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Heavy Metal Discord Debut -- Sweet Misty vs The Red Enforcer (part three)

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Offline RedEnforcer

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  • 2026
  • New Profile pic by RoxErotique *link below*
Part One can be found here:

Part Two can be found here:

And here is today's installment of this match. Getting towards the climax and things really start heating up.  Please enjoy:

Sweet Misty vs The Red Enforcer part three


The lights are still hot and my mind is still a bit hazy and I’m glad I hydrated before this match as sweat is pouring off of me. Despite all that, I don’t feel tired at all. I’m sore, possibly having a cracked rib, soft spot under my tongue still tingles. But having this curvy young woman curving to her limit across my thigh gives me emotional energy.

“I haven’t heard someone scream so deliciously over my thigh since Rowan. But trust me, I want to see if you are on her level when it comes to flexibility.”

I slide my rough paw on your thigh upward, closer to your suit as I push down more on it, trying to work that leg to force the bend of your body on that end farther down, those long legs of yours working against you now.

The hand on your chin, I shift a bit. I move it to crank your neck back further and stretch that spine. Letting two fingers slide over your bottom lip to tease you as I ratchet up the pain.


Vertebrae rub angrily against one another giving little soft pops as my spine is being realigned...  and not in that way that the society of chiropractors would approve of!  I'm also given an upside down view of the side of the cage with the fans pumping fists up (down?) into the air cheering the masked brute... wanting him to do more.  I try to move my neck a bit to find some sort of magic angle that would give me more leverage but every time I do your hand just arches it back a millimetre more.... and in this sort of position a millimetre feels like a mile!

For the moment...  I'm silently enduring the stretch across that thigh as you just cantilever me over it.  My lips are peeled away from my pearly whites and those are grit pretty tight that it feels like they might crack.  That blood flow is reversed now...  instead of flowing down my face my hair is slowly turning a darker shade of red from the hairline down the ponytail with a few drips of red showing up to run down a strand here and there like a spider travelling across a web.  I'm not going to give him the satisfaction...  no I'm not...  just...  hold on...  he can't win this way....

You say something but I don't really quite get it.  I couldn't respond if I wanted to with anything that would resemble basic communication anyways!  Keep that mouth closed Misty...

You shift...  your hand coming up higher with your fingers tickling my skin as they press in closer to my suit.  With less range to press you tilt me down into an angle I have never felt... nor should anyone have to feel.  My eyes widen and my lips gape open... and it sounds like 5 different voices are screaming out in raw unfiltered agony into the arena.


My arms wave in the air with my fingers clawing at the nothingness of the air.  My body bucks under your hands almost imperceptibly.  You can feel it...  oh you can feel it...  The desperate reaction of my being wanting to get out of this.  The flickering lights that shine off my sweat slicked skin help everyone in the arena see every detail of muscles straining, skin twitching and the look on my face...  tortured...  full of fear...  As my legs stop dangling and straighten out...  my toes pointing....  and those pins shivering as I am forced to endure the most pleasureable pain I have had to take in quite some time.


Some people would see the scene in the ring and wonder what kind of sadist would be torturing the poor woman and making her scream like that. Some would be shuffling in the chair uncomfortably as memories flood their minds of being in such a state themselves. And some would look on, jaw dropped slightly, chewing their lip wanting to be that woman. You run across all kinds in this scene. But everyone who steps in the ring with me knows the risk. Or they get educated rather quickly.

I don’t know how much Misty knew about me before signing on to this fight. Right now as I look down and see her lovely body arching farther than you can imagine, her suit straining to its limit as I distend her spine, blood dripping through her hair and onto the mat, legs jerked into a stiff pose from the fire of the pain in her mind, all I can do is peel my lips back in a wicked smile. And feel the throbbing grow in my trunks.

But I can’t have those legs straight like that for long. So I slide my hand up all the way on her thigh so I can feel her suit, working leverage to bend that leg back down. Gripping her chin tighter and shifting it back and forth to push down and grind that neck as I punish this woman. Only partly for trying to mess with my mind. Mostly because I can be a sick sonuvabitch when I get provoked.

Right now, I’m the Mother Fucking Pachebel of Pain and I’m performing my Symphony of Sadism all over Misty’s body. Unfortunately for her there’s no submission. And this is just the beginning.


