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The Taming of Tanya - a story commission

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Offline Catscarlisle

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The Taming of Tanya - a story commission
« on: May 28, 2024, 09:54:16 PM »
The sun was high in the clear blue sky as Tanya emerged from her morning workout session. The suburbia centered parking lot of the upscale fitness center was sprawled out before her, dotted with luxury vehicles and lavish SUVs. Glancing at her slim and fit reflection in the glass windows of the gym, the brunette admired the sight of her bosomy statuesque frame - a toned 5'7" with a full 34F chest bulging through the spandex sports bra that struggled to contain them. Despite having been blessed with four kids, she still bore the very same shapely and athletic figure that had been turning heads since she was 19 years of age. 

And as the gym’s doors swung shut behind her, Tanya began to check her phone, ignorant of gawkers who stared at her as she strolled along the sidewalk.  Being a mother of four children and keeping a consistent gym routine hadn’t been easy on her but at the same time, keeping fit was simply her way of finding peace of mind amidst the chaos. Her heart still pounded from the energetic workout she'd just finished, trying in vain to keep up with the frenzied pace that her life had become.  Her physique was a testament to that and a source of pride to her.  Such was the natural result of her vigorous workout regimen as she sought to maintain her hourglass contours even as she passed into her 30s.

Her glossy chestnut hair, plaited in a loose braid hitched over her shoulder, bounced as she darted towards her ruby Lexus, her hand waving gratefully to the sedan that had stopped for her, if only to gawk at her bosomy form skipping across the road.

“Thanks,” Tanya stated out loud in her confident but feminine voice.

As she made her way to the parking lot, Tanya checked the messages on her phone before responding back to her messenger - she was right on schedule for the usual lunch meet-up with Cathy and Julie, her neighbors-cum-fitness partners.

Of course, Cathy and Julie were more than just neighbors, they were partners in love.  And at the center of their bond was a testament to their shared fondness for fitness, their unwavering support for each other and an ineffable harmony they held between themselves.  Such was the reason why Tanya had naturally gravitated towards both of them, becoming closer with them over the past three years as they tested their physiques out in front of one another.  Nowhere would they go without informing the other - shopping sprees, girl’s night outs, yoga sessions, the spa.

As Tanya approached the sunny patio of their favorite wellness cafe, she spotted Cathy and Julie nestled comfortably at a table under a large umbrella. Both lesbians were natural blondes, making for a radiant pair.  Cathy stood only a notch slightly taller than her partner at 5'8", and Julie, the older of the two, stood appreciatively at 5'6".

And speaking of pairs, both women held impressive 32DD chests that complemented their opulent lifestyle quite well. Their blue and gray eyes sparkled like jewels under the radiant rays of sun as they noticed Tanya sauntering towards them. A palpable thrill seemed to stir something within them as they marveled at their bosomy brunette friend with utmost admiration.

Tanya, upon reaching their table, greeted them with her movie-star smile. Engulfed in gentle greetings and cheerful chit-chat, she relayed her morning's workout regime while placing her order for a veggie-packed salad and a green smoothie. Cathy and Julie, still admirative of Tanya's tenacious beauty, listened attentively as they sipped on their kale-mango smoothies.

“Tanya, quite a pleasure to see you,” Julie smiled, “and you’re looking quite fine this morning.”

“Morning?  It’s afternoon now, hot stuff.  For you two, it may still be morning but some of us have to drive back and forth through traffic for an hour,” Tanya retorted with a playful snark.

“Of course.  How can we forget, Tanya dear?” Cathy responded slyly as she leaned forward towards her friend.

“Hey, how are Dan and the kids?  We haven’t seen them since school started,” said Julie.

“Oh, Dan?  Dan’s taking them to the in-laws this weekend, leaving me with a few days of much needed solitude.”

“Solitude?  That sounds boring,” Cathy quipped.

“Well, now that you mention it,” Tanya sipped her drink, “it does seem boring.  But maybe boring is what I need now that I’m a suburban housewife in her thirties.”

“Nonsense, Tanya,” retorted Julie, “Who is to say a woman in her thirties can’t have fun? Besides, Cathy and I have plenty of fun, don’t we?”

With that, Cathy’s hands reached around her partner’s waist before giving her a playful pinch.  Julie yelped before smiling back and forth between her conversation partners.

“Not as much fun as we would like to,” Cathy said. “Even still, if variety is lacking, we always try to find ways to make it interesting.”

“Maybe if I were lesbian, I could say that,” Tanya stated bluntly, her bosom pressing against the table as she leaned forward, something her neighbors took notice of, “but I’m just a housewife and I have duties to attend to.”

