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Heavy Metal Discord Debut -- Sweet Misty vs The Red Enforcer (part four)

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Part One can be found here:

Part Two can be found here:

Part Three can be found here:

Well fight fans, if you're still here with me, thank you. We've reached the Penultimate Chapter of this battle between Sweet Misty and myself. It's really gearing up now.

Sweet Misty vs The Red Enforcer part four


Perspiration drips off of me and through my hair giving me that stringy look after a long hard fought match in the hot lights overhead.  This combination has rarely failed me... and I am not about to let go of a good choke and scissors combo unless I have good reason!  It's just a matter of cranking down a little bit more and he'll drop back down.  I can already see it in my head...  one knee hits the canvas...  and then the other...  I can practically hear the smack of it on the canvas.  Almost like my ass being spanked...!!!

"**AAAAHHHHHH!!!**", I cry out up to the heavens when a meaty mitt slaps my toned tush!

Then the train starts chugging.  Your velocity starting to push my chin against your shoulder as I hang on with my arm around you and my legs around your waist like a fancy accessory for you to wear at the next party...  and I think you intend to make the next one a victory party after this match!

"Hey... HEY!!!  Sssstop!!!", I call out not able to see where we are going.


I'm holding on for dear life and leaning more into you than out.  So when that top turnbuckle crunches into the small of my back my upper body and head go flying violently back.  My arm pops right off that neck... and my legs fly back to hit the ropes on either side of the middle buckle.  There's a cause and effect here in play that your slam causes us to bounce back and you to stumble away...  which lets me (like I had a choice) drop from my perch...  my ass hitting the middle buckle...  my hair draped over the top rope and then falling behind me as I drop to my knees.

"Huuuhhh...  Uuuuuuhhhhh...", weakly chimes out from me before I drop face first onto the ring boards causing them to rumble once more.  I'd like to think the faceplant would have gotten a 'Wooo!' from Ric Flair himself.  I'm face down ass up facing away from the corner...  and the only movement being my right boot kicking up and down as it taps out a message in morse code:  "Send help!"


This move is one I've learned to use over years of having to fight against lithe women who like to wrap themselves against me like boa constrictors and try to wear down the Big Buy by squeezing and choking and just completely messing with me. So it is a bit nostalgic when I hear you crying for me to stop. Just like every other athletic woman who has decided to slither around me and try and take me down.

The crescendo of your back just CRASHING into the corner is like the best climax of a symphony to my ears. Although the whiplash this time along with how worn down I am has me recoil back and just be in the perfect position to watch your body ragdoll into that corner and then slowly collapse to the mat. Like slow motion I see your body just ooze like you became boneless and hit your knees and then fall flat on your face. Giving me and the fans just a great view of that perky bottom of yours barely covered in your leotard.

My initial, primal thought is to go to you and work over that bottom as revenge for your earlier teasing of me while in that mandible claw.  But another part of me doesn't want you to feel anything close to pleasure. Just abject, lasting pain. To match the pain you've put me through in this match. There's a bit of an internal struggle as I work out in my head what to do.

As in most situations like this, I decide to take a third option. Strike the balance.

Moving to your head, I lean down and grab you by your hair and start to peel you up off the mat, looking to place your skull between my thighs to give you a bit of a taste of a headache.....


I raise my left hand up as though looking for something to grab before it plops back down to the canvas. My head turns to the side and I can just see through my sweaty locks the crowd roaring and cheering back at us.  There's Josh the Submission Superman eating what looks like a taco.  Mmmm... taco....  And is that Jessi, the Country Cougar next to him with one?  I must be seeing things...  I took one too many hits and I'm starting to make shit up!

You know what tells you if you are making anything up or not really fast?  Pain.  Pinching yourself when something so good happens you can't believe it.  Remembering the feel of something when the memories are hazy...  so you know deep down it happened.  The jerk of your hair when a big fucking red haired wrestling monster jerks you up from the canvas.

Oh wait... that last one...

"**AHHHHHHHH!!!  HAIR!!  Let go!!!"**"

Instantly my right hand darts up to your wrist as my left prsses up off the mat trying to match your pull to ease the agony from having my hair used as a handle.  My knees walk with us to get under my rising lower body and start to position themselves so I can rise up the rest of the way...  until another abusive jerk of my hair sends my head between your thick thighs.  Your bunches of muscles expand and trap me around my head and neck causing me to groan loud enough to be heard over the din of the crowd.  My hands come up to slap and punch at your sturdy pins before grabbing at them at the knees...  trying to pull them apart before you crush my head like a watermelon in here!


