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Heavy Metal Discord Debut -- Sweet Misty vs The Red Enforcer (Conclusion)

  • 3 Replies

Offline RedEnforcer

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  • 2026
  • New Profile pic by RoxErotique *link below*
Part One can be found here:

Part Two can be found here:

Part Three can be found here:

Part Four can be found here:

Well when we last left this match, The dastardly Red Enforcer was down on the mat and our heroine Sweet Misty decided to eschew a potential win via cage escape and instead launch into her move The Cloying Sweetness.
Will this be a smart decision or will that need to hit just one more move coast the younger wrestler? Read below to find out...

Sweet Misty vs The Red Enforcer (Conclusion)

Sweet Misty:

There's something you ought to probably know about **The Cloying Sweetness**.  It's dangerous as all hell!  A normal moonsault is enough to make any girl to start sweating her tits off.  Two rotations?  That's something that is attempted only by those with a few screws loose.  The ones that you see at the end of the bar muttering to themselves about how in their day they could clear this fucking joint of everyone in here with one hand tied behind their back.  The crazies.  The loons.  The ones that just don't have all their plates tied down inside their noggin.

I don't exactly fit that profile though do I?  The sweet girl... all face and no heel so to speak and always with a ready smile to give to every person that comes through the door.  Yeah that's me!  But I also don't like anyone telling me I can't do anything!  And so I spent my time perfecting my technique and getting the two rotations just right so my lithe body can make it around to splash violently where I want and when I want.  There were many nights in a gym with a friend watching nervously nearby just in case things go..  you know... bad.  Really bad...  like call a hearse because this bitch is not coming back bad.  It was all worth the painful practice...

You see... this is my first time doing it in front of anyone... to anyone... and well...  under duress.  As my body spins in the air there is no adjusting what you are doing.  There is no fudge area if anyone moves or if you mistime your leap.  You are committed and along for the ride just like anyone else on this crazy train.  The small crowd leaps to their feet and there's a collective gasp more than anything that fills the room before the boards rumble...  the ropes quiver... and I swear some wrestling god is watching over me because I get as soft a landing as I could have hoped for coming.

** **
My slender figure lands on top of the Red Enforcer with a thunderous exquisite crash!  My body bounces off with a yelp and flips one more time to land on my back to my fearsome foes side with my head lying against his side.  My back arches...  my lips split apart... and I let out a shriek as things start to settle in the ring...  my back feeling like it just twisted itself out of shape just to pitch a fit over what I just did!  I can't say I blame it...  it was already pleading with me to get the hell out of here and I didn't listen.  I never do... and now here I am back at the bottom of this hell pit of a cage with a demon that can't be beaten...  only slowed down.

Reaching around I grab at my back and twist myself up on my side before rolling to my front.  My right boot kicks up and down tapping n the ring boards in pain as more tears freely run down my cheeks and wash a bit of the muck away that is my dried blood.  Oh Gawd...  what have I done...

Red Enforcer:

I saw it coming. I don’t know how it looked to the crowd (I’ll check the footage later), but to me, it was scary and beautiful. Her focus, the look of determination, ignoring the pain that had to be ripping through her back. No fear, just a need to do what she felt she had to do to plant me in the mat. I thought it would hurt.

*And mother fuck me, I was damn right*

Her body, which I’m sure at another time, in another context is soft and warm, when turned that many times and given acceleration due to gravity, became a fucking wrecking ball that splashed hard on my chest and felt like it was going to snap my rib cage. She bounced off me almost as violently as she landed on me, something I haven’t felt since Rob picked the wrong corner to splash me from and stiffed the hell out of me.

I hear her shriek. I wish I could join her. I think that stitch in my side that made it rough to breathe has definitely become a cracked rib, if not broken. Saliva and blood fly from my face as her hard landing made me fold like a C and flop back to the mat. I’m still drooling from pain and bleeding from the gash over my left eye as she tries to recover herself. She’s rolled so that thick skull of hers is resting on my shoulder. The two of us forming a bloody and broken L right there in the center of the ring.

I can’t remember the last time I felt this badly and I had a doc shove his hand in my side after surgery once. Refexively I move to lift my far shoulder. Can’t be pinned, but my muscles don’t know that. I end up rolling more towards you. One hand reaching out to slap at the back of your leotard. Not really thinking too far ahead. Not really thinking at all.

Moving just on instinct because that’s all Misty has left me with after this ass whipping.


My eyes are shut tighter than Scrooge McDuck's money bin.  My back is screaming at me and it just won't stop with the 'I told you so!'s in between ripping me with another lick of agony that has me twitching on the mat.  I presumed I landed fully on the mat after careening back into the air off the ribcage of the giant (to me at least) Enforcer however the feel of skin sliding on skin gives me at least a clue that you are right there.  You haven't done anything yet...  I must have hit squarely or you would be raining blows down on my broken body by now.  I have to presume that... though I hate not knowing for sure.