I'm trying here...  I really really am...  though it looks like I am just taking this like some little painslut which I am sure has crossed the minds of more than a few in this arena.  Now I have to admit...  there is pleasure in pain.  Come on look at me!?  Can't you see it!?  I'm having the time of my life whether I am dishing it out or being served a heaping helping of it.  Now I admit this portion that old Red is giving me is almost more than I can swallow...  ok maybe more than I can swallow...  alright alright...  but damn I can't wait to see the highlights on this one.

Ahem...  where was I?


You mush my bottom lip with your fingers before readjusting to grind me down.  You push more and more...  pushing the limit...  pushing the boundary of what I my back can take.  It is screaming at me to give up and my brain is screaming back "I'm trying Bitch!!!"  There seems to be no escape until...  until...  You rock my head side to side and I let you push me further down (not that i have a choice) and with the motion my back shifts just a bit to change the angle of pressure that that thigh is exerting on me.  Oh not a lot...  but maybe...  just enough...

But then something happens...  you shift... and place that hand more on my thinly covered sex than on my leg.  And while I do feel that pressure which makes little micro rubs into the most sensitive part of me...  it also gives me hope!

That hand rakes into my chin... and now I try a desperate maneuver to get away!  I kick up the leg furthest from you straight up before bending the knee and coiling it in closer to my body.  I can't see...  but I can hear you breathing...  gasping...  enjoying the spectacle...  and hopefully that is enough.  It has to be enough.  I try to aim the sole of my boot to dart up and even just clip your chin... anything to surprise and disoriente you... and perhaps loosen your iron grip on my lithe form bent so fucking acutely over you.


I just love when they scream and beg for me to stop. It ticks little boxes in my brain that turns me into the Enforcer. Everyday society wouldn’t condone what I like to do between the ropes here at PWL. The tradeoff being that I get to satisfy my urges and kinks under a mask.

Right now, that sound of agony Misty is making is ticking all those boxes for me. So much so my wrestling sense has gone out the window and that full dark side is roaring out of me.

That’s why I don’t even register you moving your far leg up and back. The nasty, dirty side of me is focusing on making you cry out in pain and thinking about getting my fingers even closer to where your suit is stretched taut between your legs. Not even having any sense of the danger coming when your boot slams against my left eye and scrapes and pushes just enough to make me lose my grip on your chin and thigh as my hands go to my face as you’ve caused a cut on my left eyebrow and blood is just flowing down stinging my eye as you dangle still on my thigh.



It's gone!  The pressure...  with a kick of my boot and a feel of hitting something decently solid those hands fly away!  To where I don't know nor do I care.  I am still draped out...  but relief is flowing more into the parts of me under pressure that would make a deep sea diver weep.

"Unnngg...  Uhhh...  UUUHHHH!!!", I moan out as I twist and just roll off your thigh in a slow aggravated way.  Whilst my back is pleased to get somewhat back into that 'S' shape it should be in its not about to let me forget about any of this...  the backbreaker... the clutch... all of it.


Gracefully landed Misty...  I just plant onto my front in the middle of the ring before pushing up on exhausted arms to look up through strands of my own hair and let out an "Ooohhh..." before grabbing at where your thigh had been mere moments before.

It's gone though... and unless I want to find myself back in some new dire situation I better do something.  It feels like crushed glass has been wedged in between the bones in my back as start to rise up to all fours.  Hair blowing out from my breaths and then being sucked back toward me...  my chest heaving in and out which causes my assets to sway a bit with the motion.  With heavy slaps of my hands on the mat and scraping of my kneepads and boots on the canvas...  I turn myself to look your way.

That moment of surprise is not going to last long.  And I have few options.  I set my toes on the mat and curl them...  my legs get set...  and with a cry more from the pain of actually doing anything with my body at this moment than any rage that I should be feeling for doing... THIS... to me...  I try to hurl myself at your mid-section and spear you to the ground!


I can’t really process much right now. Not much past the pain in my face and in my eye. Cuts to the face are bad, but one of the worst places to get it is in your eyebrow. The cut takes longer to clot and you have to have stitches. That’s fine but it means I basically lose sight in that eye unless I can figure out a temp measure.

“That fucking…”

I hear the thump and feel the weight gone from my thigh. I think I’m ok for a bit longer as she’s really been punished. I can’t believe she still has this much fight in her. But when you fight someone with this much spirit, breaking them is much more worthwhile. This is going to suck, but I end up pressing a bit of my mask against the cut and adding pressure to try and staunch the bleeding. I’m definitely gonna need a hospital after this to check for infection.

