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The Bloody Matress 6-19-2473

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Offline Fredbenson

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The Bloody Matress 6-19-2473
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:27:00 AM »
This story takes place entirely within the world and canon of Greentower city, created by the one and only Ishmael. It is meant to be an addition o the canon, and in doing so, follows the rules and laws of that universe. I encourage you to check out his blog if you haven't, as it is some of the most interesting and detailed world building in this little sphere of women's combat, and entirely original illustrations that are just perfect for scratching your female combat itch.

Also, please forgive "Maple's" image being labeled "Mabel" I had to use an image, and she canonically fit into the timeline. but the image on the blog includes her original name.
And now, please enjoy my entry into the canon of GTC!


I wake up in the small loft apartment Daisy Duke’s has so kindly given to me as a sort of trophy room/outer city hold up where I can stay after a wild night of outer city action. I feel Jill nibbling at my ear and eagerly feeling for my cock, which is rapidly hardening. She quickly ducks under the covers, and takes it into her mouth, her head a bobbing mass under the covers. It is another great morning in the outer city of GTC and I am pleased to have it start on such a high note. I bust my load, and Jill emerges back up from the covers licking her lips. “Thank you baby” She coos seductively. “I hope I get to see you again soon. I think I could get used to waking up like this.”

She slides out of the bed, and puts on her shoes and socks, and sways her tight little ass at me one more time before she heads out for a day of training and rest. My day however, is just beginning.

Doctor Green tells me there’s a High Noon Death Match at the Bloody Mattress, and I figure there’s no better spot to start this wonderful day. We stop at Alice and Mel’s for a quick bite to eat, then cross the street to one of my favorite venues.
The rumor mill has clearly been at work, and the venue is already packed. Someone has let out that there will be a death match, and that I will most likely be in attendance. When I enter, a path forms in the crowd and I am led to my seat, in the front row, right in front of the cage. The women in attendance howl with excitement when I arrive. My presence always leads to more brutal and exciting action on the mattress. There is also the fact that because of the nature of the small venue, I pleasure the winner's right there on the fighting mattress. Giving all the women in attendance a live sex show, for no extra cost. These sex shows have no doubt inspired some in the crowd to don fighting panties of their own and take a crack at the dangerous world of fighting for my dick. It’s an excellent life I lead, and I can’t wait to see who fights for me first.

“LADIES AND ISHMAEL!!!” The loudspeaker crackles to life with the voice of the resident ring announcer. “WELCOME TO THE BLOODY MATTRESS!!!” The crowd goes up with a loud cheer, ready to hear if this first fight will be a death match. “THE FIRST FIGHT OF THE DAY IS…” The announcer pauses, letting the tension build in the crowd, “A HIGH!!!! NOON!!!! DEATH MATCH!!!!!” The ravenous women all scream louder than before, with a frenzied energy I only see when life is at stake.

A chant starts in the crowd, and the announcer’s reading of the days drink specials is drowned out by the women stomping their feet and clapping in unison, “HIGH NOON” clap clap clap “DEATH MATCH” clap clap clap.

The atmosphere is incredible, and I know the girls who are about to fight feel the energy of the venue from their small dressing rooms.


The curly haired brunette walks down the aisle to a mixed reception. Some fans clearly love the pigtailed girl, while others hope she doesn’t exit the cage again. When she sees me, she excitedly hops on my lap and begins making out with me. Her tongue playing with mine when she whispers in my ear, “You’re gonna fuck the shit out of me once I end this pathetic bitch.” She runs her hand over my hardened member, and then enters the cage, eagerly awaiting the announcement of her opponent.


The crowd quiets down as we await the announcement of her opponent.



    The crowd goes crazy for Brandi, and she is immediately pegged by the crowd as the favorite. She strolls down the aisle taking in the admiration. When she reaches me she turns and grinds her ass on my crotch, and grabs my hands, guiding them over her rock hard nipples. She moans a bit, making sure Maple is watching, and as quick as it started, hops off of me without a word. She is clearly very confident.