I wouldn't say I telegraph moves, but even I knew that Misty's foot was babbling jibberish in Morse code due to the pain. And yes I know Morse. And Semaphore. But let me tell you, fighting this spirited lass I'm finding all kind of flags flying up around her. Some want me to just finish her off and walk out of here. Some want me to keep punishing her until she can't walk out of here. Some say don't leave til you get all your shit in. And I kinda like that thought. 

I have to say, Misty seems to be as resilient as Rowan. Or maybe just as bullheaded. Like right now, this bright young thing is finding it in herself to fight me. Trying to prise my legs apart. I may not have gams as strong as others, but I've worked hard on getting them strong. And they are able to weather this fury of attack. But man it's pissing me off. I lean forward and on your back and give that bottom a hard SMACK again. "Stop squirming or you'll make it worse."

And I'm tired of trying to convince you so I'm just going to make you stop. I grab for your tight leotard and jerk on it, wanting it to tighten as much as possible over and between those cheeks of yours.  Then my arms go around your waist and I look to haul you up so your legs are on my shoulders, to get you up and ready for my next move.


F-FUCK!!  This is something I would do to someone else... and am quite not use to being between another's legs like this!  My claws come out and I start to rake them across your rippling skin in an attempt to make this as uncomfortable as possible if you won't let me go.  Another crushing pulse of your legs has me groaning out again...  lips parting and body quivering as the pressure mounts around my skull.  I swear I can hear it creaking as it threatens to cave in...  or I'm just about to get a massive headache from the ordeal.  Probably both...

"AHHHH!!! Ahh... ahh... ahhh....  FFFUUGGGGGG!!!", that last bit croaks out as though I was trying to hold it back but you summoned up from the depths inside of me.

My suit is made of a special material.  It's why it hugs so beautifully to my curves and shines in the right light... like here in the arena.  It's a thing of beauty... and I paid good money to make sure it was resiliant as well.  I don't want to keep having to go shopping every other match!  Yes I have backups but...  you know...  economy and all that.

Your hooks grab at my suit and you do what I expect in an erotic pro match.  You grab it and wedge that shiny material right up my ass and into my crotch!

"OOOHHHHHFFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!! LET GOOOOO!!", I cry out as a tear falls from my left eye.

You lift me with that grip... and my suit makes a sound I have not heard before.  You get me up vertical and my legs flop over your shoulders... the knees resting on the top with my feet going around to your upper back.  My back... well...  bent again and screaming after al lthe abuse it was taken.  With each jolt of your thighs now my strainied tits jiggle in front of me giving some of those people paying a premium in the front rows a little bonus show.


I get this lovely rose on up to my shoulders and writhing in my grip. I don't know what material this suit is made of, but it didn't feel like it was going to rip at all. In fact, as I feel your legs dangling over my shoulders. I heard Rowan Chance 's voice and I know she remembers this hold. Jessi, the Country Cougar may be new to seeing me fight, but this is a good showcase for me. Part of that desire to get my shit in. I know that Josh, the Submission Superman 's favorite opponent Sinful Senorita Carmen is pretty familiar with this move as well.

My hands shift to your firm and newly exposed cheeks. holding you steady and pushing you up to my face. My tongue slithers from between my lips and I find the contours that are very defined due to that suit of yours that I manhandled into being stretched as tight as it could be. My tongue slips between the two ridges and laps up against the valley between as I begin my slow march back to the corner.

A mere foot away and I lift you up higher by your cheeks and toss you back towards the corner, looking to just PUNISH your back with a Buckle Bomb.


My arms are alternating between flailing and grabbing around to cling to your trunks as much as I can to steady myself.  My chest rises and falls quickly as I start to get a little fearful of what may happen... as you do when you are upside down and not in control.  Another final crush of your legs and my arms just flop down to dangle...  like strings from an old shoe in a pit bulls mouth.

"Uhhhh...  Uhhhh... uuuuhhh....", wisps out from between a slackened pair of lips...  my hair raiding down to just touch the mat with the tips.