With small movements I try to lift my head up and fail each time as though the weight of it was too much for my body to take.  On the fourth time I make it up with my pinched eyes looking around blinking in the light and trying to take stock of the situation.  Oh shit!  There is blood and spit everywhere over this guy's chest!  There's more coming out of his mouth and I think... oh shit...  I killed the bastard!  A moan is the only evidence I need that you are still here... and the people on the outside of the ring are just screaming for more blood!

More blood?  Really?  How much more do they need?  There is no well deep enough to sate the thirst that we have wrought on these fans.  If anything...  they are going to talk about this for a while and the next show in this place is going to be packed!  It better be at least!  You people got to pay a pittance to see two gladiators just holding on to consciousness and possibly their lives beat the hell out of one another.  Are you not entertained?  ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!!!??
** **
My eyes focus a bit and I see the striped brigade over through the bars in one corner.  There it is..  gotta be.  The way out... the only way now.  There is no way I am climbing this damn thing.  Not after that.  Hell I may not even be able to stand right...  nor possibly tomorrow!

With heavy movements...  I start to drag my carcass one heavy thump of a hand at a time toward the centre of the arena...  it's just there...  just there...  Misty... just go...  one hand...  after the...  other...


I’m definitely messed up. Over 20 years of doing this shit and you get to know your body. Or rather your body yells at you for all the dumb shit you put it through. I admit, I’ve had broken bones, contusions and lacerations galore. But this has got to be up there as one of the most busted up I’ve ever been. I try to move my right arm but quickly have to pull it back to my side. The cough that follows is a bit wet with blood. At least I didn’t puncture a lung.

This fucking Rose. Sugar sweet and kind and pretty and as tough as a shark in the water. And like all sharks, she keeps moving. I see her starting to move. I only have one arm to use so I dig my boots in as best I can and push. I slam my left elbow into the mat and drag my tired broken body forward. We’re almost side by side and I see she’s going for the door. Smart move darlin. She’s obviously had great training somewhere. She’s taken more from me than most anyone else I’ve fought and she’s still fighting on.

I’d be more impressed if I wasn’t in danger of losing consciousness from blood loss.

Normally I’d have a height advantage but she’s nearly as tall as me and she’s a bit ahead of me, but her back has to be aching. In desperation, I push my boots and lurch to my right and grab with my left hand for her back as I try to slow her down the only way I can, getting my body on top of hers and holding her down.

“*koff* I ain’t…*koff* dead..yet..*koff* darlin”


My movements are slow and sloppy... but they're the only ones I have in the can at this point.  Long pins kick out but they are so out of sync with the arms that they look more like desperate flailing than any sort of help.  I'm dragging across here... and my left eye blinks as that cut at my hairline has busted open again after that little double rotation stunt I pulled.  Blood... sweat...  tears...  all mixed together and smeared across the blue canvas.  This fucker is ruined after this fight.  I bet they think twice before commissioning one of these old fashioned cage fights...  or any cage fight for a while...

That is until they see the number of eager butts looking for a chair in this room.  They might reconsider it then.  Greed has a way of doing that to a person and to a wrestling promoter?  This is the fucking promised land of what they were searching for.  Two competitors that are willing to put their careers on the line just to get over on one another for a single solitary match.  Yeah they might have to buy a new mat cover but they are going to fucking see that the cost was well worth it!

My heads is up and my teeth, pearly white with a tinting of red from the blood slipping between my lips, can be seen as I try to power my way across the ring.  With a **THUMP** a paw falls right across my fucking messed up crooked back.  I arch up a bit howling out as another jolt of trauma shoots up my wires and kicks through my limbs and neck!

** **
I look back seeing you glaring at me...  coughing up spit, blood and mucus... and who knows what else!  At this point bits of bone wouldn't surprise me.  You aren't dead yet you say!?  Shit I am starting to think there is no stopping you!  It's like you are Nemesis and I'm Jill Valentine trying to get the fuck away from almost certain doom!  This time you caught me grabbing leotard along my back and holding it in crunched fingers as you drag yourself over me.

I can still make it...  I know I can!  My right hand reaches out to **THUD** against the mat and pull myself forward.  Only with your added weight my hand claws at the material and leaves 5 scratch trails leading right back to where I am with me going nowhere!

"Fuck!  N....Noooo!"


I’ve got you. Fuck. I feel like Wile E. Coyote that time he got hold of the Road Runner. Except the Road Runner was full height and he was small (look it up, it’s a good gag). He held up a sign that said “Now What?”

