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AGW RIng Queen Tournament qualifier 1/8: Adams vs Ricci

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Offline whatever.

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AGW RIng Queen Tournament qualifier 1/8: Adams vs Ricci
« on: June 08, 2024, 10:40:15 PM »
The arena roars with anticipation as Christina and Amy stand face to face in the center of the ring. The tension between them is palpable—the winner of this match will secure a coveted spot in the upcoming eight-woman AGW single-elimination bracket.

Christina, with her trademark smirk and fierce determination, locks eyes with Amy, who returns her gaze. The referee steps between them, signaling the bell to ring, and the match begins.

The two actresses lunge at each other, their bodies colliding with a thunderous smack. They grapple for dominance, each trying to outmaneuver the other. The crowd watches in rapt attention as Christina and Amy strain against each other, neither giving an inch.
Sweat beads on their foreheads, their muscles quivering with exertion. Finally, they reach an impasse and push each other back, breaking the tie-up. They circle each other warily, their eyes locked, each searching for an opening.

The crowd cheers as the verbal jabs fly between the two women. Christina cracks her neck, her determination unwavering. Amy rolls her eyes, unimpressed.
The referee, sensing the tension, signals for the match to continue. Christina and Amy circle each other once more, their bodies coiled and ready for the next move.

Christina and Amy collide once again, their bodies straining against each other. The ring echoes with their combined moans as they struggle for dominance. Christina, fueled by Amy's taunts, pushes forward with renewed vigor.
Amy, caught off guard by Christina's sudden surge of strength, begins to falter. Her feet slide across the mat as she's forced back, her body betraying her as she tries to regain her footing.
The crowd erupts in excitement as they watch Amy struggle against Christina's relentless onslaught. Christina, sensing her opponent's weakness, presses her advantage, pushing Amy further back.
Amy's face contorts in pain and frustration as she realizes she's losing ground. She tries to dig her heels into the mat, but Christina's strength is too much. With a final, desperate cry, Amy finds herself pinned against the ropes, her body trembling with the effort to hold on.

With Amy trapped in the corner, Christina wastes no time pressing her attack. She unleashes a flurry of punches, each one landing with a sickening thud against Amy's unprotected body.
Amy, in a fit of frustration and anger, throws a brief tantrum, kicking at the air and screaming in defiance. But her outburst is short-lived as Christina's relentless assault continues, each blow driving the air from Amy's lungs.
The crowd roars in approval as Christina mercilessly pummels her opponent; Amy's body slumps against the turnbuckle, her arms hanging limply at her sides. She can do nothing but endure the onslaught, her once-confident demeanor shattered.
Christina, her face a mask of determination, shows no mercy as she continues to rain down blows upon her hapless opponent.

Amy, her strength sapped and her body bruised, slumps to the mat, her back pressed against the turnbuckle. She pulls her arms up defensively, turtling to protect herself from Christina's relentless assault.
Christina, sensing victory, pauses for a moment to soak in the love of her fans. The arena is filled with cheers, their voices echoing off the walls as they urge her on.
With a smirk, Christina turns back to her fallen opponent. She grabs Amy by the hair, yanking her head back to expose her face. "Is this what you wanted?" she hisses, her voice dripping with malice.
Amy, her eyes glazed with pain and fear, can only whimper in response. Christina, with a wicked smile, prepares to deliver the final blow

Christina, her expression cold, ignores Amy’s pleas. She drags Amy by the hair to the center of the ring and executes a devastating brainbuster DDT, slamming Amy's head into the mat with bone-crunching force. The impact sends shockwaves through the arena, the audience erupting in cheers and gasps.
Christina, confident in her victory, throws herself on top of Amy for the pin. The referee drops to the mat, her hand poised to count to three.
But just as the referee's hand is about to hit the mat for the final count, Amy miraculously kicks out, her body convulsing with the effort. The crowd erupts in surprise, shocked by Amy's resilience.
Christina, her eyes wide in disbelief, glares down at her opponent. She had been so close to victory, only to have it snatched away at the last second.

Christina,, turns to the referee, her finger jabbing accusingly at her. "That was three!" she screams.
The referee, unfazed by Christina's outburst, holds up two fingers.

Christina, fuming, turns back to her opponent, who is still lying face down on the mat, her body convulsing from the impact of the DDT.

Christina, her body taut with tension, stalks her opponent like a predator sizing up its prey. She watches Amy's every move, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
With a sudden burst of speed, Christina lashes out with a vicious knife-edge chop. The impact echoes through the arena, the crowd wincing in sympathy as they watch Amy's chest turn a bright shade of red.
But Christina's attack comes with a price. The force of the chop sends a searing pain up her arm, her hand stinging from the impact. She grimaces, shaking her hand to alleviate the pain.
Amy, her body still reeling from the DDT and the chop, clutches her chest, gasping for air. She looks up at Christina, her eyes filled with defiance. Despite the odds, she's determined to fight on.
Christina, ignoring the pain in her hand, sneers at her opponent. "You're still standing?" she growls. "Let's see how long that lasts, cxnt."