Your mits shift and lift me further up on you.  My arms out...  back arched...  head lolling as you pull me up with a double hand full of my almost-famous tush.  As I go over and come down to cradle over your head in a power bomb position something slick and rough playing over my barely covered sex and inner thighs.

"Huuhhh...  Oh gawd....", groans out of me.

What... is going on?  My foggy mind tried to piece the puzzle together until you turn us in the air and step forward before just launching me into the air!  I arch in the air and the look of surprise and fear on my face must be something to see...  if anyone could.  My upper back collides with the buckle with a resounding **CRASH** as I bounce off the buckles... the ropes shaking angrily and the cage rattling around us.  I step away from the corner grabbing at my back before sinking to my knees...  mouth open... and tears falling freely as I scream!


Shit. I'm getting old.  I Got hotter holding you up and when I throw you, I stagger back and down to the mat. That stitch in my side is till barking.  But even though I don't get to see you smash into the corner, the scream you let loose afterwards is just music to my ears. I catch my raggedy breath and sit up, seeing you on your knees, tears streaming down your face, hair just a mess and mouth open just screaming until you run out of breath.

Yeah, she's almost done for. In the back of my head I worry that I haven't done enough. Memories of living dead girls rising up to come back and punish me, or wicked Japanese spirits coming to haunt me and snap my bones. I don't know this Rose, but she does have sharp thorns and I did see a dark side in her when she had me by the gullet. No, I can't take any chances with her.

I use the ropes to help me up my feet. Heavy footsteps shake the boards as I near you. Coming up behind you, standing perpendicular to you. I grab for your hair again, to get you up to your feet as I plan on wringing the last bit of fight out of you that I can.


All the sounds in the arena are just... one big mush of sound now to me with a ringing in them.  It's like what you hear in the movies when an explosion sets off to close to the hero of the tale.  Yeah it feels like that... and I've never had that happen before.  So you can imagine that in my head I'm panicking a little bit.  My hands come up to the sides of my head.  My mouth hangs open as I look up a bit...  trying to find something to focus on.

The ring boards quake under me as though a giant is stomping over to me.  Fe Fi Fo Fum...  someone comes to knock me dumb.  Once again the familiar pull of my long hair gets me to call out sharply into the air as my eyes look wildly in front of me.  You aren't there... and by the way I'm being angled around you must be behind me!  Peeled again from the grimy canvas I get to my knees and start to twist around...  my hair turning around your fingers as I do so.

Every time you have pulled me up its been something worse and worse than I could even think of that happens to me.  My back is so out of sorts I am sure a chiropractor is going to recommend I get some cybernetic implant instead as that would be less expensive than fixing this shit!  I can't take something another shot there...  and I can't afford to let you indulge in your fantasies anymore!

With a cry I swing my right hand down and up...  looking to bury my little fist at the throbbing mass in your shorts.  And if I do feel something...  I'm ready to bare my claws and dig in if there is something substantial that I do come into contact with!


I'm tired. This match has worn me out. This girl is made out of play doh or something. As I start to pull her up, I feel her fighting me again. Gawddamit, how much fight does this British Bitch have.  I can't deny that part of the reason I'm still toying with her is that she's got a sexy body to touch and the noises she makes when I hurt her are a bit arousing. Even now though, she's ruining my plans by turning towards me, which tangles my hand in her sweaty hair quite a bit. That's fucking annoying. I guess I just need to chop down on her tits and...


The fist stung, but I could handle it. You get used to worse around her in PWL with all the low blows and such. But then...FUCK..those fingers grab my throbbing, pulsing shaft and clamp down on it. Nails digging in harshly, my trunks not really any kind of barrier to prevent the pain. And I'm standing there, getting my manhood just CRUSHED by this newbie. and I can't think. I can't fight. I can't do anything but stand there in her grip, hand tangled in her hair and just trying to scream but losing my breath.


My hand clamps down on the sack that is there under the thin material of trunks... and I hold on for dear life.  Right now this is the only thing keeping this Kaiju monster from continuing his rampage through the City of Mists.  I don't have a lot of building left standing... and I need to have a moment to let some of this crackling agony to just fade just enough...  just enough...  and then...

We're in a stalemate this way.  A painful one for you yes and luckily you haven't just pulled on that hair twisted in your hand.  My free hand comes up to try and unravel those strands from your fingers.  I'm going to need that thank you very much!