“Not just a housewife.  A trophy housewife!  Don’t tell me Dan doesn’t know how to treat you as such!”

“Dan treats me plenty well,” Tanya said, pausing and thinking briefly.  Though, something did bother her.  It wasn’t Dan.  It was something else missing in her life, as if there was some thrill or some escapade she couldn’t quite figure out.  Was it life in the hills and the boredom that came with it?  Was it work?  Was this what a midlife crisis was?  No, it couldn’t be, Tanya thought to herself.  She wasn’t one to feel pity for herself and just lie down.  It was something else.  But what?

“Oh, I know what she needs, Cathy, dear!”

“Yes, indeed.  Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Julie?”

“And just what is it that both of you are thinking?” Tanya asked with a furrowed eyebrow as she sipped her straw.

“How about getting into a catfight?” Julie and Cathy both blurted out, simultaneously, looking at one another with a smirk before turning towards Tanya.

“Excuse me, what?” Tanya asked, sheepishly chuckling, “Come again?”

“You heard that, right, Tanya babe,” Julie answered her friend, “You versus Cathy and me, living room wrestling, bikini style.  Winner gets, well, the winner gets something.  We’ll discuss the spoils later.”

“Me?  Fighting?  In a Bikini?” Tanya’s face was quizzical, slightly amused at the notion, “I don’t know.  That sounds-”

“-We’ll all wear bikinis.  It’ll be something new.  You’re always pushing yourself to your limit, right, honey?  Why not try this?”

“We’ve been thinking about asking you for awhile now,” Cathy admitted, “Besides, what’s the point of all those kickboxing classes you take if you don’t get to preach what you practice?”

“Those were aerobic classes, not kickboxing,” Tanya corrected her.

“Same difference, you smokeshow.  You could whoop our butts and it’ll be fun.  No torn clothing and gawking males like in that beer commercial.  Besides, we all know you’ve always been dying to prove yourself, athletically.”

It was true.  Tanya had been a superb athlete when she was younger.  She still was, if you asked most people, but motherhood had taken Tanya elsewhere and she had never gotten to fully prove herself like she had wanted to.  If anything, her extreme obsession with fitness and taking care of her body was driven by this sense.  And it was only through her neighbors that she seemed to have found worthy peers who could keep up with her.

“I don’t know.  I’ll have to think about it,” said Tanya, her gaze drifting away to the side.

“What’s life without a little spice?  Cathy and I have been quite bored ourselves.  Come on, won’t you help us?”

“Yeah, why not show it all off?  Let’s prove it, woman to woman.  Besides, didn’t you say you were free this weekend?”

Tanya paused, her emerald eyes darting off towards the hills where the largest houses were scattered about.  A small part of her shook in anticipation at this incoming escapade - a prospect both daunting and intriguing.  Equally interesting was the thought of proving herself outside of the usual athletic realms. She had been a runner, a swimmer, a tennis player, an aerobics instructor but never a wrestler. It was absurd, yet somehow enticing. She turned her gaze back towards Julie and Cathy, their expectant faces seemingly all she could see. She partook in a deep breath before issuing a warm smile to break the silence.

"Alright. Just this once. If you ladies promise to let me off easy," she declared, the allure of novelty and a sense of rivalry stirring something deep within her. "But don't expect me to hold back!  I have a lot of pent up kickboxing energy I'd like to channel somewhere."

For Tanya, it was certainly going to be different from her usual holistic activities.  Her heart still pounded in her chest, filled with a sensation of fear and thrill.  The corners of her lips quickened into a contemplative smile before she sighed, taken by surprise at her own words as she finally broke her silence.

“And one other thing,” Tanya said, her voice a mixture of disbelief and anticipation. “It has to be over the weekend when no one else is at home.”

Julie and Cathy exchanged delighted glances before squealing in joy, their hands clapping together in synchronization.

“Perfect! That’s just the response we were hoping for Tanya dear,” Julie said, her blue eyes shimmering with excitement.

Cathy quickly flagged down the waiter, her enthusiastic voice rising above the soft chatter of her companions.

“Excuse me!  Check, please,” the blonde called out the waiter in her ever-charming demeanor, her locks of hair bouncing eagerly with her motions as she winked towards Tanya, “We’ll be taking care of this one.”

“But Cathy,” Tanya protested.  However, Julie’s laughter cut her off prematurely.

“Consider it a friendly gesture for your enthusiastic agreement, Tanya!” Julie said as she pulled out her platinum credit card, sliding it onto the small tray the waiter brought over. “You deserve a treat, starting from here ‘til the end of the weekend.”