I’m stretched to my limit, grasping hold of that leotard at the small of your back. Your legs are kinda askew on either side of me. About the only good thing going for me right now is that I have a nice view of how far your suit is wedged up between your cheeks.

Sadly, in the shape I’m in right now, that barely registers. I can’t believe just how badly you’ve busted me up. The only thought in my head is to stop you.

*Fuck, I am the monster of this horror movie.*

I try and focus past the pain. I try and remember what I was going to do right now. I look up and not that far away yet miles from my reach is the door. The dumbfucks finally got it unchained and are ready to open it.

The flaws in my previous plan choose this moment to make themselves known. I have stopped you. But now to get to the door and victory, I have to climb over you. Right now my best attack is bleeding on you. Sure your back is compromised, but you can still sort of move.

*Fuck it, let’s do this*

Tightening my grip on your leotard, I push with my boots. And my large body begins to slide up yours.

I’m nearly at the limit my arm can pull and will need to reset my grip so…


Sliding up, my chest has gone over the curves of your backside.

*And I felt a fucking rib move*

Purple flash before my eyes of pain and my grip tightens as my muscles spasm.

I’m slowly oozing off your body onto my left side.


I can feel my ass being crushed under you first as you haul your dead weight up onto me.


That grip on my leotard inches you up even further on me with the material stretching even more.  Fuck it's going to rip!  Your body looks like it is consuming my smaller form like the Blob in that 80's horror flick!  I even look the part as I reach a hand up with fingers out stretched screaming toward the only way out of this freakin' 7th level of the inferno!

It's then that the unexpected happens.  A quiver in your form...  you stop... and suddenly you are slipping off to the left side of me but not without repercussions.  My back flares up against just from having a bit of weight on it and I writhe on the mat with tears flowing down my cheeks once again.  I'm not out of the woods either...  I can feel that bunched up material on my back telling me you still have a grip on me.  You can just... hold me here...  until you recover.... and then...  then what?  You leave?  That's the best case scenario.  What if you decide...  you like it here?

No...  NO!  Fuck that!  I have to get out of here.  I have to!  There's no more fight... and all that is left is flight.  Whoever gets to the door takes all the marbles and sometimes...  you have to do something you and everyone else least expects.  I'm just not sure this is possible though!

Rolling to my left until I can prop myself against you on my side I reach a shaky hand up to my neck.  Fuck...  this is not what I thought would happen in my debut!  Two twitching fingers take hold of that zipper and...

** **
Down it goes parting like someone took a surgeon's scalpel right down my front and the flesh underneath starts to ooze out.  My breasts swell out as though they are relieved to be out of that place!  I start to squirm... and shimmy....  and work my arms out of the clingy material.  My legs kick... and my tired arms reach...  and slowly I start to make progress.  While I move...  my suit doesn't go with me.  For every inch I make toward freedom, victory and relief...  is every inch of curve hugging leotard that stays behind in the Enforcer's iron grip.


Yeah. That felt like a rib moving. Or maybe part of one. I keep my head down for a moment and try to breathe. It’s like I’m inhaling glass. Sharp, jagged pain with each inhale and worse on the exhale. But at least I’ve stopped her. Just time. That’s all I need. Enough to put my mind past the pain and I can pin her down and get


No. No way. She wouldn’t. That’s gotta be..

I can feel the leotard shaking in my hand. That death grip I have on it. I look up. A bloody mess staring off at the English Rose shedding her skin and slipping free of my grasp. Her now naked form slowly moving and jiggling away from me.

I reassess my injuries. I pull that leotard in to my chest and I roll onto my back.

Croaking out in hushed tones, “Good for you darlin. You earned this win.”

*koff koff*


Reaching down....  hauling myself slowly forward...  my boots getting hung up on the suit for a moment before I kick them through one at a time.  I'm sucking air in and finally.... my hand goes up and out again...  and finds a rope.  A rope!!!!  God damn I'm right at the entrance to the hole out of this place!

Everyone is screaming and yelling!  Some encouraging me... some yelling for the Enforcer to get the fuck up and get me!  Some are your genuine fans and, let's be honest, you have been nothing but a fucking wrestling monstrosity in there that should keep those on your side and earn you at least a few more.  Some just don't want to see this end.  Hell I am not sure I really want to see the tail end of this...  but we all have our limits.