Christina, undeterred by the pain in her hand, unleashes a series of brutal knife-edge chops. Each one connects with a sickening crack, causing Amy to jiggle uncontrollably, her tits threatening to spill out of her bikini.
The crowd gasps in shock as Christina delivers a fifth chop, determined to break her opponent's spirit. But just as the blow is about to connect, Amy seizes her opportunity. She grabs Christina around the waist and hoists her up, driving her headfirst into the mat with a thunderous impact.
Christina's body bounces back to a sitting position, her eyes glazed over. The attack has left her disoriented.
Amy, her own body battered and bruised, lies on the mat, panting for breath. She knows she has to act quickly if she wants to capitalize on Christina's weakened state.

Both women lay motionless in the center of the ring, their bodies broken and battered from the intense fight. Amy's limbs are splayed out, her eyes open but staring vacantly at the arena lights above. Christina, sweat trickling down her face, sits upright, her gaze unfocused and distant.

The arena erupts in shock as Amy, seemingly against all odds, musters the strength to drag herself to the corner. With a Herculean effort, she begins to climb the ropes, her body protesting with every movement.
Reaching the top, she clings on for dear life, her muscles trembling with fatigue. She glances over her shoulder, measuring the distance to her opponent.
With a final surge of willpower, Amy leaps from the top rope, plummeting towards Christina. She drives her elbow into the crown of her opponent's head with a sickening thud.
The crowd gasps as both women lay motionless on the mat, the impact of the blow reverberating through the arena. The referee, drops to the mat and begins to count.
"One! Two! Thr—" Just as the referee is about to count three, Christina kicks out, her body instinctively reacting to the danger. The crowd roars in surprise, amazed by Christina's resilience.

Amy, her body spent from the grueling battle, remains motionless on the mat. Her mind struggles to process the fact that the fight is still ongoing. She had given it her all, executing a high-risk move to secure the win, only to be thwarted at the last second.
Christina, though still dazed from the elbow drop, begins to stir. She slowly pushes herself up to a sitting position, wincing in pain as she cradles her head.
Amy, her body screaming in protest, forces herself to sit up. She looks across the ring at Christina, who meets her gaze with determination and exhaustion.
The two women, their bodies on the brink of collapse, swing wildly at each other. Their punches lack the power and precision of earlier in the match, so in a desperate attempt to gain an advantage, Christina lashes out with a kick in Amy’s pussy. The impact causes Amy to crumple to her knees.
Despite the debilitating blow, Amy refuses to give up. She continues to swing though her attacks are weak and ineffective..
The crowd, witnessing the unfolding drama, watches with bated breath. The match has reached its climax, and both women know the next move could decide the winner.
Christina, a cruel smirk playing at the corners of her lips, toys with her opponent. As Amy swings her fists in a desperate attempt to fight back, Christina effortlessly deflects each blow, further frustrating the exhausted actress.
Finally, Amy's strength gives out, and she collapses forward. Her face lands on Christina's thighs, her arms wrapping around them in a futile attempt to stay upright.
Christina chuckles, savoring the moment of dominance over her helpless opponent. She strokes Amy's hair mockingly, taunting her as she struggles to maintain consciousness.
"What's the matter, Amy?" Christina purrs, her voice dripping with malice. "Are you too weak to fight back?"
Amy, her face pressed against Christina's thighs, can only groan in response.

Christina, her thighs gripping Amy's head like a vice, mercilessly holds her in place. She reaches down, undoing Amy's bikini top with a swift motion, letting her tits drop out and jiggle in the jumbotron as the crowd cheers. Then drives Amy's head into the mat with a sickening crunch piledriver. The impact reverberates through the arena, sending shockwaves through the audience.
Amy's body goes limp, her consciousness slipping away.

Christina collapses on top of Amy, hooking both legs for the pin.

"One! Two! Three!" The bell rings.
Christina, victorious but exhausted, lies on top of Amy, the cheers slowly filling her ears. She had won, securing her spot in the upcoming tournament.


Offline tr0tz

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Re: AGW RIng Queen Tournament qualifier 1/8: Adams vs Ricci
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2024, 11:52:56 PM »
I was rooting for Amy, but Christina deserved this win. Fantastic, intense fight!


Offline whatever.

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Re: AGW RIng Queen Tournament qualifier 1/8: Adams vs Ricci
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2024, 12:40:10 AM »
thank you, as usual :)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2024, 02:35:29 AM by whatever. »