As Cathy and Julie busied themselves signing the check and making polite conversation with the waiter, Tanya was left to her own thoughts. She stared into the depths of her green smoothie, her mind trying to process the unanticipated turn of events.

She couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.  Here she was, a mother of four, challenged to a friendly wrestling match by her neighbors and in a bikini at that!  When was the last time she had even tried one on?  The prospect was both daunting and appealing – daunting because she hadn’t attempted anything as thrilling in years, and appealing because, she had to admit, it sounded like a good deal of fun.

Maybe it wasn’t going to be so bad afterall, Tanya thought to herself.  Hoisting her straw to her luscious lips, she allowed the sweet, wholesome taste of the smoothie to fill her mouth.  Taking a moment to relish the feeling, she decided to raise her drink towards her lunch companions.  It wouldn’t hurt to add a dash of excitement to her life after all, even if it was just this once.

“Alright then, ladies. Here's to our thrilling little adventure together," Tanya proposed, her voice laced with a confidence and excitement that was infectious. The joyous laughter of the trio echoed through the cafe as they raised their drinks in unison, marking the start of their unique journey together.

After what felt like the longest week of Tanya’s life, the weekend finally arrived.  Anxiety and excitement mixed together in her heart as she saw her neighbors walking from the sidewalk and straight towards her home.  Clad in colorful sundresses with tote bags, the two appeared as if they had just returned from a day of shopping.  Though, as she noted the clicking of their heels, she noticed they were wearing wrestling boots.

“I knew I should’ve gone shopping for something like that,” Tanya stated to herself.

Inside Tanya’s house, the warmth of the simmering sunlight seeped through the clouds and into her windows, casting an ambiance of soft golden light everywhere while also dragging the long and curvaceous shadows of her two busty blonde neighbors closer with each passing moment.

As such, her beautiful robe concealed her shape while at once increasing curiosity in those around her.  Underneath, it pounded with strong determination that was seductive as it was terrifying.  When the two blondes arrived, they were greeted with a radiant smile from their hostess whose countenance had become more angelic after applying makeup onto the angular contours of her face, and who now wore her neat hair tied back into a fashionable disheveled bun that allowed some strands to dangle down on either side of her face.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Tanya felt as if she could detect traces of irony alongside the amazement in their voices.  Something seemed to really be turning her friends on.

As the brunette led her blonde neighbors into the grand living area, which had been elegantly furnished with plush sofas and intricate decor pieces that had since been moved aside, she heard the rustle of clothing as Cathy and Julie coyly slipped out of their sundresses, revealing their bikini-clad forms.

They had chosen relatively traditional styles as opposed to Tanya's more daring choice; they donned dark-colored bikinis with wrestling boots that contrasted sharply against Tanya's bare feet.  Cathy’s emerald green bikini complemented her dark blond locks perfectly while Julie looked ravishing in her navy-blue bikini set contrasted by her sun-kissed skin and made her lighter blond mane stand out like sand on a beach.

The two women watched with bated breath as Tanya shrugged off her bathrobe in a dramatic flourish, unveiling her voluptuous body encased in the skimpy red thong bikini that contrasted perfectly against her golden complexion.

As they took in the intricate details of her busty form, Cathy and Julie felt their hearts quicken as they let out whistles from their lusty lips. Tanya was undeniably gorgeous, a testament to her diligent workout routine and disciplined lifestyle.  Additionally, Tanya’s hair bun promptly fell, as well, releasing her chestnut colored hair behind her shoulders in a manner akin to a supermodel in a shampoo commercial.

The two blondes smiled at one another before smirking back at Tanya with predatory eyes.  Tanya stared back with confidence, as if showing off her body and prowess.

The moment was cut short when Cathy, ever the assertive speaker, laid down the rules of their unique wrestling match.

“Alright Tanya, sweetheart,” Cathy started out, her eyes glowing with exhilaration.  “Here are the rules.  We’ve organized this match to last for the following twenty-four hours.  Of course, breaks will be necessary but the winner at any point of time gets to decide when the breaks start and end.”

“And in between those sessions, the loser or losers will be tied up until the next session begins,” Julie added, her wolfish gaze intense and filled with anticipation.

"Wait, what?" Tanya was taken aback, her emerald eyes wide with surprise.  While she had braced herself for a thrilling encounter, she had never imagined that it would take on such an adventurous twist, "Run that by me again?"

“Listen, it’s just a bit of fun, babe.  You get tied up, you can tie us up.  We all take a breather.”