The referee's open the cage door and hold it.  I kind of look through the ropes and see the steel steps there waiting...  gleaming in the light a bit and I sweat to god I hear an angel singing somewhere.  Is that...  is this heaven?  Either I am about to get out of here...  or I died on the mat and am being taken away to the next phase of my life.  Who am I kidding...  I'm not going up after the shit I pulled in this ring!  Look at me!  Only wearing boots and kneepads now which... yeah I am going to hear about this.  Pretty sure I saw a dad trying to cover up innocent junior's eyes whilst he sneakily dodges this way and that to get a good look at my pale form in all its naked glory.  I'm sure I'll do more things in this ring that I'll semi-regret later.  Come on really...  do we really regret them and we do what we have to do to make it up the ladder.
** **
"NNNNNNGGGG!!", with a gasp I haul myself under the ropes and to the edge of the ring.  Grabbing the cage I scoot forward a bit more and then...  then my eyes widen as I just tumble the rest of the way down the hard metal steps... rolling down the decline until I just lay there face up on the concrete....  no longer moving except for my breasts and tummy kicking in and out hauling in that air.

I roll a bit to bring my right hand around to hold my back which once again feels like it's stabbing knives all up and down my spine.  My feet kick on the concrete as I just lay there at the feet of a few lucky enough to pay the premium for front row seats.

"Ooooo... gaawwwddd....  fuuuuccckkkk....", I groan.


I’m struggling to keep my eyes open. The sound of the crowd keeps fading in and out. Metal. I can hear it clanging. There’s some louder roars that sound like an ocean wave rumbling and crashing over me and then muddled as I’m floating around in the water.

Tumbled by the wave. But not afraid. I’ve swum in these waters before. That place that is just past all the pain you can handle and right before your brain shuts you down so you don’t have to feel it anymore.

In the midst of that dull roar, I hear the sounds of a bell ringing. My hearing comes back to sharp focus and I cough a bit, expelling a bit more saliva and blood which is pooling underneath me.

*Fuck I lost. But I did get to see the first gleaming of a bright new star. Now, where the fuck are the damn doctors*


I lay there rolling from left to right when a shadow moves over me.  Someone is there... one of the fans I think... or a referee?  I can't tell as the lights are shining down only letting me see a silhouette of someone.  A coat falls down over me and someone starts to help me up as well.  I wince and cry a bit as I can't really get to my feet very easily... my legs wobbling and more than a few times I threaten to go toppling over.  Strong arms catch me and I finally look over to see Jessi, the Country Cougar has me well in hand.

The referee does come over as the bell starts to ring.... grabbing my hand...

"The winner of this bout....  THE ENGLISH ROSE!!!  SWEEEEEEEEETTTTT  MMMMIIIISSSSTTTYYYY!!!"  Up my hand goes for everyone to see as they cheer and scream for what I presume is the last match of the night.  Were we last?  Who knows...  Who cares?  I look inside the cage to see you still in there...  waiting for the paramedics I presume... clutching my leotard to your chest.  I love that thing...  but I can get another one...  and to be honest big man...  you deserve it.  A token...  something to remember this moment by.

I look over at Jessi and lay a cheek on her shoulder.

"I....  I did it...  Jess...  I... I did it....  Oh fuck....  take me home... please?", I whisper so only she can hear.  I vaguely recall what happened after that.  Somehow I was in the locker room.  Someone got me some spare clothes to where to go home with.  Again I am sure I could have asked for my leotard but...  no...  no it's appropriate this way.  We all go home with something.  I think of Red in another room nursing his wounds...  being seen by the doctors... and just holding on to that garment.  I wonder what it means for him...  if anything?  I wonder if we'll agree to do another one of these crazy fights again.
** **
For right now...  I'm just content to go home and rest this one off.  I think this might be a few weeks of ice baths and TLC before I can think about getting back in the ring again.  Oh but I will...  I will...  I've made my start here in PWL.  Bring it on....  BRING IT ALL ON!


And that is how this match ends. I'd like to thank Misty for being an amazing writing partner and a talented individual. She took a chance by having her debut match in PWL be against me and I like to think we crafted a match worthy of her talents. I'd also like to thank you for reading this match and hope it inspires you to keep writing and having fun in this shared hobby we all have. I've recently been made aware that you never know who is reading stories and logs and who can be inspired by them. If you're one of those out there like that, I wish you well and good luck in your own fighting times.

I was feeling very reflective as I've hit some personal milestones in the past year and honestly thought I'd seen my better days pass. But thanks to the English Rose and her talent, I feel like looking forward once again.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline Brandiprowstls

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Fabulous. Loved it…just loved it!
Love all, trust few, do wrong to none......except in the ring.


Offline RedEnforcer

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  • New Profile pic by RoxErotique *link below*
Thank you Brandi! Misty really is a talented opponent.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie

I was on the edge of my seat for the whole thing, and tried not to be tooblatant in who I was supporting along the way.   But it was definitely a fantastic thing to witness unfold with all the twists and turns (and splashes).