 She enters the cage, and the moderator locks it behind her. Only one of them will be getting out alive.


Maple and Brandi step up on the mattress and towards each other. Their perky tits brush nipples, keeping their faces inches from each other. I see them mouthing words at each other, pure hatred by the looks of it, but I can’t quite hear it over the shouts of the crowd.

“Rip that whores' hair out by the roots!” “make her cry before you kill her” “fuck on top of that red head’s corpse!” “Snap her neck with those stupid pigtails!” The crowd is almost as mean as the girls in the cage.

The bell cuts over the jeers and catcalling and surprises everyone, even the two women in the cage. Instantly both women’s hands shoot into each other's hair and an intense wrestling match begins on the relatively clean mattress. “STUPID FUCKING WHORE” one of them shouts, but I can’t see who. Suddenly, Brandi seems to have found a preferable position, and lets go of a pigtail with her right, and brings an uppercut right into Maple’s face. THWACK!!! Maple staggers back, rocked from the blow. Her nose is bleeding now, and it drips onto the mattress, staining it crimson. Brand then lifts her foot right into Maple’s unprotected crotch SPLAT!!! Maple doubles over onto her knees, holding her smashed womanhood.

Brandi puts her hands on her hips and shouts to the cheering crowd, “How’d you like to see this bitch break both her arms?!?! I don’t think she’ll be needing them anymo-UNGH”

Maple has made a quick recovery and tackles Brandi, driving her shoulder into her stomach, and taking her down into the dirt surrounding the mattress. The moderators don’t make any moves, indicating today’s rules are simple. There are no rules. Maple quickly slides up Brandi’s struggling body, and takes the top mount. She rains down slap after slap, the red head clearly in stinging pain.


Brandi’s cheeks turn bright red, and when she covers her face for protection from the swarm of slaps, Maple turns her attention to Brandi’s tits. They jiggle with each stinging blow. “Come on whore, fight! Lets fucking fight!” Maple screams. She runs her hands along the sides of Brandi’s head, and grips her hair, then slams her opponents skull into the ground, hoping to KO Brandi early.

Somehow though, Brandi manages to land a solid enough gut punch that Maple loses her top mount, and falls back onto the mattress, holding her bruised midsection. I can see the rapidly developing bruise turn a deep purple under her hand as her diaphragm pushes her belly in and out in panicked and shallow breaths. She is scared, but still hopeful. Brandi is surely the toughest opponent she has faced in her career.

Brandi on the other hand, quickly loops her fingers through the lattice of the cage, and pulls herself up to a seated position. She catches her breath, and takes in her opponent. She senses the fear, and knows she has to capitalize on it quickly. The head bashing she just took was a painful reality check, and Brandi knows she can’t discount this girl's fighting ability. The mental image of maple fucking Ishmael flashes through her mind though, and instantly all reason and patience exit her mind and she is flooded with rage. “Should have finished me then you stupid skank!!!” She shouts. Pulling herself up to her feet now and taking a couple steps, gets back on the mattress to engage.

Maple suddenly swings a fist up, aiming to smash Brandi’s pussy, but her fist stops short of the redhead’s mound, Brandi has caught her fist! Brandi flashes a self satisfied smile, and quickly lifts her foot, and brings it crashing down right onto the poor brunette’s elbow, breaking her arm, and dislocating her shoulder all at once. CRACK!!!

“AAAAIAAAAAAIIIEEEEEEEE” Maple’s shriek can be heard from outside the building. She falls onto her back, delirious and crawling toward the cage door, even though there is no escape.


The whole audience cheers for the red head, and any fans of Maple have clearly switched sides. Brandi stands over her crawling foe, and reaches down and grabs a pigtail. She pulls the agonized girl up to her feet. “Come on princess, everyone wants to see you get put down for good!” Brandi throws a kidney punch in before running her free arm under Maple’s dislocated shoulder. Maple spits up blood and tears stream down her face.

“OH GOD OH GOD I GIVE I GIVE I I GIVE” She moans in pain and terror.