"Well, it’s just that it’s all quite, um, adventurous," murmured Tanya, her pearly whites gnawing at her lower lip, contemplative yet visibly anxious about the endeavor. "Honestly, that's not exactly what I imagined when you ladies brought up the idea."

Her apprehension was palpable, but it didn’t deter Cathy and Julie.  Instead, they exchanged glances before reassuring her.

"Tanya, dear, we understand how you’re feeling," Cathy said gently, leaning in closer.  "It sounds overwhelmingly thrilling, we know. But as your friends, we wouldn’t ever let anything get out of hand."

"That's right.  And don't forget, all of  this is only for laughs," Julie delivered, her eyes softening reassuringly. "If it becomes too much, Tanya, we’ll all step back and rethink things."

The reassurances of her neighborhood gal pals, the adrenaline coursing through her veins, and most importantly, her innate feel of competitiveness was enough for Tanya to make the leap.

"You know what?  I’m in," Tanya affirmed, her voice regular yet full of a tinge of exhilaration as she performed arm stretches.

“Great, we can’t wait to see those kickboxing moves of yours.”

“Yeah, I hope you’re really prepared, today.  I expect you to treat us like bitter enemies because we’ll be looking forward to doing the same against you.”

“Oh, I’ll be ready.”

The room echoed with victorious laughter as the trio held fingers in unity, geared up to embark on their unique wrestling journey.

As the trio stretched on the floor, they began to take their positions.  Tanya stood near the opening of the room while the blondes were up with their backs against the wall, their postures lowering as their hands moved up like lady wrestlers ready for combat.

Tanya positioned herself, her heart pounding against her chest with a rhythm akin to the fierce African tribal drums.  As the law of the natural world began taking over, she could feel the adrenaline surging through her veins, fueling her competitiveness.  At the same time, the imaginative thoughts racing in her mind slightly unnerved her.  Cathy and Julie, on the other hand, had predatory gazes of fixation point towards Tanya as she readied herself for the fight.  They were really into this.

Smiling and pursing her lips, Cathy began her count.




Before the count had even ended, the calmness of the living room had been shattered and replaced by a pulsating atmosphere of anticipation that hung heavily over the three bikini-clad combatants as the round began. 

With a sudden indomitable roar that radiated both nervous excitement and exhilaration, the three women lunged towards each other, their athletic bodies colliding in the middle of the room.

Tanya immediately took the offensive, using her bare feet to her advantage as she slid, lunged, and wrestled with Cathy and Julie in aggressive fashion.  She used every inch of her toned body to hold her ground as she lowered herself and aimed quick jabs at her blonde opponents while also attempting to pull them to the ground.

But it was to no avail.

The two blondes rushed at the brunette, throwing slaps and punches, squealing as they rushed in wildly at their prey.

At some point, one of the blondes was able to grab onto Tanya’s hair.  Which one, Tanya couldn’t tell, but dragged forward towards them she ended up going before being slammed into the wall.


Fortunately for Tanya, much of the expensive items had been set aside and the only thing that shook on the wall was the clock, which still signaled the late morning and the beginning of a 24 hour cycle that was only merely beginning.

“You got her good with that.”

“Not gonna let you off the hook, Tanya baby.”

As Tanya pushed herself from the wall, she slammed her shoulders into Cathy and began pulling her neighbor’s hair in retaliation, dragging her and showcasing her agility and strength as she ran with the blonde’s golden mane tightly clenched in her fist, causing her neighbor to scream out.

Despite her momentum, Tanya was suddenly dragged backwards by her own hair once more as Julie rushed from behind.  This had the unintentional cause of suddenly jerking Cathy backwards in grunting pain and crashing into Tanya, sending all three women pummeling onto the floor like falling dominos.

Tanya’s natural springiness allowed her to strike out and tackle Julie before she could get up, her ass protruding upwards as she launched herself and pinned the blonde whilst on all fours.

Fists rained into Julie’s stomach before finding her groin as Tanya began to take this fight more seriously than she imagined she ever would’ve prior to this.  It was as if something had awoken within her and within her neighbors. 

“Take that!”

“Ooohh!” Julie quickly covered up her crotch with both hands and recoiled into the fetal position, gripping her groin even as Tanya was set upon her.

Unfortunately for Tanya, her thong covered bottom protruding upwards was the perfect target as Cathy crept up from behind and smacked her toned ass with a loud thud before pulling her by the crimson thong and wedgying her off her partner.

Tanya quickly turned around to counter, grabbing onto Cathy’s arm to loosen the blonde’s grip while shooting a fist right into her ribcage.  The two traded blows, with Tanya showcasing, indeed, some natural boxing skill and athleticism rising from her aerobics class.