Ok just a bit longer and I think I’ve got it stopped and I can


I feel that body of yours slamming into me from out of nowhere, air emptying from my lungs and blasting past my lips. I fall to my back, my arms still up and hands at my face. Legs splayed out as I feel your weight on me.

“*wheeze* You bitch. *wheeze*”


The sound of two bodies colliding fills the small arena and even over the cheers and cries of the crowd it can be heard.  In these small places the details of what is going on in the ring isn't as lost in a huge arena with a din so loud that you can't hear the action.


Over I go with you until you slam to the mat on your back holding your face looking very much like the Super Macho Man from Punchout!  Only I'm splayed out on top of you with my shoulder still on your abs, my left leg on the outside of your right and my right leg laying down the middle.

Not much... left in the tank...  I need...  a... rest...  so tired...  my fucking back!

Lifting my head takes some effort and even then I can't hold it very steady.  My right arm comes out and reaches up for your shoulder.... then my left follows.  My legs slip inside your own sturdy pair and start to slither and slip around them as my hands reach for your own.  My face settles on your shoulder with my breaths tickling your ear.  I doubt I can hold this big boy in a grapevine for long...  but damn it if I am not going to try and just hold there...  whilst I get a breath or two in me!

I stretch my limbs out as far as they will go with a little "Unnn!" going right up your ear canal!  As I spread my limbs out my own form just nuzzles up tightly against your front...  my breaths like a fly in your ear.  Ever present...  with the occasional cough mixed in.  I just need to hold you there... let you struggle.... as long as I can to give myself and, more importantly my back, a break.


Ask anyone who has ever had the wind knocked out of them. It’s not fun and can be scary. It takes a bit for your lungs to regain the air pressure in them. For a bit that feels like forever, you just can’t catch a breath. You wheeze and convulse and spasm as the fear and panic sets in because your mind is telling you you need to breathe.

All during this, Misty, with her injured back is slithering on top of me as best she can. In another place, in another context, this would be welcome. As it is now, her weight on my chest and lungs is hampering my diaphragm from getting back to working correctly. I feel those legs around mine , strong still and pulling mine apart. Her hands pry mine free and spread them out to our sides. Splayed in a crude summer dream of an X looking like two different colored starfish struggling with each other. The little “Uhnnn!” makes me blink and chew my bottom lip as I try to buck my hips to see if I can get some space so my lungs can get the air working properly.

“*wheeze* when I can *wheeze* breathe *wheeze* you’re done…*wheeze* Unnnn”

Groaning into your ear as I try to get back to where I can get out of this hold.


My legs lock in and I have your hands...  my chest presses against your own and I can feel you struggling to get that breath back that you left behind during that spear.  I can't help it... a little chuckle flits out of me...  right where you can hear it.  I turn and whisper harshly back to you.

"*IF* you can get out... and this isn't even what I am talking about..."

My long legs relax a bit and then kick up to push me further up on you.  My right hand leaves your left wrist...  the arm coming around and looking to snake around your neck to control that head.  With a grunt I try to roll us...  my back feeling like it is on fire as I do so... and get you up on top of me instead.  A strange move most would say...  until I look to snap my legs up and around your middle!

My breaths quicken as I am desperate to get this transition finished ASAP!  Everything can fall apart right here if I fumble anything... and right now my ankles not being locked is the prime suspect for spoiling this party.  I work my calves and try to get them to pull together and lock in.  My legs are my best assets and I want to bring my best weapons to bear right fucking now!  I need to!  That promise you made...  filled with menace and worse...

I know you mean it.

I try to keep your right arm in control with my left...  grasping it and just looking to hinder your options more than anything else.  Come on Misty...  just a bit more...  and you can crush him like a grape between your thighs!


I’m finally getting my breath back when I hear you chuckle and speak cryptically. But it doesn’t take long for me to understand what you’re saying. You grab my head and roll us over. Which shocks me till I feel those steel cable strength stems of yours slithering around my waist like a python.


I feel you breathing harder and working against my body. Our combined heat making the sweat pour off my body even more. It’s the genes from my mom’s side that make me sweat buckets to regulate my temperature and I’m sure that sweat is hampering your efforts.

But I can’t just let you do what you want to me. You have my right arm controlled so I put my left hand on the canvas and I writhe and struggle with you, trying to pull my legs up under me so I can get to a kneeling position before you lock those ankles and work to crush my ribs worse than they are now.



"Nnnngggg!  Hold... STILL...  just...  for one... SECOND!!"

