapping the mat as she began the count.

One... Two...

But to Taylor's surprise and frustration, Jessica managed to kick out just before the three count.

Taylor sat back on her haunches, disbelief etched on her face as she realized that the match wasn't over yet.

Jessica, meanwhile, rolled onto her stomach, gasping for breath and clutching her aching head. But she wasn't out of the fight yet, and she slowly began to push herself up onto her hands and knees.

Taylor, ever the cunning strategist, saw an opportunity and seized it. As Jessica struggled to her feet, Taylor pretended to do the same, lulling her opponent into a false sense of security. But as soon as Jessica turned her attention away, Taylor struck. With lightning-fast reflexes, she lashed out with her foot, connecting with the side of Jessica's head with a sickening crack. Jessica crumpled to the mat, her head lolling to the side as she lay unconscious. Taylor, meanwhile, stood over her fallen opponent, a triumphant grin on her face as she raised her arms in victory.

Meanwhile, the battle between Blake and Jenna had spilled out of the ring and into the crowd, with Blake continuing to dominate the exchanges. She threw Jenna into the sea of people, who scrambled to get out of the way as the two women fought tooth and nail.

Blake landed a series of vicious blows, each one connecting with a sickening thud. Jenna tried to fight back, but she was no match for Blake's strength and ferocity. Blake tossed her over chairs and into the barricades, using anything and everything as a weapon.

Blake dragged Jenna up the crowd steps, determined to continue her assault. The fans scattered as the two women fought their way to the next level, with Blake still in control. She threw Jenna into the railing, pummeled her with a series of blows, and even used a fan's chair to bash her over the head. But just as it seemed like Jenna was on the verge of defeat, she saw an opportunity. As Blake closed in for the kill, Jenna grabbed a nearby fan's drink and threw it in Blake's face, temporarily blinding her. Blake stumbled backward, her arms flailing as she tried to regain her balance.

Jenna shoved her off and sent her crashing back to the level below.

She knew she had to capitalize on her sudden advantage, but her body was spent. The fight with Blake had taken everything out of her, and she collapsed onto the floor, gasping for breath. Her vision blurred and her muscles screamed in protest as she lay there, trying to recover. The crowd murmured around her, watching with awe as she struggled to regain her strength.

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Jessica and Taylor were still locked in an intense battle, oblivious to the drama unfolding in the crowd. They traded blows back and forth, each one determined to come out on top.

Taylor landed a powerful kick to Jessica's ribs, sending her reeling. But Jessica quickly recovered, delivering a fierce uppercut that connected with Taylor's chin. They grappled with each other, both women grunting with exertion as they tried to gain the upper hand. The crowd cheered and booed in equal measure, their loyalties divided between the two fierce competitors.

The intensity of the fight between them had reached a fever pitch, with both women locked in a tangle of limbs and hair. They rolled around on the mat, scratching, clawing, and biting in a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand.

Taylor managed to get on top of Jessica, raining down blows on her face and chest. But Jessica was quick to retaliate, wrapping her legs around Taylor's waist and flipping her onto her back. The two women struggled for dominance, their bodies a blur of motion as they rolled from one side of the ring to the other. Their clothing was torn and their hair was wild.

The realization hit Jessica like a thunderbolt. As she took a moment to catch her breath and gather her strength, she looked around the ring, expecting to see her partner, but Jenna was nowhere to be found. Panic began to set in as Jessica scanned the arena, her eyes falling on the giant screen above the ring. And there, in full view of the entire crowd, she saw the horrifying sight of Jenna Ortega and Blake Lively fighting tooth and nail in the middle of the crowd.
Jessica's eyes widened in shock as she took in the scene, and Taylor who had also caught sight of the brawl on the screen.

Taylor was just a few steps away from reaching Blake when she felt a hand grab her shoulder and spin her around. Jessica is determined to keep Taylor from getting to her partner.
The two women exchanged blows once again, their bodies a blur of motion as they fought for control. But Taylor made a fatal mistake, swinging wildly at Jessica and missing completely. The momentum of the missed swing sent Taylor spinning around, her back exposed to Jessica's attack. Seizing the opportunity, Jessica hoisted Taylor onto her shoulders, positioning her for the ultimate takedown.

Jenna leaped from the platform, crashing into Taylor and knocking her off Jessica's shoulders.
She landed on top of Taylor, pinning her to the ground and going for the pin attempt. But to everyone's surprise, Taylor managed to kick out at the last second, the crowd erupting in cheers and boos as the match continued.

Jenna and Jessica were livid. They had been so close to victory, only to have it snatched away at the last second by Taylor Swift's resilience. They exchanged a glance, their faces set in grim determination.

With renewed purpose, they turned their attention back to Taylor, who was slowly getting to her feet. They circled her like predators stalking their prey, each woman waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Taylor was still reeling from the impact of Jenna's attack, and she was struggling to get back to her feet. She tried to push herself up, but her body wouldn't cooperate, and she collapsed back onto the ground, her face twisted in pain.