“Shit!  Julie, help me!”

Julie’s eyes were still closed and her legs were parted as she still tried to ease the pain in her groin by holding onto it.

“I have you,” Tanya smirked as her fist struck with accuracy as she weaved from and deflected her opponent’s strikes, all while dragging the blonde around in circles.

Still, Cathy resisted as she tried to flee the brunette bombshell, pulling just as much as she was being dragged.

As Tanya held Cathy at an arm's length, trying to wrestle her to the ground, a panting Julie crept behind Tanya and swiftly wrapped her arms around Tanya’s shoulders. Cathy took advantage of the confusion, tackling Tanya by latching onto her midriff and forcing the bosomy brunette to let go of Cathy.

The two women conversed over Tanya’s shoulders as they pinned her together with their bodies.

“What took you?”

“Hey, give me a break, hon.  I just got hit in the groin.”

“Yeah, those fists of hers are stronger than they look.”
“Hell yeah, they are.”

“You thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Yeah.  Why don’t we give her some payback?”

“Let’s do it.”

In an impressive display of camaraderie and coordination, Cathy and Julie managed to heave Tanya off her feet. Julie wrapped her arms tight around Tanya's waist as Cathy hoisted her up while standing at the front.  Despite the tinge of surprise that registered in Tanya's eyes, she found herself in awe of their combined strength and determination. The ensuing struggle led to loud shrieks of surprise from Tanya as she squirmed in her blond duo's firm grip.

“Let’s have a little inspection, shall we?”

“Yeah, that much she owes us.”

As Cathy began to slip her hand across Tanya’s toned abs, her thumb kneaded her way upwards towards Tanya's luscious bosom, giving each boob a pinch which drew yelps of protest.  All the while Julie explored the back of Tanya as her hands glided over Tanya's curvaceous bottom, emanating a sense of command over Tanya as she panted in between their tight embrace.  The tormenting smacks against Tanya’s buttocks followed forth.

Tanya shook wildly in an attempt to free herself, grunting and howling in frustration as her body became a plaything to explore and torment.

“How about that?  She’s exactly how I imagined.  Feisty and spicy.”
“Yes, quite the appetizer.  But the main course hasn’t even begun just yet.”

Overwhelmed but still ready for more surprises, Tanya squirmed, her body twisting and flexing in an attempt to break free. But even with all her athletic prowess, she was no match against two determined women clinging onto her every curve as they outnumbered and outmatched her with their combined prowess.

As Cathy eyed Tanya’s luscious tits, her face glowed with sadistic perversion as she nibbled on the flesh peering through the bikini top.  Then, she latched onto the crimson top and swiped it off, freeing Tanya’s 34F bosom in its full glory as it swung out into the open with a jiggle.

“My, my, what do we have here?”

“What do you see?  I wish I could see what you’re seeing, Cat.”

“They’re just as impressive as you can imagine.  But don’t worry, you’ll get your turn.”

Then, Cathy began punching Tanya’s tits.

“What are these, anyway?  Double Ds?  No, they’re much bigger than mine.  It doesn’t matter, though, because they’re going to be flat As after I’m done,” Cathy said, in between bated breaths and well timed punches. 

It was payback from the jab session she had endured earlier. 

Meanwhile, Julie slammed her palms against Tanya’s butt, timed in synchronization with Cathy so that Tanya could not escape when their hands became free but also to torment Tanya mentally, as her mind was left to anticipate the incoming spanks and jabs with fear and uncertainty as each strike of shame came at differing paces and rhythms.

Tanya grunted as she failed to break free, enduring the assaults upon her bottom and bosom.

As Julie smirked towards Cathy, she whistled, “I think it’s time for her to take a timeout break!”

“Yeah, where do you think we should put her?”

“I’ve got an idea.”

Hoisting her by her thong and lifting her just outside of their makeshift arena, the lesbian lovers strung their brunette neighbor up against the wall like a wounded prey, wedging her against a lavish modern art style statue with lengthy metal appendages sticking forth, as if offering Tanya on a platter.  Then, binding her hands via her bikini top to a portrait-less wall mount behind the statue, they began lashing at her toned bottom with their palms.

“Aghh!  Ughh!  Aiiiee!!” Tanya screamed out.  Soon, the brunette’s butt began to turn shades of red as it was imprinted with the outlines of hands.

The blondes both took a step back and admired their handiwork, smiling at each other before bringing in their tote bags.  They began to set up cameras, detailing their brunette neighbor as they filmed and clicked.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Tanya asked, worried and fearful, “I never agreed to this!”