“I didn’t realize you forgot where you were. YOU’RE AT THE BLOODY MATTRESS BITCH!!!” Brandi emphasizes her point by slamming her face into the cage.

The metal rattles with the force of the impact. “YOU DON’T GET TO GIVE HERE YOU WHORE!!!!” Brandi drags her opponent along the fence, the wire cutting into the white skin, leaving crimson cuts all along Maple’s tits and face. Brandi stops the dragging when she’s right in front of me. Pressing Maple against the cage with such force the fence bulges out towards me. Brandi leans in and almost at a whisper, but loud enough for me to hear, she says “See him? That’s my boyfriend. He is all mine, and he is gonna watch me finish you for good. Then, while you’re getting cleaned up, he’s gonna fuck me in front of all these other girls because i’m stronger and prettier than you ever could be. PATHETIC SKANK cxnt!!!” With these final cruel words, Brandi kicks maples legs open, and delivers a cxnt kick so strong that Maple is actually lifted off the ground. THUD!!!!!

Brandi catches her as she falls back and pins her against the cage again. She grabs each pigtail with one hand, and with her right leg she plants her foot square in Maple’s back. Brandi then pulls with her arms, and pushes with her propped up leg. The crowd screams with bloody passion as Maple’s head is wrenched back but her body stays pressed against the cage. It looks like Brandi really is trying to rip her hair out by the roots!

In the middle of this agonizing hold I have a perfect view of, I see Maple’s panties darken in her crotch, and suddenly piss starts flowing down the broken woman’s legs. Brandi has got what she wanted. A true humiliation. Brandi laughs with sadistic joy, and drops her leg down, wrenching Maple back down onto the mattress. Brandi admires her handiwork, then looks at me and says “Get that belt loose and those pants off, this is gonna be over soon.” Brandy says, pulling at the waistband of her panties.

Then, she turns and mounts her spread eagled and KO’d opponent. Without a moment of hesitation, she Lifts a fist and pounds it down like a cannon. THUD!


The audience calls out after each hit. Blood splatters the mattress after each artillery blast of a hit. Finally, after the fifth hit, Brandi looks up, breasts heaving with exertion, and yells out to the crowd “I think I need to get ready for the next show!!!” She slides up from her crotch mount, and places her heart print panties right over the mangled Maple’s face. Then, with force, seals the destroyed fighter's mouth with her cotton clad pussy. Maple struggles, but only briefly, as Brandi’s cxnt warms up for her victory fucking.


The bell rings and Brandi maintains her facesit, but lifts up her arms and puts her hands behind her head, arching her back so her tits stick out for her victory pose photo. The flashing of the cameras doesn’t distract her for long though, and the sound of the cage opening snaps her out of the thrill of victory and brings her squarely into the thrill of pleasure. She quickly stands and boots her defeated opponent off the mattress.

I am barely two steps into the cage when Brandi practically throws me down onto the mattress. I had followed her instructions and my pants were already off when I entered. “Ya’ll ready to see me FUCK?!?!?” Brandi screams. The crowd screams their approval and Brandi slides her panties to the side, revealing her pretty little red bush and tight pussy. She practically pole drops right onto me, and bounces with all her strength. Her hands run all over my chest as she throws her head back in pure ecstasy. 

She speeds up her riding until we both climax at the same time, and I shoot my load deep inside her. She gives a final little bounce, and steps off, sliding her panties back over, and taking in the adoration of the crowd once more. I stand up, slap her ass, and give her a kiss. “I’ll see you later, yeah?” She says confidently as she exits the fighting cage, “And have some bitch with you, I want to fight again.” She winks and exits the fighting pit. Maple’s body is being dragged out the back, and I find my way back to my seat, where management has already placed some stims and a gin and tonic for me to enjoy during the next bout.

I sit back, take a sip of my drink, and bask in the attention of the crowd, who anxiously await to see who will fight for my dick next. Man is this awesome.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2024, 06:16:40 AM by Fredbenson »