It begins.  That battle that is not only stressful physically but mentally.  For me...  its trying to get this all together and cinched in where I can start to wear you down.  There are a few parts to this and I just need to...  well...  I suppose the first thing I can do is convince you that you are in a bit of trouble.  Not that my legs didn't do that but...  it doesn't hurt for another part of your body to raise a red flag and you have two things to deal with.

My right arm bulges around your neck and starts the process of cutting off the blood supply to that brain of yours.  My body shifts and tightens up in a bid to hang on as you start to work your legs under you.

"Shit!  SHIT!  Just...  **FUCK!**", I scream as I through caution to the wind and straighten my legs to do their best impersonation of two steel cords coming together.  It's a good impression from what I am told and you can hardly tell the difference between the real thing!

Right now all I need is for you to settle down.  So perhaps time to open up another front as well.

"Admit it Red... I have you!  Just give it up and lay down.  Enjoy a little nap and when you come to you'll have this cage all to yourself.  Just your little happy place...  I promise...", I coo toward the end.


My knees get under me as I feel that right arm of yours work around my neck. While not as strong as your legs, those arms are pretty tough. And with me exhausted and worn down over this long match, they are a danger.

But I figured that was what you were going for when you got the body scissors on. It makes sense as that’s the best way to neutralize a bigger opponent. My appreciation for your wrestling mind notwithstanding, this fucking sucks.

There are probably all kinds of judo or MMA reversals or counters for this kind of hold. Unfortunately I don’t know any of those types of counters and reversals. But I’m full of piss and vinegar, especially when cornered.


I shift my legs to get my right foot under me. I take my free left hand and put it on your side, grabbing your suit as best I can for a firm grip. I had heard Rowan Chance out in the crowd. If she’s still watching, and cheering for you, she probably dropped an F Bomb right now.

Because I push off with my right foot, gasping and gagging a bit for air, but I’ve gone days on low oxygen before I can handle this.

I get to my feet, holding you like you are some kind of judo koala and I see if I can’t spot me a corner.


As my legs slacken to let that lactic acid fade out of them I have a moment to just take in some quick breaths without the hinderance of trying to pour the pressure on to this tough sunofabitch!  Time is a precious thing in the squared circle and I don't want to give you too many ticks with which to set your tocks straight.  With another great grunt from my small body I try to wring you...  looking to squeeze the fight out of you like I'm trying to get the last remaining bit out of a tube of glue.


With each shift you do I start to get a little bit less comfortable in my position.  When you get your right foot under you it tilts me a bit but I press on (no pun intended) but start to wonder a bit...  does he have it in him to do what I think he does?  No!  No....  no one is that strong...  no way!

Then you do what my mind is convinced is impossible... and you get to your feet with me holding on with my dual moves.

"Huuuhhh!!!  Red!!!", I cry out now in full WHAT THE FUCK mode with my head turning this way and that as I try to comprehend that I am being held up in the air.  Well not really held up...  I'm still holding you and my brain is trying to go through what to do next.  But all I get back from the supercomputer of a mind I have on my shoulders is...

"Processing...  Please wait..."

Like a good girl I do what I am told...  but I do cinch in that double hold as much as I can though my legs have slipped down more onto your waist what with all the slippery sweat and all that lubricating our skin.  This isn't happening...  just...  he'll drop! Just choke him out!  Just do it Misty!


My arm tightens and shakes with the effort...  my legs come together and give you a jolt of a squeeze as though I am trying to cut you in half!  Go... DOWN!!!


I got to my feet. Step one. I have felt Misty be confident, strong, hurt all in the course of this match. Right now as I’m lining up a target, I feel her get nervous and possibly panic.

I get it, choke plus scissors means a win or an unconscious opponent. Usually. But not when I’ve had years of having to deal with this kind of move being applied by Rowan. It’s almost muscle memory. In fact I’m pretty sure a clip of this is in the commercial for the FTW’S BIGGEST CRASHES AND SLAM DVD. So while you are panicking and possibly blue screening as you compute this with that deliciously analytical mind of yours, I’m doing a drill. One I’ve done so many times before.

But then you grind on your legs and the choke more. Desperation but not a bad move. And I really don’t have much counter except…oh wait..mind flashing back to earlier, I swing my left paw out and then back in to give you a loud crack on your ass right in front of Country Cougar Jessi, Rowan Chance,  and Penny Aoibheal so they can taunt you over it later.

Then I start chugging towards the corner…..

To Be Continued....

"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline Sweet Misty

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