“Shut up!  You don’t get to talk, loser.  The first round is over and barely even lasted!”

“Tanya, honey, let’s just say this is insurance that you’ll continue fighting us, even if you lose today.  Now, we wouldn’t want your husband to think his trophy wife was a haughty and naughty woman, would you?  He doesn’t need to know about our little bouts and this will secure it.”

“Plus, it gives us something to watch, when we leave,” Julie giggled to herself, “Now, let’s bring out the whips.”

“W-wh-whips?!”  Tanya began to wiggle, her bottom jiggling as she struggled, making it all the more enticing for the two blondes drew a pair of short leather whips from their tote bags and began their stinging assault on their shapely target.

“Sorry, but this is what losers get!”


“Submit, Tanya.  Submit to your taming!”


But Tanya did not submit, no matter how painful it got.  After several minutes of their session, Tanya grunted and panted for breath, having gritted her teeth.

“I do wonder what your husband would think of this sight.”

“It’s quite pathetic, honestly.  You’d think a gentleman like him would prefer a blonde instead.”

“Of course, you know as well we do that both of us don’t have a taste for gentlemen but these particular blondes do have a taste for brunettes.  And it seems we have one within our grasp.”

“Still, the fight isn’t finished.  We ought to take it to the next stage.”

“Indeed, darling.  Indeed.”

Tanya braced herself.  What was it now?

Leaving their bound brunette neighbor to moan and whimper against the statue, Cathy and Julie sauntered off into the sleek, modern designed kitchen with wonder.  Opening the fridge, the blonde beauties helped themselves to a cornucopia of appetizing drinks self-prepared by Tanya.  Giggling like teenagers over Tanya’s predicament, they began refreshing themselves for round two.

With juice bottles and a pitcher of ice-cold lemon water from the fridge, they walked back towards the apprehensive brunette and with mirrored smirks, the blondes tipped the pitcher and bottles above Tanya's face, letting the liquid spill over her face and body. 

As insulting as it was, the sweet tartness of the juice mixed with the biting chill of the water splattering onto the brunette’s face provided a momentary feeling of respite from the burning sensation still stinging her bottom.

"You ready for Round 2?"  Cathy called out playfully, ruffling Tanya's damp hair.

"Let's get her back in the arena," Julie said to her partner with a sly smile, her fingers tugging Tanya's crimson bikini bottoms higher, mocking their adversary as her fingers jerked the thong violently.

Noon had past.

Topless, embarrassed, and stinging from the punishment so far, Tanya nonetheless readied herself for another bout.  Ignoring the soreness that plagued her body, she pushed through and launched herself at Cathy and Julie with retribution, displaying a renewed spirit as she struck back with a storm of violence, delivering wild heaves, jabs, and kicks.

The strikes did not go unnoticed by the blonde lovers.  A well-aimed kick to Julie’s calf left her stumbling and caused her to fall onto her side with a surprised shriek.  Then, a series of one-two combination jabs caused Cathy to recoil and back up, having been reminded of the hits from earlier.

This time around, Tanya wasn't going down without giving them a fight.  She was going to show them that she wasn’t just beauty and fitness.  She was a competitor and an athlete.

The blondes recuperated and renewed their assault.

As Tanya continued pacing back and forth, she was able to grab onto Cathy’s hair and slap her.  Cathy reciprocated in similar fashion by lashing and grabbing herself.  In the process of desperately defending herself, a squealing Tanya was able to tear Cathy’s bikini top down, causing her Double Ds to spill out.

“Oh, so, we’re going topless now?” Julie quipped, as she playfully unbuckled her own bikini top and swung it free with a snap.

Tanya paid no attention as she was matching up with Cathy, their eyes locked.

“Here, Cat, I think you might need this,” stated Julie as she tossed her bikini top to Cathy.

“Why, thank you, Julie,” said Cathy in an eerie and predatory tone as her fingers began to twirl and swing her partner’s top.

As the two blondes approached, Tanya swung wildly to dissuade them.  Unfortunately, that only left her wide open as Cathy grabbed the ends of Julie's top and fashioned it into a makeshift leash.  Snapping it around Tanya's neck, she yanked the top towards herself, choking the brunette and leading her around the carpeted floor like a ragdoll.

As Tanya’s world spun, she suddenly found herself tripping over her own feet and landing straight into Cathy’s full 32DD bosom.  As her face planted on Cathy’s bare skin, the blonde’s hands tightened their grip on Tanya’s head.