Jenna and Jessica exchanged a smirk, knowing that they had Taylor exactly where they wanted her. They circled her slowly, savoring the moment and the anticipation of the kill.

Suddenly, Jenna darted forward, grabbing Taylor by the hair and hauling her to her feet. Taylor let out a cry of pain, but Jenna ignored it, spinning her around and delivering a devastating kick to her midsection; Taylor flew right into a chokehold from Jessica.

Jessica had Taylor right where she wanted her, with a chokehold locked in and victory seemingly within reach. But just as she was about to finish the job, she sensed something out of the corner of her eye and looked up just in time to see a blur of movement heading her way. It was Blake, recovered from her earlier battle with Jenna and now charging towards Jessica with a Superman punch.

 Jessica acted quickly, breaking the chokehold and ducking just in time to avoid the blow.
But in her haste to dodge the attack, she accidentally put Jenna in harm's way, and Jenna took the full force of Blake's punch.
Blake, sensing victory within her grasp, went for the pin on Jenna Ortega. She hooked Jenna's leg and pushed her shoulders to the mat, waiting for the referee's count.

Jessica, seeing what was happening, knew she had to act fast. She was too far away to break up the pin, so she did the only thing she could think of - she charged towards Blake and hurled herself at her, colliding with her with all her force. The impact sent Blake flying off Jenna, breaking up the pin attempt and sending her crashing to the ground. But Jessica was also caught in the collision, and she too fell to the mat, dazed and disoriented. Jenna, still reeling from Blake's punch, lay motionless on the ground, unable to capitalize on the opportunity. And Taylor was still out cold, unable to defend herself or her partner.

For a brief moment, all four women were down, the arena silent except for the sound of their heavy breathing and the occasional groan of pain. There was also a fan in the audience who needed to be carried off and taken to medical since she got caught in the path of Jessica's wild attack.

 The crowd was absolutely losing their minds. They had never seen a match quite like this before, with all four women giving it their all and refusing to back down. The arena was filled with the sound of cheering, booing, and chanting, with the audience divided in their loyalties.

But despite the injury to the fan, the crowd continued to cheer and scream, their attention still focused on the battle raging on in the ring. They were determined to see this match through to the end, to witness history being made before their very eyes. The crowd was not concerned in the slightest about the injured fan, too intoxicated by alcohol and the intense violence playing out before them. They were fully immersed in the battle, their inhibitions lowered by the alcohol, and the adrenaline surging through their veins. They cheered and jeered, throwing up their hands in excitement as the fighters resumed their battle. They were a rowdy bunch, their faces flushed with excitement and their voices hoarse from screaming.

Blake fueled by her desire for victory, drags Jenna Ortega back into the ring but instead of going for the pin, she goes under the ring and emerges with a table, sending the crowd into a frenzy. The anticipation in the arena is palpable as Blake sets up the table in the center of the ring, her eyes locked on Jenna's prone form.

With Jenna perched precariously on her shoulders, Blake takes a deep breath and leaps from the top rope, executing a picture-perfect powerbomb that sends Jenna crashing through the table with bone-shattering force. The arena erupts in a chorus of cheers and gasps as Jenna's body lies motionless in the wreckage. Blake Lively stands over her, basking in the glory of her victory, as the crowd chants her name.
She wastes no time in capitalizing on her advantage, dropping down to pin Jenna before Jessica can intervene. The referee counted the pinfall, and the crowd exploded in cheers.

Jessica’s mind races as she watches Blake celebrate her victory. The realization of what happened dawns on her, and a wave of guilt and frustration washes over her.  As she stands outside the ring, Jessica can't help but feel responsible for her partner's loss.

Blake stands triumphantly over Jenna Ortega's prone form, her voice echoing throughout the arena as she speaks into the microphone. "What did I say, little girl?" she taunts, her eyes locked on Jenna's face. "I warned you not to mess with me, but you didn't listen. And now look at you, lying there. And now, it's past your bedtime," she continues, her voice dripping with condescension. "You should have known better than to fuck with me. You're just a little girl playing in a grown women’s game.

Blake lunged forward and grabbed her,
Blake's breath was hot against Jenna's ear as she whispered, ”It's time for you to learn your lesson." With one swift movement, Blake forced Jenna's legs apart and pulled her bikini bottoms off.

Tears streamed down Jenna's face as she tried to fight back, but Blake was too strong. She could feel herself losing consciousness, the pain becoming more and more unbearable.

"Please," she whimpered, "stop..." But Blake seemed to take pleasure in her suffering, her breath coming faster as Blake’s fingers went deeper. Taylor had recovered and jumped Jessica and tossed her into the ring, and together Blake and Taylor stripped them both.

Taylor kept Jessica pinned while Blake dragged Jenna’s pussy onto her face; she slapped a boston crab leglock on her, pressing her pussy deeper into the mumbling and quivering face of Jessica.