"HNNNN!!!"  Another squeeze!  "HUH?  YOU LIKE *THAT!?*" I try to twist my hand to the right.  I've had a titty twist or two from a few men...  and I don't mind returning the favour in a way.  Kind of tit for tat...  or tit for twig and berries right?

I start to slowly get to my feet...  my body humming with the reminder of what just happened to me.  I'm shaking... and I need to do something with you.  I need to put you down now...  or this thing is going to be over with me leaving the arena in a stretcher.  It wouldn't be the first time...

Once on my feet I attempt to wrap my arm around your waist taking a chance at letting your manhood go.  With a jerk I hope to bring you around for a belly to belly suplex away from the corner a bit!


I can’t move. Nerve holds and claws are nasty things. They can immobilize you in a heartbeat. But *this* particular Iron Dong Claw has me completely immobilized and unable to think. I don’t resist when you unwind your hair. And when you squeeze again..*and twist*. FUUUUUCK….

I’m screaming in my mind even if I’m not screaming out loud. I don’t really know. All I know is pain. And the pain is worse because all this close body to body contact with my bare flesh and your body tightly wrapped in a thin layer and your earlier teasing. I have a lot of blood flowing to my member which you are now viciously treating like a spinner dial on the game of Life and it’s coming up agony.

So when you get to your feet and let me go. A wave of relief crashes over me. Followed by that wild rising feeling of being lifted off my feet and crashing down hard to the mat in a heap.  Groaning and curling up and grasping myself as all kinds of pain is going on.



The ring boards crash as though thunder from on up on high in Valhalla was brought to bear to voice the warriors of old approval at the battle taking place in this steel encased arena.  My body lies on top of yours as I pant and wheeze from the amount of stamina this has drained from me.  I was already running on empty.. and now all that is left is the fumes in the tank.

"Huuuhhh....  uuhhhhh....", I breathe raggedly as I start the painstakingly slow process of getting back up to a vertical base.  I can't do it on my own I find... as I start to get up off my knees and just fall right back down again.  Damn gravity!  Damn muscles that twinge and are turning against me...  voicing their complaints to the department in my head as I tell them to get over it!  In the end I have to slowly knee walk over to the corner and use their support to get me the rest of the way up.  So much time...

Once I get up facing the corner I start to try and formulate what to do.  I have to end this... and the only way to end this is to get out of here.  So when I get to my feet I look at the corner and beyond... and curse softly seeing no door here.  It's on the other side of the ring I bet... and so I make an executive decision... and grab at the bars above me and start hauling myself up.  Slowly...  like people have seen in the old days when these sorts of matches.  Where one of the gladiatrix pulls herself up and it looks like a gentle breeze could blow them right off wall.

So up I go...  getting my feet on the top turnbuckle and looking up.  Tossing my head to get the string of hair out of my face.  Blood still caked to my face and threatening to blind me as I blink to keep that from happening.  I look to the top...  damn...  that looks...  so high...


My body is basically rebooting. The pain in my loins caused a kernel crash and the only fix is a hard power cycle. That gawddamn impressive belly to belly jammed me so hard it kinda overloaded the pain from that thorny grip of Misty’s. Despite her grabbing my staff like she was Gandalf facing down the Balrog. At first I feel a pillowy weight on me, a little slick and a little warm. Not sure what would be that soft and warm on me, but I could feel it and not the pain. It leaves but that lets me get more of my breath. Sweat still pouring off of me. Fuck I’ve been on my back looking up at the lights more this one match than my young boy days in Japan.

I can hear her. She makes these cute little whimpers and whines as she moves. From the pain I’m sure. So I hear her moving away from me, behind me. I get up on my elbows and I see the door all the fucking way across the ring from me.

I turn over and get on my hands and knees and breathe just a bit. Then I hear the rattle of metal. SHIT!! She’s climbing!

I push up and launch myself to the ropes but she’s no longer on the ropes. I struggle up onto the ropes and I start swinging out at her. Not that I’m intentionally swinging for those wedgie split cheeks, it’s just that is the biggest target. The pirate in me thinks it’s time to get that juicy booty. But I just need her to stop climbing. And I try to bounce up off the bottom rope and swing and see if I can grab her somewhere, somehow.


Transitioning my boot from buckle to cage takes longer than I think.  It's a smaller opening in between those bars than I thought and it just makes for less than sure footing.  I set my left foot and start the awkward task of leaving the top rope altogether.  Come on Misty...  just... take it slow...  get out of the way...  he's down there and you're up here...

The plastic covered ropes shake and that gets my attention.  What the hell was that!?  Looking down and behind me a bit my eyes widen to see you up and grabbing at the ropes...  before your masked gaze looks up as though to say, "There you are..." with all the menace that is applied.  I turn back to the corner and look to take the plunge and start my all metal leg of the journey up when a forceful hit knocks me right in the junk in the trunk!

"OOOOFFFF!!!  What the hell!?", I cry out as I'm pushed into one side of the cage!  My body twists around and my boots fall back to the top turnbuckle with my hands scraping down the bars in a most painful way!  I hiss and catch myself before going down any further before I turn my pain into something that ignites my fury.  I look down with blazing green eyes at you pawing at my boots and legs.

Shaking my right leg away to try and free it I look to aim the sole on my foot to try and just boot you in your blood red mask!  I pull it up again if I can...

"I..."  **Boot!!**  "Have had..." **Boot!!!**  "Enough of  **YOU!**"  I draw back and take aim just above your eyes and try to force you to fall back into the ring!


It’s all adrenaline and piss and vinegar and not wanting your blue blood ass to escape me that powers me to the corner.

I smack that bottom so hard my hand goes a little red, and it spins you around in the cage.  I got you. I fucking got you. And then I think, am I the monster from the horror movie and her the final girl? Fuck that shit, Jason’s gonna win this one.

I’ve got you back on the top turnbuckle and all I have to do is grab your leg and yank. But you keep fucking moving…and your right leg gets free. And shit. You act like Jim Kirk and start kicking me. And overacting.

WHOMP — I’m a little woozy but I can
WHOMP — shit that hurt, but I can still

That final boot slams right where I was cut earlier and reopens the cut, but that’s the last of my worry as your strong kick ends up launching me down to the canvas with a **BOOM**

Lying there, bleeding, looking up at you, that intense fire in those green eyes as I lie back and grin up at you.


That grin...  something about that grin says to me, "I'm going to get you..."  Like some boogeyman that won't stop coming after me.  It sends a shudder up my spine and some of the green sparks in my eyes fade just a bit.  What is it going to take to put this guy down!?

Suddenly something grips me...  my heart... and it starts to beat faster.  At a base level there are two reactions to what I see in your eyes.  Fight or flight...  Fight or flight...  As old as time and still holds to this day.

Quickly I turn to the corner of the cage again and grip the bars so tight that my knuckles go white.  I close my eyes... everything inside of me saying get climbing and get out of there.  But really... do I think this cage is going to stop you?  Like you would stay in here trapped like a demon in a little box whilst I enjoy the outside world with you... biding your time...  waiting for that moment to slip free and come after me again?

I can't...  just get out Misty.  GET OUT!!!

But no he's coming...  and with my back I can't out run him.  He'd catch me...  so there is only one other thing I can do.  I take a steadying breath... and let go of those bars...  before raising my hands up into the air.

I crouch down... and leap up into the air snapping my body back.  My spine ignites in a fury of pain but it's started now.  There is nothing it or I can do about it.  My body flips through the air rotating twice in a double rotation moonsault, **A Cloying Sweetness**, before crashing to the ground.  I just try to concentrate on the trip and hope you are still where I aimed when I do come down!


Grinning. Well it’s more a rictus grin. There’s all kinds of pain in my body and the bleeding doesn’t help. All I can do is grin as I see you up there so close to victory.

But why am I grinning? Because I know I’ve struck fear in your heart. In the time of this match, I’ve shown you that I am determined and that I can absorb a lot of punishment. Much like you have. But I grin and see how that fear catches you.

So what are ya gonna do my little robin? Gonna fly off for victory or are you gonna come back down here and take your chances with this red-shouldered hawk down here.

You turn and I see you’re about to leave the cage. Good choice. I don’t think I can rise and catch you even though

I’ve been hit with top rope moves before. More times than I can count. But only once have I ever been in awe of a moonsault given me by a woman flying so fearlessly and gracefully through the air. That is until now. Not one but two rotations. No fear, just beauty. Despite all the damage I’ve done to your back. All I can do is watch in awe and think…

*Fuck me this is gonna hurt*

To Be Concluded.....

(Monday probably. enjoy your weekend everyone.)

"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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