"You wanted to see them," Cathy chuckled, her bosom swinging back and forth as she gripped onto the bikini top and brunette’s head, "Well, here you go.  Take a good look!"

“Hey, let me join, too,” Julie responded as she moved in.

The next moments were a whirlwind of sensations for Tanya.  The feeling of two heaving bosoms slamming against her face shocked her momentarily.  It was as if the wind was knocked out of her as they alternated attacks between their threesome, throwing Tanya back and forth in an attempt to smother her.


Soon, Tanya’s eyes began to roll as she gasped and panted for breath in between each bosomy prison sentence dealt out to her.

"I have to admit, Cathy.  This is easier than I thought it would be," Julie giggled menacingly, her claws digging into Tanya’s 34F chest as she squeezed and twisted her. "Poor Tanya, she doesn't stand a chance against the two of us."

"You're right, babe.  We’re sure teaching this already broken mommy a lesson," Cathy responded smugly as she continued passing the brunette back and forth. "I think we've taught her more than enough for now.  Let’s try something else."

“Yeah?  What do you think we should do?”

“Well, we’ve already introduced Tanya to our Double Ds, how about let’s have her explore ourselves down below.”

“No,” Tanya protested weakly.

As the topless Tanya attempted to wrestle herself out from beneath the two women and desperately gasping for air in between their large breasts, Julie strategically maneuvered herself to wrap her bronzed legs around Tanya's inner thighs, her crotch grinding and gyrating against Tanya’s groin in circular motions.

“Yeah, you like that, Tanya?” Julie asked.

As a panicked Tanya squirmed in her grip, the intense sensation was too much for Julie to ignore.  The blonde began clenching her thighs even tighter around Tanya, her coarse voice echoing through their makeshift arena.

"Yes, yes! That’s it!"

All the while, Cathy quickened her own actions.  She wrapped her thighs around Tanya’s face and pushed her crotch straight onto Tanya’s face, rubbing and squirming around as if in ecstasy.  The echo of their cheers and laughter reverberated throughout the room, the cameras they’d set up earlier capturing every detail of their scandalous endeavors as Julie screamed in vivacious delight.



Uninterruptedly, Julie continued her onslaught for several minutes which felt like speeding hours for Tanya before she eventually let go and rolled off the panting brunette.

Tanya was then left at the mercy of Cathy who still lay above her and was alternating between grinding upon her and slapping her.

“Guys, stop…can’t...breathe…”

Apparently having satisfied themselves for the moment, the two blondes paused.  Much to their sadistic delight, hearing Tanya’s strained voice proved to them just how easy it was to dominate her. 

“That won’t do,” Julie said, having stabilized her breath and watched her partner torture their neighbor like a helpless plaything.

“Yeah, you’re right, we don’t want her to faint just yet,” Cathy smirked before finally letting go of Tanya, tossing her discarded top aside and sliding over her heaving body.

Tanya’s chest heaved up and down as she gulped for fresh air; her relief was evident, but so was the look of hurt pride and despair. She wasn’t accustomed to being handled like this.  Tanya stuck her chest out in pride as she struggled to regain breathing and to keep her wits about.

Cathy gave Julie a satisfied look and loosened Julie’s legs around Tanya’s waist.

“Come on Tanya, get up.”

“Already?  I…need…a break…”

Seeing this, Cathy and Julie began rummaging in their bag, pulling out ropes, delighting by the look of alarm in Tanya’s eyes.

“Well, it seems like you do need a break,” Cathy commented coolly, helping Julie to bind Tanya together with the rope. 

“Something’s missing, don’t you think?” Julie asked.

“Yes, you’re right,” responded Cathy, as she maneuvered towards the tied up brunette’s head, lifting her up by her hair.  As she did so, Julie pulled up from behind and tore Tanya’s tight thong off her bottom with a snap.  Then, she handed it over to Cathy, who promptly placed it in Tanya’s mouth.


Then, off the floor and onto the couch, the blondes sat together as they both snuggled and murmured sweet nothings into each other’s ears even as they continued to watch Tanya struggle.  Soon, they turned on Tanya’s TV and began fantasizing about watching the footage they compiled on it.

For now, though, they would enjoy the break.

The sun was setting now…..

As the duo became bored of watching TV, they walked over to Tanya and began unloosening her rope, pulling out the bikini bottom embedded in her mouth.

Freed from her gag, Tanya gasped for air.

“Come on, it’s time for the next round,” Julie stated.

Tanya whimpered, crawling on all fours to her corner.

“Oh, Tanya, don’t worry,” Cathy stated, “You don’t really have to do any fighting, this time around.”

“Yeah, for a rookie like you, this is what the final round usually looks like.”

From her knees, Tanya looked up, fearful but somewhat hopeful for an end to this match up.  R-really?  No more fighting?

“The fighting is over, indeed.”

As the two blondes brought their bags over, they began rummaging through it. 


From the bags, Cathy and Julie produced large metallic paddles, the kind used for industrial grade machines.  Then, they retrieved the small leather whips, as well.

“And now, the taming of Tanya begins.”



As she began scrambling on all fours, the taming of Tanya finally began.

The camera’s lenses recorded it all as the women headed into the night:

Smacks to the bottom, slaps to the head, pulling of hair, horseback riding, strikes to the groin. 

Soon, Tanya became nothing more than a plaything as she tried to flee, running back and forth around the room before crawling on her knees from her tormentors.  Her screams and grunts and moans filled the home as the blondes pursued her.

Unfortunately for the brunette, there would be no round 4.

The next morning, the two blondes walked from the master bedroom and helped themselves to breakfast.

Joining them was a roughed up Tanya, having been released and given a bathrobe.

“So, what did you think?”

“I, uh,” Tanya sighed, “It didn’t go the way I thought it would.”

“Well, it’s only natural.  You’re a rookie, Tanya.”

“I still think,” Tanya exhaled, a bit of disappointment in her voice, “I still think I could’ve done better.”

“Well, you did fine.  We had our fun out of it.”

“Yeah, in fact, it’s only the beginning, remember?”

“W-what do you mean?” Tanya asked, hesitating, “You can’t be serious about me trying this ‘catfighting thing’ again?”

“Oh, you don’t have a choice, Tanya, babe.”

“Yeah, we got it all on camera, remember?  And now, that means you’ll have to earn your way out.  Otherwise, we wouldn’t want Dan finding out, do we?”

“Come on, it’s just one day a month until you win.  Then, we won’t bother you about it ever again.”
“Didn’t you say you loved the challenge?  Don’t you want to prove yourself?”

Tanya grumbled.  She had no choice. 

She was now tamed.


Two years later….

Tanya had prepared for this.  Not only did Tanya train for the fight like a professional athlete would, she had even taken up actual kickboxing courses in the past several months and gotten the rhythm and the steps down.  Her technique had improved to the point where the instructors were adamant about her spending the weekend at an amateur circuit against proven fighters.

But no, she couldn’t. 

Not this weekend.  This weekend, she would finally have her way. 

Tanya had trained for it and she was going to show it all off - the culmination of all her hard work.  Her fists clenched, her feet ready to leap forth in rhythm, her smirk confident, her bosom bulging, her green eyes twinkling, her body toned to perfection, her mind clear.

“Alright, who wants to have their ass kic-”

“Shut up!”

“Get down on your knees and beg, loser!”

And just like that, Tanya was dragged to the ground by her hair and bound with a dog leash around her neck.  A pair of handcuffs quickly found her wrists as her ass pointed up towards the ceiling while her face was planted beneath the heel of her opponent.

From the floor, the brunette stared upwards at the two pairs of Double Ds hovering above her and the blonde lovers staring down at her disdainfully from their mountain tops, casting judgment and shame down upon her.

“By the way, loser, we brought some friends and we want you to entertain them.”

“Also got some new toys.”

The sound of vibrating devices and crackling whips sounded off from the other room, accompanied by laughter.

“W-w-what?  But that’s unfair,” Tanya began to whine as she was dragged up and away before being tossed to the floor in front of her new audience.

“Shut up, nobody asked for Miss Kickboxing Champ’s opinion.”

“Gonna be another strip and trib today.  Hope you ladies like pampered brunette pussy.”

“Damn, what a hottie.  You think she’s gonna last longer than that previous neighbor of yours?”

“Oh, she’ll last quite long, I can guarantee you that.  This party’s just getting started.”

“Alright.  Can’t wait to test out this bitch’s cxnt!”

“Let’s see what she’s made of, girls.”

Tanya gasped, exhaled, and then, she closed her eyes.  Oh great. 

What had she gotten herself into?
« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 09:55:25 PM by Catscarlisle »


Offline Dirty bad bitch

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Re: The Taming of Tanya - a story commission
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2024, 11:24:39 AM »
Cool story! He! He!  :D 8)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2024, 11:25:28 AM by Dirty bad bitch »
Let's rumble, bitch ... let's see what you've got, slut!


Offline Catscarlisle

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Re: The Taming of Tanya - a story commission
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2024, 01:39:43 AM »
I wanted to let readers know that a sequel has been released in the Series forum and will likely continue from there: